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  1. #1
    Dream Vet
    suregena's Avatar
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    Question SOY ISOFLAVONES - Your experience, whether you swayed for a Girl or a Boy:

    I found this little survey of questions from another website and thought it might be useful for anyone considering them, and also to see results with them. Not sure how many people have tried them on here. It sort of ties into Atomic's essay on Super Soy for a Girl or Boy.

    I've added a couple more questions to it to make it more relevant to this forum.



    Gender you were swaying for:

    Gender specific tactics you used/supps/etc, i.e. for a girl antihistimine or boy sperm friendly lubricant, etc alongside soy isoflavones:

    Cycle you conceived on/how long did you use soy isoflavones:

    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken:

    Dosage on those days:

    Side effects:

    DPO you got your BFP:

    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm):

    Gender resulted:

    General overall experience/anything else you'd like to add:
    2010 - 1 DS
    2012 - Tried for a DD , and it worked!
    2013 - DD
    2017 - DD - didn't sway***

  2. #2

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    Im new here but i wanted to offer up my experience just in case it could be helpful to anyone.

    Age: 29

    Gender you were swaying for: i wasnt swaying, well at least i didnt know you could. I wanted to get pregnant with a girl but i had my DS2!

    Gender specific tactics you used/supps/etc, i.e. for a girl antihistimine or boy sperm friendly lubricant, etc alongside soy isoflavones: I used typical blue sway stuff... mucinex, grapefruit juice, vitamin c, stopped vitex two weeks prior, 100 mg b6, prenatal, folic acid, robitussim, deep penetration missionary style. I did everything i had did with my firsy boy except clomid. I was not ovulating after getting off of birth control pills so i used clomid because i am an impatient women and didnt want to wait for my cycle to return. Same thing for ds2, I did nt get my post partum period yet so I took soy and i got pregnant first try again. Oh i also used a instead cup with ds2. I ate all boy too, oatmeal every morning, fruits and vegetables, whole grains , and meat. I worked out four to five times a week. I have always been thin. I weigh as much as i did in middle school but i think my diet is just very caloric. I many different foods due to working out so much.

    Cycle you conceived on/how long did you use soy isoflavones: I used soy once and conceived first month.

    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken:i took 80mg, days 3-7.

    Dosage on those days:80mg

    Side effects:
    i dont remember having not like clomid anyway.
    DPO you got your BFP:

    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): I dont know since it was my first month ovulating but it was cycle day 28. I had to take provera prior in order to take the soy.

    Gender resulted:boy

    General overall experience/anything else you'd like to add: I also wanted to add that we dtd days 5 and 5 days prior to ovulation and than on o-1 and o day. With my first son we dtd every other day because thats what the RE told me to do. Typical boy everything!

  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Is this something that is over the counter? I've heard of it, but don't know exactly what it is.
    Erika and Ryan, happily married since June 23rd, 2007. Stay at home mom to Ryder (August '08), and Cohen (May 2011), and hoping, praying, and anxiously waiting for Halston to join our family. Think pink!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Dream Vet
    suregena's Avatar
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    Yes, it is. Typically an herbal and natural remedy to help with symptoms of menopause, but can act like clomid for ovulation when taken similarly (taken for 5 days at the beginning of the cycle, I.e. CD3-7, CD4-8, or CD5-9. You can take it CD1-5 or CD2-6 but while would develop more eggs, they may not be as mature.)
    2010 - 1 DS
    2012 - Tried for a DD , and it worked!
    2013 - DD
    2017 - DD - didn't sway***

  5. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LimeRikki View Post
    Is this something that is over the counter? I've heard of it, but don't know exactly what it is.
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  6. #6
    Dream Vet
    hotdogz&boyz's Avatar
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    Since not many experiences were recorded in here, I'll add mine with my previous pregnancy...


    Gender you were swaying for: A really crappy and uneducated girl sway

    Gender specific tactics you used/supps/etc, i.e. for a girl antihistimine or boy sperm friendly lubricant, etc alongside soy isoflavones: I modified my diet to include more fake sugars, I cut down on red meat, we used some ions. But it was NOTHING like what I learned in the later days. It was basically just a "eh, we can try these things." I was using soy because my cycles/ovulation was so screwed up from miscarrying four times in a row (undiagnosed blood clotting condition, since found and treated). Soy was the only thing that would have "swayed" blue, but other aspects were in boy territory too.

    Cycle you conceived on/how long did you use soy isoflavones: I took them for five days total...cycle days 3-7. It was our first and only cycle using soy. I conceived right away (but also had an HSG procedure done that has been notorious for "clearing the way" for conception)

    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: Cycle days 3-7

    Dosage on those days: 120mg

    Side effects: It regulated ovulation that cycle. I ovulated right at day 15 and previously I had been all over the map. Could have been a coincidence. But I was grateful.

    DPO you got your BFP: Faint one at 8DPO in the evening, faint one and digi one at 9DPO in the morning. Confirmed with betas at 9DPO as well.

    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): It changed for the better, yes.

    Gender resulted: Little boy!

    General overall experience/anything else you'd like to add:It certainly made me moody and gave me headaches. I vowed I was not going to take it again if we did not get preg that cycle. But it worked and baby stuck!!
    Last edited by hotdogz&boyz; August 9th, 2012 at 10:49 AM.
    A: "Owner" of the following brood:
    -Our biggest surprise dude (L: 2009)
    -Our rainbow little man (K: 2011)
    -Our sway and pray little diva (J: 2013)
    -Our lucky charm guy (S: 2015)
    We may be done, we may come back for one more sway. Time will tell. At the moment, we are very content with our family!

  7. #7
    Dream Vet
    Atsaukina1's Avatar
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    any confirmed girl swayers use?

  8. #8
    Dream Vet
    Rainbow baby's Avatar
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    Awesome I did this on another forum, and got very few reply's! I had 5 say it helped O 4 say it did nothing and one who swayed boy got another girl.
    Hoping for a pink rainbow!

  9. #9
    Dream Vet
    Atsaukina1's Avatar
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    took it this cycle 2-6 only on 9 now- will post here when prego

  10. #10
    Dream Vet
    meeks32's Avatar
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    25 (ds1) & 27 (ds2)

    Gender you were swaying for:
    Ds1: none, he was a pill baby! Ds2: very bad girl sway, shettles and calc/mag supplements

    Gender specific tactics you used/supps/etc, i.e. for a girl antihistimine or boy sperm friendly lubricant, etc alongside soy isoflavones:
    Ds1: centrum multivitamin
    Ds2: pregnancy multivitamin, calc mag

    Cycle you conceived on/how long did you use soy isoflavones:
    Ds1: on pill!
    Ds2: first O off pill
    I drank soy daily from age 18 right through sway attempts due to lactose intolerance

    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken:
    didn't take isoflavones but drank LOTS of soy milk, like 1 litre each day when I add up soy on cereal, in tea, lattes and hot choc

    Dosage on those days:
    1L a day

    Side effects:

    DPO you got your BFP:
    Day of missed period, so around 14dpo since I have a 34 day cycle

    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm):
    Wasn't tracking it so I don't know

    Gender resulted:
    boy & boy!

    General overall experience/anything else you'd like to add:
    I had a super boy friendly diet, but I do know my cm was more when I drank soy so I do believe it sways boy too.
    DS1 2009, DS2 2011.
    Due early Feb 2014, it's a GIRL!

    TTC 18months. 4 chemicals. BFP 3rd month on Clomid.

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Pink Sway

    My Nub Shot

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