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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer
    CherryBlossom's Avatar
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    Such an annoying feeling.

    My boys are 3 and 18 months.
    My first son, we never found out the sex, but we were all dead set certain he was a she.
    My second son, I knew from the get go that he was a he. So when my partner told me what he was ( he found out at the scan and bought me a piece of baby clothing in boy colours) it was no surprise. I was so excited to hear that this time was right if anything.

    However I have noticed since then. I tend to get a tad envious of people who find out that their second child is the opposite sex?

    If they have had two of the same sex and they find out they are having the opposite sex I am totally fine and i get so emotionally happy for them.

    It's the second child. Usually it happens with people I know, people I am friends with and close to.
    I try and kick myself out of the feeling. I think Im just being plain silly!!! But at the same time I just can't help it. especially since I have always wanted THREE - FOUR kids and never just two. and I was totally happy with my second son being a boy. But maybe I just talked myself into being so happy with a boy??? =/

  2. #2
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    Hey TWO brothers are the best! If I could have a daughter right this second, I still wouldn't trade either son for the world! I just adore them! It's so cute to watch brothers wrestle playfully! haha
    So this means you will try for a daughter right?
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
    DS#3 Arrived in April
    I love my Rainbow Baby with all my , She took a year to conceive! Thank you GD!

  3. #3
    Dream Vet
    deaks66's Avatar
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    I felt like this for a quite a bit and then i realised how close same sex siblings are after spending a weekend with my friend and her sister. I mean i had a brother and we were close but not as close as i could have been to a sister or him to a brother. Just think when they are bundling each other on the floor, your boys may well be each others bestmen in the future... how wonderful will that be and how proud would you be

    Now i think pp are boring!
    2007 2010 2012 2015

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