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  1. #1

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    Wondering why some people just seem to effortlessly get their DG

    Do some people just not have to try and get their DG. I find some people are so relaxed about and seem effortless about it. They have like 2 of each or 1 of each. I always wonder if they tried to sway the genders and they seem like 'oh no we didn't care'. I'm always like 'really you didn't have a preference?'. Come on, we all have a picture in our heads of what we thought about for our children. Wouldn't we all want both I guess?

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    I know, i have a friend who fell pregnant on a night out with a stranger, baby turned out to be a girl, i find that kind of lucky for her because she was raising her as a single mother, i just feel like a girl would be easier in that situation. Then she meets her partner, they decide to have a child together and they get a boy, like seriously how lucky, now they have 1 of each. Now she is pregnant again with the same partner and i think they probably want a girl next and i bet my hat they will get it, with NO swaying at all!

  3. #3
    Dream Vet
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    I know what you mean, seems to happen all the time where I live! I think there are some people who really do not mind what the sex of their baby is, however the majority of us want one of each. I used to think they were so lucky, but now I think I am the lucky one as I have two gorgeous sons and they only have one
    2007, 2009, 2012

    Cycle 1 SART Bangkok - 43 eggs retrieved, 19 fertilized, 18 PGD, 4 normals 3XX and 1XY
    SET 25/06/11
    9dp5dt BFP : , 11dp5dt 278, 20dp5dt 13665, 24dp5dt 27787
    03/08/11 One Heartbeat 164 bpm
    My DD Harper Shae was born on the 27th Feb 2012 weighing 6lb 1oz

  4. #4
    LacePrincess's Avatar
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    Well unfortunately, life isn't fair. I've felt the same things, so I totally get where you're coming from. But I tell myself that it's not productive to get depressed or angry over something that's entirely out of my control. I find it helps to think about the things I love about each of my boys, and what they've done/said recently that has melted my heart, and try my best not to think about things that've made me want to kill them, LMAO!

    I'm not trivializing your GD, I totally get it, but I do find it helps me to appreciate what I have by consciously appreciating that we have healthy kids and that we're not infertile. I get that it's not the same thing, but IMO it's always better to find the positive in things and not let yourself stew on things out of your control. My kids don't deserve that and neither do I.
    Me (38) and DH (38)

    SAHM military momma to DS1 (2004), DS2 (who's all boy but loves to dance, though not in a tutu!) (2006), DS3 (2009), and our rainbow baby girl DD1 (2017)

    early m/c Jan 2013

    Cycle #1 @ HRC (Oct 2014) - 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized and biopsied. 1XX and 1XY abnormal. 1XX no DNA found, rebiopsied and found normal, frozen.
    FET attempt #1 (Nov 2014) - cancelled due to functional cyst. FET attempt #2 (Jan 30, 2015) - NT. Remaining embie failed to thaw.

    May 2015 - started infertility treatments at OFC. Femara 2.5mg
    July 2015 - BFP after second round of Femara. Aug 4 2015 - 6w4d
    Dec 21 2015 - mmc 7w1d

    Apr 2016 - IVF Cycle #2. Converted to IUI because of uneven response and leading follicles.
    Apr 19, 2016 - IUI with 3 mature follicles (2 right, 1 left), post wash: 17mil, 94% motility and 89% rapid motility. BFN.

    June 3, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 5w.
    Sep 1, 2016 - 5mg Femara cycle. 8w.

    Our rainbow baby girl arrived on Mon Aug 28, 2017 - "After every storm comes a rainbow". We are so thankful and grateful for every moment.

  5. #5
    Dreamofpink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LacePrincess View Post
    Well unfortunately, life isn't fair. I've felt the same things, so I totally get where you're coming from. But I tell myself that it's not productive to get depressed or angry over something that's entirely out of my control. I find it helps to think about the things I love about each of my boys, and what they've done/said recently that has melted my heart, and try my best not to think about things that've made me want to kill them, LMAO!

    I'm not trivializing your GD, I totally get it, but I do find it helps me to appreciate what I have by consciously appreciating that we have healthy kids and that we're not infertile. I get that it's not the same thing, but IMO it's always better to find the positive in things and not let yourself stew on things out of your control. My kids don't deserve that and neither do I.
    I agree wholeheartedly.

    I was listening to a discussion programme on the radio a few days ago and the presenter was talking with a 31 year old female doctor who is terminally ill. Despite being very ill and not having too much longer, she was taking great pleasure in being there for her terminally ill elderly patients and being a comfort to them.

    She was a real inspiration and put TTC into perspective for me. There she is facing the end of her life at 31 and I'm only a year younger than her & getting frustrated that I haven't been able to bring another life in to the world yet! I'm so so lucky that I have that option....
    2007 2009 2013 (My VBA2C & sway opposite baby)

    So proud to announce that after many long years of GD our precious DAUGHTER joined us in June 2016!!

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