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  1. #1
    Dream User

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    every got your desired gender despite everyone else thought the opposite?

    I've just come across some memories recently, how many people make comments ( or rather prediction) about me having more than one son, whether indirectly or directly. I have one child, an 18 mo DS.

    The comments that i've come across are for example: after having DS, an uncle made comments how it's ideal to have a few years gap between our first child and (if ever) a second one, because it's best for same gender kids not to be too close in gap (sibling rivarly) - is he saying I'll be having another boy next???

    Also another auntie once said to me," make three kids, two boys and a girl, sounds good combination" I was like "huh??? not another boy after this?"

    Another relative asks me what i wanted more boy or girl one day if i have a child (that was from a long time ago), i said i didn't mind any, what do you think? and She said" looks like there's gonna be more boys, because of your hubby comes from a strong all boy genes in the family!)....

    so now i'm like ... WTH??? Get those curses away from me!!!

    I don't know why there are a few people that would just see me as boys mum???

    Would swaying and praying save me from those people's 'curses'? LOL

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    I don't think their predictions will hold true. Maybe they are speaking form experience? Seeing a lot of same sex families where they live etc? Maybe Uncle wants more boys in the family?

    What ever the reason people say these things, we can take it with a pinch of salt. Even psychics get it right only 50% of the time.

    I do know how you feel too. In my situation DP has 2 DDs from a previous relationship and we have 1 DD together, so i am constantly getting these comments, on a daily basis.

  3. #3
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    I wish. Before I was even pregnant with DD2 I'd get "Oh you should save the clothes for the next one" from friends/family etc. I'm like thanks for that. Now whenever we get asked or hinted at to possibly go for a 3rd I'm always told stories or random comments about "Oh you never know you could wind up with 3 of the same" or "that would be so funny if you had another girl". Oh yeah, I'm just dying laughing. For once I would love to hear "I really hope you get your boy" next.

  4. #4
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    I have 2 younger brothers (one is a step-brother). One time when I was about 16 we were visiting my Grandma and my brothers were driving me crazy. I told her "Ugh! When I have kids I'm having all girls!" She told me "Nope. You're going to have 4 boys." I have absolutely no idea where her comment came from but so far she's been right. And at the time I didn't even want 4 kids.

    On a side note, I'd like to go back and slap the 16 year old me for saying that about wanting girls. I get so defensive when people comment on how horrible it must be to have 3 boys. But apparently I use to think that way too.

    I don't know if some people just look like boy/girl moms or if the people making predictions just get lucky? Either way it's annoying when they're right.
    12/2006 2/2009 1/2010 11/2010 9/2011 12/2011

    Baby Boy #4! Can't wait to meet our little Pumpkin!!

  5. #5
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    Omg I feel like I couldn't agree more with all of you! I wonder why those hateful (well to us anyway) comments came from and how they became true. I often wonder if god sent me a messenger to tell me how many kids (what gender) I'll have etc. i have heard people saying that god doesn't decide your life just to be like that, rather you decide what your life wants to be like and let god help you along the way. Hmm if I want to have a dd that means I should do some work (swaying n praying) at least and ask god to guide me along the way? Does that work well of you desire a certain gender?

    My fave quote recently is "the greatest pleasure is when you prove people you get or can do what others think you can't!"

    Pink or blue baby dust to everyone! Hope you get your desired gender!

  6. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hilten View Post
    Every one get our desired gender despite everyone else thoughts the opposite reaction so we will be clarify all perspectives and get a perfect outcomes as well as well demand and well direction.
    Huh? I think someone has spiked my drink, or my cookies! Coz I simply don't understand this?!
    Mummy to DS10 who is the light of our world
    Swayed took us 8 cycle's and I'm finally

    Please be a sticky little bean, we have wished and hoped for you for so long xo

    Our family welcomed a in May 2013 and thats ok, we're head over heels in love with him and feel blessed to be honoured with 2 sons

    January 2014 - A little surprise that went to heaven before we could meet

    October 2014 - Officially swaying for one last little bundle and wishing and hoping its a pink one

    April 2015 - All our dreams have miraculously come true, our sway worked and our family will be complete with the little girl joining us in October this year

  7. #7

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    OMG i get this ALLLLL the time. It angers me, makes me lose hope & scares me to have another DS and hear people tell me "i told you", like its a bad thing. I also think they are cursing me. LOL
    The next person who tells me i cant carry a girl may just eat their words...
    Here's to getting our DG!!!

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