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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Sperm-spinning and sway TTC girl


    After 3 boys with 1 basic and 1 serious sway and now 3 failed gender selection IVFs I am thinking about one last attempt with local sperm sorting + clomid.

    I am 41 and likely success is very low. I want to do a gently sway so as not to reduce my chances of conceiving. To be honest I am feeling very down and researching again is overwhelming for me. I would need to sway in the next month or so as my fertility is declining rapidly. I would love some direction and support.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    The unfortunate truth about swaying is that other than diet and exercise, there IS no pink sway that doesn't involve reducing chances of conceiving. Since your odds of conception with IUI+spinning is already sooo low, we have to be very cautious not to have you then take a bunch of herbs (or have hubby do so, either) or aspirin or antihistamine or try for douching, timing, frequency. None of those things work and will really cut odds of conception hugely.

    Now, I know this isn't what you want to hear but the sperm spinning doesn't really work. When scientists tested it, they found the same number of X and Y sperm even after the spinning, and Dr. Ericsson, the founder of the spinning method, has admitted this. He claims that the spun sperm go on to make different numbers of XX and XY but this has never been established by independent researchers.

    The only method that really did work to alter numbers of X and Y sperm was Microsort and even that didn't work...very very few people conceived while doing it, and of those handful, some still got opposites. I know a woman who got a boy with a 92% X sperm sort!! Plus, Clomid, while it is a great pink sway (and it's very likely that the only reason why spinning appears to do anything is because it's done with Clomid) is not going to be best for women over 38 or so because it causes FSH to skyrocket, which is bad for egg quality. Is there any way to do the spinning with Femara, if you end up deciding to do it?

    So to focus on what you CAN do, I'd suggest you do atomic fertility diet here: and exercise cardio 60 minutes a day, 4 or more days a week.

    Have hubby do regular release every 2-4 days. This will make a good number of healthy sperm to better enable you to get pregnant with the spinning+IUI. You can also give him olive leaf extract 500 mg a day started right away and continued till BFP at which point he should gradually wean off.

    That's it. That is all you should do. No herbs, jellies, douches, abstains or daily releases, no timing schemes (and if your clinic suggests "hey let's do the IUI 3 days before O" then RUN as fast as you can in the opposite direction because they do not have your best interests at heart). Don't do ANYTHING physical for DH like hot bath, jogging/biking, tighty whiteys that cut odds of conception.
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