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  1. #1
    Dream Vet
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    Breastfeeding question

    Hello ladies! I wanted to open this up to you guys since I'm a FTM and I know many of you have some great experience. My little guy was born Monday night and after a tough few days of breastfeeding we have a good thing going (I feel!) and my milk came in yesterday! Since he's so not eating a ton yet, he'll nurse for 10-15 mins on one side and be cashed out. So he only gets one boob per 2-3hr stretch. I then offer him the second boob the next time.

    If he only eats one boob at a time is that okay for establishing my supply? I've been pumping the other boob after for same time he fed just to get some of the pain away, but now I feel like I'm overdoing it? I like to spend time with him after feeding, but instead I feel like I'm rushing off to pump. What would you ladies suggest?

    Successful blue sway in May of 2016! Thanks so much Gender Dreaming!
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  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    My babies would always nurse on both sides at that age, and often ate every 1-2 hours. 3 hours sounds like a long time between feedings to me for a baby that's less than a week old. HOWEVER, every mommy-baby pair is different and the best way to know if he's getting enough is to monitor weight gain and diaper output. If he's following his growth curve and he's producing lots of wet diapers then I wouldn't worry if he only wants to eat on one side at a time. If you're watching for signs of hunger like rooting and you don't see them, he is probably getting enough milk from one breast. You should also be able to see/hear him swallowing so you know he's getting a good amount with each suck. Google Dr. Jack Newman for a great website with videos on what to look for. Kellymom is great too.

    If you really feel like your supply isn't coming in well on one-sided feedings you could always pry him off before he's done and switch, but then he might end up getting too much foremilk (you will know because his poop will turn green and watery instead of yellow/orangey).

    Congrats on your new son!
    Last edited by Erin514; May 6th, 2016 at 09:35 AM.
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  4. #3
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    Im an over producer so my boys only nurse on one side until they get much older like 6-9 mo. Just watch his wet and poopy diapers to make sure he's getting enough.

    You're doing great! I'm so very happy for you and your little guy !

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  6. #4
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXforhubby View Post
    Im an over producer so my boys only nurse on one side until they get much older like 6-9 mo. Just watch his wet and poopy diapers to make sure he's getting enough.

    You're doing great! I'm so very happy for you and your little guy !

    DS1, DS2, & DS3
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    Did you just let the other side stay hard? I'm going to try to do 5-10 on each side since I think that should be enough for the little guy right now.
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  7. #5
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    What you're doing is fine. Either way works. Mine stayed hard for a bit, but my boys always ate every 2-3hrs until they were about 2 mo old or weighed 12lbs whichever came first.

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  9. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Hoping it stops being so painful soon though too! They aren't much fun! I figured I'd pump 3x a day after he eats to begin building up a stockpile, so we can just see how things go. Today I pumped for about 10 mins extra on each side and got 3oz so I figured that was a good start!

    Successful blue sway in May of 2016! Thanks so much Gender Dreaming!
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  11. #7
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    My first was a sleepy baby so in between sides I would wake him by doing the nappy change then and giving him a rub. The cold air woke him more and the rubbing helped stimulate him to stay awake long enough to do tge other side. I aimed for about 10mins on each side and sometimes it was a stuggle to keep him awake by the end.

    As he got older and stronger it got easier. Also it was painful at first as my nipples adjusted. I always used lanolish before and after. I'm pretty sure it was just the first month or two.

    Try not to pump too much as milk adjusts for the baby so the milk you pump for a week old is different to the milk produced for a 1 month old. Also the first 6 weeks you as establishing supply so it could cause oversupply issues.

    Do you need to return to work soon? I suppose that makes a difference. I always forget the US expects women to return to work much sooner.

    I was advised at this age to not let them go more than 5 hours without a feed at night as that really helps maintain the supply. It wasn't an issue though as he woke anyway!

    I'm sure you are doing an amazing job! It is so hard and exhasting the first few weeks and months but it does get easier (that was something I really needed to hear when I had my first!)

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  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    My first was a sleepy baby so in between sides I would wake him by doing the nappy change then and giving him a rub. The cold air woke him more and the rubbing helped stimulate him to stay awake long enough to do tge other side. I aimed for about 10mins on each side and sometimes it was a stuggle to keep him awake by the end.

    Try not to pump too much as milk adjusts for the baby so the milk you pump for a week old is different to the milk produced for a 1 month old. Also the first 6 weeks you as establishing supply so it could cause oversupply issues.
    Yes to both of these suggestions! When baby wakes up immediately nurse from the side nursed the least last (so if you nursed 20 min on the left side and 5 min on the right side, start with the right side), then after that side, burp and change baby's diaper and offer the other side. Changing the diaper mid-feed, instead of at the beginning, will often wake baby up enough to take the other side. I also agree with not pumping at all or very minimally. I had a huge oversupply and had to pump for 1 minute on each side just to make it soft enough for baby to latch on, but I wouldn't pump more than that. 10 minutes of pumping is way too much and will definitely cause an oversupply. I wouldn't pump at all, even if returning to work, until at least the 4 week mark as you are establishing your supply in those first few weeks.

    Keep up the good work! Breastfeeding can be super challenging and often takes up to 6 weeks to get through all the kinks, but after that it should be smooth sailing. And definitely pay for a private lactation consultant to come to your house if you're having any issues. Even if it costs $100 out of pocket, in the long run that's still way cheaper than formula!
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  15. #9
    Dream Vet
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    Thanks ladies!! I wasn't sure how n the pumping since my lactation consultant had said to pump 3-4 times a day once milk came in for a week? It has been nice to have a little for when company comes over as I'm not ready yet to BF in front of others. But I just pump for about 5 mins after he eats to get a little to ride him over. Hoping I'm not leading to over supply...ouch! I do notice that I get more out of the right breast when I pump. So should I begin to start him on my left side to get more going on that side?

    Also, I am on a nipple shield now because my nipples aren't long enough for his liking. I tried starting on the shield, breaking him, then putting him on my bare breast, but he notices and is not a fan. Any tips to wean him off the shield?

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  16. #10
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    I have done it about every conceivable way and had success doing one sided feedings sometimes (but they were older than 1 week) They make it out to be like this one successful way but it works different for every baby every time it seems like.

    I do want to reiterate what Erin is saying though - 3 hours when breastfeeding, my kids could never make it that long. I was nursing constantly it felt like (every hour, 2 at night maybe sometimes) and in that case scenario, nursing every hour or so, you'd be ok without rushing off to pump right after. I personally never pumped at all and just nursed a lot. Eventually it worked itself out.
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