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    Ion Insanity!!!!

    What are ions? Are they real? And do they even DO anything for swaying?

    Ions are real and are all around us - and inside our bodies - all the time, but there is no good evidence that the way they are said to work by the old school sway gurus is true.

    The entire notion of ions comes from the “research” of a couple of con artists (I say a couple, because at least once a year I stumble onto another con artist who is running this scam) who make totally unproven claims that the egg alternates back and forth in electrical charge from boy to girl, every other month and that this charge sucks either X or Y sperm - which allegedly also carry magnetic charges - to your egg.

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, for a fee, these charlatans are only too happy to perform tests upon you to determine what your boy months and what your girl months are With no biological or evolutionary mechanism to explain why eggs could shift back and forth from boy to girl every other month, since it isn’t true in any other animal, some calendar-selling jerks have put forth this notion so they can prey upon desperate people. This “research” has never been published for independent review by other researchers which is always a huge red flag that a claim is bogus, and their companies are not allowed to operate in many countries because of the sketchiness of their operation. So, these jerks are out there, doing what they do (scamming people). Then some of the online sway sites got ahold of the idea and decided to incorporate it into their overall swaying advice, because it was sooo well proven and everything (sarcastic eye roll).

    But, since that’s what we’re here for, let’s take a closer look and see if there is anything to this idea.

    There are, indeed, tiny electrically charged particles in the air all around us and inside our bodies that are called ions. They are actually atoms that have lost or gained an electron and are zipping around looking for something to bond with, since atoms “don’t like” having too few electrons or too many electrons and always “want” to bond with something when they are in this state. Some are positively charged (this is called a cation and is formed when an atom loses an electron - since electrons are negatively charged, a stable atom losing an electron then becomes positive), some are negatively charged (this is called an anion and is formed when an atom gains an electron - since electrons are negatively charged, a stable atom that gains an electron then carries a negative charge). Opposite charges attract, and similar charges repel each other, and when opposite ions meet, they bond and make molecules. Sometimes molecules will unbond for various reasons and then the ions in them form other molecules. These ions bonding and unbonding and hanging around waiting to bond exist in uncountable numbers inside our body. Our body makes them naturally and uses them for many things.

    The dubious claim is that some how, some way, these tiny particles go up inside our vaginas to help attract sperm and are also in our cervical mucus. That part is actually true BTW, you do have ions in your vagina and cervical mucus, but it is because your body creates them and that is what cervical mucus is made of for ALL women!! I REPEAT, ALL cervical mucus has sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium ions in it as does semen, along with lots of other minerals in ion form including zinc and copper and chloride. Some people like to take this biological reality and twist that into some notion that just because ions are in CM naturally, that this proves these ions somehow make a trail that magnetically attracts the sperm to the egg. But that is NOT how it works and here is why the ion idea simply cannot be true.

    1)Human sperm have been thoroughly tested and found NOT to have different electrical charges between X and Y. That’s right, contrary to popular belief, X and Y sperm DO NOT have different electrical charges. There is a full investigation of this complex subject here. Nor are any mammalian eggs believed to have electric charges that attract sperm to eggs. Period. Electrical charges are not the way mammalian sperm find mammalian eggs. Only the eggs of sea creatures and some amphibians have electrical charges - and that has nothing to do with their offspring’s gender whatsoever, that charge exists to prevent other species’ sperm from fertilizing their eggs, which are floating around freely in the water. (think about that next time you go swimming!) Human beings do not even have this potential for getting fertilized by other species because our eggs are safely tucked away inside our bodies and not floating around in the ocean in a delectable multi-species-sperm-egg soup and thus we have no need for our eggs to attract sperm via electricity.

    There IS a momentary “spark” at the moment sperm meets egg in mammals but this is NOT to attract sperm, it is to repel OTHER sperm so they cannot also fertilize the egg simultaneously (because an egg fertilized by two sperm is not viable.) It lasts only a split second and happens after fertilization, not beforehand. Mammalian, and thus human, sperm are NOT attracted to eggs by electric charge.

    We can prove this for a fact, using nothing but sheer common sense, because of the existence of Microsort. Microsort was a process in which sperm were dyed to better show their DNA, and then separated by the amount of DNA in them (X has slightly more). Then tiny drops of electrically charged liquid were added to the sperm one by one. After this charge had been added to the sperm, electrostatic plates were used to separate the X’s from the Y’s. So, the technology actually already exists to separate out positively and negatively charged sperm from one other and reproductive endocrinologists would LOVE to be able to do that because it would have made Microsort easier, cheaper, and less harsh on the sperm (Microsort was so hard on the poor spermies that it yielded very few pregnancies and has fallen out of favor as a result). But the process did not and does not work unless charges were first added to the sperm - a time consuming and expensive step prone to human error. If sperm had such charges to start with, doctors and researchers could have, and would have, since they were playing around with the idea anyway, simply used the electrostatic plates to separate out X from Y without dying them, hand separating them, and adding the charged liquid to them first!

    2)The “polar body” and "polarity" of which the ion aficianados speak is NOT ELECTRICAL OR MAGNETIC POLARITY. Eggs do not attract sperm to them by way of magnetism or electricity and it's a complete misrepresentation of the facts to make a claim that it is by dredging up the use of the word “polar” when it comes to eggs. Anyone claiming to be a scientist who tells people that eggs are magnetic and gives people science-ish gibberish about polarity during egg formation to prove that, is a straight-up liar. Because scientists know the word "polar" just means something that has two opposite sides. That’s all.

    When someone is bipolar it does not mean they are magnetic, polar fleece is a cozy material to make blankets out of but it doesn’t conduct electricity, and polar bears are not electric or magnetic either, they just happen to live at the North Pole. Polar is just a name. And the same thing is true of your egg. Just because a stage of oogenesis (egg formation) has the term “polar” in its name does not mean that it is a giant electromagnet that attracts things to it wherever it goes.

    The sole reason why you ever hear the word “polar” having to do with human eggs is because at a point in the development of the egg, part of it splits off and creates something called a "polar body" that is just a bunch of extra stuff that isn’t needed and can't be fertilized. You end up with one egg and 3 "polar bodies" at the end of this process because that’s how eggs are made, but that doesn't mean that eggs are magnetic or electric in any way. Polar. Is just. A name!!!

    Like we mentioned before, some water-dwelling animals DO have electrically charged eggs like sea urchins and some species of frogs (and people right up to Dr. Stolkowski, inventer of the mineral balancing diets like to pretend that this means something - it doesn’t) but humans do not. Think about it, if there was really a magnetic charge pulling sperm to egg, it would have to be so strong that it would be easily detected and proven beyond a doubt, we'd all have read about it in our 10th grade biology books. There are all sorts of weak magnetic and electric signals in the human body that have been detected - in your heart, in your brain, in your cells, in various other systems of the body - and if you Google them you can read all about any one of them and how they work because it’s common knowledge. If there was a charge in our eggs it would have been detected by now. Wanna prove it? Put something small and light containing iron on your ovaries around ovulation. It won’t stick. If your egg was magnetic enough to pull sperm to it from your vagina from a distance, it would have to be magnetic enough to attract a piece of iron through your skin. A magnet is a magnet is a magnet.

    BUT - they claim to have an explanation for that. The claim is that the charge is so weak it’s undetectable and that there is a “trail of ions” created in your cervical mucus that sort of pulls sperm along like a following a trail of bread crumbs to the egg where then and only then are they attracted by a weak magnetic force. Setting aside the “if this existed it would have been detected and proven and we’d all have learned about it in 10th grade biology” angle, again, this simply cannot be true. Just applying sheer common sense to the concept, it cannot be true and here’s why...

    3)Ions are so very tiny compared to sperm that “pulling sperm along” on a “trail of ions” would be like trying to attract a jumbo jet by having some guys wave magnets around in front of it. There are one hundred trillion atoms (and remember, an ion is simply an atom that has lost or gained an electron) in a single cell; a sperm cell is even bigger than the average cell. So we’re talking more than one hundred trillion people with magnets trying to pull the jet down the runway - it still wouldn’t be enough, because the jet is so big and the magnets are so small! And not only would they have to attract the jumbo jet enough to move, they’d have to make it move a long, long way, and go really really fast and it just would not be possible unless the jet/sperm already had its own propulsion system to start with - which luckily for all of us, sperm actually do.

    But let’s play a game of let’s-pretend here and say “ok all that is possible.” We’ll pretend that this ridiculous idea is true and with our trillions of little teeny magnets we have the jet/sperm moving down the runway fast enough to break the bonds of gravity and go flying off to find the egg. The problem is, there isn’t just one jet, there are hundreds of millions of jets, 50-50 X and Y jets as a matter of fact, and the claim is that they all have electrical charges (even though they don’t) According to the ion idea, those sperm have opposite charges and so why wouldn’t they just be be irresistibly attracted to each other just like they supposedly are to the ions in the cervical mucus? And since they are so much much huger than ions they would be a lot more attractive, one would surmise. Additionally, scientists have proven that there are lots of different ions in cervical mucus, some of them positive, and some of them negative.

    Sooo, what exactly prevents these supercharged jets/sperm from suddenly becoming attracted to each other, or to the wrong ions in the CM?? Remember, everyone’s CM has all sorts of different ions in it - positive, negative, calcium, sodium, all of them mixed in together and this is a proven fact! A scientist could take a sample of anyone’s cervical mucus and find all those ions in it, in spades, regardless of the gender of your babies, because ions are present in everyone’s cervical mucus. Thus, if sperm were really being “pulled along” by magnetic charges would they simply not be overcome along the way by each other’s charges and crash head on into each other, Negative X into Positive Y? And then whatever jet survived the carnage could still easily be pulled off course by all the “wrong” ions in the cervical mucus - even pulled sideways or backwards if the concentration of “right” ions was higher behind or to the left/right of them?

    If it really was all about charges, and opposites attract, then wouldn’t X and Y sperm be so powerfully attracted to each other that they’d have pretty much fused together while still in your husband’s testicles before ever encountering ions in the cervical mucus? If that’s not possible because of some entirely made-up hokey pretend science reason someone will pull out of thin air to explain this, why wouldn’t X and Y sperm would already have been so overwhelmingly attracted by the ions in his semen (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, 100% proven) and none of them would ever go anywhere - not out of his testicles and not out of the semen into the CM? If sperm were really attracted by “ions” and charges, the whole human race would have died out a long time ago because the sperm would have no idea which direction to go, because those little guys are completely surrounded by ions constantly since the moment of their creation. They would just sit there swimming in circles, totally confused, chasing ions to the left of them, ions to the right.

    Still thinking maybe this is possible? I got more!

    4)If there really was some strong charge pulling egg to sperm (which is what the originators of this theory claim, mind you, nothing about a “trail of ions” but that the egg itself is magnetically pulling sperm to it) it would have to be so powerful that it would actually mess up the internal workings of your body because ions are EVERYWHERE in your body doing stuff - bonding and unbonding and rebonding with some other ion - and if it was a matter of charges, everything ionic with the “proper” charge for whatever month you were in or whatever your minerals and/or pH had been, would be getting pulled to the egg!! Your organs themselves, all of which have ions in them in some capacity, would be wrecked and unable to function if your ovaries were chock full of eggs so so so magnetically powerful that they could suck a sperm jumbo jet down a runway at takeoff speeds. Your intestines, your kidneys, your blood itself, all rely on ions including sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium ions among others, and they would be freaking destroyed by the amazing power of your electromagnetic eggs. It makes no sense at all that magnetic attraction is sucking sperm to eggs because it would be so disruptive to your body.

    This doesn’t debunk the “trail of ions” angle per se, only the “egg cycle” idea...but wait, there’s even more.

    4)Sperm are able to swim for a reason and it's 100% proven that there are chemical attractants that the sperm can "smell" and then they swim there with the help of currents of cervical mucus flowing around. No ionic attraction required. So if it’s all magnetic and/or electric, why can sperm swim? Why are there currents in the cervical mucus? Even if the idea that the egg can pull sperm to it magnetically is bogus (since your refrigerator magnets aren’t sticking to your ovaries) then why don’t they just get pulled along by the “trail of ions”? Why would they need chemical attractants? Why do certain chemicals (including progesterone) attract sperm to the egg if it is simply a case of X and Y sperm having different charges? This chemical attraction is proven to only work within millimeters, meaning that the notion that the egg can attract X or Y sperm preferentially from the time it’s deposited means that it is even less likely that some magnetic attraction that has never been proven would work on sperm when they’re in the vagina or cervix, several centimeters meters away from the egg! Why would a chemically attractive force that only works millimeters away from the egg exist at all if there was a strong, powerful, magnetic attraction that worked as far away as the vagina?

    But the “trail of ions”!!! Ok. Let’s pretend that despite the claims of the charlatans selling swaying calendars based on the concept of alternating girl/boy months is fake (because it is, no need to pretend that part!) but the “trail of ions” is legit.

    5)The info on ions and diet and pH doesn't make any sense chemically anyway with what the “trail of ion” booster’s claims are. If you would like to read the ramblings of someone making up a theory as they go along whilst trying to make it fit in with everything they ever heard about gender swaying, have a look at this. (seriously, read this, there is no scientific basis for any of it, it’s entirely spun out of thin air. And if anyone knows what a “mercurial level” is please give me a heads up, I couldn’t find a single reference after several minutes of Google or in any of my 4 chemistry textbooks) VERY detailed explanation (and some what confusing) of Ions and why they work in FAQ Forum

    Also the links in that little explanation claiming to support the ion theory either link back to Ingender itself, to the “Ki Flow” website - a company that sells ionizing gadgets and not a scientific organization, a couple of “studies” one of which didn’t work and the other - well, let’s just say it used concepts of yin and yang as scientific support for its claims, and a Discover magazine article that has nothing to do with egg charges at all but is an explanation of egg polarity like I gave in 2) above. But remember, egg polarity has nothing to do with attracting sperm or electricity or magnets. It’s just a stage in the development of the egg!

    There is no scientific support for the concept of ions for gender swaying. None whatsoever. If they had anything, anything at all, more research would have been done and IG would have put it in their essay sometime between 2004 (when the last link was posted) and today but there’s nothing. No new research. Nothing beyond the Pakistan Journal of Nutrition article using yin and yang as scientific concepts, and a magazine article that doesn’t even have anything to do with electrical charges at the egg. Because no legitimate scientists or researchers buy into the concept and there is no research in support of it. The only people who claim to have research into this notion of “ions” and “egg polarity” are people who are scam artists, operate in countries beyond the reach of the law, and who refuse to release their “studies” for review by independent researchers.

    And setting all that aside, even taken at face value, even pretending it could be true, it can’t be true, because they have the entire notion of ions and pH and minerals and how they would interact completely incorrect. Straight from the horse’s mouth here VERY detailed explanation (and some what confusing) of Ions and why they work in FAQ Forum : “Someone pointed out to me that high pH is filled with loads of negative ions.” That’s right, the ion aficianados had it backwards all along, for years they had pH bassackward, and then tried to retroactively go back and make the theory still work when someone finally told them that their claims were chemically impossible.

    Fact: (Most) Acids are full of positive ions - which supposedly sway blue. (Most) bases are full of negative ions - which you are supposed to bombard yourself with for pink. So ions and pH theory CANNOT coexist. (It’s more complex than that but for our purposes, it’s enough to debunk the claims.) All the finagling in the world to say why ions work with pH and minerals to make your egg do this or that are all made up, they simply are not true. And don’t be fooled by the science-ese in that link - yes, potassium and sodium DO have positive charges...but so do calcium and magnesium, a pretty important tidbit of info that was apparently forgotten about when that was written. This means that ions and mineral balancing CANNOT coexist. For that matter, neither can pH and mineral balancing!!

    Here’s why. The hydrogen in acid is positively charged and then bonds with whatever comes along (usually water) to become neutral. Calcium in its naturally occurring state is positive and would bond to acids become inert...this is why Tums are made of calcium...calcium is an ANT(i)acid!! So why are you flooding yourself with negative ions and trying to “acidify” yourself again?? Wouldn’t it just inactivate the calcium? How can negative ions sway pink, if people are using acidic douches and taking gobs of calcium at the same time which would supposedly bond with negative ions and turn neutral?

    They are trying so hard to make all these theories work together into one grand sway theory of everything but IT MAKES NO SENSE.

    Again, let’s make our way back into the land of common sense one more time for one last demonstration of how ions and pH and minerals cannot possibly sway in the way the old school sway gurus are claiming. Because I know that you clever ladies have noticed the same thing I have - that even though ions, pH, and mineral balancing are impossible to reconcile for pink (because calcium would neutralize acids and negative ions making it an exercise in futility) you could, if you use some imagination, say “well, maybe this could all still work for blue since positively charged sodium and potassium and positive ions would neutralize acids, and Y sperm supposedly like higher pH so at least by doing the sodium/potassium/baking soda or egg white /positive ions then it will counteract the vaginal acidity and sway blue.

    But sadly, it still doesn’t work.

    Remember, the naturally occurring pH of semen and the fluids in your cervix, uterus, and Fallopian tubes is in the 7-8 range because that’s just how God/Mother Nature made us, y’all, with special cells growing at ovulation that do nothing but make alkaline fluids to nourish sperm, eggs, and tiny baby beans all of which thrive in pH in the 7’s-8 (full explanation here: So, let’s say you’re a blue swayer and you want to eat gobs of sodium and potassium and use some baking soda (pH 9) and/or egg white (pH 9 and up) in your VJ because even though the whole concept of ions for swaying doesn’t have any real scientific support, at the least it holds together with pH and minerals for blue. If acidity is our enemy, maybe sodium and potassium ions and high pH goop can counteract that acid a little. And I admit that - for pink it doesn’t work, chemically, it can’t work, but for blue, maybe it does a little. I’ll grant you that.

    But. And this is a BIG BUT!!! It is a BUT so big that Sir Mixalot would be pulling up quick to get with it!!

    If we accept on faith that Y sperm LOVE high pH and hate lower pH (it makes their tails, like, totally freeze, or something!) and we accept the scientific reality that the pH in your uterus and tubes is in the 7’s (which it is, and the stuff you put in your vagina CANNOT permeate up into the uterus and tubes any more than gargling with baking soda water and then spitting it out could alter the pH of your stomach acid), then explain to me why and how Y sperm would ever leave the high pH of egg whites or baking soda to proceed up inside the cervix, uterus, and tubes where the pH would get gradually lower?? Wouldn’t the high-pH-lovin’ Y sperm just hang out right where they are, basking in the glory of egg whites and baking soda? If this notion was true, you’d actually be doing the worst possible thing for blue by doing egg whites and baking soda. The X sperm would flee towards the lower pH of your cervix, uterus, and tubes and the Y’s would just stay in your VJ and have a party if they really were uncontrollably attracted by high pH.

    It just does not make any sense.

    Furthermore, to bring this all back to ions again since this is an ion essay and everything, at the same time blue swayers are meant to be bombarding themselves with positive ions since doing that allegedly sways blue. But since opposites attract and like charges repel...wouldn’t this simply mean that the positive ions flinging in from parts unknown would just bounce off the positive ions already chilling in our girly parts and be of no benefit whatsoever in the best case scenario, and in the worst case scenario, again, actually make the positive-ion-lovin’ Y sperm just turn around and go the wrong way - towards the positive ions - while the X sperm headed off in the opposite direction where the concentrations of negative ions were higher? And yeah ok I know that is the point of the sodium and potassium is to “flood the CM with positive ions” but dudettes, calcium and magnesium are ALSO positive ions and we are avoiding them for blue even though we know for a fact that they occur naturally and we also know that calcium ions are a key element in sperm meeting egg. Not X sperm only, ALL sperm. Y sperm NEED calcium to be able to fertilize an egg AND calcium makes positive ions and these various theories simply cannot be squooshed all together into one all-encompassing grand theory of swaying no matter how much people want it that way.

    6)The whole Ion Insanity theory just does NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. For realz!

    Now, I’m sure somebody out there can pull some mumbo jumbo-y gibberish-laden explanation about how it all works (again, if you’re in the market for "some what confusing" mumbo jumbo-y gibberish, please refer to this link VERY detailed explanation (and some what confusing) of Ions and why they work in FAQ Forum) but common sense time yet again, if any of this ion jazz were true, if eggs were alternating back and forth every month like the people who originally came up with this monkey business claim back in the days before Tamara got ahold of the concept and added “mercurial levels” whatever they may be to the Ion Insanity, then we would not see the trends that have been shown in hundreds of other studies where other things that have nothing to do with imaginary egg cycles were shown very clearly to alter the gender ratio. Do women around the Equator have more girls because they're all getting pregnant in the "right" months for them from sheer dumb luck? Do women with Masters Degrees have more boys because they somehow all managed to get pregnant in their boy months? Do men who ride bikes and smoke and are anesthesiologists and jet pilots have more daughters because just from sheer random chance they happen to impregnate women in certain months and not others? Are we getting 65-70% boys and girls from swaying (or better depending on sway tactics used) on this site because we are just so darn fortunate that we are all somehow magically happening to hit our lucky months? No, of course not, it makes no sense.

    7)Cutting edge science indicates that eggs actually MAY be able to pick sperm that they “prefer”, but it is very likely nothing to do with charges but some interaction on a genetic level where the lovely egg can actually sense sperm with defective DNA and “refuse” them. We are coming to realize that there are delicate, amazing biological mechanisms that no one has ever dreamed of before and some of these things very well may be swaying gender. To claim this is something as clumsy and obvious as electrical charges or magnetism is grossly underestimating the intricacy and elegance of the human body. Since we cannot know what these things are, because researchers haven’t figured it out yet, the best thing we can do is do what has worked for most people, most of the time, and let go of the “let’s pretend we know why this is so everyone do this stuff we pulled out of our butts” game.

    Diet, exercise, number of attempts, biking/jogging and smoking for DH swaying strongly pink and avoid these for blue, Clomid and Femara swaying strongly pink and avoid them if possible for blue. Do these things. These things work. Everything else is speculation.

    8)Here are a few ion related topics I get frequent questions about:

    Before I get started, a warning - Blue swayers - you should stay away from everything that is said to make positive ions because it’s all bad for you and doesn’t work anyway!

    Moon phases and solar flares - Does it make ANY sense to you that tiny particles are emanating from the sun and moon on a mission to invade your vagina? How would such a mechanism evolved and/or why would God be that bizarrely, maliciously random to invent such a thing? If gender swaying works, it is because there is some benefit to survival and handing down genes to future generations - diet, exercise, social standing, personality, heritable traits. If anyone can explain to me how particles that came from the moon and the sun on Wednesday can make up for a boy/girl that on Tuesday had a lower chance of survival to adulthood than a girl/boy did, I’m all ears.

    Seasons - The story goes that in temperate (4 season) boys are conceived in the winter because of ions, and girls are conceived in summer. But research has shown that while there are seasonal peaks of male and female conceptions (in the Northern Hemisphere, the girl peak is in Mar-May, boy peak in Sept-Nov; in the Southern Hemisphere those peaks are reversed and the boy peak is in Mar-May, the girl peak in Sept-Nov) this phenomenon has nothing to do with ions and probably have to do with day length and ambient temperature.

    Computers - How could computers make boys? Boys were conceived before computers were invented and most everyone uses them now - the gender ratio is still 50-50. If computers swayed, wouldn’t we have seen a major variation in gender ratio in the past 50 years as more and more people started using computers in some form or the other all day long?? I was on my computer like a kajillion times longer in the 2 years before I got my girl than when I got my boys!! I didn’t even HAVE a computer when I got my first two boys! Plus, since heating up nuts may sway pink I would STRONGLY advise against having your hubby sit with his laptop in his lap thinking it will help a blue sway. It won’t, and may even sway pink.

    Cell phone in panties and/or negative ion menstrual pads - Again, if this is a prerequisite for making boys or girls, how did boys and girls get conceived before the invention of these things? Plus, see 5) above - if this worked, why wouldn’t the sperm simply turn around and head back towards the wrong charge since you put a big source of ions right outside the door?? I recall a woman back on Ingender who swayed with ions for a girl 2 years and even went into business selling the negative ion menstrual pads only to get a boy. This. Doesn’t. Work.

    Oh and BTW - those pads are also radioactive.

    Rose quartz bracelets - Rose quartz seems ok if you want to use it but DO NOT get any of the "negative ion" bracelets that they sell because several of them have been proven radioactive and harmful. This includes Tourmaline, which may be radioactive in its naturally occurring form.

    Lavender - hey, pink swayers, if you want to use the stuff, go for it. I doubt lavender lotion or soap does anything at all but if you like it, that’s totally at your discretion. I never used it, don’t care for the smell of it, and I got a girl.

    Nail painting - This is said to sway pink, but a normal person painting their nails even every day just can't be doing anything. It may be that nail techs who are around nail polish and remover all day every day may be affected by the chemicals in some way, but I do not believe that an individual nail painting does anything for anyone on an individual level, and the control-freak type of stress you need to put yourself through to accomplish painting your nails every day would only sway blue. (So blue swayers, if you’ve stopped giving yourself manicures in a misguided attempt to avoid “pink ions” feel free to pick it up again!) I try to keep my nails painted because my nails are really weak otherwise, and it is really time consuming. I have to plan my outfits, my chores (don’t be handwashing dishes!) worry about the time of day and what I’ll be doing later to avoid messing up fresh nail polish - it really takes a lot of thought, and I don’t even do it every day. I'd not bother with it for pink.

    Long story short - Ions are one of those things that tons of people use in their sways. For pink, there's little harm in it (stay away from the radioactive pads and bracelets, and unhealthy positive ions in things like breathing in smoke for blue, though) but I would not sink tons of money into ion gadgets because they do nothing. Blue swayers, positive ions may actually be harmful and above all else, NEVER use ions to make up for issues with the things that really sway - diet, exercise, number of attempts.

    I know sometimes when I go around debunking these things people get frustrated. You guys want to know what actually sways, if all this stuff doesn’t. But we don’t have the ability to figure that out. To really unravel the mysteries of gender ratio we have to rely scientists and researchers to put it all together. In the meantime, we can use logic and reason and the science that already exists, to rule out the things that are simply not adding up!
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; March 16th, 2018 at 02:22 PM.
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    This was a complicated piece to write! Hit me with any questions or let me know if anything is unclear!
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    Dream Vet
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    Seriously well written as always Atomic- your brain is fascinating! Alot of it is all very complicated and way over my head but you have broken it down and debunked this in a very clear way.
    And on a lighter note, the Sir Mixalot reference made me lol! I love how you approach your work so seriously but don't take yourself too seriously and hence all the funny quips you add in your essays- it's a great combination in life.
    Proud Mum to two gorgeous boys
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    Aww thank you so much kitten!
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    I never really believed in the ion thing, but still used lavender shampoo/conditioner/soap, wore a rose quartz bracelet most days and painted my toenails pink (a color called "Lady Luck" - LOL) the day before our attempt. I did all of that more for fun/superstition than anything, plus I love lavender (and it's supposed to be relaxing I guess??) so I was like well, why not?! All those things kinda made me feel more "girly" too which I figured couldn't hurt
    2013 2015
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  11. #6
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    Always thought it was nonsense, no one can articulate it like you atomic!
    Sept 2008 & successful boy sway June 2010.
    M/C Oct 2012

    Is DE in my future?

  12. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABC.2606 View Post
    I never really believed in the ion thing, but still used lavender shampoo/conditioner/soap, wore a rose quartz bracelet most days and painted my toenails pink (a color called "Lady Luck" - LOL) the day before our attempt. I did all of that more for fun/superstition than anything, plus I love lavender (and it's supposed to be relaxing I guess??) so I was like well, why not?! All those things kinda made me feel more "girly" too which I figured couldn't hurt
    that is all a-ok by me! That's the kind of "ion insanity" I can support LOL.
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  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Anchor View Post
    Always thought it was nonsense, no one can articulate it like you atomic!
    Thank you so much! I hope you're doing well my friend!
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  14. #9
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    bumping since we've had some newbies since I wrote this!

    Ions don't work, ladies.
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  15. #10
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    Bumping for those who haven't seen it yet!
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