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  1. #11
    Dream Vet
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    I would love to have a tummy tuck and boob job.
    praying and swaying

  2. #12
    Dream Vet
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    Thought I would update this thread as I had my surgery a week early. I'll be a week post-op tomorrow. Drains came out and I got home yday. Bloody hell it hurts so much! And I pride myself on my high pain threshold. Part of the problem is that I am horribly sensitive to all opiates (I get uncontrollable vomiting with morphine, pethidine, tramadol, endone, fentanyl, targin all of them) and even all the anti-emetics in the world can't stop the nausea which at its best is like terrible morning sickness. I guess if you can take more than paracetamol it probably wouldn't be so bad!

    So the scar is hip to hip and low - below where my csection scars were. I have the same burning pain I had post-csections. But it feels like my whole stomach is on fire - I suppose because they've sewed the muscles together from up under my ribs all the way to the pubic bone. And they also had to cut a new belly button and stitch around that. My tummy is amazingly tight and its kind of hard to stand upright. I also have to sleep on my back with tonnes of pillows under my head and knees so I'm curved up and it takes the pressure off the scar. Cannot lie on my side at all. Total agony. Sitting for short periods is ok though. I lost a couple of kilos in skin and stuff during the surgery and although its still quite swollen my shape looks a lot better. No muffin top! I didn't need any lipo or anything.

    The weirdest thing is that I can't eat or drink more than a few mouthfuls each meal as my stomach presses against the newly tightened muscles it hurts and it also makes my stomach feel full. Normally my stomach would just kind of push thru the gap so I look 5mths pregnant by the end of each day. My DH joked that the surgeon must of given me a gastric band surgery while he was in there! I'm a bit worried that with the nausea and discomfort with eating, I will lose more weight and it will make the skin all loose again.

    At least its school hols here so I've farmed the kids out to the grandparents so i have a week of peace at home to recover a bit. Not sure I could look after the kids if I had to.
    Step (17)
    Step (15) & (12)
    Our IVF/ICSI twins (6) (OHW)
    Our HT DD (2)

    14Cycle 1 (Dr Lin, CA): ER 14 Jan 2011. 5 eggs, 4 mature and fertilised w/ ICSI. 2 probe. Put back 2 XX's. 5dp5dt - BFP. 9dp5dt - 64. 13dp5dt - 81 Stop meds. 19dp5dt - 330. 22dp5dt - 890. 3 scans show small empty sac not progressing. Final scan before D&C at 7w5d shows HB 116 & a 5.5mm embryo measuring 6w1d. 8w4d - HB 144 & fetus is 11.5mm! 9w4d - no HB.....

    Cycle 2 (Genea): ER 8 July 2011 (after 10 wks on DHEA). 9 eggs, 5 fertilised w/ ICSI, 2 embryo's sent for aCGH day 6 biopsy. 29 July - both normal XX's!!!

    Cycle 3 (Genea): Natural FET 15 March 2012. 4dp5dt BFP. 9dp5dt - 251. 12dp5dt - 949. HB 133 @ 6w3d. Born 6 Nov 2012.

  3. #13
    Dream Vet

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    Sounds painful but I'm sure all worth it in the end! Make sure you rest up as much as you can.

    I wish I could afford to get my tummy and my boobs done! But I doubt I ever will.

    Hope you're recovery is fast! x

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Mum of 9 boys & my stillborn angel daughter, Shaylah Anne 20/02/2015

  4. #14
    IVF Advice Coach
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    Thanks for the update. They told me I have to pretend like I don't have kids for 2 weeks and not to expect to be able to do anything on my own the first week. I have to have my uterus taken out too so they said that will add to the misery.

    So you are not on any real pain meds? Can you get out of bed on your own?

    I know you need that wedge pillow thing to prop yourself up to sleep- people online said it was better than trying to use a bunch of pillows so you won't slip off and hurt yourself.

    Is it really bad?
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  5. #15
    Dream Vet
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    Congrats MM. The pain will be worth it on the end. In my late 20s I had breast aug & lift. It felt like I had a truck sitting in my chest. I couldn't even pull up my own pants after going to the bathroom. I needed assistance getting up out of bed- someone supporting my back. Felt like my boobs were going to fall off. The pain will fade and you will look HOT!!!
    Cycle#1 Jan/Feb 2013: 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 1 expanded blast frozen to batch.

    Cycle #2 May/June 2013: 17 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized, 3 blasts frozen. Sending all 4 to Natera: 2 normals- 1 girl (cycle 2) & 1 boy (cycle 1)

    Cycle #3 September 2013: 11 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 8 fertilized. 4 biopsied. 2 normal boys

    FET #1: October 25th: BFN

    Cycle#4: Feb/March 2014: 12 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, 10 fertilized. 1 normal XX! Transfer March 3rd. BFP: 3/9/14!!!! Beta: 7dp6dt:38, 9dp6dt:139!, 6weeks 1 day: heartbeat!!!

    She's here and I'm in love

  6. #16
    Dream Vet
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    I'm not a mommy yet but I have been wanting lipo since I was 11...I have a scoliosis (curved spine and loss of 4-6" of height), and as a result of it and a natural tendency to store weight in my midsection, I've always had a pooch and lovehandles, which I hate. Having my torso so compressed really makes it worse. Bc I am quite thin everywhere else it makes finding clothing a struggle, plus I can't have a good shape unless I'm rail thin at which point people start worrying about me.

    I put off having the surgery since I was TTC, but since I will now be taking a break from that for at least 3 months, I will be getting it ASAP. I am hoping that I won't need a full on tummy tuck but that just lipo will be adequate. I also hope I won't need any more work done after I have kids - ie that getting it done now will mean I can't gain much weight in my midsection ever again. My mom, aunt, and aunt's daughters and I all have the same body and they've all had kids and their pooches have grown as a result.

    Update in a month or two!

    For those of you considering it, do it sooner rather than later if at all possible, as skin looses elasticity fairly quickly as you age. Less work is needed and recovery is faster with better looking results the younger you are. I still regret not getting it in my 20s! I didn't have the money then but I should have tried somehow to finance it.
    Last edited by maidentomother; April 6th, 2014 at 06:29 PM.

    My Ovulation Chart
    currently TTC, Cycle #16 since last BFP

    TTC #1 - swaying pink on & off since Nov 2013 - hoping for a girl first but excited for either!

    Dec 2001 - May 2006 : 5 early abortions of healthy singletons (3 medical @5w, 2 surgical @8w, last 4 pregnancies conceived with late DH, all conceived while TTA/on birth control)
    Mar 2012: miscarried B/G twins @5w (conceived 2 cycles after removìng Paraguard copper IUD while NTNP), one twin was ovarian ectopic

    Me: 34, widowed, late O + short LP, normal-good hormone levels excepting undetectable testosterone, seeking a known sperm donor/life partner
    My sway: vegetarian LE for over 28w, skipping breakfast, fibre (ground psyllium husks) with/before/between meals, physically inactive, drama avoidance, ocassional minimal YesBaby lube as needed, alternate cycles on low dose Clomid, double shot lattes (with meals)
    Past sway tactics I've dropped (in order): Vitex, Sudafed, antihistamines, intermittent fasting, one attempt per cycle at positive OPK, one attempt in fertile period

  7. #17
    Dream Vet
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    Well I live with pretty bad back pain all the time so for me to comment at all on pain raised everyone's eyebrows. I don't take meds (other than steroids when I have a bad flare up). Most people with my back issues are on daily opiates, plus muscle relaxants like valium and often sleeping tablets as well. I can't drive a car and look after the kids like that so I just deal with it.

    NBP - they wouldn't take the 2 drain tubes until the 4th night - so that's about how long you need in hospital. The got 10-50ml out of each side most days so until its less than 20ml the tubes stay in. I think if you can handle taking Endone (percocet, tramadol) or one of those it would be totally manageable. Day 2 out of hospital and I feel ok now. I still pulls constantly and if I stretch it or move suddenly it hurts a lot. Cannot lift anything heavier than a couple of pounds. Under NO circumstances can you cough, sneeze or laugh. I sneezed yday and thought I had ripped all my stitches! Took ages for the pain to settle down again.

    Surprisingly I've got used to sleeping with a pillow under my knees and wedged upright a little. I have a tempur mattress and that is a tonne more comfy than the hospital bed. And each day is a little better but if you overdo it - man it lets me know straight away.

    Would I do it again? Hmmm probably as I didn't have any choice given the state of my back. There's nothing left to try except a total lumbar spine fusion….. Would I do it just to make my tummy flatter and look pretty? No bloody way! But if you can take pain relief then its a whole different story. But doing it with practically none was utterly miserable.

    As for my droopy 10DDs I told DH he'll have to learn to love them as is. He's been angling for me to have a lift/reduction and implants to perk them up. He keeps saying its only an overnite op and not a big thing (his ex had hers done). But I can't imagine it would be fun without pain killers! Think I'll suggest he go try a vasectomy without any pain relief and see what he thinks then!!!
    Step (17)
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    Our IVF/ICSI twins (6) (OHW)
    Our HT DD (2)

    14Cycle 1 (Dr Lin, CA): ER 14 Jan 2011. 5 eggs, 4 mature and fertilised w/ ICSI. 2 probe. Put back 2 XX's. 5dp5dt - BFP. 9dp5dt - 64. 13dp5dt - 81 Stop meds. 19dp5dt - 330. 22dp5dt - 890. 3 scans show small empty sac not progressing. Final scan before D&C at 7w5d shows HB 116 & a 5.5mm embryo measuring 6w1d. 8w4d - HB 144 & fetus is 11.5mm! 9w4d - no HB.....

    Cycle 2 (Genea): ER 8 July 2011 (after 10 wks on DHEA). 9 eggs, 5 fertilised w/ ICSI, 2 embryo's sent for aCGH day 6 biopsy. 29 July - both normal XX's!!!

    Cycle 3 (Genea): Natural FET 15 March 2012. 4dp5dt BFP. 9dp5dt - 251. 12dp5dt - 949. HB 133 @ 6w3d. Born 6 Nov 2012.

  8. #18
    Dream Vet
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    Forgot to add NBP - yes I can get out of bed. Doing the roll to the side I've perfected with my back ops and csections. Not only that but Sat night when I got out of hospital I helped make dinner for my 6 kids and in-laws who were all here. Yday I packed bags for my kids to go to their grandparents, cleaned the kitchen, and made dinner for 5 of us. So yeah - no rest for the wicked…… Although now I have the kids away and DH interstate at work this week. I'm thinking I might spring clean the wardrobes!
    Step (17)
    Step (15) & (12)
    Our IVF/ICSI twins (6) (OHW)
    Our HT DD (2)

    14Cycle 1 (Dr Lin, CA): ER 14 Jan 2011. 5 eggs, 4 mature and fertilised w/ ICSI. 2 probe. Put back 2 XX's. 5dp5dt - BFP. 9dp5dt - 64. 13dp5dt - 81 Stop meds. 19dp5dt - 330. 22dp5dt - 890. 3 scans show small empty sac not progressing. Final scan before D&C at 7w5d shows HB 116 & a 5.5mm embryo measuring 6w1d. 8w4d - HB 144 & fetus is 11.5mm! 9w4d - no HB.....

    Cycle 2 (Genea): ER 8 July 2011 (after 10 wks on DHEA). 9 eggs, 5 fertilised w/ ICSI, 2 embryo's sent for aCGH day 6 biopsy. 29 July - both normal XX's!!!

    Cycle 3 (Genea): Natural FET 15 March 2012. 4dp5dt BFP. 9dp5dt - 251. 12dp5dt - 949. HB 133 @ 6w3d. Born 6 Nov 2012.

  9. #19
    IVF Advice Coach
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    Here, we get ONE night overnight in the hospital! That's it! Drains stay in for one week minimum.

    Percocet is my favorite! I'll ask for tons of it!
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  10. #20
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    And I am totally doing it to get my flat tummy back and look pretty, lol!

    I am a skinny person so with this belly leftover, I look pregnant all the time because I am thin everywhere else. I can't take it anymore.
    Mom to

    and my IVF/PGD

    It's better to look back on life and say: "I can't believe I did that" than to look back and say "I wish I did that".

    New to IVF/PGD for Family Balancing? Read this- Understanding IVF/PGD- a HT Guide for those New to the IVF/PGD Process

    Need a Natural Swaying Plan? Naturally sway for a boy or a girl- Personalized Swaying Plans

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