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  1. #1
    Dream User
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    What does swaying do ?

    Hi there!

    I’ve been around for a while now. All being well I hope to start a girl sway in a few years time... right now I’m just reading and gathering as much info as I can. Although I’m a while away from starting, I figured the more you read and learn the better prepared you are when the time comes !?

    Well last night, ( like most nights ...) I started thinking about swaying.. and obviously I know the goal, to get a baby girl, but what I suddenly found myself wondering was what does ‘swaying’ actually do? How does it work?

    Obviously I am under no delusion that swaying is 100% a guarantee. But we are trying to push our odds of conceiving a certain gender over the normal 50% ?

    For a pink sway, am I right in thinking that the LE diet and the exercise, is mainly to achieve a lower fertility for the woman? The theory is that those with lower fertility conceive more girls? Or is it that we are just hoping for less sperm to reach the egg and therefore the ratio of X and Y is still the same? The point for the man is to lower his sperm count... by frequency and lifestyle, again to achieve less sperm reaching the egg? I don’t understand how this sways pink? Forgive me for missing the point here but surely a woman who ovulates one month is as fertile as the next woman? Regardless of her weight or lifestyle, how has she ‘helped’ herself to sway pink?

    Like I said, I’m doing a lot of reading wherever I can, and on other sights there is quite a bit of focus on ph, for both woman and man. But on this site I know you’ve said that ph isn’t really that important? I like this site as it seems to be a bit more up to date with resources and to be honest, touching my cervix or putting certain potions up there was not something I was looking forward to as I know it’s a very delicate area, and I would worry about doing any damage by ‘fiddling’ or ‘disturbing’ it too much.

    There is so much great information on this site and I’m still quite new to swaying. I’m sorry if this has all been answered in a previous post. I got thinking about it last night and wanted to ask now while the question was fresh in my mind.

    When the time comes for me, I will be giving swaying 100%. Of course, I could still have ds3, but at least I would know I gave it my best shot.

    I really appreciate you reading and look forward to a reply!


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  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome out of lurkdom!

    The straight truth is that we honestly don't KNOW how swaying works. What we can do is look at various swaying theories (like pH, timing) and say definitively those things just can't be true because they're biologically impossible. we think that once something has been proven that it can't be true, it's time to move on past it (or at least de-emphasize it) because all these tactics cut odds of conception considerably, and doing them all together ends up with people going years not getting pregnant.

    So to start with, the pH debunked here: and timing is here: (I also have a couple additional essays debunking timing that are more "advanced placement", let me know if you want to read them)

    For now, we are operating under the assumption that things that reduce fertility overall as a couple (including sperm count and numbers surviving to reach the egg) tend to sway pink. And maternal condition is one of those things that tends to reduce fertilty because your body doesn't "want" to get pregnant if it doesn't have the absolute best chance of growing a healthy baby. It has lots of gentle, natural ways to lower chances of conception like drying up CM, changing your ovulation day, shortening LP, making a poor lining, and probably things we don't even know about (some speculate the egg's shell changes or that the jelly around it becomes different) that we can't see.

    Fertility is not a light switch, it's a continuum. It is totally possible to be releasing an egg every month and yet still have any or all those natural ways your body uses of cutting odds of conception coming into play. There are plenty of women who release eggs eveyr month and simply don't get pregnant for reasons no one understands. There are plenty more who it takes longer than the average to get pregnant. So actually it is true that you can have reduced fertility while still ovulating evry month.

    but this is all just speculation. Like I said, we honestly don't know, and thus I want you guys to do what has worked for most people, most of the time - diet longer than 12 weeks plus coffee, fiber, alcohol, cardio exercise 60 min 6-7 days a week (or at least 4), one attempt, and Clomid or Femara if you can get them. For hubby, jogging/biking and smoking have been proven, possibly OLE and soy milk. That's it. Everything else has not earned its keep, and while you can start off doing them, it's best to drop them eventually.

    I NEVER want anyone touching their cervix. I believe the cervix should be left alone as every time people poke and prod it they cause irritation taht can lead to spotting, and introduce microorganisms that can cause infection (even with clean hands) And I would love to see everyone ditch douching and jellies as well.
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  3. #3
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    Hello Atomic !

    Thank you for your reply, I wonder how you manage to reply to all of us?? You’re superwoman!

    Yes I completely understand your reply- the human body is amazing and there is so much we don’t yet know, including conception!

    My second son is currently snuggled up inside my uterus so I am very early with my ‘sway plan’ but you know it has helped me with my initial GD ( which hit me like a truck!). Reading about swaying has given me a focus and I find some of your essays just so interesting

    I will go back in to hiding now most probably until 2022! I’ll be lurking though .

    Many thanks again,


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  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    No superwoman, I'm just a super fast typist LOL

    Hey, we're here if you want to talk or need a sounding board. We've all been there!

    Congrats on your new baby boy!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

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