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  1. #1
    Dream User

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    If you are a 'in between' swayer, but desperately want a lil girl, what would you do?

    HEllo all! I've been away from this forum for nearly a few months and decided to take some time off swaying and GD as I wanted to have a peaceful life without GD or obsesssively swaying, and enjoy quality time with my DS who's getting adorable each day, and the more I spend time with him the more I fall in love with him!

    Maybe I've mentioned about it numerous times before that I'd love to have a lil girl even before DS was born, as I comitted myself of having a daughter as I keep telling myself there's no way I'll spend the rest of my life growing old without having a daughter and overload with sons instead. There's nothing wrong with having sons, but if God is willling, I'd ask him to grant me a daughter.

    I am trying to maximise my chances ttc girl, but I feel that my swaying is kinda in between. I have been able to skip brekky sucessfully and these days I have my first meal straight at lunch time, but I have not been able to resist any temptations to strict what I eat and how much I eat. If I'm hungry after a meal, i'd still not hesitate to grab an extra snack and such.

    I know I could be still consuming high calories food. My diet will guarantee a fail in pink sway.... so I am thinking to maximise the chances by tricking my body/hormones/CM, etc into pink territory.

    For eg: I would take my calcium + mag tablets (i need them anyhow), make sure my medicine has antihistamine (zyrtec for hayfever), jump and dump after DTD (but still on the pill anyway, so not TTC now) and invest in girly ions such as lavender, etc Will also attempt 0+12. And lastly, prayer. I need someone else also to pray for me and send me pink dust!

    So ladies, if your diet is crap....... would extra stuff as above really help?

  2. #2

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    Sounds like you are doing fantastic skipping breakfast. I think that is one of the best things you can do to get your blood sugar low.

    I always skipped breakfast, but would have a huge lunch and then smaller dinner. Is is possible to skip snacking the last 6 week before you TTC? That would probably be way more impt. than the timing. You definitely want your blood sugar low.

    I conceived DS on O day, DD#1 O-2, DD #2 was O-5, and DD#3 was either O-3, O-1, or O. My diet was only different with DS, I ate less sugar and always ate breakfast. I have never eaten breakfast when getting the girls, plus I ate a lot less protein. I think that had way more to with getting the girls than the timing did.


  3. #3
    Dream Vet
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    Hopefully atomic will respond, but I just have to say that your sway sounds exactly like what I did with ds3 and, well, I got a beautiful baby boy out of it!

    I strongly believe diet is the strongest sway factor so if you're only going to do one thing that would be it. I understand not wanting to go extreme with it - it's definitely tough - but it may not be as hard as you think, and you could always just go vegetarian, try to reduce your calories just enough to lose a few pounds, and try to stop snacking between meals. I honestly don't believe ions do anything, and if you read atomic's brilliant essay on the 'calcium conundrum' you'll see why most of us on this site don't take calcium.

    Whatever you decide to do, good luck, and I'll send some pink dust your way!!
    Identical Twin Boys, May 2006

    DS3, June 2009

    Lost at 11 Weeks, November 2011

    DD, September 2012

    I can't believe I have a daughter!
    Thank you everyone at Gender Dreaming and may all your dreams come true as well!

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Well, I'm sure you know that I think diet is very important and I think cal-mag may even sway blue, so obviously I don't think it's the ~best~ plan, but you have to go with what works for YOU and not worry what anyone else thinks.

    The Zyrtec and jump and dump will be working for you. So will coming off the Pill. Skipping breakfast can't hurt and may help.

    I don't think ions or O+12 sway.

    and good luck to you!
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  5. #5
    Big Dreamer

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    If I went for it again, I would skip breakfast and stick to some of the main diet goals and not dtd too often (aim for abstinence). But not stress about anything.

    And pray, pray, pray xx

  6. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Could you add peppermint tea and diet coke to your diet? Or snack on fat free sweetened yoghurt? What about a hot bath for DH before BD (you could make it sexy so he doesn't see it as a chore)?

    Have just bought some zyrtec myself but can't stand the smell of lavender and my great aunt lived next to a lavender farm and had 5 or 6 boys!!!!

    Good luck with your sway

  7. #7
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    LOL about the lavender farm, that's good info to know Emily!!

    If you do decide to go with pep tea, just remember that you can't take it with SP.
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