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  1. #121
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    But Cookies, all that is just speculation. That study had nothing to do with gender whatsoever, and was about an egg "weeding out" sperm from partners that may be perceived on some microscopic level as less desirable, not picking X or Y. X and Y sperm are all just one big megasperm XY cell, wearing the same skin, till very late in development, they may be identical on an external level, and we do not know that eggs have any way of differentiating the two of them.

    Plus, it does not explain a)boy girl twins, b) how people doing IVF rounds can get both XX and XY, c) how Clomid, which is used the MONTH OF conception and not months in advance, may sway gender, d) how one attempt might therefore sway, because it sure seems to, e) how we can see things that men do, completely disparate and seemingly unrelated things like being a jet fighter, a deep sea diver, an anesthesiologist, jogging/biking, smoking, having certain illnesses and taking certain medications- that have nothing to do whatsoever with the egg's development because they're all things that MEN do, alters the gender ratio.

    The reason why this matters, and why I don't like to see anyone getting too hung up on speculation, is because there are people who will skip perfectly good months because of things that are basically scientists musing out loud, not even hypotheses and certainly not even theories. There are people who will decide "I'll do LE Diet for 400 years before I get pregnant and get a guarantee, because eggs choose sperm, I read it on CNN." There are people who, if they go off diet ONE TIME will then skip months waiting for an ideal month, which puts them at risk of a binge-purge cycle alternating back and forth between starving themselves and gorging. There are people who will take herbs and medications, with unknown side effects for swaying and potential risks trying to emulate some "effect" which is entirely speculatory in nature (all the testosterone/progesterone crap falls under this umbrella). And, there are people who simply don't have 12 weeks to wait around and need to start trying sooner; I personally strongly believe that even a short time swaying is better than none at all, and focusing on theory that they can't adhere to, only discourages them.

    There are a LOT of negatives here. All from speculation based on ONE study done in sixteen people who needed assisted reproductive technology to conceive, that wasn't even ABOUT GENDER AT ALL. There weren't even eggs involved, only sperm and follicular fluid. So I simply don't find it prudent to speculate about what we're doing here based on anything in that study, to any extent other than just a "hey, that's interesting" kind of way because it really doesn't apply to us. The truth is, we know next to nothing about how any of this works. Ladies, just keep doing what has worked for most people, most of the time, to such an extent as it works for you personally. If you can't do everything to the utmost extent, your sway is not doomed to fail based on this study or anything else.

    I know you guys are probably puzzled as to why I am always so emphatically rejecting speculation in favor of "known unknowns" and all that, but it's because I have seen disaster ensue 123,456,789 times over these kinds of things. I have watched people pass up months that were perfectly fine only to end up trying in months that were much less fine. I have seen people who sink into morasses of despair over these types of speculatory notions being reported as fact in the media. I have seen people who don't even bother to sway, walking away from a better chance of having a baby of their desired gender, because they're so convinced by speculation (like, a person who just found out about swaying, has only two months to try, and no time to do a sway diet). I have seen the reverse happen, where people who are 43+ years old decide to do a sway diet or O+12 or whatever else for months before trying, when time was very much not on their side. And, I have seen people get consumed in a control freakish way, undoubtedly undermining their sways by far more than they could ever have helped it, by becoming obsessed with stuff that is nothing more than guessing.
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  3. #122
    Big Dreamer

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    Thanks Atomic. I guess I was just looking for some info that could confirm that what happens on ov day (what you eat etc and your blood sugar levels) doesn’t affect what gender you get. It’s silly but the pregnancy hormones are making me beat myself up over my late night 9pm snack on ov day, because it was later than I would usually eat and my glucose may have been high when I dropped the egg or conceived and I worry that will hinder my sway when I did so well on all the other aspects. Like you say, if clomid can affect your sway over one month, whose to say that 3 meals vs 2 doesn’t cut your odds significantly..

    BUT as you say I was starving and wouldn’t have been able to sleep. My body was likely sending the message that I needed some calories after that 18 hour fast, and maybe just maybe that was because it needed them in order to conceive and if I hadn't eaten I wouldn't have fallen pregnant at all! I just wish I knew then what I know now (that I was about to conceive), but having said that, 860 calories total in one day is insanity and could have prevented pregnancy. I'd only had 15 grams of protein that day too, so a low protein snack of 150 cals or so would have been digested very swiftly.

    And you also did say that 3 meals is what most women do on LE, so I need to remember that. 2 meals is just too huge for my small stomach. I think the only reason I'm stressing now is because I'd posted about it here and asked the question; if I hadn't posted about it I would have forgotten altogether! A lot of other days on LE I'd eat lunch at 12, exercise at 4, then dinner at 5.30-6, then take my kids for a shower and have a second small helping at 6.30 or so, which would probably be less desirable from a glucose point of view than having lunch at 2pm (which was 570 cals), a small dinner at 6pm (296 cals) waiting 3 hours, getting starving before bed and eating a snack / small meal (150 or 200 cals) to help me sleep like I did that day.

    I also know a few women who eat barely anything in the day and then SNACK like gremlins allllll through the night, don’t stop drinking wine and eating after dinner and eat packets of biscuits etc etc in front of the tv and have all girls. So I need to get past this.

    Hormones plus anxiety are tough. I'm sorry for all my posting. I know it’s anxiety talking because I can see how crazy it is, and I've had OCD in the past. My OCD always revolves around one small thing I did in the past that I ruminate on and wish I'd changed. I know I’d be feeling this way no matter what because there is always something you could have done differently when swaying, so no doubt I would latch onto something else to worry about. Also it's hard when it’s your second sway, if you know what I mean. Brings back a lot of feelings. I guess I should be grateful that this tiny, insignificant thing is what's worrying me, rather than something significant like having 3 attempts in the fertile window or eating 10,000 calories that day and for weeks leading up to BFP.

    Now that I’m eating “normally” again, when I look at that day on fitness pal it looks a lot like starvation to me. Barely any protein, which explains why I was so hungry and still felt empty when I went to sleep.

    @Onelittewish I’m not sure yet I think if we do find out I’ll get the NIPT results so it’s a definite result but won’t read them later, til later after the 20 week scan etc to secretly find out… but that’s IF we do. I’m on the fence at the moment, I want to think of it as a baby and not a boy or girl & just getting used to the idea of being preggers again (so happy about it!) but will see how I feel once the first trimester hormones ease (they’re always the toughest for me and I get a lot of antenatal anxiety in the first 12 weeks). It’s hard. Anxiety is a curse. With the whirlwind of pregnancy, covid, miscarriage and floods last month I feel like I don’t know what is up and down. Really looking forward to getting to my dating scan and seeing this little baby. I got a blood test this morning so looking forward to getting those results from my Dr.

    I’m so sorry this wasn’t your month @onelittewish. The temping sounds like a great idea, it’ll give you more guidance. Will you be doing two attempts next cycle? It sounds like a solid plan. It’s hard with E4D isn’t it, especially when guessing with OPKS. You are amazing for keeping on going, we’re here to cheer you on! Xx
    Last edited by Cookies22; April 27th, 2022 at 01:30 AM.

  4. #123
    Big Dreamer

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    Ok, so further to my rambling below (please excuse me!), I am feeling much more calm about my snack at 9pm that night. I did the (approximate) math on it, and based on 12 charts where I tracked temps to confirm ovulation, I cramp 24 hours before I ovulate, which means I would have been in a complete fasting state during the first 12 hours of my ovulation the month I conceived (2am-2pm), which is fab as most eggs are fertilised in that first 12 hours. Data shows most women cramp when they get their surge too, which is 24-36 hours before ovulation (lines up with my experience). So if your blood glucose levels at time of ovulation have any effect, mine were nice and low anyway. Based on the available research and my own charts that back it up, I'm happy with that and its put my mind at ease hugely.

    Also, got my blood results today! According to my calculations I'm 3 weeks 3 days and HCG is 154. Does that seem high to anyone else? I can't remember what my HCG results were with my two older children.
    Last edited by Cookies22; April 27th, 2022 at 08:38 AM.

  5. #124
    Big Dreamer

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    Does anyone have experience with HCG levels? Mine came in at 154 at 11DPO yesterday which seems really high… I don’t get to see my doctor til 4pm tomorrow so won’t be able to get another blood draw til next week I’m guessing.

  6. #125

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    Hey ladies, I hope you don’t mind me chiming in. I’m currently on CD 7 AF just finished and I’m slowly going to move on to my attempts. I had a missed Miscarriage last year in April. DH and I were Ttc in winter but then stopped again, we just weren’t sure whether we were ready. Now we’re back on the Ttc journey. Ideally I just want to up my chances conceiving. I’ve kept up a fairly healthy diet with lots of nutrition protein, dairy, meat, fruit etc.

    [mention]atomic sagebrush [/mention] any last min advice for Ttc?? I’ve already started the Mucinex and will use the least amount of Preseed. I’ve noticed recently I’ve started to Ovulate earlier. I’m going to start my opks.

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  8. #126
    Dream Vet
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    Hello AFUA1

    Wishing you all the best of luck are you swaying for a girl or boy?
    2001 Girl ~ 2003 Boy ~ 2012 Girl ~ 2021 Sway Boy got Boy ~ 2022 Sway Girl- Lost little Girl ~ Due April 2024 Girl

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  10. #127
    Dream Vet
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    Hi all I am here month #2 TTC girl I believe I ovulated yesterday April 28th CD 14 We had 1 attempt CD13 the day before O. fingers crossed

    Who else is on the wait?
    2001 Girl ~ 2003 Boy ~ 2012 Girl ~ 2021 Sway Boy got Boy ~ 2022 Sway Girl- Lost little Girl ~ Due April 2024 Girl

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  12. #128

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    Quote Originally Posted by treens View Post
    Hello AFUA1

    Wishing you all the best of luck are you swaying for a girl or boy?
    Hey Treens,

    I currently have 2 girls and a Boy.. last year I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks. She was a girl originally I would of loved a brother for my DS. But right now I would just love to conceive and have a healthy baby. I want to increase my chances of conception. I think I remember you from the 2021 group! If I’m right you had a baby boy?

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  14. #129
    Dream Vet
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    I am sorry for your loss
    Yes I had a Boy in August after a successful boy sway.
    We would love a little girl but honestly we would love a boy too just a healthy baby.

    I hope you get your healthy baby soon!
    2001 Girl ~ 2003 Boy ~ 2012 Girl ~ 2021 Sway Boy got Boy ~ 2022 Sway Girl- Lost little Girl ~ Due April 2024 Girl

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  16. #130

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    Are you swaying with your diet? Have you had your attempts? If you don’t mind me asking what things did you do to increase fertility? I’m on CD 8 today, currently using CB opk and the strips, I’m from previous cycles I usually get a positive opk on or around CD13-14. We’re just sticking to every 2-4 days release inside. I’m taking Mucinex, folic acid and prenatal. In all honesty I haven’t been as active as I wanted to be. Let’s see how it works out

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