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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    No it's my fault it just depends when I check the messages if I have time enough to answer them.

    So have you started the multi yet?

    How is settling in going?? Are you able to do some exercise? Even if it's only just 15 minutes 3x a week we've seen it help.

    Be sure you're doing the tea at a different time of day than the iron, as it can interfere with absorption.

    Oh wow great that hubby was just without much effort able to make some positive changes. Yes I don't think the "icing the jewels" strategy works unless you were able to spend many hours a day doing it (and how miserable that would be!)

    Oh, great that you've got Covid off your "to do" list LOL!!! And glad everyone came through it ok.

    Wow, keep me posted on the possible IVF! I hope hubby is receptive to it! I SO wish that family balancing was accepted, there's no reason why those of us who have four of one gender shouldn't have a chance at the's not like there will be any imbalance of gender, we already did our parts, LOL.

    Yes keep up using protection for now - till you're ready to roll!! That way we won't have any oopsies messing up your plans.
    Thanks Atomic!

    I haven’t started the multi yet- but have it ready – it’s this one
    I think you recommended the ‘One a day’ brand – and this is virtually the exact same comp: however, it seems that Biotin in there are very high doses (which they are in the OAD brand too?).
    Most vits/minerals in here are 70-100% of RDD but Biotin is like 3000% - oops.. is that really bad?
    The men’s version (even if looking at the Mens 50+ version which is the one I have – he is 44 now so not a spring chicken!) also has some high levels, regardless of brand used..
    If you have thoughts on that, I’d welcome it.

    Good thing is that I have cut down coffee heaps, and have mainly black tea with milk (FF). I have the occasional coffee but it averages at 3 a week max (and not strong at all) vs at least a tea a day, if not two.
    The nettle tea I mentioned earlier is a herbal tea so shouldn’t impede the iron absorption from my tablets – I do make sure to not have tea/coffee around the time I take the tab and if possible, eat citrus with it.

    I know that for me, food wise, being organised and to have easy to grab nutritious food is key – or it’ll be very girl mum crap food :P We have chooks too now, so while it’s winter now and they aren’t laying, we’ll be back to ‘as fresh as they get free range organic’ eggs in spring. My new job allows me to WFH a couple of days so trying to maximise that extra time not lost in commute to prep meals

    Exercise & co:
    Now that the backyard work is done – will have to find ways to get hubs working out. He tends to want to be a couch potato when not at work and kids are in bed – he works a lot so energy levels are low.
    Hoping the new job will reenergise him and that he can keep that stand-up desk setup once he starts there in Sept.
    For me, yes – the goal is at least 30 min 2-3 times a week (HIIT) and the rest could be walking. I just bought small 2kg dumbells as my 12kg kettlebell is too much for my wrists to handle right now due to lifting babe all the time.
    I try to stand at my desk as it allows it when in the office too. I can tell my arms are less flabby, so must doing something right – it’s the belly I have to work harder on haha

    I really, really hope that DH can be convinced with IVF but tbh, given how difficult our eldest (we will be doing adhd/asd testing soon hopefully) is and how little #4 lets us (read – ME) sleep, I feel that he will not be willing to TTC even more so go through IVF – at least at this stage…and it is really NOW or soon that I’d need to get those eggs/embies created/tested/frozen even if only used in 12-18 months’ time…clock is ticking! It is so disheartening…it would definitely make it easier if it was readily accessible/not taboo etc. I just feel like unless we win the loto and $ is no longer an issue, he won’t be convinced (even though he has indicated – when I found out that #4 was another girl – that he’d agreed to it if had he known the depth of my GD...sigh).
    At least he is not saying that we definitely are done – I hope he is not doing that to avoid me having a breakdown when he actually wants no more...that being said, we’ve put away some baby gear and saved it in the attic. He better let me have that baby – the man OWES me a son or two haha

    Believe me when I say no way…NO WAY to another oops haha as much as I adore my number 4, no way. I would not survive it mentally – it would kill me! If I fell pregnant with another girl, I know the only solution would be to terminate. So protection is definitely compulsory ^^
    Miss M is now 15 months, nursing all night (we bedshare as my only way to still sleep a bit) and when we are together sporadically during the day (so mostly weekend days) – but still no cycle! I don’t mind, with endo, my periods are so painful anyway…just hope that it’s not a sign that my fertility has declined since last time I fell pregnant…
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
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    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

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  2. #12
    Dream Vet
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    Just bumping this in case anyone wants to give their thoughts … any mums of girls that had boys or mummas if lots of boys?!
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
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    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

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  3. #13
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    Hello LMSM I seen some families they r having alot of girls and boys also but my observation is that some people gender changes 3 of same gender some people gender changes after 4 or 5 but definitely u get observation is that just compare ur body changes like hormones before ur daughters and now if ur body changes like alot of bleeding before now it's changed like little bleeding try to calculate it do ur best and take chance may be it will work

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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jyotshna.y14 View Post
    Hello LMSM I seen some families they r having alot of girls and boys also but my observation is that some people gender changes 3 of same gender some people gender changes after 4 or 5 but definitely u get observation is that just compare ur body changes like hormones before ur daughters and now if ur body changes like alot of bleeding before now it's changed like little bleeding try to calculate it do ur best and take chance may be it will work

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    Thanks! All of my girls were conceived in quite different circumstances so it’s hard to pinpoint the things that may sway the most..
    And currently still haven’t got a period back . I do know that after #3 when my periods came back I had light spotting for a couple of days prior to AF beginning ( that was my clue something was up when I took a test for#4 since I’d had no spotting.. turns out it wasn’t my cycle regulating but was up the duff with my oops lol)
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
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    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

  5. #15
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    Ok, some changes for DH- he is changing jobs and starts the new one in September but his current employer has decided to pay him the notice period so he’ll be home but get paid until he starts the new job
    SO opportunity to relax (and get heaps done around the house - my list is growing haha) and gently nudge him to get that muscle building going with some more consistent exercise :P the first thing he said was since I WFH a couple of days per week - we can have sex haha
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
    (2013) (2015) (2018) (2021)
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    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

  6. #16
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    Oh gosh thanks so much for your patience!!!

    Both those supplements are ok. I would prefer they didn't have the biotin but a LOT of vitamins have that these days. The men's one is a fraction of what some of the fertility vites have (honestly, I rather like the breakdown of that, better than the American one!)

    That's a totally fine level of coffee intake. Mostly black tea but occasionally coffee is how I got my boys!

    Yes it's all about what you have on hand - and with the prices up like they are, it's not easy! Just do what you can, even if it's just nuts and cheese it's still very healthy. That's what I often had for a snack/breakfast when I got my boys - nuts or cheese and then an orange or dates. Yogurt with fresh fruit and oatmeal with apple, berries, or peanut butter was also a fave. And Vegemite has been something a lot of girls from Australia have relied on, if you like that.

    Awww, I love my chooks, they're so fun! I hope yours get back to laying soon. I have too many eggs right now, wish I could magically teleport some your way.

    FX that hubby is able to keep his stand up desk and hopefully has some more energy to keep active.

    I very much prefer you guys do light weights anyway. When people try to use heavier weights, we see a lot of injuries. The 2 kg is plenty!

    After a few kiddos that belly never really does return to form. Just do what you can do, I promise I always had a tummy when I got my boys (even the first one o.o)

    I hate it when men say "well if I'd known you'd felt that way..." after the fact. The truth is you don't know that's true, he may not have agreed anyway, and then you'd have missed out on #4. I agree that it's awesome he's not saying "definitely done" just yet!!

    It's totally normal for it to take longer and longer for your cycle to come back after each kiddo. It doesn't mean anything for your fertility. Just enjoy the break that your body is giving you. It actually may help you to recover since you're not bleeding every month!!!
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Oh gosh thanks so much for your patience!!!

    Both those supplements are ok. I would prefer they didn't have the biotin but a LOT of vitamins have that these days. The men's one is a fraction of what some of the fertility vites have (honestly, I rather like the breakdown of that, better than the American one!)

    That's a totally fine level of coffee intake. Mostly black tea but occasionally coffee is how I got my boys!

    Yes it's all about what you have on hand - and with the prices up like they are, it's not easy! Just do what you can, even if it's just nuts and cheese it's still very healthy. That's what I often had for a snack/breakfast when I got my boys - nuts or cheese and then an orange or dates. Yogurt with fresh fruit and oatmeal with apple, berries, or peanut butter was also a fave. And Vegemite has been something a lot of girls from Australia have relied on, if you like that.

    Awww, I love my chooks, they're so fun! I hope yours get back to laying soon. I have too many eggs right now, wish I could magically teleport some your way.

    FX that hubby is able to keep his stand up desk and hopefully has some more energy to keep active.

    I very much prefer you guys do light weights anyway. When people try to use heavier weights, we see a lot of injuries. The 2 kg is plenty!

    After a few kiddos that belly never really does return to form. Just do what you can do, I promise I always had a tummy when I got my boys (even the first one o.o)

    I hate it when men say "well if I'd known you'd felt that way..." after the fact. The truth is you don't know that's true, he may not have agreed anyway, and then you'd have missed out on #4. I agree that it's awesome he's not saying "definitely done" just yet!!

    It's totally normal for it to take longer and longer for your cycle to come back after each kiddo. It doesn't mean anything for your fertility. Just enjoy the break that your body is giving you. It actually may help you to recover since you're not bleeding every month!!!
    Oh don't worry about it, I just appreciate you taking the time (also, I am not anywhere near ttc yet so it's not time sensitive at this stage hehe)

    That all is reassuring thank you! I might use the vits I have now, and when I run out, try to find something with less biotin for me (though it seems it's good for luscious locks haha) if that is even available! Trying to not have to take 1,000,000 different tablets - so if I can get most of what I need in the multi, winning! I will add extra F.A and keep the probiotics...
    is that vit D level sufficient (in the multi)?
    should I try to get some omega 3/ Cq10 in the mix too?

    For DH, I wish I could get him to get carnitine /arginine - but think the multi is likely to be my best option, I think/
    If I could add an extra tablet - even if taken only sporadically - which one would be the most important? (he does eat dairy in the form of yogurt or cheese mainly, but not every day).

    I am finding myself doing sneaky squats when brushing my teeth or waiting for the water to warm up to shower etc - hopefully, that will contribute positively too haha
    I remember reading ELP's sways yonkies ago, and that she was lifting kids, running around the kitchen etc, to get any exercise in...I think that is a good option for me too, being sleep deprived and time poor ^^

    For the food, you won't get me eating Vegemite, it's an acquired kids love it, I don't haha
    That being said, what you mention - yogurt, oatmeal, berries, fruit, nuts/PB etc - are very much my go tos for brekkie. I do have toast some days with butter but trying to not have that too often either. I will try to make some breakfast wraps with eggs, spinach, cheese or oatmeal bakes for the days I don't have time to ensure i have high protein, balanced options too
    And likely will try on very busy days to do my collagen shake to get avoid too long a fast - followed by a brekkie an hour or two after.
    I find it easier to have smaller portion, more often...
    And I find myself having like 3 + teas a day now, as it is so cold atm lol when it gets warmer again, might have to get into iced tea too ^^

    IVF & my hubby - in a way, I almost wish he hadn't said anything. But he saw me at the verge of a nervous breakdown, crying (like, ugly sobbing) non-stop for several days straight, ready to book an abortion when I found out #4 was another girl...I think he meant it, but it was probably also a defence mechanism to take me off the ledge so to speak? I know the few times I've tried to raise the idea, he's dismissed it - and I didn't want to push it for fear of having him just not being onboard for anymore kids, at all - IVF or not.
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
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    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

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  9. #18
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    Yes the Vit. D is a good level in that. I honestly am not sold on the coq10 and it's pretty expensive, so feel free to leave that out. Omega 3 in a smallish dose is good, but if you feel like you're eating a fair bit of fish and other healthy fat, you can skip it till closer in, if you'd like.

    Carnitine is probably the best of the lot if he can only take one once in a while, but they do have blends with carnitine and arginine together if you can sneak one past him LOL. Probiotics are also good.

    I always did those when I got my three younger boys, I would sneak those in whenever I could!!!

    Small portions more often are great!! I often did that myself.

    Tea is such a good drink once you get used to it - there's something soothing about it yet it's a good pick me up.

    oh yes, that makes sense with hubby and IVF, and we have seen a lot of men who get pushed too hard, then declare a baby off the table entirely. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you!
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  11. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Yes the Vit. D is a good level in that. I honestly am not sold on the coq10 and it's pretty expensive, so feel free to leave that out. Omega 3 in a smallish dose is good, but if you feel like you're eating a fair bit of fish and other healthy fat, you can skip it till closer in, if you'd like.

    Carnitine is probably the best of the lot if he can only take one once in a while, but they do have blends with carnitine and arginine together if you can sneak one past him LOL. Probiotics are also good.

    I always did those when I got my three younger boys, I would sneak those in whenever I could!!!

    Small portions more often are great!! I often did that myself.

    Tea is such a good drink once you get used to it - there's something soothing about it yet it's a good pick me up.

    oh yes, that makes sense with hubby and IVF, and we have seen a lot of men who get pushed too hard, then declare a baby off the table entirely. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you!
    Oh there is a mixed one for arginine and carnitine?? if you have brand names let me know please! I've only managed to find one blend, and it's sold at Walmart, which wouldn't be possible for me being all the way in Australia alas :P
    Not that I want to be sneaky, but still...LOL the man is stubborn and hates swallowing pills, so a blend would extra helpful and super extra helpful if it is a liquid or powder form that can be taken more...hum...discreetly haha
    I have found carnitine liquid options so all else failing, might give that a try ^^ will that help with his stamina (whether just exercise or sex) too? If he gets extra strong and/or kinky, may be easier to convince that supps are worth it haha

    For me and the Cq10 (definitely none for DH?) - may take some as I think I have some leftover, and yes they are dang expensive so would hate for them to be wasted ^^ but will not actively replace them.
    Same for omega 3s - as am still nursing will only have one every 3 days maybe, to up my levels, as we don't do fish more than once a week at this stage, but my goal will be to up our fish to 2* week (salmon) soon anyways, so will not overly worry about getting too much of the O3 supps until a bit later

    You would think that after 4 kids, TTC should be easy - and after 2 sways, I'd not feel worried about getting things wrong - but while I don't want to overly obsess over things, I know I need some form of control haha
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
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    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

  12. #20
    Dream Vet
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    This liquid carnitine seems ok?
    It's 3000mg but that means I could give it EOD or so instead? and because it's only a TBSP for a serving (rather than 2 with others), I'd need less, making it easier to "conceal" - i.e. could include it in an overnight oats brekkie with fruit etc (haven't found a liquid one that wasn't flavoured).
    Just wasn't sure about the "Pantothenic Acid (as Calcium D-Pantothenate) 10 mg 200%"?
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
    (2013) (2015) (2018) (2021)
    (July 2014) (November 2023)
    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024!

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