I agree with Mrs P too. I would seriously consider the surrogacy idea. I know you want to give a home to an existing child but if your husband is really opposed to that idea and will not come around to giving it a try, you may have to be the one to bend in order to get what you want, a son. I know many women who would do anything at all to have a child and their husbands won't agree to any of the options including surrogacy, so if your husband willing to do that, I would give his suggestion some serious thought. You will have some obstacles to overcome such as the natural bond with the child and your age, but all that will pale into insignificance once you hold that little boy I assure you.

And don't worry about age gaps. I have a 10 year old boy, an 8 year old boy and a one year old boy and they get along beautifully. We are expecting our little girl when my eldest is 11 and the others are 9 and 2. My older children are such a wonderful source of support and help with the little one now and I know how great they will be with the baby when she arrives. They really love being big brothers and I think it is a fabulous experience for them to have as well. My boys will make great Dads when they grow up and I know they will cherish having a sister for female influence.