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  1. #91
    Dream Vet
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    hobber-I sure could use help but the only way I can get any is to pay for it and we are not rich at all .Maybe I could do it this days DH have lot's of work and make more money but it would be nice to finally save some and not give it out.
    And so he is never home I feel like a single parent he comes home most days after the kids go to bed .So things are even harder

  2. #92
    Dream Vet
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    Oh forget saving! We can't ever do that. We live paycheck to paycheck.

    My DH isn't home much either..... he works all week and skis all weekend. And when he is home, he is out in his "man cave" and isn't much help anyway. I totally get what you mean about feeling like a single parent.
    2004 2006 2010 2012

    My BOY sway worked!! THANK YOU GENDER DREAMING!!

  3. #93
    Dream Vet
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    My DH helps a lot when he is home .I love that a lot . We know we have to do it together to get things done .
    I guess I would be really upset if I have to do it alone even when he is home. Hey I did not make the kids alone , right?

  4. #94
    Dream Vet
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    Wow, sounds like plenty of bubs have been sick. How are they doing now? And Pinkin, your poor little love had a rough start with the reflux. It sounds exhausting, so it is good to hear he is much happier now. How did your DS1 go at kinder?

    I have not actively been trying to lose my baby weight. In the past it has come off slowly and when I finish BF then the last few kilos drop off and I feel like myself again. (That should happen in around 9 months!!) I am still 8 kg (17lbs) heavier than pre-baby! It is mostly stuck on my tummy which I am reasonably good at hiding, so for now I am ok with it. I do think it is fabulous that Mocha and Pinkin are looking like Yummy Mummies though!

    Sasha has been a dream baby from the start. My Mum says I must have been blessed with such an easy baby as my life was so hectic when she was born and then I had the surgery soon after I had her. She still feeds once a night and is a very smiley and content LO. She will be 3 months old in 2 days. Not rolling as yet. She is just starting to use her hands more and is fascinated by her feet and will stare at them for ages! She refuses to take a dummy and I wonder if she will suck her thumb like DS2 (he started when he was 3 months).

    We moved from the top of Australia to the West Coast just before Christmas. It was pretty crazy and I still don't feel organised. My DH has continued going away for work. He has almost finished his second lot of 2 weeks away. Then he will have 2 weeks off before starting a new job. It will still mean working away but in a few months he will be based in our city more. My boys are both now at school full time. DS2 is trying to get used to long days but his teacher is great. DS1 is a little shy, so I have organised a whole-class party for his birthday in 10 days. I arranged it through a company that does kids parties and it sounds amazing...bound to make him the coolest kid in the class!

    As you all know I had the post partum haemorrhage 10 days after I had Sasha. I heard today that a friend who helped look after me at the time (and who was pregnant) also had a PPH on Monday, 6 days after her baby was born. They weren't able to stop the bleeding by doing a D & C so she had to have a hysterectomy. She was in Intensive Care for a day and needed 20 units of blood transfused. She will be 40 soon so wasn't wanting any more children, but she is lucky to even be alive. We are so fortunate to live somewhere with great healthcare. So many women around the world don't have help at hand.

    I will see if I can put a photo of my sweet Sasha on here. I will delete it at some point as I don't like leaving photos on here permanently. And I look forward to hearing how everyone is going.

  5. #95
    auroara78's Avatar
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    Pinkin, she is soooo gorgeous!!! You must love that sweet smile so much!!
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    Link to my girl sway:

  6. #96
    auroara78's Avatar
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    Glad to hear from ya'll both pinkin and peony!!

    We are doing good. Lillian is really smiling now and is always trying to shove her hand or your hands in her mouth. She is getting two bottom teeth in! She's 5 months now, and she is still my smallest baby, she weighs about 12 lbs. She was wearing 0-3 months still until two weeks ago, and now she's gotten really long out of nowhere, because her 3-6 mos clothes are too short, though plenty of room in the body.
    2007 / 2011 / 2012

    Link to my girl sway:

  7. #97
    Dream Vet
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    Peony what a pretty pic ! She is beautiful ! i also always delete my pics lol

    We are 3 months this week too and doing just the same stuff .

  8. #98
    Dream Vet
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    Peony, Sasha is gorgeous! She sounds like a great baby. I am glad to hear you and your family are well. Is it hard having your DH gone so much? Do you like the new city you live in? I bet your DS will have a great time at his birthday.... and inviting the whole class was smart, so he can make more friends. That story about your friend is scary! I didn't realize it could get that bad. I hemorrhaged after two of my births (Sawyer and my other DS) and it was scary, but never life threatening, and I never had a transfusion.

    Auroara, sounds like Lillian is doing great! Teeth already? Wow! How is she sleeping? Size wise, she sounds like my DD2. She is so dinky that she just started wearing 2T stuff around Christmas time, and she will be 3 in March!
    2004 2006 2010 2012

    My BOY sway worked!! THANK YOU GENDER DREAMING!!

  9. #99
    Dream Vet
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    Sawyer is rolling both ways, loves staring at his hands, sucks his thumb, and "talks" all the time! He smiles and laughs, and is really ticklish. Here's a recent picture:

    Attachment 8932
    2004 2006 2010 2012

    My BOY sway worked!! THANK YOU GENDER DREAMING!!

  10. #100
    Dream Vet
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    Hobber, it wouldn't let me see you picture for some reason. Said invalid link. Sawyer sounds like such a sweetie. I love babies chuckles, I don't think there is a better sound in the world.
    I miss my DH when he is away, but then when he is back the routine I have the kids in gets thrown out the window and it drives me crazy! The boys have really missed him this time around so that is the worst bit about it. At least this time he will be on holiday for 2 weeks so he will be relaxed and not thinking of work. He has had a very stressful job and he 'copes' by drinking too much. The next job will also be stressful I am sure but he has learnt a lot from the last job and looks at this one as more of a stepping stone for up to 2 years before he sets up his own business.
    We are back living where I grew up, so back to family and old friends. I love it and also the weather is a lot milder here, so I am not constantly dripping sweat!
    I managed to avoid a blood transfusion too when I had my haemorrhage. I feel bad for her husband as well as I know how scared mine was that he was going to lose me. It is supposed to be such a happy time and then you are faced with a crisis.

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