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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer
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    Niva TTC a GIRL Sway Attempt

    TTC a Girl (failed) Sway Attempt
    Gender Result:
    DW Age:
    DH Age:
    Current Children's Gender(s)
    Number of Months TTC
    Did you purchase and follow a GD Personalized Plan?
    Did you follow a diet plan?
    If yes to diet, which one did you most follow?
    • LE(Low Everything)

    Comments regarding DW's diet changes-
    I followed a basic LE diet but ignored the salt aspect. I stayed vegetarian except for little tastes here and there, and was most strict about my protein intake. I kept my calories probably between 1400-1600, with a few cheats, but never over 1800. I cumulatively lost 7 lbs over 4.5 months, but there were some ups and downs along the way (no more than 2-3 lbs up before going down again though). I tried to choose low-nutrient options where possible, but did not avoid eating fruits and veggies or whole grains. (My staple lunch was white ciabatta roll toasted with mayo, cheese, mushrooms, and zucchini.) I cut out breakfast except for coffee with sweetened soy milk in it, and avoided breakfast cereal (which I love) at all times. I only had small amounts of dairy, apart from cheese. Very little yogurt or milk. I did snack most days, usually between lunch and a late dinner. I have to admit that I did not log all my food into a calorie counting app every day, but kind of followed basic rules of thumb after doing it for a few weeks and learning how the amounts stacked up. Honestly, I used my weight as more of a guide than anything, reducing intake if I gained weight, so that I stayed on a (bumpy and not very steep) downward slope.
    If diet was used, length of time before attempt?
    4.5 months, give or take. I took a 10-day break for travel near the beginning, and I had a chemical pregnancy the month prior to my sticky bfp where I was completely off the diet for a good 3-4 days.
    Did you skip breakfast regularly?
    Did DH change his diet with you?
    Comments regarding DH's diet-
    Did you consume alcohol?
    • A couple of drinks per week

    DId you try to limit caffeine?
    Yes, I had about one caffeinated drink per day
    Any Diet Details?
    I usually had about 1.5 cups of coffee a day. I took fiber approx. 2x/day after meals during the last two months of swaying (except during the chemical pregnancy), intermittently before then. I drank approx. two cups of diet coke per day in the few days leading up to O.
    Any Diet Comments/Additional Info?
    My diet was not as strict as it could have been, especially during af-o. For some reason it was easier to stick to the diet during the 2ww. But it was unquestionably a big change from what is normal for me.
    What did you weigh/BMI do leading up to O?
    Started out at 136 lbs (24.5 bmi)
    Reached 129 lbs (23.2 bmi)
    Any Weight/Exercise related additional info/comments?
    No exercise at all.
    pH Before Starting a Sway Program, if known
    Any VG potions used?
    • RePhresh

    CM pH at attempt
    DH pH
    How many BD attempts did you make for the BFP cycle?
    BD Dates according to Ovulation
    • 1 Day Before O

    Any additional comments?
    Used Rephresh about 24 hrs before DTD.
    DH Info about Swimmers
    • Other

    BD Position
    Did you Jump and Dump?
    • Yes, but not immediately -- 8 minute delay

    Any relevant attempt details?
    We did a hurry-up BD: DH's release pattern was every 4-6 days until day of attempt, then he released a blank about 3 hours before we DTD. I jumped and dumped after 8 minutes.
    DW Supplements
    • Baby asprin
    • folic acid
    • Fiber
    • Antihistamine

    DH Supplements
    Any additional supplement info?
    Took one baby aspirin every 2 days. Took Zyrtec AF-O. Folic acid daily. Fiber 2x/day during the last two AF-Os and less regularly during the 2wws. I decided to use alcohol as a bd sway factor, so I had a really stiff drink or two right before DTD. I theorize that this dries one's cm out (it is dehydrating, after all) and causes a temporary decline in condition.
    Did you do anything with Ions?
    Moon Phase during conception?
    First Quarter
    Did you use any Old Wives Tales?
    Things that make me feel great about my sway:
    This sticky bfp came the month after a chemical, which supposedly sways pink. There was a huge difference in my diet between conceiving DS and now. I was very successful with staying vegetarian and following all the LE guidelines except salt (purposefully dropped from the sway) and snacking. I lost weight overall, which meant my condition was hopefully declining leading up to our attempt. We achieved a bfp with just one attempt this cycle, yay! With DS we dtd every other day so I feel good about having kept to one bd this time, and on the day we aimed for (first +opk). DH's frequency pattern hopefully lowered his sperm count. DH wears tighty-whities. I used all the supps and Rephresh as I had planned. I did an overall reasonable sway, so whatever gender comes out, I'll be happy I at least tried to weight my dice.
    Things that make me nervous about my sway:
    1. I did snack while on the LE diet and did not log my calories every day. It was not as strict a diet as possible and I wish I had lost more weight and lost it more steadily insted of with (minor) ups and downs. I was definitely too lax in the days leading up to O and may have even gained a pound or two directly before O (although the net result was still a weight loss).

    2. After my chemical pregnancy the month before, I had quite a lot of stress/anxiety hormones going on. Every day during af-o I felt pangs of adrenaline (or maybe cortisol) whenever I thought about the coming attempt, since I somehow knew that this was THE deciding attempt and there was so much riding on it. Somehow I had a very strong feeling it would work this time and stick this time, and at the same time I was stressing about the blue-swaying effects of stressing, so I couldn't stop stressing! I was swimming in hormone soup! I finally realized that I couldn't really predict whether the stress was blue testosterone stress or a more pink/hopeless kind of stress, so I decided I would knowingly take my chances and not skip a month trying. Now I'm feeling like I fumbled my sway completely, but I'm still happy I went ahead with the attempt and got my bfp even though my intuition said (and still says) I probably swayed blue. This little one is completely meant to be!

    3. Our hurry-up bd could have been sooner after DH's last release, and I could have jumped and dumped sooner, so I worry we could have done more to reduce sperm count.

    4. I did not have DH change diet or any habits at all.

    5. DS was conceived the very first cycle we tried; this time I conceived both the third and fourth cycles, and that was even with the lowered chance of working due to timing and supps -- I'm probably pretty darn fertile and need a lot of swaying to tip towards pink! I'm nervous that I just didn't do enough to put my odds much better than 50-50, if that. I'm also feeling like I may have either swayed really blue or really pink with my stress this cycle, but I have NO clue which. If I had to do it again, I would add intense exercise to my sway and skip any really stressful months. (Although I don't regret getting this particular bfp, regardless!)
    Things worth mentioning:
    Thank you to Atomic for the wonderfully detailed personal plan (which I got directly after my chemical) and very generous question-answering and chatting, and for all my cycle buddies keeping me going and hopeful!
    Last edited by Niva; December 5th, 2013 at 03:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Dreamofpink's Avatar
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    Great sway Niva!! Many congratulations!!

    Sent from my LG-E400 using Tapatalk 2
    2007 2009 2013 (My VBA2C & sway opposite baby)

    So proud to announce that after many long years of GD our precious DAUGHTER joined us in June 2016!!

  3. #3
    Dream Vet
    bunnywabbit's Avatar
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    Great sway, Niva! FX for a H&H 9 months, congrats! x

    18/5/13 (4+5 wks) 27/8/13 (4+6 wks)
    Jamie (12/6/14)

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