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  1. #1
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    Wink New to GenderDreaming, hi all.

    Hi All,

    New to gender dreaming. I have to admit I was using ingender and then stumbled across gender dreaming and found that it's a whole other world and the information is a lot clearer and friendly to understand!

    I currently have a 9 month old boy (wasn't really swaying with the first but did use preseed). I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant with boy #2 (totally unplanned). A part of me kicks myself because had I known that I was going to get pregnant so fast, then I would have swayed..but how was I suppose to know that!! What was odd with baby #2 is that I dtd 3 days before O. I thought to myself under shettles I should have conceived a girl, well nope! I recently took the panorama test (similar to the harmony test) and it was confirmed another boy for me. I'm a bit sad but I suppose its a good thing for my first born as they will be so close in age and I'm sure it'll be a good buddy system. That being said I am still breastfeeding, so I have no clue how I swayed blue. I wouldn't say I'm exclusively BF, but it's usually mornings and evenings with supplementing formula during the day and solids.

    So as soon as I found out the gender of baby #2, I quickly thought to myself ok I'm definitely going ttc for a girl. I haven't even given birth to #2 yet and I'm already thinking about swaying for #3.. I know crazy! Like many on this forum, I desperately want a girl. So I'm here to learn everything I need to know. Baby #2 is due in Feb 2018, and my plan is ttc for a baby girl next fall (after September 2018).

    Learning a lot.. looking forward to meeting you Atomic and everyone else!


  2. #2
    Dream Vet

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    Welcome, Toronto!! You sound a lot like me! I have two boys - 4 & 2 - and when I found #2 was a boy I immediately started stalking Gender Dreaming and planning to sway for a girl with #3. You're not alone! I didn't sway with my two boys although I did know about this site and some of the old school theories of girl sways when I got pregnant w/ #2. Like I knew about the calcium, magnesium and aspartame theories - which basically have been shown now to not be effective - so I did those before we got pregnant, and no prenatal - just folic acid. I thought "frequent release" for lowering sperm count meant actually "baby dancing" every day leading up to ovulation, so that's what we did - and then I later found out that actually really sways boy! So basically, I didn't sway at all I've been swaying girl now for 5 months and am actually 4 weeks pregnant - although based on my blood work that I got this week, this bean may not stick, so we'll see.

    One thing I can tell you is - while I'm still desperately longing for a girl - watching my two boys together is AMAZING! They have bonded so well (and they have a 2 year age difference - yours will be even closer!). I think there's something soooo special about watching two little brothers play and grow together. I have really, really loved it so far. I've also always felt that we gave my older son such a special gift in giving him a brother. And my 2nd son is SO different in personality than my older one - and he's just a total goofball who cracks me up everyday. I really can't imagine life without him!!

    Congrats on your pregnancy and hope the rest of it goes well!!! Do you live in Toronto? I have relatives there.
    2013 2015
    Three babies
    2019 My rainbow boy/girl twins born January 2019 - thank you Atomic and Gender Dreaming!!

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABC.2606 View Post
    Welcome, Toronto!! You sound a lot like me! I have two boys - 4 & 2 - and when I found #2 was a boy I immediately started stalking Gender Dreaming and planning to sway for a girl with #3. You're not alone! I didn't sway with my two boys although I did know about this site and some of the old school theories of girl sways when I got pregnant w/ #2. Like I knew about the calcium, magnesium and aspartame theories - which basically have been shown now to not be effective - so I did those before we got pregnant, and no prenatal - just folic acid. I thought "frequent release" for lowering sperm count meant actually "baby dancing" every day leading up to ovulation, so that's what we did - and then I later found out that actually really sways boy! So basically, I didn't sway at all I've been swaying girl now for 5 months and am actually 4 weeks pregnant - although based on my blood work that I got this week, this bean may not stick, so we'll see.

    One thing I can tell you is - while I'm still desperately longing for a girl - watching my two boys together is AMAZING! They have bonded so well (and they have a 2 year age difference - yours will be even closer!). I think there's something soooo special about watching two little brothers play and grow together. I have really, really loved it so far. I've also always felt that we gave my older son such a special gift in giving him a brother. And my 2nd son is SO different in personality than my older one - and he's just a total goofball who cracks me up everyday. I really can't imagine life without him!!

    Congrats on your pregnancy and hope the rest of it goes well!!! Do you live in Toronto? I have relatives there.

    Hey ABC, first and foremost congratulations on your pregnancy!! Fingers crossed and sending positive vibes your way. Hopefully things work out. Yes, I'm from Toronto, where are you located?

    Thank you for remarks on giving your older son a gift. That does make me feel better, and the more I think about it you're right..there is just something so special watching two little boys grow together. I suppose this was all meant to be.

    May I ask what you did differently this time as you ttc #3.

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Keep me posted with your journey. So excited to be a part of such a supportive system.

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  6. #4
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    hi and welcome!!

    Most of us on here are fellow "I totally thought Shettles worked but I'm having a boy!" people, myself included! I have a thread debunking timing here:

    Huge congrats on your new little man!! I really do think boys should come in pairs like shoes!! They are great together.

    Please let me know how I can help!! Even things that work (and I do think breastfeeding sways pink) are sadly never 100% but we do get good results with some pretty easy to make changes in overall lifestyle.
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  7. #5
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    So nice to hear from you Atomic! Thank you!!

    Baby boy #2 is due February 2018, and I'd like to plan ttc girl that September 2018 and on wards. Do you think I'm crazy?! Any risks in trying so fast? I mean afterall I did conceive #2 by accident when my first was only 6 months!

    I should mention that although I was BF, I managed to have a regular menstrual cycle. People I know including my GP thought it was weird I was getting regular periods and still BF. My mom did tell me the same thing happened to her and she actually conceived my brother when I was 3 months old, so not sure if genetics are to blame.

    Because I have sometime before really ttc my question to you. Where should I go for now to start gaining info for those that will be BF and trying to sway pink. I do plan on getting the personalized plan because I'm one of those people that just needs someone to hold my hand!

    Thanks again for the warm welcome. Looking forward to connecting with you more.


  8. #6
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    Yes it is unusual when that happens, not impossible but not the norm! Don't be surprised if it doesn't happen the same way next time, though. That is a lot of pregnancy and nursing back to back and your body may hold off a little longer. It's not set in stone when your period comes back, there can be a lot of variation. For instance, my cycles have gone missing anywhere from 4 months thru 18 months while nursing.

    It may sway more pink to have the quick turnaround but again, you may find your body is less than cooperative this time. So we'd go easy on diet and exercise to hopefully coax your cycle to come back sooner rather than later. I would have you start off (and do NOT start dieting till baby is at least 6 months old!) at 2000 or better cals and see how it goes before cutting back any more than that.
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  9. #7
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    Thanks Atomic!

    A few questions:

    1. What happens if you happen to eat less than 2000 or 1800 calories a day? I just assumed low everything meant low calories, but I'm just so worried I may not even meet the minimum count.

    2. I'm hearing and reading about all these digital OPKs. With my first I used the strips and in retrospect, I now know I was reading it all wrong. I only just realized that the 2nd line needs to match or be the same color as the main line. Everyt ime I saw even a faint line I assumed I was ovulating! lol. So my question here, what is the best digital OPK. Where can I buy it etc, .

    3. I know you have mentioned in your previous posts that lubes haven't really produced the results may have hoped for. I remember with my first I didn't have much CM. It was only when I used preseed that I conceived. What's very interesting now that I'm pregnant with #2 is that I have tons of creamy CM.. I'm sure that may be pregnancy hormone related. With all that being said, if when I'm reading to ttc for #3 and I notice my CM is non-existent or feel dry, do you recommend I use a lube. I've heard about SYLK (and if so, which SYLK..there seems to be a few versions).

    4. I can't for the life of me figure out this whole basal body temperature. I tried taking my temp when trying for my first and I swear I had the same temperature every day LOL. Is this necessary? Do I really need to know my temp..considering I'll be testing for OPK using the digital test anyways?

    5. Lastly, kind of embarrassing but I remember shortly after giving birth to my first and even now while I'm pregnant I just have no sex drive. Poor hubby has been "pleasing himself".. when we ttc #3 should I be telling him absolutely no "pleasing yourself" and except please me every 4 days LOL?


  10. #8
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    I'm new to this place too, I'm like you but the opposite way I have a 2y old daughter and currently pregnant with my 2sd daughter that I I conceived in O day! I m a bit disappointed because I really wanted a boy, but feels like they gonna be good sisters. I'm due on January 2018 and already thinking about a boy!!! I feel that my family will not be complete without a little brother for my girls! So I really don't m ow from where to start. What is the diet, supliment everything to conceive a boy??? Any help will be very appreciated .thanks

    Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

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  12. #9
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    Don't know if I hit reply.. so sending again!! Sorry, still getting use to this:

    Thanks Atomic!

    A few questions:

    1. What happens if you happen to eat less than 2000 or 1800 calories a day? I just assumed low everything meant low calories, but I'm just so worried I may not even meet the minimum count.

    2. I'm hearing and reading about all these digital OPKs. With my first I used the strips and in retrospect, I now know I was reading it all wrong. I only just realized that the 2nd line needs to match or be the same color as the main line. Everyt ime I saw even a faint line I assumed I was ovulating! lol. So my question here, what is the best digital OPK. Where can I buy it etc, .

    3. I know you have mentioned in your previous posts that lubes haven't really produced the results may have hoped for. I remember with my first I didn't have much CM. It was only when I used preseed that I conceived. What's very interesting now that I'm pregnant with #2 is that I have tons of creamy CM.. I'm sure that may be pregnancy hormone related. With all that being said, if when I'm reading to ttc for #3 and I notice my CM is non-existent or feel dry, do you recommend I use a lube. I've heard about SYLK (and if so, which SYLK..there seems to be a few versions).

    4. I can't for the life of me figure out this whole basal body temperature. I tried taking my temp when trying for my first and I swear I had the same temperature every day LOL. Is this necessary? Do I really need to know my temp..considering I'll be testing for OPK using the digital test anyways?

    5. Lastly, kind of embarrassing but I remember shortly after giving birth to my first and even now while I'm pregnant I just have no sex drive. Poor hubby has been "pleasing himself".. when we ttc #3 should I be telling him absolutely no "pleasing yourself" and except please me every 4 days LOL?


  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by nawal.hmimen View Post
    I'm new to this place too, I'm like you but the opposite way I have a 2y old daughter and currently pregnant with my 2sd daughter that I I conceived in O day! I m a bit disappointed because I really wanted a boy, but feels like they gonna be good sisters. I'm due on January 2018 and already thinking about a boy!!! I feel that my family will not be complete without a little brother for my girls! So I really don't m ow from where to start. What is the diet, supliment everything to conceive a boy??? Any help will be very appreciated .thanks

    Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
    Hi and welcome Nawal!! Here is our Index, you will find tons of information in this about how to conceive a boy!

    And come join us in our TTC A Boy forum!!
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