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  1. #101
    Dream Vet
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    princesssarah - can't wait to hear what the verdict is at your scan. Make sure you let us know as soon as you can!

    I'm now utterly convinced my colleague is pregnant. Today she said she doesn't fancy what the rest of her family is eating in the evenings lately so she just has pasta and today she randomly asked me which of my benefits I still get working part-time (and the only way to switch to part-time is to have a baby!). If she is, I wonder who is furthest along and who will tell our boss first! I bet it's her so I'll get to do the 'oh by the way, me too ... again' speech!!
    2005 2007 2009 2012

  2. #102
    Dream Vet
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    That's so cool that we have the same due date! It's going to be a crazy month in our house - my twins' birthday is May 11th and ds3's birthday is June 25th - so this baby will come about halfway between!

    My due date changes depending on whether I use the first day of my period or the day I ovulated. I decided to use my ovulation day since I'm pretty sure that's accurate, but I have no doubt that my midwife will use the other date (I think it's June 2nd, since that's what they do). You're right that it doesn't really matter anyway - the baby will come when the baby comes!
    Identical Twin Boys, May 2006

    DS3, June 2009

    Lost at 11 Weeks, November 2011

    DD, September 2012

    I can't believe I have a daughter!
    Thank you everyone at Gender Dreaming and may all your dreams come true as well!

  3. #103
    Dream Vet
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    Welcome Flava!! xox

    Mocha- I ALWAYS give OB's or MW's the date of LMP but I always make sure it's exactly 14 days behind my known ovulation so I have been known to fudge it....LOL I never give my real LMP if I know my O date doesn't fall exactly 14 days later. I know my body better than they do If I gave my OB my LMP with this past BFP cycle.....she'd have me due at 38 weeks! I O'd on CD30

    Z- That's hilarious! Maybe you should tell your boss together...LOL I hated having to tell my boss when pregnant with #1. She HATED kids and always told us how much she hated them...and many people that worked with me(CTV Calgary) did not have kids nor wanted it was a teeny bit awkward. She "let me go' a week later. Nice hey?

    B- Your story had me in tears as well! it sounds like you have an incredible hubby and although there may be a tinge of sadness for him, for what will never be....your family will be perfect just the way it was intended xoxo

    Princess- Can't wait to hear how it goes! KUP!
    Crunchy Mama to 3 rambunctious boys~ '06 :bike: '08 '10

    Our beautiful is here!!

    Felina Lilyanne was born at home ~ 4/12!

  4. #104
    Dream Vet

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    Flava I'm sorry you got lost in the shuffle over here, you know we love you Fun that you and Mocha have close due dates!

    I'm torn as to whether it is good for me personally to be here anymore. I feel so tied to so many of you that I want to know what happens, I want you all to get your DG, but for me right now this feels like a place where I came when I had hope, and not to be all Debbie Downer but I don't have that hope anymore. I have my reality, and my reality is I'm never going to have the son I wanted for all of my life, my DH is never going to have a boy to raise. And that's hard, and while this is a place where I get support on those feelings, I also feel like it might be healthier for me to get on with my life offline and move forward. I never ever saw myself with 3 daughters. Even though I knew for sure it was a possibility and a strong one that our third would also be a girl, I just had that hope. I'm still really glad that I found out because not knowing was worse for sure. But now that my hope is gone, and I'm not having any more kids, I think I need to move on for my own mental health. I'll no doubt lurk here and there to check on everyone and maybe one day (especially once she's here) I'll be able to come back fully to catch up, but right now, I need to focus on what I have, 3 healthy girls, and coming here reminds me of what I don't, and that's not healthy for me. Like I said, I'm sure I'll pop on, but it's not going to be daily or anywhere close to it. All that to say, I'm out for awhile. I love this place, and love y'all, and wish everyone the best!

  5. #105
    Dream Vet
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    Z - I think you should talk privately to your co-worker to find out and share your news if she is - only if you know her well, of course - it would be nice to have an ally at work in on your shared secret!

    DM - that's a good idea about changing your LMP with your midwife! It always drove me nuts that they had a different due date than I was using for ds, and a few days difference can become important if you're having a VBAC like me - they'll only let you go so late and I don't even think they will induce in my case but rather have another c-section!
    Identical Twin Boys, May 2006

    DS3, June 2009

    Lost at 11 Weeks, November 2011

    DD, September 2012

    I can't believe I have a daughter!
    Thank you everyone at Gender Dreaming and may all your dreams come true as well!

  6. #106
    Dream Vet
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    Z-i would tell it first so you dont have to say me too...

    mocha- I wanted a October baby boy ! But that was before ...I so dont care anymore when just be a boy lol. And we have no bd at all around June so good for me.

    DD-thanks! That is such a good idea to do!!! If they always count 14 days then I think I better do it too because my O was on cd 17.

  7. #107
    Dream Vet
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    begonia - we'll miss you, but we understand. I did the same thing when I found out ds3 was coming - that same week tons of women on IG I'd become close with found out they were having girls, and though I was elated for them, it made my GD even worse. One thing about these gender websites is I think they do keep GD alive and make it harder to move on and accept your one gender family.Take a break but hopefully don't stay away for long.
    Identical Twin Boys, May 2006

    DS3, June 2009

    Lost at 11 Weeks, November 2011

    DD, September 2012

    I can't believe I have a daughter!
    Thank you everyone at Gender Dreaming and may all your dreams come true as well!

  8. #108
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by begonia View Post
    Flava I'm sorry you got lost in the shuffle over here, you know we love you Fun that you and Mocha have close due dates!

    I'm torn as to whether it is good for me personally to be here anymore. I feel so tied to so many of you that I want to know what happens, I want you all to get your DG, but for me right now this feels like a place where I came when I had hope, and not to be all Debbie Downer but I don't have that hope anymore. I have my reality, and my reality is I'm never going to have the son I wanted for all of my life, my DH is never going to have a boy to raise. And that's hard, and while this is a place where I get support on those feelings, I also feel like it might be healthier for me to get on with my life offline and move forward. I never ever saw myself with 3 daughters. Even though I knew for sure it was a possibility and a strong one that our third would also be a girl, I just had that hope. I'm still really glad that I found out because not knowing was worse for sure. But now that my hope is gone, and I'm not having any more kids, I think I need to move on for my own mental health. I'll no doubt lurk here and there to check on everyone and maybe one day (especially once she's here) I'll be able to come back fully to catch up, but right now, I need to focus on what I have, 3 healthy girls, and coming here reminds me of what I don't, and that's not healthy for me. Like I said, I'm sure I'll pop on, but it's not going to be daily or anywhere close to it. All that to say, I'm out for awhile. I love this place, and love y'all, and wish everyone the best!
    I'm not sure if you'll see this.....but I TOTALLY understand. Once I have my scan, I can't say if I'll be here much either. I know that I'll lurk for sure and see how all my girls are doing To be honest, I just don't know if I can hear "boy" and then be here to watch others get their desired genders. That will be very hard for awhile I think. I hope your pregnancy is beautiful and smooth and I can't wait to hear about the birth of your little one! I'll be thinking of you~~~ xoxox
    Crunchy Mama to 3 rambunctious boys~ '06 :bike: '08 '10

    Our beautiful is here!!

    Felina Lilyanne was born at home ~ 4/12!

  9. #109
    Dream Vet

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    Saw these as I had to pop back in to give love to Princessap ... yet again, such a dose of perspective. I wish everyone could just get pregnant, KWIM? Gender is a bonus. And I know we all know that but at the same time it's easier to know in your head than your heart.

    Thank you guys for understanding where I'm coming from, I knew y'all would! FX you get your DG this time around! Now I really, really need to go take a break

  10. #110
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaMama View Post
    To be honest, I just don't know if I can hear "boy" and then be here to watch others get their desired genders. That will be very hard for awhile I think.
    I found that REALLY hard last time. What helped me was when a couple of other women who had swayed and not gotten their desired gender contacted me by PM to see how I was doing and tell me they knew exactly what I was going through. I found I was able to take a break and come back, though my heart still twinged when someone announced that their sway worked. I'll admit I'm scared of how I'll react to the news this time around. Last time I had the reassurance of knowing I could try one more time, but this time I don't have that...this is DEFINITELY our last baby. I have a feeling I'll have to take a long break if I hear boy too. I find I'm already getting scared about the gender scan and it's at least 3 months away for me!!
    Identical Twin Boys, May 2006

    DS3, June 2009

    Lost at 11 Weeks, November 2011

    DD, September 2012

    I can't believe I have a daughter!
    Thank you everyone at Gender Dreaming and may all your dreams come true as well!

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