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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi! TTC a girl x

    Hi! I am here hoping to get some guidance on hopefully TTC a girl. We were blessed with a gorgeous baby boy (he is 6 months old) within a month of trying and feel so lucky. I am nearly 40 and would love to have more children. If it is meant to be a girl would be lovely but as long as they are healthy and happy that is all that matters really. Are there any things I should be doing now TTC a girl? I am a bit confused - have read that taking cranberry and magnesium supplements help increase your acidity. What is the diet/exercise I should do? I am still breast feeding my son and haven't had a period - how can I measure my ovulation? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi Megs! Congratulations on your baby boy! I'm new too. I haven't had any children yet but I'm hoping I'll be a big round watermelon by the end of 2018

    I actually haven't read the swaying methods that are popular here. But, I've been reading a lot of medical journals, studies and papers... so I'm just going to share what I've come across, and you can get just as confused as me, hopefully users that have been on here for a long time will chime in too, the more information we share can't hurt us right?

    I have come across 2 studies that had participants consume high amounts of magnesium and calcium to increase their odds of conceiving a girl! It wasn't about increasing acidity, but changing your body chemistry to have an excess of particular minerals.

    The first study (which I'm sure has already been explored here) Female gender pre-selection by maternal diet in combination with timing of sexual intercourse – ).

    In this study participants that wanted a baby girl, had to go on a strict diet for a minimum of 9 weeks and time their intercourse.

    They also had to 500 grams of dairy a day, not add salt to any food, supplement with vitamin D, Magnesium, Calcium, have regular sex and time their final intercourse well before ovulation - 3-4 days was the ideal, cut off was 2 days. Participants had to track ovulation which was assumed to take place 1 day prior to the LH surge, Clearblue ovulation tester was one of the tests used). A normal feeding pattern could be followed, including bread, vegetables, fruit, meat, rice and pasta. The intake of potatoes was limited because of its high potassium content.

    Magnesium and Calcium had to be more dominant than Sodium and Potassium. Over 9 weeks they had to increase their calcium level by at least t 0.1 mmol/l and obtain a Na+ value of at most 140 mmol/l. The study had good results, 81% success but only there was correct timing with the correct diet, the results weren't very assuring at all if you didn't satisfy all criteria. I will add an image of the results. Name:  magcaldietintercourse.JPG
Views: 416
Size:  48.1 KB . Just by coincidence my bloodwork matches what the participants had, obviously I'd still need to increase calcium to reinforce that body chemistry shift / hormonal changes. If you're planning on getting pregnant you could always ask your doctor to do a full chemistry blood serum test, just to make sure you're in top shape but also to see if your body chemistry is more girl friendly already.

    There's another study, Pre-conceptional Maternal Diet and Fetal Se pre-selection, copy and past this link for article:
    Participants had again a high magnesium and calcium diet, it had a 72% success rate. It doesn't have anything about timing of intercourse and the above study I mentioned had timing of intercourse as a crucial factor, so I'm not sure, but anyway the study is interesting and it lists food that's high in magnesium and calcium.

    Some other articles you might be interested in just for curiousity that may help you in forming a plan are:
    Current Theories on Sex ratio
    Entrenched misinformation about X and Y sperm

    Well anyway that's probably enough information to confuse you, it confused me
    Last edited by Eggcellent; March 8th, 2018 at 12:14 AM.

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Gosh I'm so sorry I have no idea how I missed this!!

    The best study ever done on preconception diet and gender conceived found that nutrients across the boards - including calcium and magnesium - swayed BLUE. And many of us, myself included, got our boys while trying the mineral balancing diets and gave them up to get our girls. But wthether or not to take cal/mag is up to YOU GUYS - if you want to try it, that's fine, just be sure you use supplements only and do not eat tons and tons of dairy foods (since dairy has a lot of other nutrients aside from calcium and magnesium!) And do not take the extra Vit. D as we have found that to be a strong blue swayer.

    I have more about minerals and swaying here:

    Cranberry has not worked for us and has been proven unsafe to me. I've never recommended that for people and we get good results without it. I would NEVER take it when breastfeeding, because I did when I was breastfeeding (this was before I was a sway guru and was just a regular person then LOL, and was told on another site that it was safe.) I was tandem nursing a toddler and a baby at the time and within a few days of starting the cranberry, all three of us were covered head to toe in bruises and my baby got a tiny cut on his thumb that gushed, literally gushed blood for days and I had to stick it together with super glue to finally get it to heal. NO cranberry or aspirin for nursing moms!!

    I would be cautious doing diet and exercise while breastfeeding since your baby is youngish. I fear your cycle will stay away for a long time if you toss diet and exercise on top of nursing right now. I think you should go vegetarian and just BD every 4 days and try to catch the first egg.
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  4. #4
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    Hi and welcome Eggcellent!

    I am not a believer in the cal-mag stuff (having gotten boys using it and given it all up to get my girl) but if you want to try it, that's at your discretion, just be sure to do supps only, without Vit. D added, and do not do the gobs of dairy. I urge everyone to read this essay about "mineral madness" for more about the mineral diets.

    I can tell you the reason why your blood work matches the people in the study. It is because EVERYONE's blood work matches those numbers. That study is a little bit (ok a LOTTLE bit) tricky in that if your levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium go out of a very narrow range, it means you are VERY sick, probably dying. Your body does not "like" its minerals out of that range and takes steps to correct for that - excreting excess, saving more from foods if you need more and taking it from your body's stores. This is called "homeostasis" and your body doesn't change from those levels unless something is very wrong (like cancer, severe "raft in the ocean" dehydration, and some other very rare medical conditions)

    We have had people (including a medical doctor) do blood tests before and after following the mineral diets for 6, 10, and 12 weeks and the levels of minerals in their blood did not change. In fact, some pink swayers even found their sodium level went UP and blue swayers found their calcium levels went up, because their body was hanging on to every bit of the stuff, and it was being taken from their body's stores. I'm not saying these diets can't help (since they are more restrictive in lots of other ways, restrictive diets do seem to sway pink) but it is not the mineral levels in your blood that is working. These diets are different not only in terms of minerals but lots of other things too and I urge you guys to just eat more restrictive diets without worrying about the minerals and stuff.

    Since the Dutch Study came up, here's my essay debunking timing

    I also have a breakdown of the problems with the Dutch Study in the comments section of this essay
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; March 8th, 2018 at 02:07 PM.
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    Im actually very hesitant to try the cal/mag diet. The fail rate was rediculously high if the timing of intercourse was wrong (which is why i added the table of results). Currently Im not taking any supplements besides active folate. I'm naturally a bigger dairy consumer anyway...

    I shared those studies below just to share information and provide insight in to why those minerals are recommended. Not to sway anyone to try it.

    I am actually leaning more towards trying on O day because it seems like it's yields more equal results (from studies ive read on coital timing).

    This will be my first baby so I will be excited with whatever. I want to experience pregnancy and be a mumma asap When I have a second baby I might change my tune lol.

    But I still find reading the forums, bbt charts and medical journals interesting!

    I think if anything sways it's to do with the hormonal makeup of cervical mucus and it's texture on the big day as well as follicular cycle length and I suppose sperm....

    My husband is sick of hearing about CM
    Last edited by Eggcellent; March 8th, 2018 at 08:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Dream Newbie

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    @atomicsagebrush I am terrified of ever using cranberry now lol. Blood phobic right here 😂

    I'm also glad that you have reservations about high minerals unlike those rigid people on ingender lol...

  7. #7
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    No it's totally fine, share whatever you want to share, it's just that then i will come along and share my thoughts too (it's how this site works, ya gotta put up with annoying old atomic. )

    Let me know how I can help! I LOVE it when people sway for a first baby!!
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  8. #8
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi Eggcellent and thanks a million for your support! Here's to you having a big healthy bump soon! I had posted on another thread already which Atomic has replied to so I will go back to that - don't want to cause extra work for anyone! As I understand it going vegetarian, having some alcohol and coffee and exercise (when appropriate) all helps..what confuses me is the info that women who have had less nutritious diets (no breakfast, diet coke and snacks like ice cream) are more likely to have girls - to me a veggie diet is full of natural vitamins and minerals...

  9. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  10. #9
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    You can have a lower nutrient diet that is vegetable based OR junk food based. What matters is what you're eating overall and you can be eating lower nutrients on all kinds of different diets. Yo

    The tiny amounts of nutrients in fruits and veg have not seemed to sway very much. We started off assuming that they might sway but over time we've found that they really don't seem to. You have to eat a mountain of broccoli, a literal mountain of it, before you get anything like the amount of nutrients you get in a burger, fries, and chocolate shake. The things like calories, protein, and fat (and TYPE of protein and fat - vegetable based vs. animal based) really seem to matter above all else so please don't get hung up on "but vegetables have nutrients" because they really have very little of the things that sway.
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