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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Happy New to the forum

    Hi! I have been lurking for a while but I figured I'd post.

    I am 32 years old and I have two sons (age 7 and 21 months). I have been preparing to sway for a girl for quite a few months now. It's all just pretty overwhelming.

    So far, I have lost quite a bit of weight on the LE diet. I am vegan but have added a cup of Greek yogurt per day and have been basically surviving off white rice and green beans, no salt, and lots of salads and low sodium toast. I also work night shift and I consume heavy amounts of caffeine--I prefer Red Bull which I was hoping would sway girl since it's high in magnesium. Also been taking a few different supplements such as Calcium and Cranberry and have been upping my intake of Diet sodas and crystal light. Last, I've been working on chilling the heck out (I'm a super type A) and getting some negative ions in my life--started using lavender essential oil diffuser and salt lamp rock in my bedroom for sleep.

    My issue is that I am terrified of the timing issue. My first son was conceived a few days after ovulation, but my second son was conceived just a few days after my period. I've been tracking my cycles religiously, they are very short and I think I ovulate like clock work between on CD 12 and 14 each cycle since i stopped breast feeding my little one.

    Initially, we were going to try the Shettles method but now I see so much against it. Ive looked into O+12 and I think it's doable but heres my issue. I work night shift, three-four 12 hours per week, and my husband works the opposite days. We don't have much time off together. I am worried bc I am a trauma nurse in an inner city ER and my stress levels are through the roof while I'm working. I have read high stress sways girl--I've also read high stress sways boy bc of high testosterone.

    I plan to make our first attempt to conceive probably in August when we have sometime off together and can hopefully focus on getting it right.

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated !!!! I am SO glad I found this forum. It is so nice to know I am not alone.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    hi and welcome!

    A diet of rice and green beans is not LE Diet, that is much more in line with IG Diet. You do NOT need to be that strict!! We get great results with a much more relaxed and healthy diet that is far easier to stick to.

    I would suggest coffee instead of Red Bull, as it's highly fortified and we've gotten very good results with coffee as a sway tactic.

    Your son could not have been conceived days after ovulation. There has never been a proven case of pregnancy the day after ovulation, let alone days, plural. So you ovulated

    PLEASE do not switch Shettles for O+12. O+12 is my absolutely least favorite sway tactic of all because it is impossible to actually do it correctly (and studies have proven that it is impossible to know O day to the DAY, let alone the hour). Without having an ultrasound you're just guessing at O and most people who manage to get pregnant simply guessed wrong and Oed later than they thought they did. People who actually manage to DTD 12 hours after ovulation have next to no chance of conception and when I was on Ingender I saw women going on years not conceiving with O+12. If you believe in timing, do Shettles ONLY, at least you have a chance of conceiving that way.

    Most of us on here have several timing opposites. But it is up to you if you want to use it, the important thing is to do just one attempt. For reasons we can only guess at, one attempt has swayed strongly pink, regardless of the day of conception. So do what you will with timing, just keep that one attempt.

    Uncontrollable stress tends to sway pink. But being "large and in charge" LOL may sway blue. But that is something you CANNOT control and trying to control it, is really only being MORE controlling (ergo, swaying blue.) Just accept that is part of your life that you can't change and take heart in that several studies have shown nurses have more daughters anyway.
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  3. Thanks Traumarn thanked for this post
  4. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    hi and welcome!

    A diet of rice and green beans is not LE Diet, that is much more in line with IG Diet. You do NOT need to be that strict!! We get great results with a much more relaxed and healthy diet that is far easier to stick to.

    I would suggest coffee instead of Red Bull, as it's highly fortified and we've gotten very good results with coffee as a sway tactic.

    Your son could not have been conceived days after ovulation. There has never been a proven case of pregnancy the day after ovulation, let alone days, plural. So you ovulated

    PLEASE do not switch Shettles for O+12. O+12 is my absolutely least favorite sway tactic of all because it is impossible to actually do it correctly (and studies have proven that it is impossible to know O day to the DAY, let alone the hour). Without having an ultrasound you're just guessing at O and most people who manage to get pregnant simply guessed wrong and Oed later than they thought they did. People who actually manage to DTD 12 hours after ovulation have next to no chance of conception and when I was on Ingender I saw women going on years not conceiving with O+12. If you believe in timing, do Shettles ONLY, at least you have a chance of conceiving that way.

    Most of us on here have several timing opposites. But it is up to you if you want to use it, the important thing is to do just one attempt. For reasons we can only guess at, one attempt has swayed strongly pink, regardless of the day of conception. So do what you will with timing, just keep that one attempt.

    Uncontrollable stress tends to sway pink. But being "large and in charge" LOL may sway blue. But that is something you CANNOT control and trying to control it, is really only being MORE controlling (ergo, swaying blue.) Just accept that is part of your life that you can't change and take heart in that several studies have shown nurses have more daughters anyway.

    OMG, you are awesome. Thank you for such a quick and informative reply.
    It's challenging being vegan because I feel like with both my boys I was a pasta junkie, my absolute favorite thing in the world is tomatoes and Baked potatoes, and I ate alot of "fake" protein, tofu and Gardein type things, and I love pickles, olives, etc. It makes sense to me why my diet was so boy friendly. I'm trying to find a good balance of cutting back on my boy friendly diet staples and still have quick easy protein--so thats part of why green beans and rice is pretty much all I'm eating. I am holding onto a bit of baby weight from my 1 year old that I gained back once he quit nursing a few months ago.

    Thank you for your insights into timing. I have been reading as much as I can on all of these things and making myself nuts. I have drawers filled with OPKs and PH strips and thermometers. Should I just keep the OPKs and chuck everything else? I guess I need to keep reading more on this site. This is the best and less stringent info I've found. :-)

    I am fairly lactose intolerant, what do you recommend with coffee? I love it but I was not sure about nut/coconut milk subs being boy or girl friendly so I just have been doing plain coffee with equal instead of breakfast and my energy drinks before work. I probably consume too much caffeine. I also smoke, just one or two cigarettes a day--I am working on quitting that. I know it's nasty.

    I have my hubby wearing tight undies and he is down for whatever. He has two girls from his first marriage who we raised until their mother legally abducted them and we have not seen them in a very long time. The stress from the legal battles and financial strain of the family court system has definately got us both under a lot of stress. Do you recommend freq release or abstinence prior to the attempt? I'm leaning more towards abstinence since we had sex pretty much everyday when we had our last son.

    I am a complete control freak, especially when I'm working, it takes me forever to unwind... I'm sure my testosterone levels are through the roof... my chin hairs always remind me when I need a chill pill.
    We were planning a camping trip in the summer to make our attempt. I feel like maybe a disconnect from the entire world might be helpful to me.

    Thank you again for this website <3 <3 <3
    We will definately be in touch.
    Last edited by Traumarn; May 18th, 2017 at 07:14 PM.

  5. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Well, the thing is that vegans have more daughters statistically (according to studies) so I don't want you to look at your old diet and think "now I must starve" because your diet was pretty pink friendly to start with. Swaying (via diet or any method) is never ever 100% and for all you know, you were 60% likely to have a girl, but then the cards just didn't go your way. Or it may be that the other factors, like being a control freak, etc were swaying so strongly that your vegan diet did not overcome it. So care must be taken not to overreact and go too far cutting back.

    Re pH, so many of us got opposites with pH testing it is tough for me to believe in it any more. When I looked into it, this is what I uncovered:

    Also, here are a couple of my other investigations into timing and O +12 here:

    We have found things like almond milk may sway pink. In fact I recently stopped using it for blue sways all together because I felt it was making opposites. So I'd use almond milk if you like it. Coconut milk ~probably~ also sways pink but I don't have as good a feel for it as I do the almond milk. Rice milk is another possibility (although less tasty and since you're struggling with protein already, I would not have you use Rice Milk)

    Smoking probably sways pink, although yes, you do need to quit to be sure you're ready for pregnancy.

    A high carb diet is what causes the high t - we used to think stress = testosterone but new evidence has come to light that indicates it may be the opposite - those of us who tend to be Type A inflict a lot of stress onto ourselves LOL. So the chin hairs coupled with your vegan diet and the trouble losing weight indicates to me that you may do better eating higher protein and fat and switching from white, refined grains and sugar (white rice is still ok in moderation though) to a diet that is more based on whole grains, fruit, and veg. We have had great success with this, and if you continue eating more carbs you may actually undermine your sway since for some people, high carb intake = higher blood sugar and higher testosterone. So again, this is more data indicating for you to normalize your eating - more fresh fruit and veg, almond milk in moderation, whole grains, etc. I want you eating 1500-1800 cals, 50-60 g protein, 50-60 g fat and see how it goes from there.

    with the camping trip! Have a great time!
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