Dear Carole,

I was just wondering what your thoughts are on whether IVF failure is due to embryo or implantation or immune issues.

I have done 5 cycles of IVF and only had 2 transfers. You can see the cycle details in my signature but I generally have low numbers and not so great quality. I am 36. I have done my last 2 cycles at a different clinic a very reputable one and from the last 2 cycles we batched and got 4, cgh normal hatching blasts which were frozen (2XX and 2XY).

Last year I transferred a FISH tested day 4 embryo and we had a chemical miscarriage, my beta rose over a period of 2 weeks and then decreased (highest level 147)

This time we transferred a FET, day 5 hatching blast that survived the thaw at 95% and my betas are rising but slowly but I have been told it is non viable and will be a chemical misscarriage (highest beta so far is 49), waiting on more tests tomorrow.

My RE wants to go ahead and do another FET with my remaining girl embryo, she says due to my history and the fact that I have 3 natural children that it is more likely an egg quality issue rather than impantation or immune issues. She said sometimes the embryos just don't have all the energy to just keep going. She is not very open to any other testing at this time.

What is your take on this?

Although I know that you can't tell if an embryo can make it by a picture, I have attached mine below in case you can see something I can't. It was thawed about an hour before this picture.

Thanks so much