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  1. #11
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    Thank you so much for your advice.

    I will for sure do what you say and try 1 attempt (i assumed this includes a period of abstinance first) and forget about a cutoff. I've not used OPKs before as I went by ewcm but also heard PCOS can cause consistent & false positives so that could make a 1 attempt tricky.

    Thank you for reminding me about the Vit C. I have bn run down and with an infection hence the higher dose but I did limit it to 500mg a day when preg. I have not heard that about spirulina I'm quite shocked, it's a very popular supplement here. I will read up more about that but it does make sense.

    We have olive leaf liquid in the cupboard for colds and flu. Do you have any links what it does for DH or can you explain?

    Thank you I so.appreciate your time!
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  2. #12
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    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    I know the spirulina is super popular but my father in law had ALS and so I did lots of research and it's a pretty prominent theory. If you google algae als you'll get tons of hits. He was hugely into taking supplements and I know he took it and blue green algae as well. I just think it's not worth the risk.

    We don't know what it does for hubby, we had a researcher show up here a while back claiming it helped alter the gender ratio and it has seemed to possibly help a bit.

    Re the one attempt, you can do with a cutoff of 2-3 days if you prefer that's totally fine. Just have only the one attempt in the fertile window. You can do it with abstain, or daily release, or even regular release every 2-4 days if you'd like.

    If you're worried about the PCO/OPK issue then you can also just do every 4 day method instead - unprotected sex every 4 days (you can count this as Mon/Thurs or Mon/Fri, whichever you prefer, the closer spacing may be better for conception but lower odds of pink, further is better odds of pink, but lower odds conception). This has also gotten good results for us.
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  3. #13
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    With BD every 4 days for pink, should we avoid BD if there's ewcm? Won't that sway blue?
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  4. #14
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    No. Sperm, both X and Y sperm, need EWCM in order to make it to the egg. We saw so many EWCM opposites that it has become impossible for me to believe EWCM is telling us much for swaying anyway. I got my 4th boy with no visible CM at all, my pH didn't even go up, and I didn't even know I'd ovulated. Then with my daughter I had EWCM but tried anyway since it was literally the last month I was going to try! STill got a girl!!

    The advantage of the e4d for swaying pink is that you put it out of your mind and just roll with it. Paying attention to details such as checking EWCM and worrying about if you have "too much" or whatever is exactly the type of "control freak" detail that may sway blue and undermine an otherwise successful sway. So I don't want you guys worrying about anything like that with the e4d, just start after AF ends and roll with it till you're sure you've ovulated even if that means going all the way through till your next AF starts!
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  5. #15
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    Thank you!

    Yes I don't want to be checking & monitoring alot of things as I am a bit type A and I really want this conception to have a laid back approach.

    My Dr agreed to increasing my Met dose to 1000mg/day which I did the weekend before Christmas and FF has given me crosshairs on Christmas day which will be my first post partum cycle. Temps areba bit wonky due to getting up to DS2 so not 100% its right. We did bd in the window but will see. DH rather not have a Christmas baby so wanting to not avoid from now.

    My diet has changed alot since having a 2nd child due to eating on the run (less salads, less bowls fruit n yoghurt, more toast & crackers) it seems more girl friendly hopefully that in itself has made a good foundation for diet and also I'm not exercising at all atm whereas with both my boys I did moderate cardio and weights.
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  6. #16
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    Salads and fruit are fine for girls though. you don't need to avoid those things moving forward.

    I generally recommend exercise (no weight tho) but I understand with 2 little ones it's hard to fit in.

    The metformin makes up for a lot with diet and exercise.
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  7. #17
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    I'm trying to incorporate some long walks each week. I am having trouble understanding LE for PCOS though despite reading all the links!

    I'd usually have fresh fruit and yoghurt with activated nuts and deeds on top for breaky after early gf toast with my morning coffee. And when I'd have salad it'd be with tuna or chicken and Cheese, mayo etc. My diet was perhaps on the lower side for carbs and higher side in fat and protein. So for pink do I need to reverse that but keep carbs wholegrain for PCOS?

    I am reluctant to count calories and protein, fat grams etc due to history of eating disorder i don't want to trigger plus I think it'll make me too tense and undermine my sway.

    FF removed my crosshairs I'm still waiting for pp af. My son has dropped his night feeds for the most part. I'm wondering if I should drop my after dinner pumping session as well or just keep with the vitex?
    Vitex worked for me several years ago to bring on AF after my low weight issues sent it MIA for a long time.
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  8. #18
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    Can you elaborate on what you're having trouble with?

    Yes that is very much the idea - lower carbs but still more carbs than protein and fat, and the carbs should be healthy carbs like whole grains, fruit, and veg.

    with not counting grams in that case. No worries.

    Vitex has been really bad for most people who are having their O delayed due to weight loss. I suspect it worked for you in the past because of the PCOS. I just see sooo much trouble caused by vitex I hesitate to suggest it to anyone who isn't ovulating regularly anyway.

    Stopping the pumping may help your cycle to come back. I'd only do it if you really want to, though.
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  9. #19
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    I got got confused because I interpreted LE to mean low micronutrient primarily but I guess it's more low macronutrient as low protein, low fat and low calories overall.

    I found your thread the Skinny on Fat interesting and helpful I wonder that this is one the the areas I can change the most while bfing and supporting the return of fertility by not going too low. My diet had lots of fertility supporting fat I think- grassfed butter, coconut oil, dripping, olive oil, fish oil.

    I used to take EPO as it was very helpful for skin and mood, I stopped during pregnancy. Would you say it sways either way?

    Obviously I got boys with it before but I also took royal jelly and I feel this sways blue so will stay away this time.
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  10. #20
    Kiwimaz's Avatar
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    Also, I double checked my last preg chart and we BD'd last on a Monday after several days in a row, then I charted O on the Fri and dating scan put it on the Saturday. So does that equal O-4 or O-5 depending which O date I go with?
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