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    Raw vegan diet = sways boy or girl?

    Having been addicted to reading healthy blogs and following some fitness freak on instagrams, i am quite intriqued to try it out, but the thing is, as the name suggests, it is a diet that involves a lot of fruits and vegies in it. Foods such as green smoothies, juices, organic seeds, oats, salads, lean meats, etc are the main stars of the diet. Would that be too much and high of protein, which wont necesarrily fall into LE diet then? Since I am ttc girl, I am just afraid i will be too alkaline ....

    Atomic whats your view on this one?

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    girl. Extreme and limited diets always sway pink.

    Acid/alkaline diet does not work.

    You have to keep in mind, NO diet is ever a magic bullet or guarantee. It's always possible to finagle a blue type diet out of even an extremely limited diet, if you were eating protein + carbs at every meal and if you were eating regularly every 15 min. or so thru the day.
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  3. #3
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    Thank you atomic! You are always helpful!
    I wonder if you are consuming lots of vegies n fruits , will that make your body into a healthier state & have more nutrients (sways boy) compares to them who are eating "empty" foods such as plain rice. For eg. If you have a fruit smoothie for breakfast, quinoa salad for lunch and brown rice salad for dinner but no snacking though.... only Trying to limit 2-3 meals only a day

  4. #4
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    Btw when you were saying eating protein + carbs together at every meal would be possible to sway blue, would that mean if you were eating rice + chicken stirfry = blue sway? I just think typical meals always include at least some carbs + meat/veggies.... Unless you are a very picky eater and eats little of everything.

    I have experimented with IG diet before where i only ate empty carbs such as plain pasta or plain rice (i made it into fried rice) with very little veggies... The result was i became constipated! I dont think i could even do this for a few months.

  5. #5
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    Atomic is 100% spot on when she says no diet is a magic bullet. I conceived DS on a vegan diet (not raw) but my super healthy eating, exercise habits and larger portions (I believe) is what got me DS. Even though I was eating a vegan diet, I'm almost wondering if I should post a sway for when I conceived DS because I was unintentionally doing so much to sway blue and had no idea at the time, lol.
    2012 (my sweetest little bug)

    2013 Thank you Atomic Sagebrush and Gender Dreaming!

    Link to my successful girl sway:

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loveychoc View Post
    Thank you atomic! You are always helpful!
    I wonder if you are consuming lots of vegies n fruits , will that make your body into a healthier state & have more nutrients (sways boy) compares to them who are eating "empty" foods such as plain rice. For eg. If you have a fruit smoothie for breakfast, quinoa salad for lunch and brown rice salad for dinner but no snacking though.... only Trying to limit 2-3 meals only a day

    The LE Diet is not and has never been intended to be, a starvation diet. Eating nothing but rice is starvation even if you eat 3000 cals of it a day. This is not meant to be a super unhealthy diet, it's meant to gently decline your condition enough to sway while leaving you able to function normally in your life and health, and be able to sustain a healthy pregnancy at the end of it all.

    you would have to eat a mountain of broccoli to add up to the amount of nutrients in a Big Mac, fries, and chocolate shake. Fat, protein, carbohydrates - those things ARE nutrients, they're the macronutrients, and I believe they sway stronger than any amount of selenium or whatever in a salad. The idea that fruit and veg are really packed full o nutrients, certainly they have some, but NOTHING like the amount of nutrition in a prenatal and normal diet. Cut out the prenatal/multivitamin and you will be able to "trade" all the fruit and veg you can possibly eat and still be taking in less nutrients.
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  7. #7
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    Babygirl4me, i too (well sorta!) was on a vegan diet when i conceived ds, in fact i was on a low carb diet too. But i guess the biggest factor that made my conception swayed blue was that i was eating very regularly throughout the day (even from 7 am!) and high sodium intake.... Loved my salted peanut and soy milk as well as store bought salad dressing!

    Btw, congrats on your little girl! Hope i can learn from your sway!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loveychoc View Post
    Btw when you were saying eating protein + carbs together at every meal would be possible to sway blue, would that mean if you were eating rice + chicken stirfry = blue sway? I just think typical meals always include at least some carbs + meat/veggies.... Unless you are a very picky eater and eats little of everything.

    I have experimented with IG diet before where i only ate empty carbs such as plain pasta or plain rice (i made it into fried rice) with very little veggies... The result was i became constipated! I dont think i could even do this for a few months.
    Protein and carbs are fine if you're eating 1500-1800 cals a day and 2-3 meals. You're switching questions mid****** here - your original question was about a raw vegan diet and if that would sway pink or blue. Just to further clarify, while overall a raw vegan diet would tend to sway pink, it is absolutely possible that a person

    To illustrate:

    Raw Vegan Diet person might eat regular meals and snacks containing healthy fats, protein and carbs at every meal and snack, and high protein/fat/calorie intake. Easily could have a boy. THere's nothing magic about being on a raw vegan diet, it's the nutrient content (INCLUDING macronutrients protein, fat, and carbs) and eating patterns as a whole that matter and not whatever diet one considers oneself to be following.

    Normal diet person may eat primarily white carbs, margarine and transfats, skip breakfast, and minimal protein intake. There are MANY women out there who really just don't eat that much in the way of meat and veggies. Even if they have meat every day, a small serving of meat is still only going to be 40-50 g protein anyway. My mom would skip breakfast, eat a hot lunch with the kids at school (she was a schoolteacher and the teachers got the exact same serving as the kids), then come home and eat a pasta/rice based casserole and some canned veg. She drank black coffee and chewed sugarless gum between meals and that's really all she ate - she wasn't a snacker or dessert person. People really DO eat girl-friendly patterns without even thinking about it.

    NO ONE should do the IG type diet without including at least some fruits and veg. I don't think it's healthy or safe. Also we have been having good results with fiber as a sway supp so def. include that.
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  9. #9
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    Thanks again atomic! Sorry for switching topics mid-way! I guess i was just wondering (or confunsed rather!) whether i should be on the more vegies diet or no/little vegies if i wanted to sway pink... Thats because i had a strong believe that I ate tons of veggies (perhaps with other stuff too!) back then when i conceived DS! You know sometimes you want to learn from your mistake lol...

  10. #10
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    That's one of the crystal-ball q's that I just can't answer. I wasn't eating much in the way of fruit/veg when I got my DD, but it wasn't by design, just worked out that way. I continue to think fruit and veg are fine while TTC a girl as a part of a bigger sway diet.
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