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  1. #11
    Dream Vet
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    I disagree with that it's 99% accurate. You go thru what I went thru and I just question those tests. I was alwAys planning on getting the amnio but that's just me. I know a Ton of my friends I am 36 and even a friend who is 41 who just got materni21t and that's it. You live my experience and get a false positive and then it makes me question the test. I'm not saying it's wrong all the time but for me I would of rather of saved myself from a heartache and skip any tests that can give me a false positive. If I would of known ahead of time that this could of happened then I would of least know but I am just upset that they put a test on the market that gave me a week of unwanted anxiety. I'm taking the amnio on dec 30 since I want to double check the results Again since of the results that came up with magerni21t. Any test that is 100% I trust. I'm not saying that all of you guys shouldn't trust the test, but for me the test was a nightmare experience for me and was not fair.

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  2. #12
    Dream Vet
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    I decided for me since mAternit21 came up negative that I need to be certain. I would be devastated if anything happen but I need to know for sure. Materni21 not the cvs has put the doubt in my mind and for me I want two tests to prove it, instead of both of them equally each other out. My amnio should be perfect but I just rather know then having a regret since materni21 has made us question everything.

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    March 17, 2011 Mommy to my handsome son
    May 22, 2014 Mommy to my beautiful daughter

    Dreams can come true!!
    Swayed for a girl using Clomid and it worked!

    I wanted to thank Atomic & GD for being so supportive & guiding me via emails daily through my sway! I could of not of done it without you Atomic!! I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!! Thank you so much!!

  3. #13
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    GT I do totally understand that you went thru the wringer over the Materniti21 test and it may very well turn out to be the case that you're correct, over time it may become apparent that it's not 99% accurate.

    I personally, based on information that I got firsthand from a doctor and my experiences on this site, do not recommend anyone get CVS/amnio without some good reason aside from being over 35. Those tests are invasive and do carry risks with them. People have lost healthy babies of their desired gender after having them. Personally I would take the risk of a false positive on a blood test that cannot do any harm (which I could then follow up with a more invasive test if need be), over the risk of losing a baby, but that's just my opinion and you are of COURSE entitled to yours.

    I do not recommend you have an amnio on top of the CVS. While amnio can detect neural tube defects that CVS can't, ultrasound is safer and can also detect NTD. Since you have already had your CVS and gotten the all-clear from that, I feel like a good ultrasound is going to be more than enough to rule out any serious NTD.
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  5. #14
    Dream Vet
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    Gt - did you have the amino and cvs? If I was to have a invasive test I would want it to be 100% certain or it's not worth doing over any blood test.

    I wonder how many people do the harmony and then the invasive one as well?
    84 March 2012

  6. #15
    Dream Vet
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    According to my ob and geneticist, you would only do an invasive test (amnio, cvs) if the blood test like (materni21/harmony) came back positive. Otherwise it is strongly not recommended.. These tests are not just another blood test, like the old quad screening tests. They are unique in identifying the fetal dna within the mother. Of course there could be a 1%error rate.
    From my understanding the goal is for these test to be the gold standard over invasive testing, since those pose so much harm to the unborn fetus.
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  7. #16
    Dream Vet
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    The quoted 99% is from peer reviewed controlled studies of over 6,000 women. As that is the data available. I don't at all discount anecdotal evidence, but in the percentages we have available to us, it's 99% accurate when diagnosing Downs Syndrome and T18. The stats on accurate gender determination were also 99%. But that still leaves 1% and sometimes people are unlucky enough to be in that 1% (I've been there with other things) I do feel for what you went through, but agree with Atomic that when a test is needed based on age or history, it's far better to choose a minimally invasive one with a low false positive rate. That is where my post was coming from. Until it is more widely used, the stats we have give us a fairly high level of confidence for the ease of the testing procedure.
    Last edited by hotdogz&boyz; January 2nd, 2014 at 12:42 AM.
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  9. #17
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    I'm so sorry for what you have been through GT77 - absolutely stressful, scary and horrid, so totally get where you are coming from with this.

    However, I certainly wouldn't automatically recommend anyone over 35 doing an amnio or CVS, if Nuchal test and 12 week scan is ok and you have never previously had a problem. If anything worrying comes up, then yes definitely worth doing. I had my 3 DS's at 38, 41 and 43 and although obviously the risk of Down's was much higher because of my age - the fact that a nasal bone could be seen and all looked fine at the 12 week scan certainly made me decide that I didn't want an invasive test and the Dr agreed. That said, if a non-invasive test, such as Harmony had been available in the UK, I probably would have done it with DS3 given my age.

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  11. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybebabythree View Post
    Gt - did you have the amino and cvs? If I was to have a invasive test I would want it to be 100% certain or it's not worth doing over any blood test.

    I wonder how many people do the harmony and then the invasive one as well?
    I"m not GT but she had the blood test and then was given an invasive test only when the blood test came back hinky. That is what I recommend that people should do for all the reasons my fellow posters have laid out.
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  12. #19
    Dream Vet
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    I got the amnio and it was not painful at all. The cvs hurt a little I even said to my DR I would do it again. After my amnio my dr showed me the heart beat. My dr told me once he gets the needle in he does not move it unlike some other doctors may. All I know I was shocked how fast it was and how not painful it was for me. I understand your doctors all recommending the materni/harmony/verifi and others. These test is just a screening not a diagnostic test. I think it's great it's our choice. It's a 90% correct chance, but there will be that one person who comes up with a negative test and they find out something is wrong my dr said. I trust my baby's placenta & amniotic fluid more then I would trust the blood that is taken from my arm not my baby. This is me though not you. No one wants to take the risk and get an amnio/cvs since something may happen, but everyone needs to know that materni21/harmony/verifi has their risks also! I just want everyone to feel comfortable with their decision that this test isn't 100%. I am not saying that any of these tests are. My dr and atomic recommended I did not take the amnio, but I wanted to be 100% sure. Yes I got the cvs and the amnio. I took mateni21 and I hate that test!! I looked up so many stories on reverse results and look them up. And, I was told that materni21 is not FDA approved but only for Down 21. So that means xxx, xxy , turners syndrome, down 13 & 18 there can be negative and positive wrong results in both directions. I look at this situation as me being lucky. I was told also if materni came up negative to trust it! I'm thankful I found out the truth about this test. I don't recommend any tests that are screenings.
    FYI materni21 and I'm sure the other ones is not even FDA approved. I only learned that it isn't FDA approved until after I had a false positive. It would of been nice if they told me before the test. It would be nice if they told the public about false tests since no one knows it exists! Luckily, no one over 35 is forced to take an amnio or a Cvs but luckily we know the possible risks of not taking it and whatever anyone decisions are I feel it's my responsibility to let all of you know both sides. There are false negatives with these tests too!
    My amnio came back normal for fish.
    I'm waiting for full results next week, but all looks good!!

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    March 17, 2011 Mommy to my handsome son
    May 22, 2014 Mommy to my beautiful daughter

    Dreams can come true!!
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    I wanted to thank Atomic & GD for being so supportive & guiding me via emails daily through my sway! I could of not of done it without you Atomic!! I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!! Thank you so much!!

  13. #20

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    I just wanted to chime in bc when I was preggo with DS in 2011, I had an amnio done as I was 36 going on 37 years of age. I don't think those blood tests were around yet. I remember being offered another type of blood test but it was far from picking up what an amnio would tell. My dr was not forceful with telling me what to do. He totally left the decision up to me and my husband. DH and I both felt an amnio was better for us. Not that we would abort a baby for downs but we just felt better of we knew what we were coming into if there was an issue with the baby which could be picked up by the best test out there at that time. I think I remember hearing that the risk was 1 in 400 pregnancies miscarrying did to an amnio. I was very nervous to get it done. I had a few if my friends calling me telling me I'm crazy and its painful to get it done (not that they had it done but their friends did and that's how they knew it was painful. So needless to say the day of my test I was very scared and nervous. I remember clearly the dr who performed the test coming in and looking at the huge tv which showed the ultrasound of DS and saying we can't put the needle on that side bc your anterior placenta is over there and DS was on the side where the test coukd be performed. Well his legs and feet were over there and each time the dr would try to get him to move over his feet would kick back at where he was pushing in my belly. Actually quite cute at the time. Anyway dr thought if have to go back another day bc of this but DS ended up moving over so I was ok to get the test done. I remember I was so nervous that I asked the dr to please walk me through each step as it was happening so I knew what to expect. He was planning on doing it anyway. I have to be honest i didn't even feel the dr stuck the needle in. It all happened so fast! I felt nothing! After all my friends putting fear into me about it I felt nothing which was awesome! I stayed off my feet the rest if the day per dr and thank god all turned out well. I walked out of that procedure a huge advocate for amnio's and told myself if I got pregnsnt again I'd do it with the next child too. Is it scary that a miscarriage can happen..absolutely. But the way I was informed about the risks were they weren't that high. Don't get me wrong I would have been devastated if something went wrong but I just had so much trust I can't explain it. I'm 39, almost 40 and if I were to get preggo now I wouldn't overlook an amnio. I'm curious to get my drs opinion in these newer tests but if he were to tell me it they don't reveal as much with the chromosome issues then I def would go forward with an amnio. I know I would be stressing a lot of a blood test came back with poor results and then had to get an amnio anyway. I'd be a nervous wreck in the waiting between blood test if it came back abnormal and then waiting for amnio results. I just wanted to share my story. I know not everyone had the outcome I've had. I know a few others who've had this test done and it turned out like mine did. Then I have friends who looked at me like I had 10 heads when I decided to get it done bc if the risks. It's truly a personal choice to do an invasive test or not.

    Gt I hope the full amnio results come back good. You must have been so stressed after getting the test results back as abnormal and then having to go through an amnio anyway. Nobody needs the added stress like that when pregnant. Good luck to you with the rest of your pregnancy and hope you are feeling well.

    Quote Originally Posted by GT77 View Post
    I got the amnio and it was not painful at all. The cvs hurt a little I even said to my DR I would do it again. After my amnio my dr showed me the heart beat. My dr told me once he gets the needle in he does not move it unlike some other doctors may. All I know I was shocked how fast it was and how not painful it was for me. I understand your doctors all recommending the materni/harmony/verifi and others. These test is just a screening not a diagnostic test. I think it's great it's our choice. It's a 90% correct chance, but there will be that one person who comes up with a negative test and they find out something is wrong my dr said. I trust my baby's placenta & amniotic fluid more then I would trust the blood that is taken from my arm not my baby. This is me though not you. No one wants to take the risk and get an amnio/cvs since something may happen, but everyone needs to know that materni21/harmony/verifi has their risks also! I just want everyone to feel comfortable with their decision that this test isn't 100%. I am not saying that any of these tests are. My dr and atomic recommended I did not take the amnio, but I wanted to be 100% sure. Yes I got the cvs and the amnio. I took mateni21 and I hate that test!! I looked up so many stories on reverse results and look them up. And, I was told that materni21 is not FDA approved but only for Down 21. So that means xxx, xxy , turners syndrome, down 13 & 18 there can be negative and positive wrong results in both directions. I look at this situation as me being lucky. I was told also if materni came up negative to trust it! I'm thankful I found out the truth about this test. I don't recommend any tests that are screenings.
    FYI materni21 and I'm sure the other ones is not even FDA approved. I only learned that it isn't FDA approved until after I had a false positive. It would of been nice if they told me before the test. It would be nice if they told the public about false tests since no one knows it exists! Luckily, no one over 35 is forced to take an amnio or a Cvs but luckily we know the possible risks of not taking it and whatever anyone decisions are I feel it's my responsibility to let all of you know both sides. There are false negatives with these tests too!
    My amnio came back normal for fish.
    I'm waiting for full results next week, but all looks good!!

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    2011 - Matthew (who is the light of my life) in 2013 for delivery some time in 2014

    Came to this website in September 2013 hoping to sway for a girl as we have none on either side of our families (6 boys total). Diagnosed in January 2014 elevated FSH level and extremely low AFC count. Praying and hoping God blesses me with one more healthy child whether it be another boy or a girl. Praying my RE can help me to achieve my dream of giving my son a sibling some time soon.

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