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  1. #121
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    If you're taking the Cal-mag, I would not take any more than 1200 mg calcium. 150 mag is fine but if you find you're getting diarrhea, it's probably the mag and you may need less.

    B6 - start with 50 mg and take throughout the entire cycle non-stop. Once you get a BFP, you need to wean off SLOWLY, over 2-3 weeks, don't just stop suddenly. If you have morning sickness you can take it through the first trimester and then gradually wean off (it did nothing for me, though.)

    Folic - 1200-1600 mcg a day, broken into 3-4 small doses and spaced throughout the day.

    Everything you ever wanted to know about baby aspirin and more is here:

    No, getting BFP on any DPO tells you nothing about your LP for that cycle. You don't know and can never know what your LP would ahve been on a cycle you conceived. It is totally possible to get pg with a shorter than normal LP! Once the baby implants, it sends a signal to your body to make extra progesterone that then sustains your uterine lining and prevents AF from coming.
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  2. #122
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    Thanks so much Atomic for answering!! I am so HAPPY that I found this site and that you are here to answer these questions I am excited to start my supplements now. I read your thread on baby aspirin. Sounds daunting now so I don't think I am going to take it haha. I think the dietary changes, sudafed, and rephresh around O should hopefully be enough to change my environment down there but not prevent me from getting prego. You mentioned that the B6 did not work for you mean in terms of swaying or in terms of lengthening your lp? I still plan on seeing my doc next week about my short lp...I am hoping he gives me progesterone pills or something and doesn't disregard my concerns.

    TTC a Fall 2012 (Starting in Sept!)

  3. #123
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    Are YOU taking Sudafed? Reread that thread again because there is info about Sudafed you should be aware of. I'd much rather see you take antihistamine instead, Sudafed is jsut not safe enough for my liking.

    B6 did not work for me for swaying OR for preventing morning sickness. I got a boy and was sick as a dog. I never had a short LP BUT I did get pregnant with the first egg while BF so it may have helped there, but I'm not sure.
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  4. #124
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    I'd much rather you got progesterone support, I haven't seen enough success with the B6 on lengthening LP.
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  5. #125
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    That is my goal too! Can't wait for my doc appt and hopefully he will give me that

    TTC a Fall 2012 (Starting in Sept!)

  6. #126
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    Hi everyone...I wanted to sart vitex also but m/c on June 30. We've bd a few times here and there since and don't know if I've ovulated. My opk was real light when I did test. I want to start vitex but now wondering the what-if I'm already pregnant...I also heard to take it like stating day 3 of AF? I also heard not to take it during AF. Confusing. I wanted to start it now to bring on AF. Does that work? Any advice? It took 2 years to become pregnant without focusing real hard on it and now that I had the m/c I'm really wanting it to happen and not wait 2 years again. I want to take 3 twice a day right? That will give me a chance of a single or twins? Right? Help...

  7. #127
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    Hi candice, I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Vitex does seem to work to bring back your cycle. The best way to do this is go back and look at what your cycles were BEFORE you got pg with your last baby, and use those dates. Most people tend to resume AF and O about the same times of the month that they were having them before. So if your AF was on the 15th of the month and you O on the 1st usually, take vitex starting on the 15th, and stop it on the day before you typically O. (this is just an example and you need to use your own dates!!)

    Vitex is safe to take during AF and we all start it CD 1. You should stop it a day before O because it's been delaying O for some people. Since you want to be prepared in case you O unexpectely, take OPK and if you get a positive, stop the vitex, even if it's not the same date that you were expecting to get a pos OPK. Dosage on vitex is 800 mg a day, you can take 400 am and pm or take them all at once, whichever you prefer. Some data indicates vitex may increase odds of twinning but most of us have gotten singletons while taking it so if it's true, it's not by much.

    Definitely take a pregnancy test before you start taking the vitex!!
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  8. #128
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    Thank you. All the websites are confusing. I appreciate you and you have a wonderful group of ladies here who all deserve a lil sticky bean. lol This website is wonderful.

  9. #129
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    Ok so i went to my doc's appt and I got good news.......he is going to prescribe me clomid! He tested me and did an ultrasound and he said that I am ovulating on my own every month but unfortunately I am just a REALLY late O'er and he doesn't know why. According to my ultrasound and blood work ...he has ruled me out for PCOS. I am just an irregular cycle girl I guess which isn't a problem except that I don't have as many chances during the year to get pregnant compared to regular cycle girls. I asked him if ovulating really late meant poor egg quality and he said no...that was a myth. He said the only "problem" he had with it is that more than likely ovulating really late is causing my lp to be crappy. So he prescribed me clomid to induce O earlier and some progesterone supps to lengthen lp for the next cycle. I am happy because I saw all your info/threads about how clomid is awesome for ttc pink. I saw that it is important to get pregnant right away. I am scared! I was so comfortable with my original plan to do diet + abstinence. It just really scares me for some reason to do frequent! My husband is young (26) and I feel like this is just going to majorly boost those speedy boy sperm! DS was conceived with us dtd all the time....was looking forward to trying to do the opposite this time So there really is no way to do abstinence with clomid? Also I am DYING here on this diet. If I am doing clomid now can I majorly ease up on the diet? In your opinion is clomid better than any other sway tactics I could do on my own? I am thinking about passing up on his offer for clomid and just sticking to my original plan:?

    TTC a Fall 2012 (Starting in Sept!)

  10. #130
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    That's great news wantagirly! Clomid + no PCOS = good shot at pink even if you do nothing else to sway. I would take Clomid in a HEARTBEAT over any other sway tactics.

    It's best to get pg quickly on Clomid BUT if you want to give it 1 month with abstinence and 1 attempt, that's ok. 2 at the very, very, very most. After that if you don't get pg, the abstain MUST go.

    I really don't think frequency sways much at all, I know it's hard to give up on though.

    I personally would advise you to continue on diet even if you're on Clomid. Diet is the one thing you CAN do while you're on Clomid, so I hate to see anyone drop it.
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