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  1. #1
    Laurie1161's Avatar
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    3rd labour experiences ?

    I've heard so many mixed views about the 3rd labour on how it can be a lot longer and difficult than previous labours and then heard it's the easiest and quickest . I only had my son 9 months ago , it wS an induced labour lasted for 5 hours with only gas/air and diamorphine. With ds1 I was 29 hours had to get epidural , I had foreceps with both and wanting to avoid them this time lol if I can . Anyway mummy's what's your labour experince ? X
    2006 2013, Due 23rd November 2014

  2. #2
    Big Dreamer

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    Since ds1 was a no labour cesarean (stupid hospital protocols *grumble*) I'm not sure if ds3 counts as my rd labour, or if ds4 does.

    Ds3 water broke about 7am, no contractions for about 12 ish hours, labour didn't really kick in until around 1:30 am the next day.

    Dh was ill, so I was setting up the birth pool between contractions around 2am. Ds3 was in my arms by 5:30am. My friend nearly missed it he came so quickly, I finally called her around 4 & she got there at 5:15ish.

    Only really rough patch was transition. I'm not sure if I damaged something with ds2 or it's just I've desperately needed to see a chiro for years (too expensive) & it's caught up with me, either way, transition with ds3 & ds4 was long & hellish. Even more so with ds4.

    Ds4, contractions kept me from sleeping around 2am, but they'd been going for a couple hours by then. Got up & laboured alone for awhile, but by 4ish I really wanted my pool & I couldn't remember how to connect the hose, so I woke dh. Water broke literally as I sat down in the pool & labour slowed some. He was born around 8:30 am or so. I forget exactly right now (bad mommy!), so the actual contraction part of labour was a couple hours longer than with ds3, mostly due to 2ish hours transition/pushing instead of half an hour. but ds4 was nearly 3lbs bigger and had a 15 inch head,
    2001 2005 2009 2012

  3. #3
    Laurie1161's Avatar
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    What weight was he ? It's a big difference in size isn't it , my ds1 was 7lbs10 , I think I ended up getting induced with him also went to hospital with contractions at midnight going into Monday and they stopped but his heart rate went strange so instead of sending me home they kept me in , it was really long time he was born at around 5am going into the Wednesday had foreceps but couldn't remember much about his birth as I was so doped up I was very young when I had him . DS2 I got first lot of tablets to get induced on the Monday night at 10pm nothing happend over night , started feeling contractions about 11:30am by 12:30 I was in so much pain I got moved to labour wars got the gas and air and diamorphine a while later , I can't remember how long I was pushing for but I was really struggling with the pushing and they said the baby was tired and getting stressed so they used the forceps again and this time I felt it and it's really scared me ds2 was 8lbs8 so a big boy , I'm hoping because there hasn't been much time for my body to get back to 100% that this baby might come out a little easier without needing the forceps haha , is it true your babies get heavier aswell? I don't feel as big this time around. I was thinking of asking to use the pool this time , do you recommend it? They had one in my labour suite but never got offered to use it
    2006 2013, Due 23rd November 2014

  4. #4
    Big Dreamer

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    Ds1 was around 8 lbs. hospital claimed 8lbs even, but IV fluids in mom artificially inflate baby's weight & I had A LOT so he was probably more like 7lb 6 or 8oz. Ds2 was 6lbs 11oz, ds3 was 6lb 6oz & ds4 was 9lbs 3oz. He was also my longest pregnancy, by about 11 days, so wasn't surprised he was heavier. Was utterly shocked how much heaverier. I'm thinking now ds3's true knot in his cord may have affected his weight, although he & ds2 are very much the same type (build, looks, personality), so he never would have been as big as even ds1, anyway.
    2001 2005 2009 2012

  5. #5
    Dream Vet

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    My 3rd labour was the easiest . I was induced (overdue). Took a few hours to get started but only about 30min of proper labour and no pushing (just breathed him out). My first 2 were 8lb and he was 6lb so that probably has something to do with it.
    Very blessed with

    Due 24th March 2016

  6. #6
    Dream Vet
    Rosie85's Avatar
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    My third was my easiest and fastest. No episiotomy. Pushed for 20 minutes and only a 5 hour start to finish ordeal.
    DS 1 2008
    DS 2 2010
    DS 3 2013

    May 2014 at 5 weeks

    August 2014 at 12 weeks

    DD1 our beautiful rainbow baby joined us october 2015. No sway...just miracles.

  7. #7
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    fast and furious!! just like my son's personality LOL
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  8. #8
    Dream Vet
    hotdogz&boyz's Avatar
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    Mine was the most complicated of the three. But not hard. Does that make sense? It was mostly circumstances that made it more complicated, so I don't think that comes into play when looking at the "3rd labor."

    It was longer than my second (12 vs 9 hours), but MUCH shorter than my first (60 hours). Only took two pushes vs. a half hour with my first and about 15 minutes with my second (two pushes took about three minutes). And no, my third was not bigger. My first was 6.10lbs. My second was 8.4lbs. And my third was 7.0lbs. I had fluids with my second and third, so I dunno how accurate those weights were. Neither lost an excessive amount of weight, so I assume they were pretty right on. I think genetics of the child is more to do with size than just being further in the birth order (my first and third are similar in stature and proportions while my middle is rather big and has a huge head...even now).

    I'd say my third was my "middle" labor in difficulty. My easiest in pushing. My easiest in healing. Hope that helps
    A: "Owner" of the following brood:
    -Our biggest surprise dude (L: 2009)
    -Our rainbow little man (K: 2011)
    -Our sway and pray little diva (J: 2013)
    -Our lucky charm guy (S: 2015)
    We may be done, we may come back for one more sway. Time will tell. At the moment, we are very content with our family!

  9. #9
    dloui128's Avatar
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    My 3rd was so fast that his poor little face was all bruised

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  10. #10
    Laurie1161's Avatar
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    Loveeee hearing labour stories , I would like mine to go that quick Rosie and atomic lol suppose everyone is different , to be honest I think I had it really easy with ds2 if only I could have pushed him out on my own it would have been perfect. Just shows that's an old wife's tale about the babies getting heavier x
    2006 2013, Due 23rd November 2014

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