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  1. #1
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    I have a very hard time losing weight with PCOS! Help!


    I plan to purchase a girl sway plan next month but I'm hoping for some help figuring out the diet and losing weight. I'm very active, exercising 5-6 days a week, at least an hour a day, more cardio than strength. I teach fitness classes 4 times a week. One is like country line dancing, the other a power yoga type. (PiYo if you've heard of it) outside that, I jog, ride my bike and do an intense 30 minute kickboxing class.

    I have been eating a lot of cottage cheese and yogourt, cheese, whole grain, sprouted grain breads, milk eggs, chicken, peanut butter, fruits and vegetables. I don't have meat every day. Probably 4 days a week and only for supper.

    The bad thing. Candy. Love sugar. I'm trying hard to kick this!

    I haven't been closely tracking my cycle, so I'm starting this month, but I' pretty sure I have been getting my period regularly. I'm taking folic acid daily, Apple cider vinegars tabs, and I took saw palmetto from AF for 2 weeks. I'm quite certain I'm not pregnant, but you never know. We DTD a couple times very early in my cycle. I anticipate about a 32 + cycle, but won't know until I get my period.

    I ordered Vitex, some OPKs, PG tests and a basal thermometer from Amazon.

    So I should be slim and fit, but I'm 5'3" and 195 lbs.

    So, if you could help a girl out, I'd like to get started on the right track. It might be as easy as dropping the candy!

    One more question. DH is 46 and I am 39. Do you think we may have a slightly better chance of having a girl than an we did 8 years ago when we conceived our youngest son?

    I am so sorry thing is so long!!!!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Your diet looks pretty good to me for now, pink friendly. We can cut back more on protein and stuff after the weight is off. If it is working for you keep going with it.

    Sugar is not going to help with the weight loss or with your sway. Trouble losing weight indicates to me that you may do better on one of our alternate diets and you can read about those in this thread (it is a PCO thread but you can do the diet without having PCOS!!)

    The good thing is that dropping the sugar and white carbs (if any) will mean your eggs are healthier too. I do want to stress, though, at 39 time is not our friend and so I urge you to start TTC sooner rather than later because we never know when we hit the last fresh egg in the carton.

    Some evidence has indicated older parents have a slightly higher chance of a girl than the population as a whole but it is not anything I'd rely upon for swaying. I got a boy at 39 and didn't get my girl till I was 42 (and also know several people who had boys at 42 as well!!)
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  3. #3
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    Thank you! I'll check out that link and go from there. I'm definitely trying to eat healthy... But is it too healthy? As long as I lose weight, then I am going in the right path would you say? I am thinking next month. My plan is to go ham on the exercise, have a few cocktails of rum, diet 7 up and diet cranberry juice for me and the hubby when we're DTD. (Before haha) I'm going to get RePhresh and DTD every 4 days. I skip breakfast and have been for some time. But I drink too much coffee, with milk and some French vanilla creamer. I'm trying to cut that and add mint tea.

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  5. #4
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    OK, I'm loving this site. One thing leads to another and I keep learning! My husband has 3 brothers, one us his identical twin, so counts as 1 imo. Of his brothers, only 1 had a girl, so I felt sure a girl was not in my future. We recently had an anniversary and in jest DH said wanna try for a girl? And of course that planted the idea and now I'm sold and talked him into it. Thanks to this site I feel like it's actually possible and is giving me the incentive I need to kick the sugar habit and lose the weight!

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  7. #5
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    WE have found coffee to sway pink so no worries there. The idea that coffee swayed blue was NEVER proven and even by the "mineral balancing" diets' own logic, did not make any sense biologically. Please do not ever cut back or drop coffee for pink. (you will need to dial it back once you get a BFP though!)

    Mint tea has not been effective for us and has really cut odds of conception for women over 35. I'd skip it.

    Can you do me a favor and run a quick tally on cals, protein, and fat that you're eating??? I can help more if I have even just a ballpark figure on those numbers.
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  8. #6
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    That's great! Thanks. I enjoy mint tea, but I love coffee. I had been adding a splash of 1% milk and a splash of International Delight Fench Vanilla creamer. But I'm sure that's too much sugar. (I estimated 4tbsp yesterday, because I had a few throughout the day, but I didn't measure) I have some Starbucks sugar free vanilla syrup. Is that okay? And what would be best to make it creamy? Half and half maybe or soy milk, almond, anything like that? I can say when I got pregnant with Morgan, the smell of coffee made me vomit, so it was easy to cut it down when I was pregnant. Lol.

    Ok, so yesterday I plugged in my whole day in My Fitness Pal and this is what yesterday looked like. I ate no meat yesterday. My protein came from sprouted bread, cottage cheese, oatmeal and peanut butter.

    Calories: 1497
    Carbs: 178 grams
    Fat: 55 grams
    Protein: 86 grams I was at work and a little low on calories and all I had with me was fruit and cottage cheese, so I just ate more.
    Sodium: 1937 mg
    Sugar: 72 grams (yikes! International delight was the biggest, but I estimated high on that. After that was fruit, cottage cheese and milk)

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  10. #7
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    Ok. With PCOS you need to ditch skim dairy totally. I know it feels counterintuitive with LE Diet but with PCO, it needs to be full fat dairy only.

    I do NOT want you to use any milk replacers either. No almond, no soy milk. Both are quite carby and again,while I know it's hard to believe you're better off with full fat milk (and have a small!) with sugar free syrup. Half and Half also fine!

    So yesterday was a bit high in protein of course but most things were ok. I would probably not even track sugar as fruit, especially fresh fruit, is ok on LE PCO Diet.
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  11. #8
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    OK great! I'll pick up some full fat milk. How about coconut oil? Is that boy? And alcohol. I don't drink as a general rule, but I'm just wondering if something like rum and diet would be ok?

  12. #9
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    Good morning!

    Great news! My scale says I'm down 2.8 lbs today. It may be just water but it's down from the lowest of what I normally fluctually so I'm super happy about that!

    I got my Vitex and LH and HCG test strips in the mail today. Woohoo! Just waiting on AF.

    Questions: Given that I'm not getting any younger, should I TTC in July or should I commit to the diet and track my cycle then try in August? I'm super excited and hopeful so I'm tempted to try right away, but it would be good all around to lose more weight first. Although I have PCOS I've gotten pregnant quickly in the past, as long as I for sure ovulated. My first 2 were unplanned but with the 3rd, I had really long cycles, up to 120 days which had me thinking I was pregnant as I hadn't experienced that before. After lots of testing, I was given metformin, lost 15 lbs, had my period, talked the doc into Chlomid and got pregnant that month.

    Since Shettles has been debunked, is Ph still really a factor? And the whole jump and dump?

    Is it a good idea to take apple cider vinegar? I read somewhere that farmers give it to their animals to increase females being born and it works. I'm not sure if it's hormonal or Ph.

    At the moment, I'm only taking folic acid. Once AF comes, I will take Vitex, Saw Palmetto and folic acid.

    I'm not on any other medications.

    And exercising intensely.

    Anything else I should be doing?

    Thanks for your help!!
    Last edited by Prettyplease; June 15th, 2017 at 10:45 AM.

  13. #10
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettyplease View Post
    OK great! I'll pick up some full fat milk. How about coconut oil? Is that boy? And alcohol. I don't drink as a general rule, but I'm just wondering if something like rum and diet would be ok?
    Coconut oil, we are not sure about. WE have some pretty decent evidence that vegetable based fats sway pink, but coconut oil is a saturated fat (unlike most other veg fats) and we are not sure as of yet if the saturated nature of coco oil is also good for pink, or if like other, saturated animal based fats, it sways blue. I am having vegan blue swayers use it, but everyone else (both pink and blue) I am having them skip or limit it just in case since we aren't clear how it sways.

    Alcohol we have found to sway pink so whatever you prefer with that. We've had good success with lots of different alcohol beverages.
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