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  1. #1
    Dream User

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    Jul 2017
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    Newbie! 2 boys & Stepson, ready for some pink! Ideas?


    I'm 31, With 2 sons, 8 months and 3.5 years and a 10 year old DSS. I'd LOVE to sway pink this go around. I'd be very happy for another 2-3 children but would ideally love a girl next.
    More info;
    Breastfeeding still (I will be practising extended breastfeeding and I wasn't fertile until 16 months Pp last time)
    Vegan (but I eat a lot of pasta/bread/high carbs/decadent vegan foods)
    112lbs, 5 ft 5.5 (very slight)
    No exercise.
    Conceived both sons the night of the solid smiley face on OPK.
    I would love to start TTCing this December so the age gap between 2 & 3 is closer to 2-2.5 years apart. (I also would love any ideas on getting my period back sooner whilst breastfeeding on demand!)

    My main question is- if you could write me a checklist what would be on it (I want to go the FULL swing) next time we are going to spin the sperm or do IVF if this time it's not a girl!

    Thanks so much! xx

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!

    The things that have really worked for us is LE Diet + fiber, coffee, alcohol for 12 weeks or more (and vegan diet can fit the bill for this), one attempt, cardio exercise 60 min a day, 5-7 days a week, Clomid or Femara if you can get them. Having hubby smoke and/or jog and/or ride a bike also seems to help. OLE and soy milk MAY help for him but less proven than the smoking and exercise for him.

    PLEASE don't do the sperm spinning, it's just a huge waste of money and people end up with opposites all the time. IVF only.
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  3. #3
    Dream User

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    Jul 2017
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    Thank you so much! Wow that's really amazing to know about the sperm spinning, I just figured it worked.

    My husband is actually sober and has quit cigarettes (thank god) so the smoking and alcohol won't be something we could do. But the rest sound great. Is there more information on the things you mentioned above in your signature link?

    So happy to have found this community!

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