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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi ladies

    I have two boys and TTC a little girl to complete our family. I have PCOS? (no major symptoms anymore, no cysts anymore after drilling a year ago, regular cycles but varied lengths and likely not always ovulating every month as mostly longer cycles.)

    This is our second cycle TTC (first unsuccessful and likely not ovulating)

    I am on CD 11 on my first round of clomid.

    I am just all sorts of confused and its making me stress and I am worried I am just a boy making machine. I dont think my diet is perfect. I got confused with the PCOS diet as it seemed too similar to what I was doing so I feel like I am just overthinking it all and not doing anything right and still eating too much. My weight has been plateaued for a year now with only 1-2kg drop no matter what I do I can't drop below this weight. I am 172cm tall and sitting at 70kg.

    I had previously been doing weights 3-4 times a week and daily walks, I have stopped all weights for the last couple months and just doing my daily walks now.

    I am doing no breakfast.

    My main question though is about frequency/abstinence etc with clomid. All previous advice I got was prior to clomid so I was prepped to do abstinence and 1 attempt at pos OPK. Should I still do this with clomid? I should O within the next 2-5 days I would say, my ovaries have certainly woken up from lying dormant, I can feel them, they are aching away today so I have started OPKs! I am not used to these shorter cycles, usually I have 35 day cycles so I feel extra rushed now!

    HELP! what should we do. when should we do it? how often should we do it? should we stick with one attempt this cycle and then if no luck change it next cycle?

    I have been taking antihistamines for terrible hay fever - should I stop this?

    I really want to make sure I cover all my basis as this is my last chance at getting my girl and I dont wanna muck it up!

    Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me, shed some positive light, give me hope that I can get pink even though I feel like I am just a blue baby maker.

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    I think antihistamines dry you up, right? that would be good for pink. if they dont however and it thins instead of dries, then i would stop them as that would be good for blue.

    From a fellow clomid mama who got pink, though unintentionally i hope i can help...with DD3 i took clomid. i was trying for blue and was told by my mom if i could just nail my ovulation i was guaranteed a boy (HA!) so we abstained the week leading up to ovulating, then on friday when i got a positive OPK at night we DTD, again saturday morning and saturday night and sunday morning and sunday afternoon. Because of the abstain i think thats why that pattern ended up swaying pink for me. He had alot of old/dead sperm probably and then we went at it like rabbits so he was depleted most likely instead of able to give any good boy swimmers.

    If its your last chance for a girl and you dont mind not conceiving right away i would still only do the one attempt at pos OPK...i was on a heavy all blue diet with DD4 following a plan from GD and still got pink probably and primarily because i ovulated much later than i anticipated so really ended up with only one attempt at pos OPK even though i thought i had 2-3 attempts in... i think the one attempt sways much harder than we have the data for even if it is really and truly only the one attempt that hits the egg if you know what i mean
    Katelynn Marie (2005)
    Cyra Elizabeth (2010)
    Angela Victoria (2015)
    Alexandria Grace (2017)

    My heart is full and my family is complete, even if i never got my son.

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  4. #3
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    I need more info about what you think LE PCOS really even is.

    I am ok with you starting off the first month doing everything just to see what happend (that is, if YOU want to do this). Most people want to have that feeling that they've given it a good try with as many sway tactics as they can and then if BFN we will start dropping things fairly quickly. If you DO want to drop things, since you need antihistamine for now, keep that going and drop something else (like the abstinence, ahving DH release every 2-4 days)

    Clomid makes for some wickedly painful and weird O pains and you can't always tell where you are in the cycle, necessarily. I'd have an attempt NOW to cover you for a few days and keep doing the OPK to see what happens. IF you get a pos OPK within the next 2 days, stick with the attempt you just had. If it's more like 3-4 days, have another attempt. On the 5th day, have an attempt (even if you haven't gotten pos OPK) and do the same thing again - if pos OPK comes within 2 days, stick with one attempt, if 3-4 have another, 5 days if no pos OPK have another attempt. Lather, rinse, repeat as needed til you're 110% sure you've ovulated.
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  5. #4
    Dream Newbie

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    ahhh I have bee waiting for an email to notify me of replies and got nothing. I thought everyone forgot about me and my post!

    So my impression of LE PCOS diet is to eat little carbs, moderate fat and protein and then no refined sugars. similar t what I have always done. I have altered my current diet to less protein, less meat, fewer overall calories and really cleaned up the refined sugar in the last few weeks.

    My diet has been no breakfast, smoothie with coconut water, blueberries, cinnamon, yoghurt for lunch. simple meat and veg for dinner. carrot and hummus as snack if I am hungry.

    no refined sugar strictly for the past 14 days.

    I think I have dropped another kg or 2 now over the past few weeks.

    I have had a week of ovaries awakening pains. got a pos OPK last night - hubby was too tired after a busy day of work so we still haven't DTD which has stressed me out a bit as we had planned one attempt at POS OPK. Plan on doing it tonight instead, OPKs are neg again. Is this too risky right on O or has that been completely debunked. Thought about O+12 but not sure I can pin point my O time. he has been abstaining.

    I think last month I ovulated the day after POS OPK so I may be ovulating as we speak!

    WHAT SHOULD I DO?????? I can't just forget about it and wait till next cycle as I have just done my first cycle of clomid!!!

  6. #5
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    If you took Clomid you MUST have attempt. Even if it is late, at least you've tried. This came in for me at midnight. Please don't ever wait for me to get back to you as the time difference is huge. When in doubt, attempt.

    Timing has been as debunked as it is possible for something to BE debunked. Plus, you can't tell on the basis of when your OPK goes negative, if you have ovuated yet or not.

    Do not do O+12 on Clomid. O+12 is by far and away my least favorite of all sway tactics and you can read why that is here.

    Your diet looks pretty good to me - are you sticking with a small portion of meat?? Do you have tallies on the amount of protein, cals, and fat you're eating??

    Also, when you say you're using cinnamon, how much and what kind?? That is not appropriate for everyone and we have to be VERY sparing with it as it is weirdly, stronly effective and we need only just a very small amount!
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  8. #6
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you both for your replies!

    Atomic I got an attempt in. not as planned with sick hubby and then I thought I had a couple days after my pos OPK before I would actually O like last month but this time it looks like it might have been the day of OPK or day after. I only get a short surge (usually less than 12 hours) and this time I had had a busy day so didnt do my 2pm one, did an 8pm and it looked like it was likely still neg so I forgot about it, saw it before bed and it looked pos so did another one and it was pos! So that pos OPK was on tues pm and we DTD Thurs AM. Hoping we were still in with a shot and didn't miss the boat completely!according to my temps I did O on the Tuesday as my temp spiked the next morning only slightly, but has continued to go up.

    Anyway whats done is done and I will be better prepared next month and be sure not to miss that pos OPK again if we have been unsuccessful.The first cycle of Clomid has been hard to get used to all the changes in my body. what I thought I knew has all gone out the window!

    Also speaking of that - lube/moisturiser for down there?? Climid dried me up like an old raisin!! I used sylk for this attempt. is that what you would recommend or something different??

    I haven't been tracking my macros - but I can do a few days and see what they come to for you. I am still having a fair amount of white meat. I have cut eggs and protein and so many other things I was struggling and always hungry eating like a rabbit!

    cinnamon! okay in what way is it strongly effective??? I have always had it in my smoothies to help with PCOS and blood sugar levels etc. I use about 1T in my smoothie most mornings. have stopped since reading this and will turn it down to a sprinkle if necessary!!

    Thank you!

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  10. #7
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    Oh yes that is def. one of the challenges of Clomid - the old patterns are completely different!!!

    It is fine you started off using Sylk this month, most want to give it a month on that anyway. What I'd do in the future is find a sperm safe jelly like Preseed or Conceive Plus and use just the barest minimum you need for comfy BD. Larger amounts may sway blue but we don't want to use other lubes on Clomid since they all kill sperm, so just a smidge of sperm safe/conception friendly jell will do the trick!!

    1 T is way, way too much. by weirdly effective I mean it makes your blood sugar plummet and for some of us that is very risky esp. when dieting as it can make us super lightheaded if not outright faint (at least one person has fainted from cinnamon) Plus it is a strong blood thinner and larger amounts may cause damage to your liver and kidneys as well. I'd stick with 1/4 teaspoon in the FP and 1/8 teaspoon in the LP, then drop back to dietary amounts only at BFP. It also may be contributing to the hunger you are experiencing!
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  11. #8
    Dream Newbie

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    OMG that makes so much sense! I have been extremely light headed lately. I have always experienced it to a degree but when I get up the room spins for a good 30 seconds before I can see straight and I had even started asking someone about it as it was so bad the one day. Thinking back it has only been since I changed my smoothie recipe when I dropped the banana and choc protein powder from it- I added more cinnamon to up the flavour!!!

    Thank you - feeling more organised for the next cycle if this wasn't successful.

    I even forgot to go for my 21 day blood test - given it was the weekend and the labs were closed but still. nothing went to plan this month.

    I will try track my macros some days this week and flick them through to check I'm on the right track!

    Thank you - still mind blown about the cinnamon!!

  12. #9
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    It is crazy!! That and peppermint I often have people using massive amounts and having serious side effects! People think they are harmless since they are common ingredients but anything in large amounts can harm us - even every day things.

    I am SO GLAD we were able to get to the bottom of it - and I suspect your hunger will also improve as well!
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  13. #10
    Dream Newbie

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    In terms of exercise...I have stopped going to the gym and doing anything other than my hour long walks. What can I safely introduce again? body weight exercise? yoga? is it only weights I should avoid or is anything thats going to strengthen muscle sway blue?

    thank you

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