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  1. #1
    Dream Vet
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    Anyone have no symptoms and things still be ok?

    6w1d (6w6d by LMP) today, which I know is early, but I'm still having barely any symptoms. Maybe 10 seconds of nausea here, or a brief spike of breast tenderness. HCG and progesterone are all good/high, and we saw "early cardiac activity" on a scan at 5w5d.

    But I have been pregnant TEN times now! I had symptoms stronger at this point for all except that first loss, and I was so close to DD's birth with that pregnancy that it was easy to confuse my symptoms with postpartum stuff. I looked at my pregnancy diary with DD, and at this point with her I had strong food aversions, lots more fatigue and nausea, etc.

    I know considering 8 of those pregnancies were losses, maybe something different is good. But I still feel so anxious. I think a lot of this was spurred by a.) a dream last night that I woke up from an emergency section to be told I had a girl and was so disappointed in the dream and b.) yesterday DH asked to come to the next scan, and that made me feel nervous we're jinxing it since he's taking this pregnancy more seriously since he "feels differently about it."

    I knew I'd be a mess with any future pregnancy... but omg did I underestimate it!
    Last edited by Throwaway_panther; May 11th, 2018 at 10:38 AM.

  2. #2

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    I had barely any symptoms with my sons. Occasional spikes like you describe but I didn’t feel pregnant for a very long time. The most I ever got was (several weeks in, more than you are now) occasional slight nausea on waking which was solved with a dry biscuit! All was fine :-)
    Last edited by Ohdeer; May 11th, 2018 at 10:42 AM.

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  4. #3
    Dream Vet

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    with my first baby i had horrific sickness 24/7 for 28 weeks straight, i was even waking up through the night and vomiting, no real symptoms except the sickness.

    with #2 i only threw up 4 times in the first 18 weeks, then lost the baby and a midwife stupidly commented that "the sicker you are the better the outcome" must be true i thought as it certainly fitted my situation.

    #3 i threw up once.. but other than that 1 time i never felt sick or anything else pregnancy related and fully expected to have another loss.. but went to 39+2 with a healthy live baby.

    ive now had 8 pregnancies (my loss was number 2) and can honestly say that each time has varied, one very sick, some moderate and a couple not sick at all, my first 5 babies i didnt have sore boobs at all but with number 6,7 and 8 they have been progressively sorer with each pregnancy!! last time it was agony just taking my bra off!!

    i know how hard it is not to worry, but right now your numbers are good and your scan findings sound very very positive and that (symptoms or no symptoms) really is the best that you can hope for at this point, its no guarantee i know but so far so good one day at a time i have everything crossed for you and this baby xx
    now 6blue5pink

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  6. #4
    Dream Vet
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    I had no symptons at all with my second until sometime in the second trimester. With my first I was only tired, nothing more. I’ve had the whole range of symptoms from nothing to full blown HG depending on the pregnancy.
    DH (43), DW (40)


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  8. #5
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    My mom never had any symptoms with any of her pregnancies (and repeatedly told me they were psychological, LOL - boy was I ever in for a surprise with my first!) I had strong symptoms with 3 of mine and minor ones with 2. Also, in two of my pregnancies with major symptoms (1st and 4th) I did not even realize I was pregnant for some time and do not recall having any symptoms early on - they set in later but the pregnancies were well underway by then. I also had mega symptoms with my pregnancy that ended in miscarriage.

    I know it's impossible not to worry but the thing is, the good numbers and heartbeat are the things to take seriously. The symptoms just aren't as indicative of things. While no one ever wants to see strong symptoms suddenly go away (esp. when still in the first tri) not having strong symptoms isn't such a strong cause for concern (and even symptoms going away is not always a bad thing, either - no one panic,now!).

    Thinking of you!
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  10. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Thank you all I know, having had strong symptoms with losses (and we have a good suspicion most of our losses were chromsomal), that having symptoms shouldn't make me feel better or worse. But I can't even go a few days now without stressing more! Every day pregnant is a day my heart goes more to this baby, even if they are a girl (which will gut me, too).

    Can I just be in a coma until 40 weeks?

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  12. #7
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    I know you know better than anyone - sorry I hope that did not come off as dismissive.

    We are all rooting for you and praying/PT every day for a healthy baby (preferably blue!)
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  14. #8
    Dream Vet

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    TP - I think it's 100% normal and expected for you to be crazy with worry right now given your losses. You shouldn't feel remotely bad for feeling that way. I had very few symptoms (no m/s at all) this last pregnancy before my 7 week scan and I was very freaked out about it and I think some of the people I told about it thought I was just being paranoid. I had had OK early betas, progesterone was high, no bleeding, and even my DH too said that things felt different that time. But I had had two early losses just months before that pregnancy making me more paranoid and the lack of symptoms made me feel like something was wrong. Well, in my case, things were wrong. But who knows if the lack of symptoms was an actual indication of that or not - because of course, not having early symptoms does not always and probably most of the time does not mean something is wrong. But I don't feel bad about how worried I was about it because maybe my intuition really was preparing me for the worst.

    BUT, one big difference for you that was not true in my situation is that you did have an early scan and the start of a heartbeat!!! When I went for my 7 week scan there wasn't anything close to a heartbeat - not even a fetal pole - just a small yolk sac measuring VERY far behind. I didn't have a scan before 6 weeks but I'm pretty confident there was never a heartbeat with that bub. So I think you have a much better start at this point then I had!

    I know you've said this on here too but the symptoms thing is so strange. With DS2, I was nauseated, vomiting and felt miserable by 5 1/2 weeks. With DS1 though I didn't have any symptoms until 7-8 weeks. Also with him I had spotting off and on between weeks 5-8 (never figured out the cause). So I was a nervous wreck with him early on too but today he's my perfect little 5 year old Like atomic my mom had ZERO morning sickness with either of her two pregnancies (1 boy, 1 girl). And yet I ended up having quite a bit of m/s with both boys (it just started later with DS1). Who knows.

    It sucks to worry so much but sadly for those of us who've gone through loss I think it's pretty much inevitable. Mamabird (I think it was Mamabird who said this...) said one time on here that going through losses really takes away the innocence of pregnancy and I totally think that is true. I feel like pregnancy has completely changed for me now after this past year & if I ever get pregnant with a healthy bub again I will feel exactly as you do - I'll want to be in a coma until 40 weeks!!!

    In any case, I will be praying that you will be vomiting soon! (LOL - you understand of course I mean that in a positive way!). I prayed really hard for you around the time you O'd this time and will continue to do so until you're holding your healthy bub in your arms (and like atomic said hopefully it a boy bub!). We're rooting for you!!!

    When is your next scan?
    2013 2015
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  16. #9
    Dream Vet
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    No worries atomic, it didn't come off like that at all! I think I feel like I have to keep apologizing because I feel like I'm right back in the "posting a ton and needing constant external comments" like I did when I was pregnant with DD. I am annoyed with myself!

    And ABC, you always say the things that make me tear up (in the good way!). It actually really means a lot to me that you've been praying for me! And maybe how stressed I was about ovulation should chill me out, since I was so stressed I hadn't even O'd haha -- and clearly I was wrong!

    I think it's the loaded stress of both loss and GD -- they take turns for what takes precedence, and I hate that I still feel that way. I looked up Ramzis and convinced myself it is a girl since the scan looks similar to my DD's first scan and then I just felt worse and felt like the lack of symptoms or early boy OWT symptoms were cruel tricks!

    The lack of innocence about pregnancy is so true. And I feel more despondent than I'd thought about gender, since it's been such agony to get to #2... how could I even go through this again to try for a boy for #3? And I feel like I'm relying on other people's intuition because I'm right back to not trusting myself. I tried to bargain with God/the universe before this pregnancy, too I said, "grant me a healthy boy, and I WILL give those frozen XXs a chance after." But I keep feeling like I didn't do enough sway wise now, and worry that me even worrying about the gender stuff will bite me in the ass if I miscarry

    I'm a mess today haha. All from that damn dream. Maybe this is just a pregnancy symptom

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  18. #10
    Dream Vet

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    Yea the mix of GD & just worrying about the pregnancy sucks. I went into my 7 week ultrasound hoping to see baby on left side (even though I know ramzi has been debunked!) and that was SO much on my mind that it felt even more shocking when we got the bad news that there wouldn't even be a baby. It's hard dealing with both sets of feelings at once.

    If it helps, I had a dream the other night that I gave birth to a boy and was really disappointed! But I'm not even pregnant LOL!!! I really think those dreams are just GD rearing it's ugly head again, and in your case not an indication of little bub's gender.

    LOL as far as posting, I've been posting WAY too much on the tww board and feel like I'm getting really annoying so I'm trying to give it a breather now I get it! It's hard though with how intense this process is and for me at least there aren't really people IRL that I can talk about the ttc AND swaying thing to. And I'm an external processor so what do I do!!? LOL.
    2013 2015
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    2019 My rainbow boy/girl twins born January 2019 - thank you Atomic and Gender Dreaming!!

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