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  1. #1
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    One last chance for Baby girl


    I am new to this website.
    I am trying TTC a baby girl. I have 3 boys, all conceived 1 night before O (all confirmed by ultrasound on morning of O). Tried to sway for baby 3 but ovulated 3 days earlier, and got my baby boy. I am turning 40 this year, so this is urgent! Been trying 3 days before O for the past 6 months, but no bfp cause I never know when I ovulate so ended up with a o-5 several times, and one o-3 which didn't work. All confirmed by ultrasound. I have ultrasound follow up 3 times a month so spot ovulation.

    I have tried cal/mag and Dr Papa's diet for number 3... obviously didn't work. Baby 1 DTD every 2 days, Baby 2 only once night before O. Baby 3, only once night before O.

    I don't know what to do anymore I want to try one last sway... I will need a program and coaching urgently. Expecting AF in 2-3 days.

    Who can help me and advice on how to proceed please?



  2. #2
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    Timing doesn't work. You got boys for some other reason. Timing has been as debunked as it's possible for something to BE debunked:

    I strongly urge you to go to a different method than timing. You're not going to get pregnant continuing with that method for the reasons you already understand - it's impossible if your cycle is not regular and given your age, time is not on our side here. I hate to see you squander any more time on timing, but if you're sold on it, we have a method that will help you boost your chances of an O-2 cutoff if you would like to try that.

    Dr. Papa's diet and cal mag also does not work. I got all my boys with high dairy intake, my third and fourth boy with cal-mag supps, and gave it all up and finally got my girl. We have a different diet based on newer research and you can find that here:

    But that having been said, given your age I think you should follow this variation of LE Diet which will be better for egg quality and your sway (you have to scroll down the first few posts to find the LE Diet variations)

    I also recommend you do cardio exercise 60 minutes a day, 4-7 days a week. We've had great results with that.

    I am happy to help you in any way you need - just let me know how I can help!
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  3. #3
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    Hi Atomic,

    I am so sorry for this late reply, this lock down situation with 3 "baby" boys, and no husband during the day (he still have to work - medical), it's been so hectic!

    I have been following the LE diet, funny thing is, this is already a bit how I've been eating for the past 6 months, which explains this lost of weight. The only thing is, I had been eating quite a lot of eggs as advised by Dr Papa, and quite a lot of nuts (cashew nuts) I've stopped eating that.

    Cardio time is impossible now :-(... but I have barely the time to eat, or sit down, and I am still shrinking in size it's almost scary. My problem now is that I do not have the food resources, because we are not allowed to go to the supermarket. I am left with very little vegies, but quite a lot of rice, pasta, no more almond milk but full cream milk and things like that... plus I can't eat sodium free, it's getting so complicated to eat already... so sodium free...:-( I know you said it doesn't matter that much, but I have been so "programmed" already it's hard to go back, but I have no choice...

    I am expecting my period in 5 days. Didn't give it a go this month, couldn't because of timing and Covid19 work duties for my husband.

    Do I still have a chance now in this situation ? Anything you can advise ?

    Thanks and hope you're taking care of yourself,


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  5. #4
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    Oh phew I'm so glad you quit eating all the eggs!!! I have seen the vast majority of the people eating lots of eggs having boys.

    Sodium doesn't matter AT ALL. Just let that go now. We have not been doing that for years and our results are higher than eveer. Please eat whatever it takes of your available food to keep weight on. If you can't get pregnant you have no chance of a baby girl, and if you cut back too far you will stop ovulating and will have to eat blue friendly in order to restart your ovulation!

    We actually get plenty of girls with people eating full fat dairy. You do need some fat to continue ovulating and so I think you having some full cream milk is a good thing!!

    There are actually quite a few similarities between the French Diet and LE Diet. I am of the opinion that's why the mineral balancing diets appear to work for people- because the diets are not just different in minerals, they are different in LOTS of ways and the French Diet for pink is much more "low everything" and the French Diet for blue is much more "high everything".

    You absolutely and totally still have a chance of pink!!!
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  6. #5
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    Hey Atomic,

    I am soooo depressed now. Decided this month to move closer to ovulation, and try a o-2, or o-1.5...DTD on CD13 based on cycle symptoms (no more o tests due to lockdown :-( - last one was CD12 and it was staring to get darker). And here I am now, CD 17 and ovulating I can feel it ;-(. So 4 days cut off, or to the best 3.5, which i again not working for me for having tried everal times.. I screw up every month because my ovulation is sooooo irregular from CD12 - CD 18 I never know. Last month was CD 15.

    Is there any group of "old" girls like me... 39 or up trying to conceive. I feel guilty sometimes trying to have a baby at that age, thinking how old his parents will be, and the risks associated with down syndrome etc...and yet, i can't seem to let go that dream, i will always feel like that last baby i missing...need to share experience and stories with people in my situation if i can.

    Take care,

    Last edited by Onelastchance; May 13th, 2020 at 05:53 AM.

  7. #6
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    Have another attempt immediately!!!! 3.5-4 day cutoffs are abysmal rates of conception. Adding an attempt now will NOT count as going against one attempt because your lst attempt was so long ago it no longer counts.

    In future months I think you should go to e4d method (after your period ends start having unprotected sex every 72 hours and continue on till you're sure you've ovulated, even if it means going all the way through till when your next period begins.) I know you wanted to do timing, but it does not work, has been completely debunked as thoroughly as it's possible for something to be debunked by science, and cuts odds of conception dramatically. Since time is not on our side here, you really need to start thinking about giving up on timing stuff or there will be no baby.

    Re having a baby at 39, the risks are very much overblown. Yes, it's true that rates of Downs and such do go up but the vast majority of babies are born normal and healthy. I had a baby at 39 and 42 and they don't care at all how old their parents are, not to mention the fact that so many more people are doing that nowadays it's really not even remarkable any more.
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  8. #7
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    Just jumping into say, my parents were 40 and 42 when they had me. Yes they were older than the parents of my peers but they were ever loving, ever present parents. My dad did everything with me and never let age slow him down. I even dragged him to Disneyland with me this past February at age 74 AND He went on rides with my children and I.

    Also, my husbands aunt had her first children, healthy twin boys, at age 48. They are 7 years old now and doing great.

    3 blue 3 pink

    TTC blue!
    Thank you God and Our Lady
    - 2005 - 2007 - 2010 - 2012 - 2013 - 2016

    Due January 2021

    Dec '12, Feb '13, July '15

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  10. #8
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    Thank you Mommymachine, and thank you Atomic... your messages gave me a big deal of comfort. It is so hard when you don't have a mother, or a sister, or someone really close to talk about all of that. My friends would think you already have 3, say thank you and stop trying. Now, well, yes I want to try and swaying, but if it were a boy ? Wouldn't it be happiness anyway ? I only have one brother, his kids are older, we live quite far away from each other, so I feel lonely... so having a big family is beautiful. I am grateful for my kids, just can't seem to be able to give up on that last baby :-).

    Thank you for making me feel not that old :-)

    Atomic, we tried to DTD last night... and tried and tried... until it was pointless trying anymore. I didn't put any pressure, didn't even mention the day or date... but he was tired, and started to get nervous and frustrated when didn't work first time. Tough when that happens.

    Am having a blood test done on Tuesday. Dr came to see my child and asked me why I lost so much weight in 6 months :-/ ... So having it done next week. Hope everything ok. Anyway, I know i lost all my weight from Dr Papas diet, which I followed for more than a year. And it is still so hard for me to stop eating normally again... i mean... eating some cheese, or normal bread, or a coffee or even a chocolate sometimes.

    Atomic, i really do feel i am doing this diet wrong, because it seems so easy. From what i am learning to calculate, i eems to be aroung 1300 - 1500 calories. Is that ok? I also seem to be craving sugar much much more than before. Maybe because I am being less hard on myself.

    Anyway, I will need to let go that cycle again, and start looking forward to the next one.

    Thanks for your all encouragements.

    Atomic... wow great for your baby at 42, you gave me back my smile.

    Mommymachine, did you sway after your 3 boys ? How did you get 3 girls ?

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  12. #9
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    The LE Diet is MEANT to be easy. The reason I started all this was from watching so many women like you who tried to follow Dr. Papa's diet, or the Ingender Diet which is even more restrictive, who spent months and even years and made themselves very thin and even ill, only to get BOYS anyway either because they gave up on diet after having been on it for a year or more, or seemingly for no reason even though they stuck with the diet perfectly! It just could not be possible that anyone had to eat this way since so many people still got boys anyway.

    So YES IT IS absoulely 100% right and correct for you to be eating 1300-1500 calories or even more than that. I really prefer most people eat 1500 calories or more, but I understand you're not able to do that just yet.

    We have such good results with eating things like coffee, chocolate, potatoes - my daughter is like 30% potato, I ate so many potatoes with her!

    I think the reason you're craving sugar is because you were starving and your body was in famine mode. Now that you're out of that mode, it is looking for ways to quickly regain a lot of weight, so we will need to avoid that pitfall of eating too many calories and gaining lots of weight back (a little is ok and may be what you need to get pregnant). But I PROMISE you can have the various foods on the LE Diet - we are eating all that stuff, while sticking in the limits, and have better results that way than ever before, far better than when we were eating stricter and more limited diets.
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  13. #10
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    Hi Atomic,

    I hope you're well :-).

    CD 3 now... My doctor asked me to have a blood test done due to loss of weight and severe loss of hair, and everything came back normal. I think that french diet has been very very hard on my body.

    My problem now is I have to put on some weight back... How do I do so without spoiling my girl sway. I am still skipping breakfast, had some rice, tons of vegies and some mayonaise for lunch, and I feel like having a toast every afternoon with my fruit, would that be ok ?

    Also I had to eat some fish yesterday :-( (husband watching my weight!! :-))... is that ok ? Hope not too much sodium.

    Any advice you can have as to how keep my weight and not spoil my sway.I am having about 1300 calories / day.

    Also another question, since it is hard to just "Decide" the day we DTD, husband needs to be available. If we really get close to O and it makes me ovulation, how about i use some Geliofil ? Is it harder to fall pregnant with geliofil ?


    One last chance

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