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Thread: IVF or sway

  1. #11
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I would suggest given your age that you guys pursue IVF. I always suggest that anyone who CAN do IVF (and have a decent chance of success, which at 30, you should) do IVF because it's the only way to get a guarantee of gender.

    Swaying will always be here, if you try IVF and it doesn't work out. But your odds of IVF don't improve with time (plus obviously your husband woudl not be on board for a 4th anyway)
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  3. #12
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    Thanks for sharing your story! I thought a semen analysis was a part of the routine pretest? I agree! There are no guarantees. I just have to hope and pray.

  4. #13
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    Is there anything in terms of diet, exercise or supplements, that could make my eggs more conducive to male sperm with IVF? Forgive me if the question doesn’t make sense

  5. #14
    Big Dreamer

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    I swayed, because I wanted a third living child no matter what, we planned for it to be our last but I was overly confident it would work. We ended up with DS3, and it was my 4th c-section (we have a dd that died that was my first c-section, then the three boys). I talked DH into having one more, knowing it HAD to be IVF, because I'm at the point where I did not want to risk a 6th pregnancy and 5th c-section (my pregnancies are all high risk) for another boy...I would have rather moved on and learned to live with not ever having a living daughter, than possibly a 4th boy. It took two cycles for us to get ONE embryo to be tested, and luck was on our side as it was a healthy XX and I'm now 30 weeks pregnant with her.

    Even the best sway can fail and leave you with a sway opposite. Only you can decide if you are okay with that very real possibility. IVF can drain you of a lot of money and time and is no guarantee to be successful, but at least you know going in that you are not going to end up with an opposite unless you make that choice.

    At age 30 and with normal fertility, your odds of having a successful IVF even in just 1 cycle are relatively decent.
    (2011- IUI and femara) (2012), (8/2015) (sway opposite) 2019
    HT 2018- Feb - 12 retrieved- 0 embies made it to PGS testing
    April- 10 retrieved- 1 5AB embryo made it to testing- normal XX!!!! July FET- BFP!!! DD born 2019

  6. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  7. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2blue1pink View Post
    I swayed, because I wanted a third living child no matter what, we planned for it to be our last but I was overly confident it would work. We ended up with DS3, and it was my 4th c-section (we have a dd that died that was my first c-section, then the three boys). I talked DH into having one more, knowing it HAD to be IVF, because I'm at the point where I did not want to risk a 6th pregnancy and 5th c-section (my pregnancies are all high risk) for another boy...I would have rather moved on and learned to live with not ever having a living daughter, than possibly a 4th boy. It took two cycles for us to get ONE embryo to be tested, and luck was on our side as it was a healthy XX and I'm now 30 weeks pregnant with her.

    Even the best sway can fail and leave you with a sway opposite. Only you can decide if you are okay with that very real possibility. IVF can drain you of a lot of money and time and is no guarantee to be successful, but at least you know going in that you are not going to end up with an opposite unless you make that choice.

    At age 30 and with normal fertility, your odds of having a successful IVF even in just 1 cycle are relatively decent.
    What an amazing story! Congratulations!

  8. #16
    Dream Vet
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    To be honest, if IVF with GS is an option, I’d go for it. That way, you know for sure that the baby will be your desired gender - you have good odds of being successful quickly and you’d get what you want.
    I sooo would if the option was available here in Australia, and hubby was up for it. Alas, neither are possible so swaying is our only way of hopefully upping our chances. I’ve been through infertility, and yet would still “subject myself to” IvF, as hard as it is, to have a son guaranteed.

    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
    (2013) (2015) (2018) (2021)
    (July 2014) (November 2023)
    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024! luck has finally been on our side- expecting our 1st little boy October 2024!

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  10. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mamabird4 View Post
    Read the book it starts with the egg. I followed most of it. I don't know if its 100% accurate but I had a successful round of ivf. Have you had preliminary testing done? Do you know your AMH number?
    We only had to do one round of ivf but there are SO many factors involved in how many rounds are going to work. Especially if you are trying to only get a certain gender.

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    there are a couple things in ISWTE that I'm not a fan of so anyone who plans to do IVF, i"m always happy to go over your supps and point out anything that there's mixed evidence about safety. Good luck ladies
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  11. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    there are a couple things in ISWTE that I'm not a fan of so anyone who plans to do IVF, i"m always happy to go over your supps and point out anything that there's mixed evidence about safety. Good luck ladies
    I’m currently taking prenatal vitamins(NatureMade) and vitamin D3. I’m eating moderate carbs and high protein. What do you recommend in terms of supplements and diet?

  12. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mamabear88 View Post
    Is there anything in terms of diet, exercise or supplements, that could make my eggs more conducive to male sperm with IVF? Forgive me if the question doesn’t make sense
    Oh whoops I missed this, sorry

    When going IVF you need to do whatever it takes to boost your fertility sky high. You can't be doing swaying methods (many of which are meant to slightly reduce fertility) when doing IVF.

    Some have said that having hubby take olive leaf extract 500-1000 mg daily may help with swaying AND IVF gender splits. While I'm skeptical, as of yet we've not seen any downsides to it so I would check that out. With IVF you're supposed to also have him take Vit. C along with it (altho I don't recommend that for swaying)
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  13. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mamabear88 View Post
    I’m currently taking prenatal vitamins(NatureMade) and vitamin D3. I’m eating moderate carbs and high protein. What do you recommend in terms of supplements and diet?
    For IVF I like you guys to eat a lower, but NOT very low carb diet such as South Beach, he Zone, Perfect Health Diet. You don't want a keto diet NOR a super carby diet, but a healthy middle range diet with healthy fats, protein, and healthy carbs like whole grains, fruit, and vegetables.

    Full fat dairy only, no skim

    Your doc will give you a list of things to take (which I'm always happy to go over)

    The main issues I have with ISWTE are that I don't like the prenatal she recommends (Naturemade is ok with me tho) and then some of the other recommendations she gives for special circumstances are not always going to be right for everyone.

    Just in brief some common supps for IVF that may not be good

    Flaxseed: no one should ever take this when TTC or pregnant

    Fish oil/aspirin: aspirin only under advice of doc, no more than 1000 fish oil and 500 is likely safer, and never do both high dose fish oil and aspirin (even when told to by a doctor) unless you know you have severe blood clotting disorders. When it's time to come off the aspirin (or fish oil for that matter) ALWAYS wean off even if doc says you don't need to. And then don't take a lot of things "to aid implatnation" like bromelain or even eat a lot of pineapple core, garlic, walnuts on top of high dose fish oil/aspirin

    Always wean off folic acid/folate and progesterone even if doc says you don't need to Folate is better than folic acid and I prefer 2000 mcg all thru first trimester, then weaned off to amount in prenatal

    Myoinositol not right for everyone and should not be taken unless you have moderate to severe PCOS, insulin resistance, or more than 30 lbs to spare (and wean off)

    DHEA is not right for most people and should not be taken unless you've had DHEA tested and continued to test while taking it. Very rare for anyone under 35 or even 40 to need this supp adn should not be taken without supervision/blood tests

    I'm skeptical on ALA and NAC but haven't made a judgement yet

    MOST IMPORTANT: Melatonin. Melatonin can be a godsend for egg quality BUT it is NOT SAFE to be taken when you may become pregnant or during pregnancy (regardless of what anyone else tells you!). The only people who should be on Melatonin are those who will do egg retrieval for eggs that will be frozen and then transferred in future months. (and only under suggestion of your doc) If you will do a fresh transfer and be pregnant in the same month as egg retrieval you must not take Melatonin. Melatonin has been proven to cause developmental delays in baby when taken during pregnancy, and we do not know how long the effects last, so it's not safe to take up till you will be pregnant. Plus, since your body needs melatonin in early pregnancy, it is not safe to take it till BFP or egg retrieval and then drop it suddenly, it may interfere with your body's ability to sustain a pregnancy. You have to wean off melatonin, and the only safe way to use it for egg quality is with frozen transfers only so the egg will be retrieved, then you can wean off it, then you'll be pregnant at a later point in time after the melatonin supplement has left your body and it's making its own natural melatonin again that it can use to sustain the pregnancy.
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