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  1. #1
    Dream User

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    Which gender are we more likely to conceive?

    My husband and I are 3 months away from trying to conceive. We've been back and forth about whether to even try swaying at all, but if we do, it's going to be a very lightweight sway as this will be our first child. As far as our reasons for swaying go with this being our first pregnancy, we're both in our 30s, so we're more than likely only having 2 pregnancies. Both genders would be nice, but both of us especially want a daughter. So we're still deciding whether to play with some lightweight swaying for our first.

    I'm a vegan, while my husband is vegetarian, but still eats cheese, and hardly any other animal products. His breakfast and lunch is usually sandwiches, we normally share a smoothie made out of frozen fruit, usually berries but sometimes mangos, as well as kiwi fruit and spirulina powder. For breakfast, if I'm in a hurry I'll have a piece of fruit, usually an apple but sometimes a banana, if I have time I'll have muesli with soy yoghurt and frozen berries on top. Lunch is usually a salad, soup, or leftovers from dinner from last night. Dinner for us is usually a curry, stir-fry, pasta, sometimes burritos. Generally, my husband likes his food salty, I like mine spicy. Items that we especially eat a lot of include quinoa, yams, kale, tofu, ginger, tomato, zucchini, eggplant, etc. I try to eat about 1800-2000 calories per day, my husband needs more like 3000+, I really hope our children have his metabolism!

    My husband is 33, works in IT, drinks a lot of coffee, is not the type to stress out easily at all. He lifts weights at the gym 2-3 times per week, and has great muscle definition, but does have a very hard time putting on weight. He thinks his testosterone levels may be on the low side, but this hasn't been tested. He's 2 meters (6'5"), and my guess is that his BMI at the most is 20.

    I'm 31, and haven't worked since I moved to this country to be with my husband as I haven't quite yet mastered the language but am getting very close. So I'm probably going to be going back to work shortly after our first child is born. I usually wake up with coffee and then continue the day with herbal tea, and have recently switched to raspberry leaf to prepare my body for pregnancy. I stress out way too much for my own good, as I had a very traumatic childhood, but my husband and my yoga practice have been very soothing influences in my life. I practice yoga every day, sometimes twice a day, with Ashtanga being my main practice but I also incorporate some Kundalini and Yin. I go to the gym about 3-4 times per week as well, usually doing a cardio class such as spinning or fat attack, and 2-3 times per week I'll also do a core strength class such as pilates or XCO. My BMI is 21, and I'm 1.75 meters (5'9").

    So just wondering if we don't do anything different from what we are doing now, what we are more likely to conceive?

  2. #2
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    And I should have added that I'm currently on the pill, we've agreed to stop using it in April, and because of my periods being irregular before I was on the pill, I'm thinking of ordering some Vitex strictly to regulate my periods, so we can try and minimize the time it takes to conceive. My husband wears boxer briefs.

    From the research we're done, it seems like we're a bit more likely to conceive a girl anyway, but then again, I am very fond of avocados, tomatoes, and mangoes, which I've heard are more boy foods, and my muscle definition isn't too bad, I have a hint of a 6-pack and very visible arm muscles.

    What to do. It seems kind of silly to sway for our first, but then again, we know that if we have a boy for our first, then we'll definitely want to sway for a girl for our second, and we're aware that even if we sway hard then the odds of having a girl are only about 2/3 anyway. But it's also a balance as well, as our top priority is getting pregnant as quickly as possible.

    So, basically, if our odds for a girl look very good while carrying on with our current lifestyle, we'll just do that, but possibly modify our diet a little bit if it would help our odds.
    Last edited by Shakti; January 17th, 2013 at 07:03 AM.

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I think you should sway because you can't know if you are set for a particular gender to begin with. it can't hurt to sway.
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  4. #4
    The Anchor's Avatar
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    LOL...if only it were that easy! If you plan on swaying you've got LOTS of reading to do...check out the TTC boy and TTC girls there are tons of essays to get you started
    Sept 2008 & successful boy sway June 2010.
    M/C Oct 2012

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  5. #5
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    I did do my research quite a while ago, then felt like it's better to leave everything to chance, now my husband is obsessed with the idea of a daughter, which is warming me up again very quickly as well!

    He says it's up to me, but my intuition right now is telling me to do a little bit, but not an all out pink sway. So primarily, he would be upping the tofu and coffee, I'd be trying to limit my tofu, avoid adding salt to anything, try to limit my calories to 1800 per day and avoid snacking between meals, skip breakfast only during the 2WW(I experimented before with skipping it, I definitely tend to binge eat later in the day if I skip breakfast), and avoid potassium rich foods such as bananas and potatoes. Our favorite tea at the moment is mainly liquorice and mint, so maybe try and drink only that. Based on the research we've done, if we do these tweaks, I think our lifestyle is already very pink-friendly anyway. My understanding is that it helps too that I'd be coming off The Pill, and that I'm using Vitex to regulate my cycle anyway, as knowing my cycle then otherwise I'd probably be one of the women who needs months after coming off The Pill before being fertile.

    As I said, if we do sway, since this is our first I'd rather it not be an intense sway, especially if it means it takes longer to conceive. I figure just do small things, get excited about either possibility, and if we get a son then take it as a sign and embrace it.
    Last edited by Shakti; January 18th, 2013 at 02:54 AM.

  6. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Im not too sure... If you were eating meat i would have said you are definatly swaying boy with your lifestyle. I think you have a good chance at a dd though with the few tweaks you mentoined.

  7. #7
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    Interesting, which parts of my lifestyle would sway blue?

    I was thinking earlier today exercise-wise, that I am probably best off between now and when I'm pregnant limiting my strength training to just yoga (which is very essential for me), then going to the gym only for cardio classes/training. It would be very difficult for me to do my yoga practice and 6 hour-long cardio sessions per week, however between the classes at my gym and the fact that like most Dutch people I use my bicycle to go everywhere, that would easily exceed 6 hours of cardio per week.

  8. #8
    Big Dreamer

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    Hi Shakti. I am in no way an expert but I have three girls and I can say your diet is much more nutrient dense than mine ever was.
    I have never eaten red meat before conceiving but also was a very small eater. Not enough fruit and veg or good grains. In saying that, I'm not unhealthy (no fried foods or take-out - just plainer foods).
    I am still learning about swaying (am 8 weeks pregnant and have done a big boy sway) but to try and have a boy I loaded up on nutrient dense foods. I also exercise a lot and always have. Am 5'9'' and naturally very muscly for a woman but still had three girls.
    Also, my PH is a dead giveaway - always around 5 which favours girls. Maybe check your PH and you can try to adjust your diet to lower or increase it.
    You can always have atomic write you a diet that will help naturally sway towards what gender you want. Her research is amazing and approach very natural.
    Good luck.

  9. #9
    Dream Vet

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    This is what ~I~ think....I think by putting any pressure/anxiety/ towards a particular gender along with alot of planning and *focusing* on things related to the scales towards blue ESPECIALLY if you are naturally hard wired to have boys to begin with (if there is even such as thing as *hard-wired* to have boys which I have my doubts unless its like something real tangible we can point to, such as current toxoplosmosis (can never spell that) infection)

    Looking at your lifestyle...I have 4 sons, and I have NEVER been as healthy as you, in fact...I am quite inspired by your habits. One of these days, I will learn to eat better and use exercise as relaxation instead of torture!! Good luck

  10. #10
    Dream Vet
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    I think your lifestyle heavily leans boy to be honest!! I never ate a diet like that, nor did I exercise. I limited my intake severely to diet or skipped meals regularly. When I gained weight it was from eating nutritionally empty calories like white bread, pasta, sweets, chocolate, and low levels of fruit, veg and meat. I drank diet coke like most healthy people drink water, 2-3 litres per day. My lack of exercise meant I had low muscle mass.

    A lot of what you described about your lifestyle screams boy and are things I am starting to change about my own lifestyle to sway boy. If I were you and had really researched what girl mothers eat/do and the studies you can find on here...and I wanted a girl....I would be swaying without a doubt!
    Our 6-pack of girlies

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