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    Intro and wondering if Pink is possible with IUI?

    Hi guys!

    I am the mama of two beautiful sons. Seriously, wonderful, beautiful boys. I love them with all my heart.

    I still feel like our family is missing something and I really do believe it's a daughter. I had GD with both pregnancies after finding out they were boys. The second time, we tried to be team green and not find out, but had a girly nub scan and the tech said "heres between the legs!" to which we saw nothing. Joke was on me. I drove myself batty and went to confirm girl. Nope, all boy. I was devastated.

    Anywho, here's the kicker. My husband and I have fertility issues and have to use IUI to get pregnant. We are Male Factor. In 2012 we had a miscarriage, then late 2012 we conceived our son naturally by using OPK and 0-1. Then we tried 11 cycles to get pregnant before we sought out fertility treatments. After testing, we found out about the male issue. After two clomid + IUI rounds we conceived our son, born last year.

    So, my friends, what do i do? I have heard that the diets and other things won't work because we are bypassing the CM. Is there anything i CAN do to sway pink?

    I found a clinic in a different state, 3 hours away, that offers IUI with gender selection for only $60 more than I pay for my IUI at my clinic. They won't disclose those success rates until I pay for a consultation with the doctor. Does anyone know how they manage to do that, IUI with gender selection? Much cheaper than PGD.

    Thanks for your help mamas!

  2. #2
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    Yes, it is still possible to get a girl with IUI.

    No one on the planet truly knows how swaying works and yes, I would still have you do a sway diet - the atomic fertility diet, and I'd follow the variation for swayers going HT and you can find that in this thread, 5 from the top. Clomid itself sways pink as well and I think you still have a good chance of a girl.

    I would be wary with the gender selection. It is sperm spinning with some chemistry involved that is supposed to thin out X and Y sperm, but it isn't as effective as what we'd like. Oftentimes what they quote and what reality is, are very different - they will put on their websites "100% effective" but that is with PGD and the sperm spinning, not just the sperm spinning. For $60 I'd probably do it since you need the IUI anyway but just don't go in with 100% expectations because that is not really being honest about the chances. (I have seen people get opposites with these techniques and even a woman who got an opposite with 92% X sperm via Microsort, so it just isn't the kind of guarantee we would all wish that it was).
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi everyone, Atomic, just wondering if you know if my chances of getting a girl with IUI and no stimulation meds are slim to nil? (Bear in mind I'm the mum of three boys already) . We are considering trying IUI after months of no luck (went to the RE and found out my AMH is on the low side). The RE wants me to use the meds but my husband is really nervous about the possibility of twins and wants to try it at least once without the stimulation. Don't get me wrong, I would love another little boy with all my heart, but really don't want to blow my chances of having a little girl to love too. What are your thoughts?

  4. #4
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    No, there is always a chance of a girl. We've found that even with the best sways there are still opposites roughly 30% of the time. And depending on the medicines used, they may sway pink. Clomid and Femara both sway pink, and it stands to reason that the injectible meds may as well, we just don't have the data to prove it.

    The real problem with not using the medication is that it makes your odds of success with the IUI much lower. To my way of thinking, you're going to be burning money for low chances of success and in that case it makes more sense to me to just save the money and continue TTC at home.

    Can you tell me what, if anything, you guys are doing to sway?? Or even just to TTC? Sometimes people are doing things to sway, or even to seemingly get pregnant more quickly, that are actually harming their chances of conceiving and I may be able to help you tweak some stuff to boost your odds.
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  5. #5
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    Thanks so much for getting back to so quickly, Atomic! You are amazing.

    Well, it's a bit of a long story. We started ttc almost a year ago now. At first I was trying quite a lot of sway tactics I thought might help sway girl, LE diet, cranberry supps, antihistamines, one attempt in the fertile window (at first o-3, but after a few months we got much closer to o) I even ordered aci-jel online although I didn't get into checking pH and all that. Well 6 months went by and nothing. I had zero trouble getting pregnant with my boys(they were all conceived on the first try) however that was over 5 years ago so we decided to see a fertility specialist. I found out my amh is on the low side and DH 's sperm count is ok but on the lower side of ok. Since then, I have dropped most of my sway tactics, even the diet I admit I've let it slide a bit, although fortunately I haven't gained more than a pound or two (I was never too big to begin with) and I'm still skipping breakfast and trying to watch what I eat. We gave up the lube, and DTD more than once (usually twice) in the fertile window (been monitoring closely with opk). I started ubiqinol which I think is helping as I've noticed my cycle slowly lengthening from 27 days to 29.
    Anyway, my husband wants to try the iui as he really just wants a baby at this point and is totally ready to give up on the sway stuff. I am pretty close to that point myself, but after all this time hoping I could sway my chances I don't want to give up entirely... So for a natural iui(no clomid/femara/injectibles) is there anything I can do aside from diet? Baby aspirin maybe? Time is unfortunately not on our side as I just turned 37 last week!
    Thank you again so much, Atomic!!

  6. #6
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    BAby aspirin did not help in our results and ended up having a lot more risks and side effects both to you and to your unborn baby than we first realized (several studies have come out recently showing this)

    If there was some magic pill we could take to up the chances of a girl, trust me, we'd all be doing it. I really wish I could help you with that angle but it just doesn't exist. Clomid/Femara ARE the magic pills and unfortunately those are off the table here.

    Question - have you been continuing your attempts AFTER you think you have ovulated?? We are finding that people are often ovulating later than they think, and if you stop having attempts you miss the egg totally. I also want you to drop shallow release if you were doing that (you're probably not, but again this is something I keep finding out people are continuing even after months of BFN) and also if you are not staying laying down after sex, please do so for at least 15-30 minutes and spend part of that time laying on your belly in case you have a tipped uterus.
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  7. #7
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    Hi again Atomic, thanks for the tips. We did give up shallow release a long time ago and I do try to stay still after for a bit. We have added more attempts in the fertile window too, at least twice and last time we threw caution to the wind and DTD about four times! It was after that that I knew we had to seriously consider IUI.
    I'd be curious to read the studies about baby aspirin. Can you send a link?
    What about cranberry instead?
    Do you think there would be any advantage to sway girl in having DH release soon before he makes his contribution for the IUI?
    Also, one more question, I was actually diagnosed with celiac disease 6 months ago which I wonder might be contributing to our struggles with conceiving. I've been gluten free since I was diagnosed and have been feeling much better. Do you think the gluten-free diet sways either way?
    Again thank you for all your help and advice, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

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    I really don't think, as my doctor said too, fsh or Amh levels have anything to do with conceiving. My fsh was 14 at some point and it took a while to get pregnant but we had our son after about 7-8 months of trying on and off. I took vitex for a while but had to stop due to a large cyst I had, but I heard help conceive a girl as well. I am thinking about taking one a day instead of 3, like I used to do. But there are many success stories. What are your thoughts on that atomic?

  10. #9
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    Sometimes the links on the site have been weird lately I posted one, not sure it will work. But if you google "aspirin causes miscarriage" there are tons of hits on it. Only people who have a proven clotting disorder or whose heads will explode if they don't take something for pH should be on aspirin. I don't want anyone else on it.

    cranberry is even more dangerous than aspirin and our results showed definitively it did nothing to sway.

    Do not have DH release before the IUI batch. he needs a lOT of sperm to ensure the IUI works.

    Gluten free diets have been super successful for us for pink.
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  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nemcemger View Post
    I really don't think, as my doctor said too, fsh or Amh levels have anything to do with conceiving. My fsh was 14 at some point and it took a while to get pregnant but we had our son after about 7-8 months of trying on and off. I took vitex for a while but had to stop due to a large cyst I had, but I heard help conceive a girl as well. I am thinking about taking one a day instead of 3, like I used to do. But there are many success stories. What are your thoughts on that atomic?
    Unfortunately FSH and AMH levels do have something to do with conceiving. It doesn't mean it's impossible though and we've had people who had very poor numbers and who had been told by their docs they had no chance, get pregnant naturally in the end.

    I would not have anyone who's had trouble conceiving in the past, on Vitex UNLESS you have known PCOS. It can cut odds of conception for people, with the exception of those with PCOS who it may help.
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