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    Exclamation The MOST dangerous things for swaying

    That you should never ever do or I will come to your house and give you a stern talking-to!!! Updated 12-31-17

    IF you or DH have any major health conditions, you need to put your health first and not do anything that can jeopardize that. Examples of health conditions that might be negatively affected by certain aspects of swaying include high blood pressure, diabetes or prediabetes, hyper/hypoglycemia, thyroid problems, Crohn's Disease/IBS/celiac, and many other things. If you are on any medications, make double and triple sure that they do not interact with any aspects of the swaying diets or supplements - and do this FOR YOURSELF, don't rely on me or Tamara or anyone else to do it for you, because we make mistakes!!!!

    If you do have health issues and feel like you need extra help to make a plan, please consider a Custom Sway Plan. I will do all the research for you and make sure that your sway is safe for you and your husband to follow. You can get a Custom Plan here:

    DO NOT do at home IUI. Yes, they do sell kits to do it online but do not put ANYTHING into your uterus. You can get an infection that can kill you or leave you infertile. In fact, stay away from your cervix all together - you do not need and should NOT reach a finger into your cervix to try and "pull it open" to test pH. Regardless of who tells you to do this, DON'T.

    Douching has been linked to more ectopic pregnancies - this is almost certainly as a result of increased infections (the kind you are trying to avoid by not doing at-home IUI and messing with your cervix) and not douching itself (at least not the limited douching swayers do for a few months) BUT just so you all are aware of the risk.

    DON'T take big handfuls of pills all at once and never swallow pills without water to wash them down with. They can get lodged in your throat and cause an ulcer that can KILL you. If you ever feel like you have a pill stuck in your throat, try eating a piece of bread with water to wash it down and if it doesn't get unstuck very soon, see a doctor. This has actually happened to people while swaying.

    DO NOT go over the amount listed on any supplement bottle. Not even if I, NBP, Tamara, the French Gender Diet people, Dr. Mercola, or anyone short of a medical doctor says it's ok (and even then, be skeptical). There are reasons why those limits are on the bottle and since each company formulates their pills a bit differently, it's best to follow their directions and not something you read online. Also be aware the differences between IU, mg, UG, mcg, g, DV - these are NOT equivalent measures and you need to be well aware how much you are taking.

    NEVER quit taking any vitamins/minerals cold turkey ESPECIALLY when pregnant. Slowly taper off over the course of a few weeks, either by taking smaller doses or by spacing your doses farther and farther apart. Any advice you read to "save money" by not taking vitamins/minerals during the 2WW is bad for your sway and bad for your body too. It is safe to stop taking SOME of the hormonal herbal supplements cold turkey, however, and in fact they work best taken that way.

    It's best to only ever start taking vitamins and minerals in amounts that are safe during pregnancy so you never have to even deal with it. Make very sure of each supp you are taking to see whether they are safe during the 2WW. Not safe during the 2WW - cranberry, saw palmetto, Lydia Pinkham, licorice/white peony, baking soda, vitex, peppermint, evening primrose, flaxseed, and MANY other things are not safe during the 2WW. Always double check by asking me about any herbs or nutrients you are planning to take.

    Some supps are especially important to wean off of slowly - folic acid/folate (which should be taken throughout the first trimester anyway), B6, cinnamon, coq10/ubiquinol, baby aspirin, and myoinositol should all be weaned off slowly rather than just stopped. Progesterone cream (which you shouldn't even mess around with unless you NEED it and only use the kind prescribed by a doctor, the over-the-counter creams are meant for postmenopausal women and are not enough to sustain a pregnancy) MUST be continued throughout the first trimester of pregnancy EVERY DAY or you risk having a miscarriage.

    PLEASE PLEASE take a pregnancy test EVERY MONTH even if you are 100% sure you are not pregnant, before starting up your AF-O supps. You CAN have what seems like a normal AF and still be pregnant the entire time - this has actually happened to real live smart people and not just goofballs on "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." It happened to me - I miscarried a twin, thought it was AF and swayed for weeks afterwards on a strict diet and vitex while pregnant and only by the grace of God is my baby healthy.

    If you are taking Clomid or Femara you should take a pregnancy test the day you're due to start your first dose even if you think you are not pregnant and even if you have a period. This is MANDATORY as Clomid and Femara are harmful to unborn babies when taken during pregnancy.

    Some supplements are NOT SAFE to take when breastfeeding. Saw Palmetto, cranberry, baby aspirin, among others. If you are swaying while breastfeeding, please be sane about what you put into your body and don't go overboard on any swaying supplements.


    Messing around too much with your potassium levels is DANGEROUS, either too much or too little can stop your heart and kill you. It is very easy to get potassium through diet and your body can tolerate it when you're getting it in foods, so please think long and hard before deciding to take potassium supps. You probably don't even need them for a blue sway because so many of the blue-friendly foods. Cream of Tartar IS potassium so take that into account. One of the side effects of taking potassium is that your body starts getting rid of LOTS of potassium (and this is especially true if your magnesium levels are low, as in, blue swayers.) So if you are taking potassium supps and are now panicking and planning to quit taking them, taper yourself off slowly over a period of weeks. You can inadvertently become dangerously low by suddenly stopping potassium. You can find the full guide to potassium for blue and for pink in the Dream Members sections.

    Too much cranberry - this seems different for each person, too much causes bleeding/bruising and headaches, and can trigger bleeding in the stomach and brain that can kill you. UPDATE - we have not found cranberry to work at all when taken by women and it has a lot of risks and side effects. Please read the following thread for more

    Too much calcium (more than 3000 mg diet and supps combined - and even this is a heck of a lot of calcium - aim for 1200-1800 mg and that's ALL) If you take Tums for calcium, you run the risk of giving yourself "rebound acid reflux" where your body begins to overproduce stomach acid to make up for the alkalinity of the Tums.

    Too much magnesium - It can KILL you. Magnesium through diet doesn't seem to have this effect, only when taken as supplements. No more than 300 mg magnesium! And if you notice diarrhea at that level, cut back on it even more. (IG has magnesium listed as safe up to 600 mg in several places. This info is outdated and unfortunately did not get updated everywhere. A lady actually got really sick from too much magnesium.)

    Too much caffeine. Don't use caffeine pills, you don't need them.

    Too much WATER/liquid too quickly - you can die from drinking too much ESPECIALLY when playing around with your electrolytes. Please be sane. People have totally died from this!!! Do not ever, ever do a water fast or fast on Crystal Light or diet soda. This can be FATAL.

    Too much copper - more than 3 mg a day will kill you. Sometimes this is found in vitamin/mineral blends so be on the lookout for it.

    Too much zinc - again, this is found in multivitamins and some fertility aids, so watch out for a cumulative effect. The amount listed on IG and some fertility sites is dangerously high. No more than 10-12 mg for DW and 20-25 at the very most for DH.

    Too much Vitamin C - 1000-5000 mg can cause miscarriage and no one needs to take this much anyway.

    Too much Vitamin A - Vitamin A through vegetables is safe, eat up!! But Vit. A through supplements should be kept well under the 100% suggested value because it can cause DEATH or BIRTH DEFECTS. Cod liver oil has Vit. A in it so you may want to watch out for it.

    Vitamin D - Too much Vitamin D can make you really sick, although medical professionals are currently revising their recommendations upwards. For now, it's best to stay within the 100% DV of this vitamin unless advised otherwise by your doctor. Cod liver oil also has Vit. D.

    Too much baking soda - more than 6 half teaspoons (meaning, a half-teaspoon 6 times for a total of 3 teaspoons or 3969 mg or 4 grams) including Alka-Selter, Ural, and any baking soda you absorb through your skin in a baking soda bath, a day, will KILL you. You do not need to be ingesting this much anyway, start with a very small amount and see if it raises your pH. If small doses work, there is NO NEED for megadoses. You also need to include the sodium content of baking soda into your day's salt and be careful not to get too much. Baking soda also has an antacid effect and can give you "rebound acid-reflux".

    Mixing alfalfa and black/blue cohosh can cause liver damage. It's probably best to stay away from those cohoshes anyway because they are linked to all sorts of badness.

    Both too much and too little sodium can cause health problems. Pink swayers, please eat at least 700-1000 mg of sodium and blue swayers please do not exceed 5000-6000 mg. Salt also depletes the body of folic acid, so please take extra folic acid when swaying blue. Anywhere between 2000-4000 mcg a day, split into several small dosages, will be absorbed best. If you are of Sub-Saharan African descent please do NOT do the very high doses of sodium, you are much more sensitive to high sodium than other ethnicities and you can cause yourself serious harm eating lots of sodium.

    Be VERY careful when taking blood thinners. In the girl diet, cranberry and baby aspirin are blood thinners (as are cinnamon and saw palmetto), and in the boy sway, garlic and fish oil are blood thinners (as are EPO and flaxseed - even though I don't want anyone taking these any more some people still do). Additionally many of the things people are taking to "aid implantation" are also strong blood thinners like bromelain and cayenne and any essential fatty acid like blackcurrant oil, borage oil, and cod liver oil. If you notice unusual bruising/bleeding, or if your periods get heavier, stop taking these things right away and reintroduce them very very slowly. They can cause bleeding in your stomach and brain and KILL you. Additionally when you are pregnant, you MUST wean off these things gradually by spacing doses further and further out till down to one per week and then you can stop taking them.

    If you (or more likely, DH) are on prescription blood thinners DO NOT take any of these blood-thinning supps.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; December 31st, 2017 at 11:22 AM.
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  2. #2
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    Sudafed SUCKS. It gives people a lot of side effects and antihistamines work just as well if not better. Plus, it ups your chances of strokes, especially in young women who were taking blood thinners at the same time!

    Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen - If you have ANY type of allergies, either you yourself or anyone in your family, especially asthma or insect allergies, AVOID these supplements. You may be priming your body for a fatal allergic reaction. And if anyone you live with has a bee allergy, don't even bring them into your home. It's DANGEROUS. Also, if you're related to anyone with a nut allergy and you've never eaten a lot of nuts, you may want to stay away from them.

    Licorice root can cause high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. LR has not worked as a pink sway anyway so if there's any doubts about your husband's cardiovascular health please do not use it. It has also been definitively linked to birth defects and developmental delays when taken by women during pregnancy (100% proven harmful). Women should NOT take licorice root, eat much black licorice, or drink licorice tea when pregnant FULL STOP even though it is common in some countries. Do not take licorice while breastfeeding.

    Saw Palmetto can interact with a lot of different drugs (esp. anti-androgens) and may affect birth control pills and other hormonal drugs. It also affects cholesterol in a negative way. Do not take saw palmetto while breastfeeding.

    Flaxseed (both the oil and the flaxseed meal that people are putting into their daily smoothies) has been proven to be harmful during pregnancy. It is NOT SAFE or healthy during pregnancy regardless of who tells you otherwise. It can cause developmental delays, deformities in the genitals particularly of boy babies, and premature labor (100% proven harmful). NO FLAXSEED in anything other than occasional dietary use 2-3 times per week max and I'd avoid using flaxseed oil supplements during pregnancy and would also avoid the flaxseed meal in smoothies during pregnancy.

    Aspartame - There is a lot of info out there about the dangers of aspartame BUT the FDA says it's safe to ingest 2-3 servings per day, 12-16 oz serving size while trying to conceive. However, if you have PKU DO NOT use aspartame in any form because you cannot digest it properly and it can make you and your unborn baby very sick.

    Sugar Free Gum - Chewing sugar-free gum with Xylitol causes horrible diarrhea that can make your electrolytes get screwed up - since we're already playing with our electrolytes anyway, this can make us get really sick. As little as 10 pieces a day can cause diarrhea. In fact, all the artificial sweeteners that end in -ol can cause stomach upset when eaten in excess (and really you don't have to eat too much to get an upset stomach from it.)

    Eating more than 2 servings of fish a week is not a good idea due to the mercury content. Unfortunately in the TTC Blue FAQ on InGender, there is a phrase that says something like, "Fish oil with mercury sways pink" but that DOES NOT mean that if you are a pink swayer, you should ingest mercury. Mercury in ANY amount is highly unsafe and causes severe birth defects. Minamata disease - Wikipedia

    I would also stay well away from shellfish more than 2x a week (and this counts towards your fish intake!!) when TTC because it is the repository of agricultural runoff and other toxins. Pesticides and toxins in general sway pink, but that's not the kind of sway most of us are after. I'd avoid shellfish completely when swaying blue.

    There are other minerals that have been linked in studies with more girl conceptions like boron, but the reason for this is because people (usually DH) are being POISONED by excessive amounts of these minerals, not because they are good for swaying. Don't mess around with any large doses of any minerals, regardless of things you may have read about gender ratio.

    Going onto birth control pills for no reason other than to move your ovulation into the proper "moon phase". BCP are not TicTacs, they come with their own set of risks that include strokes and fatal blood clots, and to use them to move your ovulation for a part of swaying that is totally unproven, is not a good idea. If you want to use them for birth control and come off of them judiciously to help a pink sway, that's fine, but don't try to do that for the sake of "moon phases" (it doesn't work anyway since people's ovulation doesn't necessarily come back when they want it to.)

    Antibiotic abuse (a lot of people are not going to like me for this but oh well) If you NEED antibiotics because you have an infection and you want to time your sway to get pregnant while taking them (for blue), that is fine. But to abuse antibiotics, by using someone else's prescription, obtaining them through false pretenses, or taking them in doses/patterns other than they are supposed to be taken, for the purposes of swaying, is an AWFUL idea. Again, antibiotics are not TicTacs, they have side effects that can be fatal and they can ruin your health permanently. Not only that, but abusing antibiotics may affect every other person on the face of the planet by helping to create drug-resistant strains of bacteria. DON'T do it.

    AND My humble opinion on two things that are often frowned upon...

    Yes, smoking is REALLY REALLY BAD for you and it's HORRIBLE to smoke when pregnant or around children. It makes your eggs and sperm lower in quality and ups your risk of miscarriage and birth defects substantially. You should def. quit and the sooner the better. BUT if you or DH already smokes, the fact is that smoking DOES sway pink and it's proven that it does, esp. in DH. I'm certainly not saying anyone should take up smoking and if you do smoke, you should quit if you can and never smoke while pregnant or around your kids. It's obviously a really really super bad thing to do and it will kill you at some point in the future, but if you're doing it anyway...well, now you know how it sways.

    Drinking - obviously drinking a lot DURING pregnancy is terrible and can cause serious problems with your baby BUT a drink here or there during swaying is safe and will not hurt you or your baby. In fact we've gotten outstanding results with alcohol (1-2 drinks a day) as a pink sway tactic.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; December 31st, 2017 at 11:45 AM.
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  3. #3
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    If you want to continue taking it, that is fine. I happen to think that vitex works best taken 2 W on, 2W off because it sets up a rhymic pattern with your hormones that mimics the natural cycle, but naturopaths tend to recommend being on it for a few months straight before TTC.
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  4. #4
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    Atomic, about Royal Jelly, I dont have allergies of any kind, but when I get bitten by a mozzie, it swells quiet a bit compared to say my husband, does that mean Im having an allergic reaction? Should I not be taking Royal Jelly?

  5. #5
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    Can I add something about sugar free gum and xylitol? It is totally toxic for dogs. Our dog got into a pack, and if we hadn't taken her to the vet when we did, she probably would have died. Sorry, I know that has nothing to do with swaying, but I thought I would pass it on...
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  7. #6
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    Hey Atomic - I'm having trouble getting my recommended dosage of potassium in on the girl diet. At the end of last week (first week on the diet), it felt like I was having chest pains and my heart seemed like it was acting up (not good!). How do the girl swayers get enough potassium if bananas and potassium-rich foods are no-nos??? I ended up resorting to my regular meals (though w/smaller portions and not eating in between) over the weekend because I felt like I was harming myself! Was also trying to eat handfuls of raisins as they have quite a bit of potassium.
    Expecting #1 in April 2012! It's a !

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  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapricornAquarius View Post
    Atomic, about Royal Jelly, I dont have allergies of any kind, but when I get bitten by a mozzie, it swells quiet a bit compared to say my husband, does that mean Im having an allergic reaction? Should I not be taking Royal Jelly?
    I don't know what a mozzie is (mosquito?) but I would def. stay away from the stuff in that case.
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  10. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbermittens View Post
    Can I add something about sugar free gum and xylitol? It is totally toxic for dogs. Our dog got into a pack, and if we hadn't taken her to the vet when we did, she probably would have died. Sorry, I know that has nothing to do with swaying, but I thought I would pass it on...
    Thank you I will update the info. I do think people need to know these things.
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  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollyberry7 View Post
    Hey Atomic - I'm having trouble getting my recommended dosage of potassium in on the girl diet. At the end of last week (first week on the diet), it felt like I was having chest pains and my heart seemed like it was acting up (not good!). How do the girl swayers get enough potassium if bananas and potassium-rich foods are no-nos??? I ended up resorting to my regular meals (though w/smaller portions and not eating in between) over the weekend because I felt like I was harming myself! Was also trying to eat handfuls of raisins as they have quite a bit of potassium.
    That is NOT GOOD. Eat a banana, it's ok! I promise that there is nothing magical about bananas, people eat them all the time and go onto conceive girls.

    Are you eating dairy? Dairy can be a good source of potassium, if you want to eat an extra yogurt or two with some strawberries in it, that will help.

    They do sell potassium supps in very small dosages and you can take those now and then if you like but I much prefer people get potassium via food on both diets, it feels safer to me.

    Also, is your sodium intake adequate?? And are you also taking only the recommended amount of cal and mag? These can affect the levels of your potassium.

    If this doesn't stop like, TODAY, stop the diet all together and eat normally for two weeks. If it continues after you stop the diet, see a doctor and be 100% honest about what you were doing and eating.
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  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    That is NOT GOOD. Eat a banana, it's ok! I promise that there is nothing magical about bananas, people eat them all the time and go onto conceive girls.

    Are you eating dairy? Dairy can be a good source of potassium, if you want to eat an extra yogurt or two with some strawberries in it, that will help.

    They do sell potassium supps in very small dosages and you can take those now and then if you like but I much prefer people get potassium via food on both diets, it feels safer to me.

    Also, is your sodium intake adequate?? And are you also taking only the recommended amount of cal and mag? These can affect the levels of your potassium.

    If this doesn't stop like, TODAY, stop the diet all together and eat normally for two weeks. If it continues after you stop the diet, see a doctor and be 100% honest about what you were doing and eating.
    After eating normally over the weekend, I felt a lot better! I've been eating strawberry/banana yogurt and handfuls of raisins to up my potassium levels. Have also been having a glass of milk with one tablespoon of chocolate syrup (since I can't stand the taste of plain milk), it's so delicious and holds me over for awhile. Cheated last night with a crab cake sandwich and sweet potato fries when we went out to eat, woops! :-/ At least I got some potassium in the fries!
    Expecting #1 in April 2012! It's a !

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