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  1. #1

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    Sperm production?, drugs, etc. Atomic, anyone?

    So great essay with the jellybeans!-good visual.
    DH even read it.
    After reading though he took the information as it only really matters what he does 3 months (72 days) before we ttc. (assuming we get pg. the first month)

    He doesn't mind doing the diet or supps. He is having a hard time with me telling him he needs to stop drinking and smoking. I know there are reasons he shouldn't be drinking/smoking and doing the diet and supps. the whole 2-3 months before we start ttcing, but what are they?

    Once the sperm are produced, does the diet, supps, etc. affect that sperm anymore or is it just affecting the newly forming sperm?

    Hopefully my quest. makes sense.

  2. #2
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    No, it matters the whole 72 days because the jelly beans are always in the factory for the full 72 days, just in different stages of development. What you do on any day affects all the different sperm in the factory in varying stages of developing. The 72 day number is a) somewhat random anyway and it probably takes anywhere from 68-76 days (not unlike how your food digests in 6-12 hours after you eat it - it varies) and b) it's the amount of time it takes them to go from an XY "germ" cell to 4 X and Y sperm, totally developed, mature, and able to fertilize the egg - they can be damaged or killed at any point in the process. Also, some from different "batches" are always mixing together and coming out. That was the whole point I had in writing that essay, to demonstrate how the sperm from different days mix together and how they can be hurt/damaged at any point along the way. So if you did something "bad" 73 days ago and think you're outwitting the process by DTD 72 days later, it doesn't work because some of those "bad" sperm are in there and will come out with the batch and it may not even TAKE him 72 days to make his spermies anyway - he may be a guy who takes 76 days.

    Not to mention that your body can store toxins for a long time and just because you smoke a cig 4 months ago, the crap in them stays in your body for many months afterwards.

    Once the sperm are totally formed, they're ~probably~ past the stage where the DNA can be affected (exception - radiation) but they STILL can be killed at that point - and fewer sperm seems to equal pink no matter how you slice it.

    Quitting smoking for men who want boys, is VERY important. My husband didn't smoke and fathered 4 boys over 20 years. He started smoking a pipe for 2 months and we conceived a girl. Obviously there was more to it than that, but still!!!!
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  3. #3
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    From what I have learned, smoking and drinking TOTALLY sway girl. So, if you want a girl this is good, but if you want a boy, he needs to stop now. Do supplements at least a month before TTC.
    Now is good for everything, but especially stopping smoking and drinking. Good luck with your sway!!
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
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    I love my Rainbow Baby with all my , She took a year to conceive! Thank you GD!

  4. #4

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    Thank you ladies! I knew it was bad, just couldn't figure out the words to tell DH.
    Also, are the diet./supps. changing the ph of his sperm and seminal fluid?

    DH just wonders how much he really needs to do this. Like he is thinking it's more important what my ph is.(which is probably right)
    He is 15-20lbs. overweight and I think just doing the boy diet and lifting weights will help him lose some weight and be healthier and can only help us get a boy?

  5. #5
    Butterfly Spirit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by n710 View Post
    Thank you ladies! I knew it was bad, just couldn't figure out the words to tell DH.
    Also, are the diet./supps. changing the ph of his sperm and seminal fluid?

    DH just wonders how much he really needs to do this. Like he is thinking it's more important what my ph is.(which is probably right)
    He is 15-20lbs. overweight and I think just doing the boy diet and lifting weights will help him lose some weight and be healthier and can only help us get a boy?
    You're welcome, my Dh is opposite he's like "I think the ph of my sperm is more important than the ph of your environment." I say both are important
    I'm swaying girl, so..
    He took Calcium, Magnesium and Cranberry
    I would like him to take licorice root next time, but I don't know how to tell him what it's for lol

    I'm not sure what supplements sway BLUE, but I'm sure many ladies here do.
    Lifting weights for both of you will raise testosterone too
    Age 7 5 MC May 2012 BFP June 2012 My ~*Princess*~ is now 3 yrs old! MC May 2015 Chemical June 2015
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  6. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Changing ph isn't actually that important, sperm are not going to like very high or very low ph, that goes for both X and Y. When swaying boy, it is best to boost fertility so your DH could take zinc tablets, n710 i am not sure where you are living but here in australia we have Menevit for the guys to take, it is almost like a pre natal, but all good things in there to give the sperm what they need to be healthy. Also a healthy diet is very important, and im sure your DH will have no problems eating lots of red meat and potato kind of meals, that is of course if he is not vegetarien.

    And i am in the same boat as you, ttc a boy, but my DP smokes and drinks daily. He wont stop for our sway.
    Last edited by Cinss; May 4th, 2012 at 10:52 PM.

  7. #7

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    Actually, I'm a vegetarian and do the cooking so poor DH has only been eating meat maybe 2x's/month when he buys it somewhere. He will definitely be eating meat every day, he is happy about that, but not excited to have to cook it all the time
    He is definitely going to take zinc, l'argitine, multivit., etc.
    I am going to take the One A Day mult. vit. too because I got had all 3 girls while on the prenatal.
    We will both lift weights, I actually had started last year 2 months before surprise DD#3.
    DH said he will cut smoking/drinking to 1 time a week. I figure that should help at least?

    I am hoping the diet/supps. changes will help me enough. I figure this is our last baby regardless of gender (I don't want to buy something bigger than our minivan).

    Butterfly-so sorry for your loss. (Hugs)
    I bet you get your dd though. The biggest change for me having 1 boy, then 3 girls was my diet before I ever knew about swaying. I had my son, then stayed home stopped eating breakfast and eating ice cream w/ pb for my dinner every night-way more unhealthy than when I had ds

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by n710 View Post
    Thank you ladies! I knew it was bad, just couldn't figure out the words to tell DH.
    Also, are the diet./supps. changing the ph of his sperm and seminal fluid?

    DH just wonders how much he really needs to do this. Like he is thinking it's more important what my ph is.(which is probably right)
    He is 15-20lbs. overweight and I think just doing the boy diet and lifting weights will help him lose some weight and be healthier and can only help us get a boy?
    I'm not so sure I agree with him!!!

    All women's pH is naturally high at ovulation - the only reason you ever have low pH at ovulation is when you don't have a lot of CM. Up inside where sperm meets egg and pH sticks can't go, your pH is in the high 6's (in the uterus) to 7's (Fallopian tubes). Even the fluid that comes out with your egg, is in the 7's and alkaline.

    The diet and supps are more to help him make more and healthier sperm, and by smoking and being overweight, he's undoing at least some of the good that they do. He doesn't need to do the full boy diet (and he may gain weight if he did)
    but I do think that if he was able to lose a little bit of weight, it couldn't hurt and might help.

    It doesn't matter if your environment is ideal for a boy, if he's wrecked his sperm count and quality, the damage is already done. What you do can of course help, but it cannot undo what's already been done. Sperm aren't like Wolverine, they're just tiny cells, they can't heal themselves. When they get damaged, they die or else just lay there and wiggle ineffectively and can't fertilize a thing.
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  9. #9

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    Thanks AS! I think I got it now, he just needs to focus on being healthy, esp. if he still has to indulge once a week and can't give that up at least losing weight, working out, etc. will help the sperm that isn't damaged healthy.

    I don't think he'll completely give up drinking/smoking and the best I can get him down to is once a week. I am only worried he'll "binge" that once a week. Not sure which is worse, a bit 5 days/week or a lot 1/week

    Maybe he'll start to feel healthy he won't want to ruin it

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