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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Trying for Girl #2!

    Hi ,

    My name is Ashley and my husband and i have been TTC girl #2 for 8 months. We conceived our first (almost 2 year old) with no problem on the first try. This time has been really tough. 2 chemicals and lots of BFN's with perfect BD timing. I went to get infertility testing in Feb and

    Prolactin= 8.9
    Estradiol= 50
    AFC= 20
    AMH = 6.7
    FSH= 3.8 (they put me on synthoid which dropped it to 1.15 as of last month)

    Semen Analysis
    volume= 1.0ml
    total count= 40.5 million
    ph = 8.5 (i saw this may be too high right?)
    motility= 53%
    normal morph=10%

    I was upset about the TSH being 10 as I'm only 30 but why is my AFC and AMH very good? confusing!

    Anyway, my doctor wants to start me on clomid but I'm very apprehensive based on all the negatives I've heard. Also, if my AMH and AFC is high, I'm afraid i'll either over stimulate or have to cancel a cycle because of multiples.

    I have been reading a lot about Femera on here and it looks like a good option for me. I called to ask if the doctor would let me try that so I'm waiting to hear.

    I've been reading a LOT on the TTC girl boards so I'm going to start posting! Just so frustrating to have been trying so long.

    Can anyone see something that I may be missing that could be the problem? Thanks!! Looking forward to talking to everyone more =)

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Because it is entirely possible to have a bum thyroid but fine egg quality. they operate independently of each other and yeah even in your 20s and 30's they can go bad sometimes. Glad it's responding well to meds!

    (hmm reading this again I think you are possibly confused about TSH and FSH?? can you clarify?)

    What negatives have you heard about Clomid?

    Don't worry about hubby's pH, most of us are not even tracking that any more as it didn't seem to help predict whose sways worked and whose didn't.

    The chemicals were very likely due to the thyroid issue and having that corrected will probably be the #1 thing that will help you conceive (I am very sorry for your loss and TTC for so long)

    Can you fill me in if you are doing anything for swaying pink?
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  4. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    oops! yes 10 FSH and 3.8 TSH !

    Things I don't like about climid (having never used it before) are the drying up cm, possibly thinning your lining, and the chance of overstimulating.

    I just feel like I've read more positives about femera.. what would you suggest for me if I have regular 26-28 day cycles and ovulate on my own each cycle.

    So far I have had my husband take cranberry, we've tried the one attempt for a few cycles, and I've been dieting.. I want to be more strict about the swaying but since I'm having trouble I'd like to do what will get me pregnant first!

  5. #4
    Dream Newbie

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    update... the doctor called and approved me to start 5mg of femur for next cycle. should I ask for a lower dose with my AFC and AMH? Does femur sway girl in of itself?

  6. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    sorry, one more question.. is there a certain timing i should BD with the ovidrel trigger shot to sway girl?

  7. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshleyM25 View Post
    oops! yes 10 FSH and 3.8 TSH !

    Things I don't like about climid (having never used it before) are the drying up cm, possibly thinning your lining, and the chance of overstimulating.

    I just feel like I've read more positives about femera.. what would you suggest for me if I have regular 26-28 day cycles and ovulate on my own each cycle.

    So far I have had my husband take cranberry, we've tried the one attempt for a few cycles, and I've been dieting.. I want to be more strict about the swaying but since I'm having trouble I'd like to do what will get me pregnant first!
    FSH can rise and fall, if your other markers are good then I suspect it was just a weird month for whatever reason.

    Most of the downsides from Clomid are only after someone's been on it a long time and/or when docs prescribe too high a dose. Femara is great though and also sways pink.

    DO NOT get more strict about swaying NOW. Now is time to relax and focus on getting pregnant especially since you have the Femara working for you.

    Re the trigger shot - have one attempt the day of trigger and then since you guys have been trying so long, I want you to have attempts every 4 days after that. RARELY with the trigger, you won't O right away so that way you're covered in case of delayed O. And definititely, if you don't end up getting trigger, have the e4d attempts after your one attempt.
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  8. #7
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you SO much!! you are the biggest help. Ok I will try that this cycle and update =)

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