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    ovulation pain and spotting - in depth

    Mid-cycle ovulation pain is surprisingly common, affecting about twenty percent of women regularly and up to half of all women have experienced it at least once. When it becomes severe enough to interfere with life (to the point where at times it is mistaken for appendicitis) it's referred to as mittelschmerz, from the German word for “middle pain.” However, this term has kinda become the basic term for any ovulation pain, even milder cases.

    The pain may be caused by many factors. First, the ovary swells as ovulation approaches and 15-20 eggs in each ovary are racing to develop. Then, when the largest egg is released, a twinge or popping sensation may be felt, accompanied by pain as blood and follicular fluid from the ovary is released. This fluid can cause painful irritation of the abdominal wall.

    Your individual biology - the amount of space in your abdominal cavity and the amount of fluid you release along with your egg - can determine whether or not you have O pain or not. If you're on blood thinners like aspirin, cranberry, garlic, and fish oil, you may have more severe O pains than you ever have before. Also, many doctors and researchers believe that some women may have tubal and uterine cramping as their muscles spasm to circulate the cervical mucus, bringing sperm to the egg and moving the egg down the Fallopian tubes to the uterus.

    If you've experienced a one-sided pain at mid-cycle, that begins as a sharp twinge (egg has broken free of the ovary) and diminishes into a dull ache (Fallopian tube is cramping and blood/follicular fluid is leaking into the abdominal cavity) for the next day or so, that was probably O pain. However, some women have mild to severe aching prior to the egg being released (ovaries are tender and swollen from the eggs it is developing) that is actually relieved when the egg breaks free.

    The pain doesn't have to be one sided, either. 15-20 eggs form in both ovaries every month and only the best one or two is released, so if you tend to experience achiness prior to ovulation, you very well could feel it on both sides. Post-ovulation, your entire uterus may cramp in order to circulate cervical mucus and bring sperm nearer to the egg. Backache is another symptom that may indicate ovulation.

    Occasionally, some women may experience nausea, diarrhea, and/or light spotting (usually a little pink EWCM) at the same time as O pain. The pantheon of ovulatory symptoms last for 6 to 8 hours but can last as long as twenty-four to forty-eight hours, particularly if you have released more than one egg. For some strange reason, O pain seems to be felt more often on the right side regardless of which ovary released an egg. The pain also may be aggravated OR relieved by intercourse.

    Because it's possible to feel ovulation pain before, during, and after ovulation, it cannot be relied upon to help pinpoint ovulation. It's not even reliable to tell whether or not you ovulated. Even women who are very experienced with their cycles (ME!) have been fooled by fake O pains. However, if you experience spotting with ovulation, that is a much better indicator that ovulation has actually occured than just pain.

    Painful ovulation, even when severe, does not cause or indicate infertility or cancer. However, some medical conditions can cause painful ovulation, such as PCOS or fibroids on the ovaries and these things CAN be signs of a larger issue with your body. Also, if you have pain that lasts for more than two days and ANY abdominal pain that is accompanied by a fever, you should seek medical care. Pain should never be ignored, if you are in any way concerned about anything happening with your body, SEE A DOCTOR!!

    To relieve O pains, you can use a heating pad, take a warm bath or shower, or take some Tylenol (taking blood thinning pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofin will only cause more bleeding from the ovary and may aggravate the pain). Intercourse with female orgasm can help some people, but others find that the actual act of penetrative intercourse is too painful.

    One interesting link I stumbled across tells how to use acupressure to relieve ovulation pains - hey, it can't hurt! How to Relieve Ovulation Pain With Acupressure |
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  2. #22
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    Shettles method of timing

    Shettles method of timing for boy and girl Part 1
    HOW TO PREPARE FOR SHETTLES - please read the How-To for both genders because this method requires a working knowledge about what NOT to do as well. You may also want to read the O+12 section for the same reason.

    You will need OPKs (ovulation predictor kits) and a basal body thermometer, OR a fertility monitor. It is helpful to be charting your cycle on Fertility Friends Ovulation Calendar and Ovulation Chart - Fertility Charting as far in advance as possible and you need to be familiar with the various types of cervical mucus. If your cycles are super regular and you already feel that you know what your patterns of CM are like, you don't absolutely need to chart, but it's best to chart for at least a month in advance just to give you an idea. Cervix Changes During the Menstrual Cycle - The Garden of Fertility

    With a cutoff, you can get away with charting only one month in advance. Try to take special note of how many days you have EWCM, how far in advance of ovulation it begins, and in fact just make as many notes as you can about the patterns of CM that you have prior to ovulation. If you are in a big hurry, buy a fertility monitor, they are very helpful with cutoffs (much more so than O+12)

    The "Three Primary Fertility Signs" referenced in the excellent book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler Welcome to Taking Charge of Your Fertility and OPKs/fertility monitors, will be the key to pinpointing when you ovulate. Also read this essay for more about tracking your three primary fertility signs

    In addition to the TPFS, you should also use an ovulation monitor/OPKs, and the data from previous cycles to help you determine when exactly you ovulate. Ovulation pains can help but should not be relied upon.

    TPFS #1 - WAKING (Basal Body) TEMPERATURE: Take your temperature first thing in the morning and track the information on Fertility Friend. However, if you are woken up a lot in the night, wake up a different hours every day, drink alcohol, regularly forget to take your temperature, or even are just really cozy under the covers one day or chilled another, your temps can be screwy. That's why you need to chart, because you MUST observe your temperature trends on a day-to-day basis over a few months, and not just here and there, to truly understand what's going on. Also, be aware that temps don't warn you that you're ABOUT to ovulate, they only warn you AFTER you already have. And, for a very small percentage of women, temping is ineffective (but you can still use CM and position to tell ovulation).

    Before ovulation, women's waking temps average between 97 and 97.7. After ovulation, your temps will sharply jump to 97.8 and higher and will stay that way throughout a pregnancy (you can tell if you're pregnant just by your temperature staying high for 18 days after ovulation, and if your temps drop you can tell if you're pregnant just by your temperature staying high for 18 days after ovulation, and if your temps drop suddenly that is not a good sign even if you have gotten a BFP).

    Please note - the temps jumping up indicates that ovulation HAS ALREADY OCCURED. You can't rely on your temp shift to predict ovulation because by the time the temp goes up, the egg is most likely already dead by that point. That's where OPK's come in (more about that in a minute).

    Some people may want to try taking a second temp in the evening (in the months ahead of your attempt) to help them better envision when exactly they ovulate. This has advantages and disadvantages, because your temps will not be reliable in comparison to your morning temps. Keep the two sets of temps separate and don’t be tempted to compare the two. They will follow similar but separate patterns and cannot be compared to one another.

    CERVICAL MUCUS - As you get closer to ovulation you will observe that your cervical mucus begins to get wetter, thinner, and stretchy, like eggwhite. Each cycle will be different, but for all of us, every cycle, the closer we get to ovulation, the more fertile our mucus becomes. (link) Here are links to a couple of amazing, but very graphic sites where you can see actual photos of the female cervix throughout the month and you can see the difference in mucus quality. Cervix Changes During the Menstrual Cycle - The Garden of Fertility

    Immediately after estrogen peaks and begins to drop, your progesterone will start to rise (your body assumes with every cycle that you have become pregnant and raises progesterone as a result.) Your cervical fluid will change abruptly. Even just a couple hours later the eggwhite mucus will have been replaced by a drier, more creamy CM, and if it was creamy to start with it may even be replaced by a sticky, dry mucus. (keeping in mind that for a girl, you WANT creamy CM, and for a boy you want eggwhite).

    The downside of using CM is that if you are taking supplements to dry up CM (to sway pink), particularly antihistamines, you may not even HAVE any CM to check and you‘ll have to rely on the less-reliable sign of cervical texture to help pinpoint ovulation. And if you're taking Robitussin/Mucinex (to sway blue), you may have so much CM that it's impossible to tell where exactly you are in your cycle.

    CERVICAL POSITION AND TEXTURE - Throughout your cycle, it is natural for your cervix to move higher and lower in your vagina and to be softer/firmer. (see above links if you want to help envision what these changes look like) Prior to ovulation your cervix will be firm, low, closed, and nonwet, which helps keep any foreign substances from entering the uterus. Around ovulation, your cervix will “SHOW“, that means it will be soft, high, open and wet (thanks to TCOYF for this handy acronym.) in order to allow CM to flow through and pregnancy to occur. This is the least reliable of the primary fertility signs because many things can affect the way your cervix looks and feels. Intercourse, pressure from stool in the rectum, even swelling from checking your cervix too much can all make it harder to judge what is going on. WARNING - Make very sure your hands are scrupulously clean when you check your cervix.

    OPKS - These are little test sticks that detect LH (the hormone that makes the egg burst from the ovary)which surges prior to ovulation. You can buy them at many places online, drugstores, and even at the Dollar Store!! Start using them about three days before you expect to ovulate and follow the directions on the package to use and read them. You will ovulate between 8-48 hours after you get a positive, on average, 32 hours after, but you will get a 'fade in pattern' of sticks growing slightly darker as the LH surge approaches that can happen a day or two in advance of a truly positive OPK. WARNING - unlike with pregnancy tests, you do not use FMU (first morning urine) for OPKs. You should test in early afternoon for best results because that’s when the level of LH in your urine is highest.

    OVULATION MONITOR - You can use an ovulation monitor to help you determine when you ovulate. This is a post in and of itself so I will just mention it for now. The different brands work in a variety of ways so just go off the directions that come with your monitor.

    USING PAST CYCLES TO UNDERSTAND FUTURE CYCLES - IF your cycles are very regular, you can sometimes use your past charts to determine when you typically O. This is terribly unreliable, but it can help sometimes when you have very little CM, and it DOES help you learn the ropes of your body - you’ll be able to make the correlation between CM and cervix texture and in retrospect, it will help you understand the pattern that your body seems to follow.

    OVULATION PAINS - aka mittelschmerz. Charting and monitoring your past cycles can also help you understand the different types of o pains. You may feel achy and tender before ovulation, followed by a sharp pain, popping, or twinging sensation at ovulation when the egg is released, and then cramping after ovulation as the Fallopian tubes contract to move sperm towards the egg and the egg down to the uterus. O pains will be felt on one side only unless you are ovulating from both ovaries that month. Further complicating matters is the fact that many people have cramps and tenderness in their uterus during ovulation as well. Don’t rely on them, but they can be a helpful secondary sign.




    Firstly before you do anything, you must decide between a couple of options. Firstly, lower your husband’s sperm count, either abstaining for a minimum of 7 days prior to your cut-off attempt (not prior to O!) and preferably longer - many people have their husbands abstain for the entire cycle - or else by doing frequent release (and I mean FREQUENT - every day and preferably twice). You may even want to have him release once the morning of your attempt and DTD again later to further reduce sperm count. (this method relies on both timing and lowering sperm count to sway) OR secondly, you could DTD every day from AF until you decide to do your cutoff, stopping BD 2-3 days ahead of when you expect to ovulate, or when you get a positive OPK for a shorter cutoff of 8-48 hours depending on how long after your LH spikes. (This relies primarily on timing but your husband's sperm count will be lowered by DTD every day and it may help you get pregnant faster).

    Regardless of what option you select, try to go as long as you possibly can without having a female O and taking supplements to reduce CM is a great idea.

    4-2 days BEFORE your Peak Day of EWCM, you should DTD. Your Peak Day will be the day you have the most EWCM, usually the day you ovulate though the peak EWCM usually shows up a few hours in advance of ovulation so it may work out to be the day before. The Peak Day is usually the LAST day you have EWCM, you will be drying up by the next day. According to your previous month’s chart, you may notice that one-two days after your Peak Day, you will observe a temp shift, meaning ovulation is over for the month. You really can only tell this in retrospect, which is why charting ahead of time is so useful, you will be able to realize when in your cycle your Peak Day is.

    If possible, make your attempt in the morning. Sperm count/quality is lowest in the morning.

    Do NOT DTD again until you’re sure you’re no longer fertile. Use a condom until you have had three high temps on your chart.

    The point is that you’re trying to DTD as far as possible from ovulation but still enabling conception to occur. You may notice a few days before O, that you go from having virtually NO CM to having a creamy CM. If you chart in advance, you may see a pattern develop where the creamy CM is around for a day or two before the EWCM - you CAN use this CM pattern to do a cutoff. Just plan for your attempt when your CM is creamy and hasn't turned to eggwhite yet.

    OPKs to conceive a girl are really not that helpful for STRICT cutoffs, because by the time you get an LH surge it’s usually only 8-48 hours before O (average of 32 hours). But, if it’s helpful to you to use them and you’re not quite as concerned about timing, then DTD IMMEDIATELY after getting a positive. If you have a very regular cycle, start testing a few days before you expect O and if you have a more irregular one, wait until your CM starts to get wet (that way you won’t waste a bunch of expensive OPKs).

    There is also a technique called the "Fade In Pattern" (thank you to babydust for suggesting this) If you start checking with your OPK's a few days in advance of needing them, you may observe a pattern where the OPK's begin to get darker as the LH spike nears. By crossreferencing with your chart, you may be able to use the darkening OPK's to determine how many days in advance of ovulation you are when your sticks start to get darker and you'll be able to use that info to plan a 2-3 day cutoff. A second way to use the Fade In Pattern (again thanks to babydust) requires the use of a digital monitor. Use the regular opks and watch them as they begin to darken, and begin also checking with your digital monitor. When regular opk's are almost, but not quite positive and the the digi opk is still negative, make your attempt then - IF you have checked on your chart and this is truly 2-3 days in advance of ovulating for you.

    The Fade-In Pattern requires a bit of practice and it is not consistently effective for everyone every time. But the good thing is, even if you don't see your fade in for that month's attempt (meaning you suddenly have a positive on your OPKs or digital monitor and you were trying for a 2-3 day cutoff), you can always hold off on your cut-off and try for an O+12.

    You can also use the fertility monitors that test for estrogen or chloride ions in addition to LH (such as Clearblue Easy) because they actually will give you advance warnings that you are gearing up to O before you have the LH spike. They are expensive though. Just use them as you would the Fade-In pattern -chart for a couple months and keep track of how long it seems to take you to ovulate in comparison to what the monitor tells you and then once you have a good feel for it, use that info to time your cutoff.

    ABOUT 3-5 DAY CUTOFFS - Dr. Shettles thought that the longer the cutoff, the better. And this would ~seem~ to hold true with the idea of low sperm count swaying pink because most of the sperm would die off in that time. But longer cutoffs have had mixed results and some even believe that more boys are conceived with a long cutoff. No firm scientific evidence exists to support or debunk this idea. The truth is, 3-5 day cutoffs WILL prevent a lot of people from getting pregnant at all.

    For BLUE

    Firstly you need to do whatever it takes to raise sperm count overall and to produce copious amounts of EWCM to help as many sperm as possible survive.

    Feel free to have sex with female O as much as possible during the early part of your cycle (days where your CM is dry). Then as soon as you see ANY CM whatsoever, even if it is sticky or creamy, DO NOT have intercourse on those days. DO continue to try to have as many female O’s as possible during this time, and your husband should ejaculate every 2-5 days to keep his sperm count and quality optimal. Optimal sperm count is achieved with intercourse every 2-6 days with intercourse every 2-4 days seeming to achieve the highest numbers of heathy and viable sperm.

    Ejaculation from intercourse yields much higher sperm counts than masturbation, up to 70-120% more sperm than through masturbation, there is also a 25-45% greater amount of semen released and the sperm are healthier and more mobile. So if you are swaying blue and are tempted to try at-home HT, you may not want to, simply because your husband's sample will have lower sperm and semen than it would be if you had DTD.

    And be very careful about (sorry this is a bit gross) not cleaning the vaginal area much when you shower in the days leading up to O (do not bathe). You want as much EWCM as possible onscene to help as many sperm as possible to survive.

    For the actual cutoff itself, you are trying to time intercourse as close to ovulation as possible. A few hours before, a few hours after, but no longer than 4 hours after you ovulate should you DTD. Sperm quality is also best in the afternoon/evening as opposed to the morning.

    Anyway, if you have them, look at your charts to determine how many days of EWCM you usually have. Take note of the Peak Day and have intercourse on what you believe to be your peak day. Most advise to DTD only once. Do not DTD unprotected again (you CAN use a condom although it's probably best just to abstain because the condom itself may kill sperm) until you're certain you're no longer fertile and you've had three high temps on your chart.

    A NOTE ABOUT FREQUENT BD THROUGH O - Dr. Shettles believed that frequent BD through O swayed pink because more girl sperm lived and were onhand to fertilize the egg. This may or may not be true, but frequent BD through O or even just around O WILL help you get pregnant with a baby of either gender. (You CANNOT get your desired gender if you don't get pregnant, after all. ) So if you are doing a lot of other things that may make it very difficult to conceive, like drying up your CM and using gels or spermicide for pink, or if you are swaying blue but have fertility issues to begin with like low sperm count or hostile mucus, you may want to give it a try. But blue swayers, keep in mind that if you DTD every day, your husband's sperm count may be lower than it would be otherwise and you may not want to start doing frequent BD until right around O, so as to be more certain that the sperm numbers peak around ovulation.
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  3. #23
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    Tracking the three primary fertility signs (BBT, cervical position, and CM)

    First, a real quick overview of how our hormones rise and fall during our menstrual cycle.

    Every cycle, your body plans to get pregnant. Getting pregnant is what our reproductive organs are designed to do and every fluctuation in our hormones is a part of this amazing process. The first hormone in this hormone cocktail our bodies brew up every month is FSH, or Follicle Stimulating Hormone. FSH triggers 15-20 eggs to start to mature in each ovary, each in its own separate follicle (The idea that the ovaries alternate producing eggs every other month has been debunked. Both ovaries develop eggs every month and the ovary that actually releases the egg is entirely arbitrary.) These follicles produce estrogen.

    These eggs begin to race to see which follicle can grow the biggest. This race averages around 2 weeks but can vary, anywhere between 8 days to a month or even longer (as those with very long cycles can attest to). Ovulation occurs only when those follicles have built up enough estrogen to cross "the estrogen threshold". In addition to triggering ovulation, estrogen also causes the lining of the uterus to build up. We refer to this period of time as the follicular phase, pre-ovulatory phase, or AF-O (Aunt Flo/menstruation-ovulation)

    When the levels of estrogen get high enough, LH (Luteinizing Hormone) is released in a sudden "surge". Whatever egg (or two) has won the race and is the biggest and best developed at the point of the LH surge, will now pop out of the ovary (usually within a few hours/day of the LH surge.) and head down the Fallopian Tubes shouting "Come and get me" to any sperm in the neighborhood. All the other eggs will now disintegrate and get reabsorbed by the body - this is called "attresia" for those of us who like to know such things.

    The follicle that released the successful egg now undergoes a major change. It collapses and becomes what is known as the corpus luteum. It prevents the release of any other eggs (Obviously it is possible for another egg to emerge from the ovary and that's how twins are conceived, but this is always within a 24-hour period. It is probably impossible for a woman to release another egg weeks or months later and become pregnant again, despite some well publicized claims to the contrary.) The purpose of the corpus luteum is to produce large amounts of progesterone which sustains the thickening of the uterus until it breaks down 12-14 days later. This period of time is called the "luteal phase", or LP, or also the two-week wait/2WW. Once the corpus luteum breaks down, menstruation begins. (There is an excellent graphic that helps to visualize how the hormones fluctuate through the cycle available here Menstrual cycle)

    Anyway, all this hormonal fluctuation causes a lot of physical symptoms going on with our bodies and we can observe and monitor these symptoms and use it to help us pinpoint ovulation, whether it be for using timing to try and conceive a child of a particular gender, or just so we know when to have intercourse to get pregnant. Tracking these symptoms is even highly reliable as a method of birth control if you are consistent with it.

    There are many symptoms that go along with our cycles but three of them are very reliable and fairly consistent between all women. These are referred to as "the Three Primary Fertility Signs" (from Toni Weschler's excellent book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility). They are your waking (basal body) temperature (BBT), your cervical position (CP), and cervical mucus (CM).

    We'll take these one at a time and see what they are and how they work, but a couple helpful links to get started - Ovulation Calendar and Ovulation Chart - Fertility Charting and Welcome to Taking Charge of Your Fertility both have interactive features where you can chart your cycle.

    Primary Fertility Sign #1 - WAKING (BASAL BODY) TEMPERATURE (BBT)

    This is considered the easiest sign to track for many people. After charting for a couple of months, you'll be able to tell if you've ovulated (temping cannot tell you if you're ABOUT to ovulate, only that you have, so for timing intercourse, you will need to use the other fertility signs as well and not just relyon temps), if it's safe to have unprotected sex if you're not trying to get pregnant, when to have intercourse if you're trying to get pregnant, when you'll get your period, and even if you're pregnant, all by taking your temperature once a day.

    All you need to do is take your daily temperature first thing when you wake up in the morning and keep track of it either with written charts or online (see above websites for more info).

    1. Take your temperature immediately upon waking up before you even get out of bed.

    2. Try to take your temperature at the same time every morning. No sleeping in with this method. Temp even when menstruating.

    3. Digital thermometers are usually best because you have to take your temp for 5 minutes with a mercury thermometer. DO NOT chart with an ear or forehead thermometer.

    4. Most people get a good result from taking their temp. orally, but if you sleep with your mouth open you may not get consistent results this way. Taking your temp vaginally is more reliable. Whatever you choose, consistently temp this way, don't do oral temp. one day and vaginal the next because you cannot compare the two. Obviously if you are menstruating, you will have to skip these days if you temp vaginally. That's ok, you can still look at the overall pattern.

    5. If you have a fever, drink alcohol intermittently, sleep with an electric blanket or heating pad or the window open (if you don't normally do so), get woken up a lot in the night, or take your temp at a different time than normal, your temperature will not be reliable that day.

    6. To chart, it's best to record your temp right away so you don't forget.

    7. Charting online is so much better and easier that I'm really not even going to talk about charting on paper. Use the Fertility Friend or TCYOF website, it makes it so much more easier and swaying is best when it's uncomplicated.

    8. Ok, so you've charted. Now what?? You are looking for the overall pattern of what your temperatures do - that is why it is best to chart for a few months before using this method for pinpointing timing or for birth control. Early in the month when your egg follicles are churning out massive amounts estrogen, your temps will be on the lower side - for most people it will be in the low 97's but not for everyone. After ovulation, when the corpus luteum forms and starts producing progesterone, your temp will rise (for most people it's a sudden and obvious rise but for others it's more gradual.). Once the corpus luteum breaks down, your temp will drop again suddenly. If your temp stays up for 17 days or longer after ovulation, congrats! You're pregnant.

    9. If you find that your temperature after ovulation only stays high for 11 days or less (esp. if you get your period less than 12 days after you ovulate) you may have a luteal phase defect that is preventing you from becoming pregnant. You need that progesterone to keep your uterine lining in good shape for at least 12 days after you ovulate so a fertilized egg can implant in your uterus. If your temps drop sooner than that and you think you may be having chemical pregnancies, let me know because there are ways to deal with that (essay forthcoming!)

    (sorry I had to have a nursing break there LOL)

    10. Temperature charting really is not terribly helpful for timing for gender selection (although it is extremely helpful to be able to look back and see patterns from previous months, they are not necessarily predictive of what will happen in FUTURE months). However, some women find they have a temp dip on the day of ovulation, so if you were trying for a boy OR for an O+12, that could be helpful.

    Remember, for boy timing you want to DTD as close to O as you can, and for a girl, it should be either 2-4 days prior to ovulation OR 12 hours after.

    11. Some swayers believe that if you are higher in estrogen overall, your temps will be lower than they usually are THROUGHOUT your cycle and lower temps may be a good indication that your estrogen levels are high and you may be in a good place to conceive a boy. Conversely, if your temps are higher than they usually are throughout your cycle, this may indicate that your progesterone levels are elevated and you are in a good place to conceive a girl. This has not been proven, but it is interesting to be aware of this. If you've been charting for 6 months and suddenly notice ALL your temps are a few decimal points higher than they were, this may very well mean your sway is working and your hormones are changing.


    This is a little more difficult for people to pick up than temping is, but it's actually much more useful in terms of swaying. (You should still chart temps though, if only because it will help you get the knack of the ways your cervical mucus will change throughout your cycle.) Using your CM you will be able to tell when you're infertile, when you are highly fertile, help you with timing methods, and it can also help you know if you're pregnant or not. CM has two separate functions. Prior to ovulation, it's very thick, somewhat acidic, and is designed to keep sperm and other invaders out of the uterus. Around ovulation, it becomes very thin and more alkaline and welcoming to sperm. Shortly after ovulation (within a day) it becomes thick, acidic, and protective again.

    1. Start checking your CM the first day after your period. Develop an awareness of how your vagina feels throughout the day (you don't even need to touch it, just be aware of how it feels.) When you use the bathroom (at least three times a day) with clean hands, touch the outer lips of your vagina and get used to the feeling of the discharge. Take note when you wipe after going to the bathroom as to whether you are dry or if there is mucus present. Pay attention to your underwear as well - very fertile CM will tend to take a round shape while less fertile CM will be more in a rectangular or line pattern.

    To check CM, separate the lips of your vagina and check your CM at the lowest part of the opening close to the perineum. You can use tissue if that works for you, or you can rub it between your fingers. You may even want to see if it stretches just for fun.

    2. Most charts have a location for making notes about your CM along with your temperature. Definitely use these! You will begin to see how temps and CM patterns are working together to show you where you are in your cycle and what your hormones are doing.

    3. The follicular cycle in most women goes something like this - for a few days after menstruation, there is little to no mucus present (record "dry" on your chart.) Your panties and accompanying vaginal sensations will be dry.

    Then, CM begins to develop in a "sticky" form (record "sticky" on your chart). Other words you may use to describe this sensation include "pasty, tacky, crumbly, gummy, springy" - it's kind of like rubber cement. May be white or yellowish in color. You may continue to feel dry or you may feel sticky.

    Next, CM becomes "creamy". Other words used to describe this type of CM are "lotiony, milky, smooth." White or yellow in color. This is the kind of CM that is associated with greater odds of conceiving a baby girl. Your vaginal sensation will be wet, moist, gooey, even cold. You may be fertile while this CM is present so if you do not want to become pregnant, take precautions. You may notice a rectangular or line pattern on your underwear. (This is what you're looking for for a cutoff.)

    The final and most fertile form of CM is EWCM (egg white cervical mucus). Very wet, slippery, and it may stretch between your fingers. There is usually a lot of it! You will feel a very wet vaginal sensation and you will notice a round pattern on your underwear. It is usually clear in color but it can be pink or red streaked if you have ovulatory spotting. You are VERY fertile when this CM is present so if you aren't TTC, take precautions. (This is what you want for conceiving a boy).

    3. After your estrogen level has peaked and the egg has been released and the corpus luteum has begun to make progesterone (you are entering your luteal phase) your CM will change abruptly. Sometimes even within just a couple of hours you will see a difference; again, this is where charting is very handy because you can take note of how and when it changes in terms of what your temps are doing. You may have a few hours of creamy CM after ovulation (this is when you want to DTD if you are trying for an O+12) but for many people, it just dries up without ever going to creamy and you'll need to use cervical position to help you pinpoint O+12. 48 hours after ovulation (your temperature will drop), you are safe to have unprotected sex.

    You will probably stay dry (and you are safe to DTD unprotected) for the rest of your cycle but some women do notice a watery sensation (not mucus-like) right before their period starts. You're not fertile and you are safe to DTD at this time.

    4. Semen, being sexually aroused, taking Robitussin/Mucinex, antibiotics and other herbal CM inhancers can make you produce more EWCM and earlier in your cycle. Having a vaginal infection, using Replens/RepHresh/Acijel or spermicide can make you think you are producing EWCM when you aren't. Taking antihistamines, Sudafed, cranberry, ibuprofin, and some other medicines and herbs can make your CM very dry. All these situations can make it very difficult to tract where you are in your cycle.

    To get rid of semen, you can try using the Semen Emitting Technique or learn to tell the difference - semen appears whitish and rubbery. It doesn't stretch like EWCM does and it dries on your fingers much more quickly.

    5. If you have a very hard time collecting enough CM to learn the various types, you can try inserting a Diva cup for an hour. Some CM will collect in the Diva cup. (this is also a handy hint to check pH of CM if you are not getting much. PRIMARY FERTILITY SIGN #3 - CERVICAL POSITION

    This is the hardest of the three to figure out but luckily it's the least important. However, if you're going for an O+12, you will NEED to know how to do this so even if you're not sure whether O+12 is right for you, you may want to give it a try. Also, if you are actively swaying and taking things that either dry up or produce a lot of CM, it can be hard to use cervical mucus to help pinpoint O.

    Normally, the cervix is firm and closed and low, like the tip of your nose. As ovulation nears, the cervix rises, softens, and opens up to allow sperm to pass in and CM to pass out to give the sperm a medium they can survive in. The cervix itself also produces CM to some extent so you can also judge by the moistness of the cervix - it will be dry before and after ovulation, but wet around ovulation.

    A handy acronym to remember this by is SHOW (thanks to Toni Weschler for coining this) - around ovulation, your cervix will SHOW - it will become soft, high, open, and wet. To have a sense of what exactly you're feeling for, see and Cervix Changes During the Menstrual Cycle - The Garden of Fertility

    1. Start checking your cervix the day after menstruation. Check once a day. (in later months once you are accustomed to checking your cervix, you can check less often and only around ovulation, but at first you need to know what your non-fertile cervix feels like so check every day.)

    2. Wash your hands WELL. You also may want to check your cervix immediately after a shower, so your vaginal area is clean and microorganisms from your vulvar area will not be moved inside your vagina.

    3. Check at the same time of day. If possible, try not to check immediately before or immediately after having a BM because this can affect your cervix position, but that's not critical.

    4. To feel your cervix, you can squat, sit on the toilet, or stand with one foot on the bathtub or counter. Whatever is most convenient for you. At first, you should check in the same position each time because position can affect the height of the cervix somewhat. Once you get a good feel

    5. Use whichever finger is easiest for you but be consistent (esp. at first).

    6. Don't be squeamish about asking DH for help with this. You may find that he already has a pretty good handle on the situation! My husband told me once that he could tell where I was in my cycle when we DTD.

    7. If you've had a child vaginally, your cervix will be less round and more oval in shape, and the small hole in the middle will be slightly larger and more of a line shape rather than a dot.

    8. Around ovulation, you may want to check more than once a day (esp. if you're planning an O+12) but be careful not to irritate your cervix and cleanliness is VERY important, particularly around ovulation.

    9. If you are on hormonally based birth control, these will interfere with your cervix position. Don't bother checking your cervix if you are on BCP or other hormonally based birth control products. If you're planning on TTC the first month off the pill, it doesn't hurt and may help you to check that first month, but just know that it may be very hard for you to understand what you're looking for without having experience in advance.

    10. Crossreferencing your cervical position with temps and CM can help you learn where you are in your cycle and help you to understand how your cervix changes throughout your cycle. There will be a spot to record data about your cervix (whether it is open or closed, soft or firm, low/medium/high) on your chart. SECONDARY FERTILITY SIGNS

    After you chart for awhile, you may begin to notice other signs and symptoms that appear at various parts of your cycle. While these are interesting and can def. help you pinpoint O, they vary between individuals and even by month so they are not reliable overall.

    Ovulatory spotting (please read -

    Pain near the ovaries at ovulation (please read

    Crampiness after ovulation and right before menstruation

    Feeling more sexual around ovulation

    Swollen vulva/vaginal lips and feeling "full" down there around ovulation

    Abdominal bloating at different parts of your cycle

    Retaining water/increased thirst/increased urination

    Overly sensitive smell and taste, bordering on morning sickness

    Hot flashes (this is more common in those over 35)

    Tender breasts

    Moodiness - some women find that their moodiness almost acts as a spiritual guide. Prior to ovulation, you may find that you are very positive and upbeat even in the face of overwhelming obstacles. Around ovulation, you may find that you are more creative and open to new ideas and new people (some waitresses have even noticed they get higher tips at ovulation!!). And of course as we all know, after ovulation, we do tend to become more emotional and upset - although this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Many women find that they are better able to realize and work to change the things in their lives that aren't working for them. Menstruation can have an almost cleansing effect on both body and psyche - many cultures encourage women to rest during menstruation and some women have reported feeling very "nesty" during that time - they want to clean and organize everything.
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    How to check pH for DH and DW

    FOR LADIES - To check your pH you want to check the pH of your cervical mucus. NOT urine or saliva - although you can check these things if you like and are curious, but they do not compare with CM and are also very affected by the foods/beverages you just ate or drank.

    The normal pH of vaginal secretions are between 4 and 5 to kill off harmful organisms. However, for swaying purposes you want to know what the pH of your cervical mucus is, particularly your pH at ovulation. CM pH is typically quite a lot higher than vaginal pH but during your infertile days there is a thick plug of mucus blocking the entrance to your vagina so very little CM comes out during your infertile days - if you are testing on your infertile days, your reading will be much lower, but don't get excited or disappointed yet, this reading is largely meaningless (although it can help you to see if your day-to-day acidity is being affected by your diet and supps.)

    As ovulation nears, your cervix softens and this plug dissolves, and if you are very closely monitoring your cervix you can actually kind of notice this happening. Without the plug and with a larger opening in the cervix, the CM (which is now more alkaline and also much more plentiful) begins to flow out and it raises your pH into the 7's which is the healthy pH of both EWCM and semen, at which maximum numbers of both X and Y sperm survive.

    It is a matter of debate whether boy sperm really like super high pH and girl sperm like super low pH, or if higher pH sways instead by ensuring more sperm survive to make it to the egg and somehow higher numbers of sperm sway blue while fewer sperm (because less survive in lower pH) sway pink. Either way, the result would be the same - for TTC pink you want less, thicker, and lower pH CM than you normally have and for TTC blue you want more, thinner, and higher pH.

    To know what exactly you are looking/feeling for, please read

    Feel for your cervix and in the middle there will be a dent/hole. Some sites tell you to stick your finger into that hole and pull it open, but this is NOT SAFE and may lead to infection, swelling, or even bleeding (which REALLY screws up your pH!). Instead, just scoop up whatever mucus is present onto the tip of your finger and test that by smearing it onto your pH stick/test strip or digital wand. You may need to wait as long as 10 minutes for the sticks to react but in most instances, you should get a result within 60 seconds (digital will read right away).

    Cervical CM is the most alkaline and as your CM passes through and hangs around inside your vagina, it rises in pH due to the acid secretions of the vagina. You need to know the pH of the mucus as it leaves the cervix, before it gets diluted by the vaginal pH. Take care to avoid cross-contamination.

    If you cannot get enough CM to test with, you can try two different strategies to help. You can try taking Robitussin or Mucinex which will increase your CM...this is fine for blue swayers at any time of the month because you want more CM as part of your sway, but for pink swayers, you should not take these meds within a week of ovulation, because you want less CM. The second strategy is to use a Diva or Instead cup or your diaphragm to collect CM. Leave it in for about an hour, remove it and test what is in the cup.

    Be aware that either strategy ~may~ affect pH and make it different than what it really is...if you are at all able, try to rely on what your body is producing naturally.

    Also, it is NORMAL for your pH to vary quite a bit throughout your cycle, rising around ovulation. So if you only test pH early in your cycle, you may think your pH is great (for pink) or terrible (for blue) but it will rise significantly at ovulation. It may be helpful for you to chart the variations in your pH along with your BBT, CM, and cervical position (see link above for more info on that.)

    If, after trying several times over the course of time, your pH sticks/strips do not change color at all (and you have tested them on other things to make sure they're not defective) you may have low ionic strength. You will need a digital tester in that case. Here is a link to a gallery of different pH strips that is very helpful. pH strip Gallery! updated 10/08 -

    FOR OUR HUBBIES - You need a sample of sperm in a glass container or a condom...if you wipe it off skin the pH may be affected. pH ~may~ be higher if the sample is given via intercourse because more of the pre-ejaculate fluid is released, so try it both ways just for fun and see if there's any difference. This might help you with swaying as well, because if your husband's pH really rises with intercourse you can use that info to help you make the right choices for controlling his pH. pH seems to rise over time, so test the sample right away, don't leave it sitting out for very long.
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    The lure of Lubes!!

    I thought it would be helpful to have an overview of ALL swaying lubes in one spot to kind of compare them.

    BLUE SWAYING LUBES - There's only one lube sold on the market that sways blue. ALL other lubes on the market are at least somewhat sperm-unfriendly and sway pink as a result.

    Pre Seed (Link) Pre-Seed Fertility-Friendly Lubricant Specially designed to help people get pregnant, Pre Seed is very sperm friendly and sways blue by ensuring maximum sperm survival.

    Egg Whites (Link) Egg whites are also a sperm friendly lube, high in pH and sway blue!

    Perhaps the best boy friendly lube of all is our own fertile EWCM. You can increase your CM in many different ways, including Robitussin (link), supplements (link) particularly Fertile CM FertileCM | Supplement for Cervical Mucus, Sexual Function, Fertility, and sexual arousal.

    Foreplay in advance of DTD is a great idea, whatever turns you on (literally!!) Lucky blue swayers, orgasm is a very important part of a blue sway because it increases the natural lubricants that your own body produces!! So a female orgasm BEFORE your attempt is a fabulous idea for blue.

    ALL other lubes on the market sway pink to some extent, because they're all somewhat hostile to sperm. However, some are better than others.

    Acijel - This is the best product available for TTC pink. It was actually designed to sway, as opposed to other products which were designed either as lubricants or to maintain a healthy vaginal pH. Contains acetic acid, which is believed to help sway pink.

    Replens and RepHresh (Link)Take Control of your Feminine Health If you use these every three days, they help with maintaining healthy vaginal pH of 4-5 and providing moisture. RepHresh also contains acetic acid and will actually lower pH of semen and CM by reacting with it chemically. Replens is simply low in pH.

    Sylk Sylk Personal Lubricant Official Website is a natural personal lubricant with a pH of 4.7. The Sylk website states outright that Sylk is hostile to sperm. In terms of girl-friendly lubes, that are meant to just act as sexual lubricants, I think this is the best one. Acijel, Replens, and RepHresh all seem to work best as part of a sway and then you can ADD Sylk to your attempt as a lubricant.

    Astroglide ASTROGLIDE | Natural Personal Lubricant | Menopause | Vaginal Dryness | Lube An easy to find, affordable lube that is pH balanced to mimic the natural pH of the vagina (I couldn't find a specific number but that seems to mean between 4.5-5). I think Sylk is better, but Astroglide is ok.

    KY jelly. NOT the same pH as the vagina (it's higher but I couldn't find the exact number). Not a good choice for swaying. Here's an interesting article that EVERYONE should read, it's about more than just KY and sort of explains why some of these lubes are hostile to sperm and therefore sway pink.

    Canola oil. It's messy, greasy, pretty high in pH (6.8). Oils tend to trigger vaginal infections and eat away at rubber meaning you can't use them with a Diva/Instead cup or with the Hole-in-the-condom method. With the better options out there, DON'T BOTHER with it.
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    Super Soy for a girl or a boy!

    Soy isoflavones - What are they? How do they work? Do they sway pink or blue and how should we take them?

    Soy isoflavones are phytonutrients, the two most pharmacologically active believed to be the chemicals genistein and daidzein, but there are others. They are found in small amounts in a number of vegetables and grains (red clover is another common fertility-related supplement that contains them), but soybeans are by far the most concentrated source of these chemicals.


    Some swayers were taking soy iso as a part of a blue sway, but far and away the most helpful use is as a natural form of Clomid. Soy isoflavones can help you conceive and may also help you conceive twins!!


    Soy isoflavones have weak estrogenic activity. Higher levels of estrogen are believed to sway BLUE, so how can soy sway pink? The phytoestrogens present in soy (genistein and daidzein, but particularly one of the more minor ones, glyceollin) bind to estrogen receptors, so while they can mimic the effects of estrogen in some tissues, they block the effects of estrogen in other.

    Soy seems to exhibit its anti-estrogenic effects in reproductive tissue, reducing the risk of estrogen-associated cancers of the breast, prostate, and uterus - so in the areas we want lower estrogen for pink sways (the reproductive organs of both men and women), these phytoestrogens seem to reduce the effects of estrogen by competing with it.

    In other tissues, the phytoestrogens seem to act as pseudo-estrogen, mimicking the protective effects of higher estrogen levels, maintaining bone density (which ~may~ sway pink somehow by encouraging calcium absorption) and lowering cholesterol levels. Lowering cholesterol reduces testosterone, so soy may pack a one-two punch, firstly by acting to lower the effects of estrogen in the reproductive organs while simultaneously lowering testosterone.

    Furthermore, one of the soy isoflavones called genistein, unlike pretty much every other phytonutrient out there, acts as an oxidant rather than an antioxidant. Oxidants are substances that are not healthy in your body and your body needs to use nutrients (antioxidants) to get rid of them, so they may sway pink by using up these antioxidants (antioxidant phytonutrients seem to sway blue). Some studies show that genistein acts as inhibitor of substances that regulate cell division and cell survival, again perhaps swaying pink by inhibiting muscle growth and lowering sperm count. This sounds scary for pregnancy but that is why we only use soy for a few days and well before ovulation.

    Soy also contains a chemical called phytic acid which makes boy-friendly minerals like zinc, potassium, and iron leave the body. However, it also robs the body of the girl-friendly minerals calcium and magnesium. That having been said, one very well-designed study seemed to find that women who conceived boys ate more nutrients across the boards, even calcium. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that absorbing less minerals from your diet sways pink.

    Soy milk and beans are believed to be acidifying while tofu is believed to be alkalinizing, so it's hard to know what exactly is going on with that.

    One thing that does seem to occur with soy that makes it less useful for pink, is an increase in CM. But, you can reduce your CM by taking an antihistamine for a few days around O, so you shouldn't necessarily let that deter you.


    Traditional swaying lore holds that soy sways blue. Primarily because of the belief that phytoestrogen = estrogen but the research does not indicate that. Phytoestrogens in soy seem to act as estrogen in some tissues while blocking its effects in others.

    Soy also contains a chemical called phytic acid, which is indigestible by humans but causes macro minerals such as calcium and magnesium to be excreted from the body. This would appear to sway blue but at the same time, phytic acid may cause other minerals to leave the body, like zinc, potassium and iron, which are boy-friendly.

    Soy milk and beans are believed to be acidifying while tofu is believed to be alkalinizing, so it's hard to know what exactly is going on with that.

    One thing that does seem to occur with soy that may sway blue is an increase in CM. But, you can increase your CM so many other ways that don't carry the downsides of soy.


    Soy has been consumed by humans for centuries. Dietary isoflavone intake has been reported to be as high as 65 mg/day in some Asian populations - average dietary isoflavone intakes in Asian countries range from 25-50 mg/day (this is much less than you would be taking if you were taking soy isoflavones, but then again you won't take them every day).

    However, this is an average. Most Asians do NOT eat soy every single day (with the exception of soy sauce which is not a good source of isoflavones). One day they might eat tofu for dinner, then not eat it again for two weeks, like the frequency we might eat hot dogs or tacos. It's hard to compare between medicinal quantities of soy and occasional soy in the diet.

    Dietary isoflavone intakes (from all sources, remember that these isoflavones are also found in other foods) are considerably lower in Western countries, where studies have found average isoflavone intakes to be as low as 2 mg/day. Further complicating matters, some Westerners may not be able to utilize soy iso as efficiently as Asians can.

    Diets rich in soy appear safe and potentially beneficial. However, long-term safety of soy isoflavones taken as supplements is not yet known. One study in older men and women found that 100 mg/day of soy isoflavones for six months was well tolerated.

    Keep in mind that we will not be taking soy every day or even most days (see below for how to use soy)

    Link to breast cancer - Soy isoflavones may stimulate the growth of estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer cells. High intakes of genistein interfered with the ability of tamoxifen to inhibit the growth of ER+ breast cancer cells implanted in mice.

    Link to thyroid - Soy isoflavones have been found to inhibit the activity of thyroid peroxidase. However, high intakes of soy isoflavones don't seem to increase the risk of hypothyroidism as long as dietary iodine consumption is adequate (which it probably WON'T be if you are swaying pink, since you will be eating very little salt). How real a concern is this? Prior to the 1960s, before iodine was routinely added to soy formula, hypothyroidism in soy-fed infants was a very real problem. If you want to use soy, it is probably best if you pull out all the stops and try to get pregnant quickly. If you've been on the TTC pink diet for months and months, DON'T take soy iso.

    Link to birth defects - At least one study found a link between high soy intake during pregnancy and birth defects in the genitalia of baby boys. However, we will not be taking soy during pregnancy.

    On a personal note, I have found that drinking soymilk every day severely aggravates an arrhythmia that I have.

    DRUG INTERACTIONS - Thyroid medication (levothyroxine), tamoxifen (breast cancer treatment), warfarin have been contraindicated with soy isoflavones. If you are taking ANYTHING that affects your hormones (such as clomid or other fertility drugs) you should not take soy because it may interfere with the effects.


    Soy isoflavones are SERMs, or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators - they bind weakly with estrogen receptors and compete with the body's natural supply of estrogen to do so. Clomid is also a SERM. Some people believe that soy isoflavones function in the same way to block estrogen receptors as Clomid.

    HOW DOES SOY/CLOMID WORK ANYWAY? (please read for more about this)

    SERMs like soy and Clomid bind to the estrogen receptor cells in your hypothalamus and block them. If your estrogen receptor cells are blocked, your brain doesn’t get the signal from the estrogen. Your estrogen levels aren't really low, your body just "believes" that they are and reacts accordingly.

    Estrogen is released from the maturing egg follicles in the ovaries during the first part of your cycle. If your follicles are not mature, your body does not "want" to ovulate and risk popping out an immature egg. So this lack of estrogen triggers a rise in GNRH that in turn stimulates FSH (follicle-stimulating-hormone, the hormone that makes eggs develop and mature). This increase in FSH will hopefully induce or improve ovulation.

    NOTE - if you are not ovulating due to high FSH levels (age or premature ovarian failure), soy is not going to help you and in fact may make matters worse. You will most likely need to see a doctor and progress to stronger infertility drugs. However, soy is cheap so you may want to give it a try if you have not been diagnosed with high FSH levels.


    Since you need a certain level of estrogen to trigger your LH surge (luteinizing hormone, which signals the egg that it is time to burst out of its follicle), timing is everything when taking soy. You want to take it for long enough and early enough in your cycle to up the FSH and make eggs develop, but not for too long to overly inhibit the estrogen (bad for your uterine lining and it will screw up your LH surge).

    SERMs like Clomid and soy iso are most effective when taken for about five days towards the start of the cycle - the first day of your period is CD (cycle day) 1. Best results are seen when 100-200 mg (taken ALL at once) are taken on CD 1-5 , 2-6, 3-7 , 4-8 or 5-9. Most people choose to take it on days 3-7. Taking soy on days 1-5 may yield more eggs and an earlier ovulation, however you run the risk that some or even all of these eggs may not be optimally mature. Days 2-6 may yield more eggs than usual, but not as many as taking it 1-5. Eggs may be more mature. (If you're trying for twins you will want to take the soy beginning either CD 1 or CD 2, but you are gambling that some of those eggs will be mature). CD 3-7 is considered the best of both worlds, a few more eggs produced, and with luck, all eggs will be strong & mature. CD 4-8, you will probably produce only one or two eggs of good maturity. CD 5-9 will probably yield one very strong, high quality egg, from those that you already produced on your own. Ovulation will possibly be delayed a few days. You may have problems with your uterine lining being too thin to maintain a pregnancy, so if you have a chemical pregnancy you will want to take the soy earlier in your cycle.

    Take it these days only regardless of when you usually ovulate, even if you have very long cycles take it ONLY on those days. DO NOT take soy iso throughout your cycle. More is not better and in fact it will inhibit ovulation. You may notice that is a higher mg dosage than Clomid typically comes in, but you can't compare the two. It is commonly said that 100mg of soy is roughly equal to 50 mg of Clomid.

    Soy CAN move your ovulation and this may be a good thing for getting pregnant and/or swaying for a particular gender, so don't despair if your ovulation is irregular. You will want to be either temp charting or taking OPK's regularly to help you pinpoint O.

    IF you are swaying for pink, you may find that soy isoflavones give you more EWCM than normal. It is critically important to your sway that you take an antihistamine to reduce your CM

    IF you are swaying for boy, you may find that soy helps you produce EWCM, but if it doesn't or if it makes you drier than normal, consider taking Robitussin or Mucinex to improve your CM.

    Some people may choose to take baby aspirin to improve their uterine lining and make it more likely that an egg will implant.

    SHOULD DH TAKE SOY ISOFLAVONES? For a girl, having DH eat or take low levels of soy isoflavones (aim for 20 - 60 mg a day, diet and supps combined) is a good idea and may help lower his testosterone and sperm count.

    For a boy, DH should NOT take or eat soy.

    WHAT SHOULD I AVOID WHILE TAKING SOY?? Don't take soy while pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have ever had breast cancer or have a family history of breast cancer, if you have thyroid problems, and if you are eating a very low iodine (low sodium) diet, you should try to get pregnant as quickly as possible to limit the amount of time you are taking the soy.

    You should not mix soy with Clomid (or any fertility drug), vitex, evening primrose oil, large amounts of peppermint tea, saw palmetto, licorice, red clover, dong quai, flaxseed, cohosh, Agave root, black currant, black haw, cramp bark, devil's club root, false unicorn root, ginseng root, groundsel herb, liferoot herb, motherwort herb, peony root, raspberry leaves, rose family plants (most parts), sage leaves, sarsaparilla root, wild yam root, yarrow blossoms.
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    What is Clomid and how does it work? Clomid is a drug that stimulates the hypothalmus and pituitary gland to secrete FSH and LH, the hormones that trigger ovulation. Clomid alters the way that GnRH (gonadotropin-release hormone, which signals the body to release other hormones and when and how much to release of them), FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone - causes eggs to mature in the follicles), LH (luteinizing hormone - triggers ovulation) and estradiol (the form of estrogen present in the human body - it's involved in many aspects of fertility) work together in the body, thereby inducing regular ovulation, increasing egg production and correcting luteal phase deficiency.

    Clomid tricks the body into believing that your body is low in estrogen, by competing with estrogen for estrogen-receptor-binding sites and may delay replenishment of intracellular estrogen receptors. This signals your body to up estrogen production greatly. Once you stop taking it, you experience a dramatic increase in estrogen levels, as a reaction to the diminished estrogen earlier in the cycle. The combined anti-estrogenic effect of the drug and then your body producing tons of estradiol to counteract it, is believed to help trigger ovulation.

    Along with the effects on estradiol, Clomid causes the hypothalamus to make more GnRH which signals the pituitary to produce FSH and LH. FSH and LH cause the ovaries to develop and release mature eggs - ovulation. FSH and LH also stimulate testosterone production.

    Due to its effect on estradiol, Clomid affects ALL tissues that have estrogen receptors - the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary, endometrium, vagina, and cervix. Even your breast tissues can be affected by Clomid. So when you take Clomid to induce ovulation, you inadvertently also affect these tissues at the same time. Some women actually have to be given supplemental estrogen (like Estrace) just to maintain pregnancy, because Clomid causes their endometrial lining to be too thin to support implantation.

    Clomid will not work for women who have low levels of estrogen or high levels of FSH, so if you are in your late 30's-40's and anovulatory because of age, Clomid is not going to help you to ovulate. Your doctor will have to give you injectible drugs instead.

    What is the dosage of Clomid commonly prescribed? Of course you should see your doctor to be prescribed Clomid - NEVER buy Clomid online or use a friend's Clomid because you can DIE from it. But, just so you know what to expect, if you are prescribed Clomid you take it for 5 days starting the 5th day of your cycle. Most women are given between 50-200 mg.

    How does Clomid sway pink?? Clomid is rare in that something that raises testosterone, still sways pink. It does this by lowering estrogen. One of the side effects of lower estrogen is that the cervical mucus becomes thick and hostile to sperm. (Estrogen is sometimes prescribed to counteract this effect.) But hostile, thick CM reduces the number of sperm that survive to make it to the egg and may sway pink due to reduced sperm count, perhaps the larger X sperm are better able to penetrate thick CM, and/or perhaps the altered levels of estrogen affect the egg in some way itself that makes girl conceptions more likely. We don't know why it works exactly.

    If you are trying to TTC BLUE and you need to go onto Clomid, DON'T PANIC. Clomid does sway pink but many, many women have conceived sons on Clomid. Ask your doctor about supplemental estrogen to help with thickened CM. You may want to use Robitussin to thin out your CM and use either Pre-Seed or egg white to make up for any lack of EWCM.

    Clomid takes about 6 weeks to leave the body, so be aware that even if you are coming off of Clomid, after a failed HT attempt or maybe it just didn't work for you, you still can be affected by it in the month or two afterwards. I know a girl who had a HT failure and then TTC naturally the month after, and just delivered beautiful BG twins recently!!

    Clomid and twinning - Speaking of which!! You have a 1 in 10 chance of conceiving twins while on Clomid. Sounds great, right? But you also have a 1 in 200 chance of triplets, 1 in 333 chance of quadruplets, and a 1 in 1000 chance of quintuplets!!! That may be a little more than you bargained for. Your odds of multiples will be greater that that if you have a family history of multiples and greater still if you already have conceived multiples. So just be prepared in advance that you are at a greater risk of having more than one baby.

    Side effects and warnings - As drugs go, Clomid is actually a pretty safe one. It's been around since the 60's and has been used by millions of women to get pregnant. It's not believed to cause any long term health effects or birth defects in the babies conceived during it's use.

    People who are pregnant, have liver disease, ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis or endometrial cancer, ovarian failure, problems with your thyroid, pituitary, or adrenal gland, hyperprolactinemia, and abnormal vaginal bleeding should NOT take Clomid without being closely monitored by their doctors. If your doctor prescribes Clomid and you know you have one of these issues, you need to speak up and tell him/her.

    Clomid will NOT WORK for you if you have very low estrogen levels, actual physical barriers that are preventing pregnancy like blocked Fallopian tubes, are anovulatory due to age, or if your husband is not making sperm. If you have reason to suspect that you may have one of these issues, save your time and money and don't try to get Clomid.

    Minor side effects include moodiness, breast pain, headache, stomach upset, midcycle spotting. Serious side effects include changes in vision, allergic reaction, and OHSS. You can DIE from OHSS. ONLY take Clomid as prescribed by a doctor and under his/her care. DO NOT buy Clomid online or get it from a friend. Clomid may raise your risk of certain forms of cancer if you take it for many months, so it is best to get pregnant right away when taking Clomid.

    Clomid with other supplements - DO NOT take Clomid with any other supplements that affect hormones (peppermint tea, soy, vitex, saw palmetto, licorice, green tea, cohosh - no one really needs to be taking cohosh anyway, evening primrose, tribulus terrestris, Lydia Pinkham, false unicorn root, and any of those Chinese herbs that we're really not too sure about). Clomid affects a very delicate balance of hormones and triggers a chain of cascading hormonal reactions and we do not want to interfere with any of those. Some hormonal herbal supplements will actually render the Clomid inactive.

    That having been said, some people have taken vitex for an entire month or more (so AF-AF, every day without stopping) and then stopped the vitex on CD 1 and begun Clomid THAT month after having been on the vitex non-stop for an entire month or longer. I know of two people who did conceive baby girls doing this. Be sure that if you choose to take vitex all month, you use reliable birth control and do not TTC while taking vitex from O-af. Vitex is not safe to take during pg.

    It is also best to not take anything to dry up your CM with Clomid or make it more hostile. No antihistamine, Sudafed, cranberry, aspartame. The one exception to this is baby aspirin. Baby aspirin may actually help when taking Clomid, even though it does acidify, by helping the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus (Clomid makes your uterine lining very thin and so may make it harder for baby to implant). You CAN take Robitussin with Clomid and in fact you SHOULD do so if swaying blue.
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    Conceiving twins!

    I know this isn't technically a swaying question but this is something people wonder about a lot.

    CLOMID - This is the one surefire way to up your chance of twins, but you do need a doctor's prescription for it. You should NEVER buy Clomid online or use another person's Clomid, you need to be monitored by a doctor while you use it because serious, life threatening side effects may occur. (Clomid does sway pink)

    GENETICS - Some of us just have a genetic tendency to hyperovulate and pop out more than one egg per month. If your mother, sister, aunts, or grandmother has fraternal twins, that means you just naturally have a greater chance of twins.

    PREVIOUS PREGNANCY - The more times you've been pregnant, the higher your chances of twins!

    PREVIOUS MULTIPLE PREGNANCY - If you've conceived multiples before, you're more likely to do so again.

    AGE - After age 35 the rate of twins begins to rise. Women over 45 have 17% chance of twins, but of course it's extremely difficult to get pregnant at that age for most of us. Realistically, between ages 35-40 are your best shot for actually conceiving twins.

    PHYSICAL SIZE - Tall women and those with a BMI over 30 are more likely to conceive twins.

    DIET - Being well-nourished and even slightly overweight ups your chances of twins. Also, diets high in beef and dairy products may increase the odds of twins due to hormones present in cattle.

    SOY - Taking soy isoflavones, 200 mg from CD 3-7, total of 5 days, may help to sway for twins. It acts as a natural Clomid. (may sway blue, because it does increase CM, but if you take antihistamines to dry up your CM you may get the benefits from the soy of releasing more than one egg, you may still be able to incorporate soy into a pink sway as well as a blue one.)

    VITEX - Vitex from AF-O may sway for twins. (sways pink) However, some researchers believe that it may actually PREVENT twins. (I did conceive twins while taking vitex so I happen to know that isn't the case in all circumstances.)

    FOLIC ACID - Scientists used to believe there was a link between Folic Acid intake in the three months prior to conception and twinning. Now it is believed that high Folic Acid intake simply helps twin pregnancies to both successfullly survive and thrive. Most twin conceptions are lost very early in pregnancy and by having ample Folic Acid in our bodies, we help our twins to both survive.

    BREASTFEEDING - Getting pregnant while breastfeeding increases your odds of twins.

    BIRTH CONTROL PILLS - Getting pregnant on the Pill increases your odds of twins, but no one should go onto the birth control pill for this reason. Getting pregnant on the pill may not be safe for your babies. But, if you get pregnant your first month off the Pill, you may still be more likely to conceive twins that month.

    WILD YAM - Much has been made of this supplement because Africans who eat a lot of yams have more twins. I have read that the "wild yam" that is sold in supplements are not the same yams at all (and in fact may act as a birth control pill reducing your chances of twins!!). The yams at the grocery store aren't the same either. So eat a lot of yams if you like them, but this may not be effective.
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    What does it really MEAN to have high (or low) testosterone?? Scientifically??

    There is a common misconception about women and testosterone levels. A woman with high testosterone is assumed to be mannish, aggressive, even bitchy, while a woman with low testosterone levels is seen as feminine, weak, and a doormat. So when we see (or ARE) a woman who does not embody these characteristics, yet pop out 4 of a particular gender in a row and are told our testosterone has something to do with it, it's only natural that we wonder how accurate that information really is.

    1)What is the TRUE definition of dominance??

    In her book "Maternal Personality, Evolution and the Sex Ratio", Valerie Grant lays out the case for her Maternal Dominance Hypothesis - the idea that women who are higher in testosterone and therefore more dominant, have more sons.

    Grant and other psychologists that she quotes who have studied the issue, define dominance as "ruling (a leader), influential, assertive, powerful, commanding, high in control (control freak), masterful (likes to take on and become good at new tasks) and ascendant (enjoys competition and winning, wants to be the best)". Rather than being "someone who kicks those beneath and bows to those above", a dominant person "leads those below and kicks those above." (Tossing that last bit in there because that really rings very true for me.)

    Dominance is NOT the same as aggressiveness or being domineering - psychologists have studied these qualities and found them to be NOT linked to dominance. Some people who are dominant might also be more agressive and domineering, but some people who are NOT dominant may also be also these things. Shy, retiring people can be just as dominant as extroverts. It is DOMINANCE that = higher testosterone levels. Being "hostile, argrumentative, angry, violent, overbearing, oppressive, bossy, dictatorial, arrogant, and high-handed" can go along with a submissive, lower-testosterone personality OR a dominant, higher-T personality.

    In fact, some anti-male, pro-feminist researchers set out to PROVE that high testosterone made people aggressive and warlike, perhaps in an attempt to show that men are inherently more violent than women due to their testosterone. They were unable to do it and the conclusion of the study was that dominance IS a biologically-based personality trait linked to testosterone, but heightened aggression is NOT and instead comes from culture rather than nature.

    Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa expanded on this idea in his study "Engineers Have More Sons, Nurses Have More Daughters" Kanazawa found that there was a pretty significant gender-of-offspring difference between women who were more drawn to technical fields (had more boys) and women who were drawn to nurturing professions (had more girls). Studies have also shown that women who are high in social status do have more sons, as do women who have pursued higher education.

    So, if you feel like you have a pretty low-key personality and are surprised to hear that high testosterone may be why you have more sons, or if you have a frenemy with all girls who is a bit tyrannical, just keep in mind that there is more to testosterone than the traditional view. You don't have to be a bloodthirsty, ball-busting, bitch to have high testosterone.

    2)Cultural/familial factors affecting dominance.

    Another thing to consider is that the culture and family that you are brought up in has a lot to do with the way you express your dominance. In cultures where women are socially expected to behave in submissive ways, naturally their behavior patterns will ~appear~ to be less dominant than women brought up in cultures where dissent and assertiveness is valued and vice versa. In fact, it seems well within the realm of possibility that in a culture that valued ultrafeminine behavior, a dominant woman might actually appear MORE demure than other women because dominance seems to bring with it, a certain competitive nature. A dominant woman might very well strive greatly to out-demure a naturally demure woman!

    Women are known to express aggression by non-physical, verbal means and the same is true of dominance. You may not often see a woman busting another woman's chops physically, but we all know there are myriad other techniques that women utilize to lead/control their female friends or compete with other women. Just because you don't have a history of fisticuffs, that does not mean you're not a dominant individual.

    Regardless of the culture or family you are brought up in, some of us are naturally more dominant than others, but we simply express it in socially approved ways that are unique to our society and upbringing.

    3) Life experiences that affect dominance

    Things like birth order, school experiences, past history of competition, race, socioeconomic status (both current and past), successes and failures, all of these things add up to create the person you are today. So you could be a very meek mild-mannered woman by nature, who happened to be the first-born in the family and played basketball in high school the year your school won the State Championship, and these life experiences acted to raise your testosterone higher than it would be had you had a different set of experiences. Or you could be a naturally dominant woman who has experienced discrimination or a lifetime of financial struggles and this has served to lower your T levels.

    Keep in mind that the reason why these mechanisms help to sway is that they helped our ancestors to survive for many millions of years in very harsh conditions. If a woman's tribe/village was conquered and all the males killed (which happened many times and continues to happen even nowadays), for a woman who continued to produce sons under these circumstances, her genes would probably die out. And in many primates, high ranking females actually will kill the male offspring of less dominant females. So these mechanisms have evolved to allow us to shift our gender ratio according to our dominance.

    4) Your testosterone levels may have changed over time regardless of your personality, or your personality may have changed too subtly to notice.

    Grant believes that women have children of both genders because of changes in their testosterone levels as a result of social cues, and presents a good deal of data to support this conclusion. She is less a believer in diet than I am (or at least she was at the time she published her book) but I would just add that we KNOW that changes in diet do lower testosterone, as does loss of muscle mass and aging.

    Your self-image was formed somewhere during the course of your life and it may very well be totally accurate. But my experience has been that things have happened over the course of my life that have changed me in subtle but very real ways and even though my self-image has not changed much, I must admit I am a different person than I was at 20, 30, or even 35. It's not always apparent, but sometimes things happen and I realize I handle them totally differently than I would have at a younger age. So you may not SEE your high/low testosterone-linked behaviors, even though they're there.

    5) There are other aspects at play besides testosterone.

    We really have NO idea why high testosterone sways blue and low sways pink. It could very well be that testosterone sways in some way that is affected by other biological functions. After I had my second son, I was talking to a woman I knew who had 3 boys and then a girl and she told me all about Shettles and how it had worked for her. At the time I filed it away under the interesting info file but after my cut-off with DS 3 failed and I started researching more into swaying and the Trivers Willard hypothesis, I remembered that she had also been diagnosed with thyroid cancer immediately after having her baby girl.

    So YES, she probably had higher testosterone levels to begin with (she was a minister's wife and very influential in the community) and that's why she had 3 sons, but who knows what effect the thyroid cancer had on her body chemistry when she conceived that little girl??

    It seems well within the realm of possibility that the reason testosterone sways is because it causes some other effect within our bodies. Higher t does create a higher sex drive so we probably DTD more, more EWCM and therefore higher pH, more likely to have a female orgasm...any or all of these things might be the actual mechanism by which higher t sways blue. If you change those things, regardless of what your testosterone level is doing, you will still be swaying pink.

    Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Eleanor Roosevelt...all very strong and influential women - all had daughters. Eleanor followed up her daughter with 5 sons!! Testosterone clearly has a huge part to play in swaying but it's not the ONLY part.
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    Physical symptoms of high and low testosterone in women

    The only way you can know your levels of testosterone for certain are by tests done by a doctor, but there are ways to tell based on personal appearance whether your testosterone is high, low, increasing, or decreasing.

    Body type - MOST variations in body type are due to genetic differences and have little to do with testosterone. Women who are higher in testosterone have more muscle mass than the average woman of the same build. They tend to carry more fat in the abdomen and chest (apple shape) rather than on the legs and rear end (pear shape), which is more common among women with normal/low testosterone.

    Again, much of these differences are due to genetic factors, so it is very possible to be apple-shaped and have testosterone in the normal range, or pear shaped and high in testosterone. However, if you notice a CHANGE in your fat distribution or the amount of muscle you have, this may be evidence that your body chemistry has changed and you should take note of it.

    Changes in amount and texture of body Hair - Again, MOST variations in the amount/texture of body hair is due to genetics and not testosterone. If the rest of the women in your family tend to have a lot of body hair, you will as well, and this says nothing about your testosterone.

    However, women with high/rising testosterone levels may have or develop increased hair growth on the upper lip, face, chest, lower abdomen and other parts of the body. Three areas in particular are indicative of potentially higher testosterone levels - hair on the big toe, around the nipple, and around the anus (although there are still genetic factors to consider). Additionally, as testosterone levels increase, fine body hairs may turn coarse and darken.

    If your testosterone level is dropping, you may find that you have fewer and finer body hairs than before. (Personal note, when I was swaying pink and eating a low testosterone diet, I did notice that the hair on my face and around my areolas that I had had since puberty, disappeared within a matter of weeks.)

    Deepening of the voice - Some deepening of the voice occurs naturally with age, but can also be caused by increases in testosterone.

    Thinning hair on top of the head - Very high testosterone can lead to thinning hair in both men and women, called androgenic alopecia. This is one of the last symptoms to develop and is a sign your testosterone may be TOO high.

    Skin problems - If your skin is or becomes very oily and brone to breakouts, this may mean you have higher testosterone. If your skin seems thinner, dryer, and more fragile, this may mean your testosterone is low.

    Mood - Testosterone can boost confidence, strength, assertiveness, and libido. Can also make you agressive, agitated, and easily angered. PMS is believed by some researchers to result from sudden increases in testosterone. Lower testosterone can cause feelings of indecisiveness, depression, and lack of motivation.

    Sexual Symptoms - Higher testosterone causes increases in libido and may actually make your clitoris grow in size and sensitivity. Lower testosterone may cause your clitoris to shrink, your vagina to become thinner and dryer, and makes it more difficult to have an orgasm.
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