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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddyrose View Post
    Hi! Jumping on this thread because it is helpful the questions you asked but also because I probably drink 5 TBS of coffee creamer in my cup of coffee. Im always with in my calorie limits but do I need to stop? Im not sure i can choke the coffee down without it. Should I switch to caffinated soda instead? I do enjoy coffee with creamer
    As long as you're within cal limits and you have that with a meal then it's fine.

    Please don't switch to soda, coffee has gotten great results for us.
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Well, we can't go off the stats, that's the thing. Big trends jump out but some things get very tricky in the stats (because the men who use them may be more set for pink or blue than the general population and this skews our results).

    LR has gotten disappointing results of late. But on paper, biologically, it ~should~ sway pink and before about 4 years ago, both here and on IG got seemingly good results with it. It's something I never use for men with poor sperm health (who may be more set for pink) and I tend to drop it early on (meaning that people who get pregnant with it are highly fertile and have not been on a sway diet as long - both may sway blue). So I am not yet convinced that LR is bad for a pink sway, not even close, but it just isn't getting represented in our stats.

    OLE has seemed to get good results, but no one has ever had any explanation about how it works (honestly, we don't KNOW what it's meant to do, there was a doctor in Australia that had some theory about it but no more info was ever forthcoming) And it's the opposite situation as the LR - only people with poor sperm health or older men (more set for pink) have been using it, and then I also eventually have couples switch over to it if they don't get pregnant on cranberry for a while. So again, I'm not convinced that OLE is even doing anything at all beneficial to a pink sway regardless of what the stats appear to say.

    That having been said, LR is meant to be good for the stomach and OLE is taken by people to get rid of yeast sometimes so it may be something to run past the naturopath to see if they could benefit him anyway.
    Thanks so much atomic! I'll have him ask about both. It's one or the other correct? And so should he be taking cranberry?

  4. #13
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    No. It is Licorice root OR peppermint tea


    OLE OR cranberry.

    The LR is fine with either OLE or cranberry. But he shouldn't take both OLE and cranberry, needs to be one or the other
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  5. #14
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    Hello again! I'm getting closer to the time when we would TTC and I have some questions.

    I used OPKs for the last two cycles to try and see what's up for using them for real in the future. The first cycle, I caught ovulation, and the second cycle, that just now ended, I missed it because I didn't check for long enough. It ended up being a random super long (44 day) cycle as opposed to my usual 35 ish days so I know I missed it. My question is, should I just do E4D when we TTC next month then? Or, is it better to try and catch it again, knowing that I could potentially be testing for 20 days while I wait to make sure I catch it in a long cycle if that happens. If we do E4D, should it be every 4 days--- Like, Do it Monday and then again on Thursday? Or, with 4 actual days in between? I'm a little confused on that.

    Also I know with orgasm there is an essay, but I wasn't sure if there was any new info about like.... if I am doing it every 4 days for a while, it would be hard to avoid that every time, so does it matter if I don't avoid when we're sort of at the start and end of the E4d cycles? Does position matter anymore? And all unprotected right? (If E4D)

    Lastly, I am sort of just wondering if there is a general opinion from anyone about what they liked about LE diet and lifestyle, what they kept after they were through with it. I'm always sorting through in my head with things I like and would keep, and things I wouldn't keep, because I do like the weight loss and want to go back to that someday, but obviously there are things that feel a little extreme to me to include in the future as a lifestyle non-swaying.

    I hope this all makes sense! Thanks for your time!!

  6. #15
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    Whether or not to go to e4d is largely up to you. I would like to offer a compromise though (that will help alleviate your confusion)

    Most people do e4d not for a sway tactic per se, but to boost chances of conception. They've already tried one attempt at pos OPK and didn't get pregnant that way, and want to up their chances. These people tend to do e4d on Monday/Thursday. But you can also do e4d as an actual sway by stretching it a day Mon/Fri or even more in between to be sure you are in with one true attempt. Some people have even done like e6d or once a week, and it's fine to do that when you're just starting off, to see if you can luck your way into conceiving.

    The rule of thumb I follow is this:

    If you want best odds of conception, then have your attempts closer (but no closer than Mon/Thurs for now!) and if you want best odds of pink, have them further apart (e4d in the Mon/Fri pattern, or even e5d, e6d, e7d if that's what appeals to you.) There is not any magic to having sex every 4 days, no right or wrong way to do it, it's just an easy trick of being in with regular attempts that are far apart enough to hopefully not sway blue.

    I really don't think the orgasm thing is a big deal, and nor do I think the positions matter. Every blue sway opposite (those who tried for a boy, but got a girl) in the books was done with female O and doggy style. These things just can't really matter.

    E4d is usually done unprotected although there are some people who will use it as a frequency strategy - protected attempts every 4 days and then one during the fertile window, but the way you're thinking of it, yes it would all be unprotected.

    Your final question is intriguing - may I ask you to start a new thread? It will get a lot more responses then here at the end of this thread and it is kind of a fun thing to speculate/discuss. I still do a lot of things differently based on changes I made during swaying and I know many others do as well.
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  7. #16
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    That's a great solution - thank you! Thanks as always for your time and kind replies. It's hard to get away from feelings of doing the "wrong" thing, and so I still contemplate just checking for pos OPK but with differing cycles and only two cycles having tried OPKs without being sure what's going's probably best to do one of the compromises you mentioned. Plus that takes away any frequency concerns for DH. I also obviously want as much pink as I can but I also want to get pregnant fast because otherwise I know I'll start to slip too much on the diet.

    I'll do another thread about the post-sway details- thank you! Can't wait.

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    Back with questions after BFN this first month trying. I still have four days until my period is due so it's still possible, but based on my previous two pregnancies I think it's just negative this time.

    We did E4D, with three days in between, so for example Monday and Friday. I also used an OPK and did catch it. We BD the night before positive OPK. So then we went back to whenever we wanted as far as a BD schedule because it didn't matter after positive OPK. Is that correct? So now I am not sure whether this next round we should just wait for positive OPK, or do E4D with two days in between (for example, a Monday and then a Thurs)... and stop after positive OPK if I catch it this time again. I do sort of want to increase the chances of pregnancy this time because with the holidays it'll get harder for me to stay on the diet and keep up with the exercise.

    Speaking -- a couple of things I am worried about going off the rails with:

    Exercise- I've been walking 4 days a week for 60 mins and I think it's becoming too high impact because I've created this lame foot injury. So this week I haven't done much. Is it okay to skip the week? I probably shouldn't drop it all together right? I've been either walking outside or doing cardio videos at home and it's all s boring for an hour, also it's getting colder out, so I'm thinking if I must, I could join a gym and do a bike or maybe elliptical so as not to be so much impact on my toe/foot?

    Vacation- Next weekend, my husband and I are going on a 4 day mini trip. I was hoping that at least if I was pregnant I could eat whatever and whenever I wanted... it's a foodie type place! I've avoided meat and eggs this whole time with the exception of a few small chicken pieces here and there, and never any snacking or breakfast. So for our trip, where should I let go? I may have to eat breakfast, and may have to cave and choose eggs or meat sometimes for meals, so, should I just try to mostly remain vegetarian and not snack still? Or would it be better to skip breakfast and then have four meals?

    In general I've become more comfortable with the LE diet so I feel like I'm cutting myself slack already, but I think I'm just living it as a lifestyle rather than tracking now. So it feels reckless! Just don't want to derail because of vacation and not getting pregnant the first month and losing steam.

    Also, my husband does cross fit... can that hurt our sway somehow? He's not likely to stop because he loves it ... I wish he loved cycling instead!

    Thank you!

  10. #18
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    Also wanted to add that I've lost over 10 pounds in these months on the le diet and now I'm not really actively losing anymore so I'm sure any slack in walking or when on vacation will add a pound or three. Do I want to be actively losing?

  11. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeachBabies2 View Post
    Also wanted to add that I've lost over 10 pounds in these months on the le diet and now I'm not really actively losing anymore so I'm sure any slack in walking or when on vacation will add a pound or three. Do I want to be actively losing?
    No. We originally thought that might help but instead have subsequently learned it's time on diet overall and you do NOT need to be actively losing weight when you conceive.
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  12. #20
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    Well, I would suggest sticking to e4d even after positive OPK because it is entirely possible to have a false pos OPK and have a delayed O, and then if you ovulate in a week after you just had intercourse 3 times that is not going to give you best chance of a girl. Additionally, if your O was delayed and then you didn't happen to have attempt around true O, that's it, you're out for the month!

    I would go to the Mon/Thurs. frequency this next month and continue with that after you think you've ovulated

    Yes take a week off and pick back up with exercise. For best results I'd not drop it, just start again when you're ready.

    Most people find it's easier than they think to keep going with diet while on vacation. It seems like a treat no matter what you're eating and so while I strongly urge you to relax and eat whatevs and not try to stick in LE Diet range, you may find that there are noms that work better than others. So you have a luscious fruit bowl for breakfast and shrimp for lunch and chicken salad for dinner or whatever and you've still done pretty well overall but it still felt like you were splurging.

    It's not reckless, that's where you want to be with your sway. The people who track everything and never relax are the ones that end up with boys anyway. Remember we are trying to emulate what millions of women do without even intending to - they just eat stuff and don't sit around thinking about it much and then end up getting girls.

    While Crossfit may possibly raise T levels, we honestly aren't even sure if T levels in and of themselves even do anything (by T I mean testosterone LOL). Since we know jogging and biking do sway pink (as shown in studies) I would assume that Crossfit may too.
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