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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    New here and hoping to sway pink after 2 boys

    Me (31) and my hubby (37) have decided to ttc baby number 3. I have 2 boys already, one is 12 from a previous relationship and we have an almost 3 year old together too. I love my boys, and believe my youngest especially has helped heal many of my gender disappointment fears (I so wanted both times to have a baby girl and after a gender scan with my youngest I took it quite hard) to the point I now know having a third boy would actually be really special if our sway failed. I do want to give swaying a try though as I still hope for a daughter one day and not sure hubby can be persuaded to try for a fourth baby!
    The scariest thing for me is the anxiety over having another hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy, HG had me hospitalised very early on and medicated for most of my pregnancy. I'm terrified, but really really want another child so it's just something I'm going to have to face. I'm in the uk and despite getting lots of info from pregnancy sickness support etc, my gp won't talk about a plan until I'm sick so all I can do is see them ASAP once I'm actually pregnant.
    I have had the mirena coil removed mid cycle on 29th jan after 2 and a half years, and was using ov sticks, between then and now I had a short withdrawl bleed and 3 different positive opks, unfortunately I don't think I actually ov'd and af has got me with a vengeance today. Both my boys were conceived with one attempt only when I was much fitter than I am now (was a dancer when I had my first) and after no birth control 1st time and straight after stopping the pill (only on it 6 months) 2nd time. I'm still breastfeeding my toddler so perhaps that could affect my chances.
    I really need to scour this site for as much info as possible! What a fabulous resource! But so much to learn. I already see my diet is bad as I'm totally a snacker/grazer! And I need to do more exercise, I do walk everywhere, but currently at toddler speed and not for 60mins non stop!
    We are taking a short break from ttc as we are going away to see family at start of June and with HG I can't really be in early weeks of pregnancy as need time to get stable on meds. If my cycles now go back to regular 28 days then we'd like to try for an attempt end of may and due date would be our anniversary and right round valentines day (if we are blessed for the attempt to work!).

    Ok, I've written like a full essay! I will stop boring you all and go read read read!!!!!
    Nice to meet you all! X

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
    maidentomother's Avatar
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    Welcome and good luck! HG is awful.

    My Ovulation Chart
    currently TTC, Cycle #16 since last BFP

    TTC #1 - swaying pink on & off since Nov 2013 - hoping for a girl first but excited for either!

    Dec 2001 - May 2006 : 5 early abortions of healthy singletons (3 medical @5w, 2 surgical @8w, last 4 pregnancies conceived with late DH, all conceived while TTA/on birth control)
    Mar 2012: miscarried B/G twins @5w (conceived 2 cycles after removìng Paraguard copper IUD while NTNP), one twin was ovarian ectopic

    Me: 34, widowed, late O + short LP, normal-good hormone levels excepting undetectable testosterone, seeking a known sperm donor/life partner
    My sway: vegetarian LE for over 28w, skipping breakfast, fibre (ground psyllium husks) with/before/between meals, physically inactive, drama avoidance, ocassional minimal YesBaby lube as needed, alternate cycles on low dose Clomid, double shot lattes (with meals)
    Past sway tactics I've dropped (in order): Vitex, Sudafed, antihistamines, intermittent fasting, one attempt per cycle at positive OPK, one attempt in fertile period

  3. #3
    Big Dreamer
    ahorn586's Avatar
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    Hello and Welcome!! This is a wonderful site full of resources and information. I wish you the best of luck!!
    Mom to four wonderful boys 6/2009 2/2011 11/2017 3/2019
    Surprise BFP!! Baby # 5 Due Feb 5th 2021 IT'S A GIRL!!!

  4. #4
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you! So much to take in at the minute, so much to learn! X

  5. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome! HG is terrible! Please let me know how I can help!!!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  6. Likes Throwaway_panther liked this post
  7. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsIM View Post
    Thank you! So much to take in at the minute, so much to learn! X
    ask, ask, ask!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  8. #7
    Dream Newbie

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    So I certainly need to up the amount of exercise I do. I'm thinking maybe a long brisk walk each day with my toddler in the pushchair (I may need to bribe him to sit in there for 60mins at a time! Or wear him out first). Will that be enough? i walk everywhere now, but not for 60mins at a time, but cautious about doing anything too drastic as my body isnt used to constant exercise anymore and I've had issues with inflamed tendons in my knees.
    But snacking is going to be the hardest part to curb I think. I am a chocoholic who also can't resist peanut butter! Hoping getting more exercise might actually help with that as if I'm not in the house I can't keep reaching for the treats! Lol. But it's going to be hard!
    Also wondering about ions (read on IG), do you think this has any effect? Should I be painting my nails and wearing rose quartz, burning beeswax candles etc? Or do you think those are just things that can't hurt but don't necessarily sway?
    Thanks. The more I read the more questions I have! X

  9. #8
    Dream Newbie

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    Oh, and sylk lubricant? Any evidence it actually sways pink? Not tried lube before, not needed to so not sure where to start! lol, but I've heard that one is good for girl swayers x

  10. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    walking 60 min a day is great!! Doesn't need to be any more intense than that.

    No, I don't believe in ions, but it doesn't hurt anything if you want to try them (for pink anyway - blue swayers if you're reading this DO NOT do the positive Ions as recommended by IG as they can cause you harm)

    If you can't cut out snacking totally, just do what you CAN do. This is not a "do everything exactly perfect or your sway will fail" kind of thing. As long as you're moving in a pink-friendly direction, all the changes you make will only help.

    Sylk seems neutral in our resuts. It's fine to start off using it but it can cut odds of conception, so if you get BFN after a few months you'll want to drop that BEFORE adding attempts (since one attempt has been a strong pink sway in our results)
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  11. #10
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you!
    So one attempt at pos opk is the optimum for swaying pink? Does it matter wether you choose fr or abstinence before that attempt? DH is 37 but not sure how many days before ov fr would need to start from. Or could he release multiple times a day in the few days right before ov and/or release before our attempt and then our attempt would be the second batch? If I'm making sense! X

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