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  1. #1
    Dream Vet
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    Chemical pregnancy...swaying, shortish LP or just bad luck?

    Need some advice ladies..

    Yesterday i had a faint ic cheapy bfp, this was followed by a faint asda bfp. However while i was poas i started bleeding. Later in the afternoon i had a positive clearblue digi hpt but since then have been bleeding heavily and in a lot of pain. I headed down to my local A&E where they tested me bfn but by then my urine was so diluted and i hadn't had chance to hold it for longer than an hour max. Im pretty sure i have had a chemical pregnancy and just hoping its nothing more like ectopic. Am heading to the doctors tomorrow for more testing.

    What id like your advice on is...

    Have any of you had a short-ish LP (mine is 10-11 days max) but implanted so late that it has resulted in a chemical as your body was already shedding its lining? I have taken vitex from af to ov and b6 from ov to af for months but this is as much as i have been able to stretch it. Perhaps i should get back on the progesterone crinone next cycle but then my temps seem nice and high.

    Do any of you think this could all be related to swaying? Im wandering if i have altered my bodies natural balance too much and also dh's (with liquorice root, cranberry and calcium).

    Thanks for any advice you can give as im a bit of an emotional wreck about it!
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  2. #2
    TTC5's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry your going through this xx
    I hope your doctor can give you some answers and help tomorrow x
    Fathers Day baby!

    Busy Mummy of 5 now working from home:

  3. #3
    Dream Vet
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    More {hugs} deaks. I'm sure when Atomic reads your post later in the day she'll have something helpful to say.
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  4. #4
    Dream Vet
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    Thanks ladies, it's comforting to know people are here to listen and I hope atomic can give me some advice. Meant to add that the reason I went to A&E was because I had rung my out of hours doctors surgery and they had freaked me out a bit by mentioning looking out for ectopic symptoms which after a quick research on the Internet I felt like I did possibly have... Sharp pain, bleeding, back ache. Let's just hope its not that, but Im desperate to have some light shed in this especially as this has happened before several months ago.
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  5. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Firstly, I'm so sorry to hear about this. Sometimes I think the early HPTs are more a curse than a blessing because we know about things we never would have before. Huge (((hugs))) to you.

    What you say is absolutely correct, it is entirely possible to have a short 10-11 day LP and both get pg and also have a chemical because your lining has already begun to deteriorate. 10-11 days is borderline and can go either way so if you had a late implanter that scenario is entirely possible.

    I think you need to be on the B6 for the entire month. Vitamins, unlike herbs like vitex, need to be taken consistently both for your own health (your body gets "used" to vitamin intake at a certain level) and also for best effectiveness.

    I personally believe, and I am not the only one who has noticed this independent from one another, that there are an unusually high number of chemicals amongst pink swayers doing an IG style sway. There are several threads where people ask about this on IG which I would love to post for you but I am getting monkeys, if you're curious you can Google them when IG is functioning. Tamara believes strongly that this is not true and claims that 80% of all eggs are bad according to her doctor, and that this is what causes chemicals, but several people have noticed the chemicals are disproportionately amongst pink swayers and less among blue swayers. Plus I kinda think that 80% number is a bit silly and pulled from thin air whether it came from a doctor or not, since a lot of us have gotten pg many times with our first egg - is she really saying you can only get pg 2 or 3 months out of the year due to bad eggs?? Without a study comparing blue swayers to pink swayers, we can't know for sure.

    There could potentially be many reasons why this could be and I hope you don't beat yourself up over it. Blood glucose levels are one possibility so I would be sure to stick with whatever diet you're following at least for the first few days of the 2WW (yes, after egg has been fertilized) and I have also wondered about cal-mag levels or possibly low potassium contributing to chemicals. The starting and stopping B6 is probably not helping matters either so again, I do hope you'll stay on B6 constantly or else stop it all together (weaning off slowly rather than quitting cold turkey).

    Clomid is another option for extending LP and it will also sway pink for you. Personally, if I had a short LP I would def. consider talking to my doctor about that and seeing if they'd give me some Clomid.

    I would not worry about ectopic if you are getting BFN. If you were having an ectopic, you would be getting BFP and things would seem like they were going normally but then you would develop bleeding and pain.

    Anyway, I hope this is helpful in some way...I know chemicals can be very difficult to get through and I am thinking of you.
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  6. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Thanks atomic, there is a lot of advice there that I will definately adopt! Trying not to beat myself up about it.

    Today I got another ic bfp and a little darker than yesterday. The bleeding continues but the pain isn't as bad.

    I had been prescribed progesterone crinone which I don't know whether I should start taking or is it too late?

    Waiting for the doctor to call back. Feeling helpless, sad, annoyed with myself....
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  7. #7
    Dream Vet
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    Right just spoke to a doctor and she says that because pain has pretty much stopped and I've now got normal af with a few clots that definately had a chemical and that should get bfn in a few days. Will head to docs tomorrow so that I can get some blood tests done and talk about what could have caused it.... Shortish LP or whatever. Perhaps I need clomid or to get back on the progesterone.

    Am also going to take a serious look at my sway and see what I will relax. Definitely going to either stop b6 or take it continuously ( but would be worried about delaying ov even more by doing that) and possibly stop vitex, limit dh's liquorice root, not bother with lime and also continue the diet after ov for a few days. Is there anything else anyone else could suggest?

    The doctor also suggested I don't ttc this cycle but wait for another af to take place. Is this what most ladies do? Feels like an eternity when I've already been swaying so long.
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  8. #8
    Dream Vet
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    What you say is absolutely correct, it is entirely possible to have a short 10-11 day LP and both get pg and also have a chemical because your lining has already begun to deteriorate. 10-11 days is borderline and can go either way so if you had a late implanter that scenario is entirely possible.
    Same thing happened to me when I got a bfp 2 cycles ago. My PL was on 11 day and last cycle I got a bfn and spotting started 9-10 day after O.
    I don't know what to do?? I really hope this cycle will be ok...a longer LP? Or just enough to get a sticky bfp...I use to have like 12-13 days...
    And about the 80% egg are bad plz...I think that a BS. And based on what ONE doctor said? Doctors are not Gods they can be wrong too and this was just one .I never heard any other doc say this .

  9. #9
    Dream Vet
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    Flava, you should go see a doctor as they can definately give you something for short LP. They gave me progesterone crinone which increased it to 13 or 14 days. Just wish I had used it every cycle but I stopped as I didn't particularly like the symptoms and also I wanted to see if my LP was ok on it's own. Big mistake I feel though I'm not going to keep beating myself up about it. Just use the knowledge and move on.
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  10. #10
    Dream Vet
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    I have B6 would it help if I start taking it?? But Im on CD10 now...can't go see a doctor right now...

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