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    Happy My last chance at having a daughter!!!!

    Hello My name is Stephanie I am 27.
    I'm new here and I am trying desperately to conceive a girl. I am a mother to 4 sons, who I love with all my heart but my heart still yearns for a daughter. I had all four of my sons by C-section so this 5th pregnancy would be my last chance at a daughter. My husband and I would love to bring a little girl into the family. My husband and I have been through a lot, my husband is disabled so time isn't our friend when it comes to conceiving.We have only been trying for one month but it took 3 years to conceive our last one without sway so this may be a lost cause but I'll take any help I can get. I've read a few things about sway here is what I am doing so far.

    Things I'm doing:
    I pray everyday more than once.
    I am taking Magnesium 250mg, (magnesium 1 time a day) Cranberry 500mg, (cranberry I take from the end of my period to the day of ovulation) Calcium 600mg (calcium I take 2 times daily)
    I am tracking ovulation, just recently started this and noticed I ovulated day 12 from the beginning of my period.
    Having sex 3 to 2 days before ovulation.
    No orgasm for me
    Heating pad on my hubby for like 2 minutes.
    I am trying to cut down on salt
    No soda or coffee
    Eating dairy, ice cream, milk, yogurt and cheese for example
    I also put a baby girl dress and onesie under my mattress with a letter/prayer from my hubby and I to God and our future daughter. (this may seem weird but it makes us feel comfort and gives us a feeling of luck.

    Anything you ladies can help me with will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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  3. #2
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    Hi Stephanie!

    Calcium and magnesium are at your discretion; I got boys with them and gave them up to get my girl but I understand some people need to include them. Just be sure you are not taking Vit. D with them as that sways blue.

    Cranberry i do not ever recommend as it doesn't work and may cause miscarraige (not to mention can harm you as well) but if you must take it, your call to make, just be sure you keep giving it up at ovulation.

    Just be aware that your ovulation may not hold steady from month to month. It can change, which is why we use OPK strips to be sure we know when the surge comes that triggers ovulation.

    How are you predicting when 2-3 days before O is??

    Salt probably does nothing but fine to reduce if you'd like.

    Eating a lot of dairy can mean taking in lots of protein, fat, and calories. The newest science indicates that it's nutrients across the board, particularly protein, fat, calories and then highly fortified foods (dairy is quite fortified) that sways blue and so people ingesting tons of dairy may be seetting themselves up for an opposite. It's fine to have SOME dairy but be sure you're keeping in LE Diet limits...

    1500-1800 cals for most (some go little lower or higher)
    40-50 g protein for most (PCOSers and some others go up to 50-60 g)
    30-60 g fat

    This is not counting protein and fat in fruit and veg, which is free, and NOTHING in low carb veg, they are free and unlmited.

    And avoid fortified foods like power bars, breakfast cereal, energy drinks, etc.

    You can have coffee as tht has been a strong pink sway. The mineral diet's recommendation to drop coffee has been debunked biologically, as caffeine does not make calcium leach from your body.
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  5. #3
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    Hi there!
    I've just been taking the calcium and magnesium with cranberry because I read somewhere they sway girl, somthing about your PH making it acidic. With my other pregnancies I never took any sort of vitamin so I thought I'd give it a try this time. I have always been really small I think the highest weight I've ever been was 130lbs. I am currently 120lbs so should I lose more weight? I just don't know what to do about that. When I got pregnant with my boys I was always a skinny weight so do you think gaining weight or staying the same as I am now will sway girl? When it comes to my ovulation I'm still learning I've been using an app and bought some strips but I'm having trouble trying to figure out. How can you track a surge? I've gotten the bright strip saying I'm ovulating I just can't figure out how to know when it's like 2 or 3 days before I ovulate. We're trying the shuttles method.
    I appreciate all your feedback thank you so much.
    Keeping my prayers and thoughts on a future daughter.

  6. #4
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    I understand that they recommend those things on other sites, but we started this site in part because so many of us got BOYS with that stuff! I got my last 2 boys taking cal mag and gave them up to get my girl. Like I mentioned, it's fine if you want to take them as long as you're not taking the Vit. D along with it.

    Cranberry on the other hand is really not terribly safe and we have had a statistician analyze our results and prove beyond doubt that it does nothing. Since it is not safe and does nothing, I cannot ever in good conscience recommend it but if you must take it, as you say, stop it at ovulation.

    PLEASE DO NOT GAIN WEIGHT. That will sway blue. Let me explain about "doing the opposite". "Doing the opposite" is a bad idea because you can never know when you got boys because of something, or in spite of something. Science seems to indicate that gaining weight right before conception would sway blue and that's why we avoid it. Whatever reason you got boys in the past it wasn't due to your low weight or that you'd lost weight, it was in spite of that.

    The apps are junk please don't rely on them.

    The positive OPK does not tell you you're ovulating. It tells you when the surge happens and then you'll ovulate in 24-48 hours' time. If your ovulation does not stay regular from month to month you aren't going to be able to use that to time a cutoff (it will be 1-2 day cutoff if you BD the day of positive OPK) Luckily timing doesn't sway, but I understand wanting to try it. If you really feel the need for a cutoff, you'll need to get a digital tester like Clearblue that gives 2 day "high" and 2 day "peak" readings. You would aim at having your attempt the day of the second "high". That will be a 3ish day cutoff for most. But be aware this is not a perfect method at all. You can have many days of "high" or go right to "peak" without any "high" days so you should have a backup plan if either of those things happen.
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  7. #5
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    I’m kind of at a loss on how to go about on this swaying for a girl I’ve never tried swaying before. Could you share with me a plan on what to do to help me? I would appreciate it. 😊

  8. #6
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    The things that have worked for us are:

    LE Diet plus fiber, coffee, alcohol
    Cardio exercise 60 min. a day 6-7 days a week
    Clomid or FEmara if you can get them
    One attempt

    And for DH, jogging/biking and smoking tobacco have been proven in studies to sway
    Possibly OLE and soy milk for him.

    That's it. Those are the things I truly think work. Everything else is just pseudoscience.
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  9. #7
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    I thank you for the advice I'm going to try the low calorie diet, eat more like a vegetarian.
    Is there a preference of how much calories I should intake and how much weight I should lose and if I should stabilize my weight. I'm currently about 122lbs I'm thinking about losing 7lbs at the most cause I don't want to stop ovulating. How do you get clomid? Is it a vitamin? Also I think I'm going to cut back my hubby on the red meat but not much cause he really need the nutrients he gets from meat. I was going to put him on the diet with me but with his health it just not healthy for him to do a vegetarian diet he also can't exercise because it weakens his muscles faster. Do you think him not being able to do much with the sway will lessen our chances even though I will try anything you guys suggest? I just don't want my hubby's health to decline over this so I'll be doing most of the sway. Thank you again so much it really does mean a lot to me.

  10. #8
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    You need to calculate your BMI. If your BMI is already 21 or less, lose NO weight. Hold steady where you're at. Another pound or two may sneak off over time but don't deliberately try to lose weight if your BMI is 21 or below. The absolute barest minimum BMI at which point you should do whatever it takes to keep weight on is 18.5 and I vastly, vastly prefer you guys hang more like 21.

    Clomid is not a vitamin. It's a fertility medication and you have to get it from a doctor. It's unlikely a 27 year old who doesn't have PCOS will be able to get it. Some get it online or from friends and I obviously can't recommend that.

    Hubby DOES NOT need and in fact shouldn't go on the LE Diet. It is not meant for men to follow. Never has been. If he needs meat for his health please give him meat! It just doesn't matter what our husbands eat really and I have a big scientific explanation of that if you'd like to hear it. Most of our husbands would do nothing to help (mine wouldn't) and so I would die a thousand deaths rather than see a man who needs meat for his health cut back on it for a sway when it doesn't even help the sway at all!
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  11. #9
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    Thank you so much for putting up with all my questions, I'm on a ttc thread on her with some other ladies so I'm sure I'll get some help there to. I've asked the other ladies this but I've now realized you name says swaying coach so I'll ask you as well. when it comes to actually baby dancing I know we should baby dance one time but I've also heard that my hubby and I should baby dance with protection until ovulation window. I've also been told that my hubby should release every 2 days before fertile window, I guess it kills the boy sperm and leaves them mostly girl. How many days before my positive ovulation strip should we baby dance? ( I believe this method is called baby dust method) Some say the shuttles doesn't work cause it's hard to get pregnant. Idk there's a lot of swaying methods out there I'm just trying to find the one that is the most likely to work and has worked for others. Thank you again.

  12. #10
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    Yes I just replied to that. Please stick with me to get the bulk of your information. I've been helping people sway on two different sites for over 10 years now, have helped literally tens of thousands of people sway in all different situations, and you are going to get the best info from me. It gets very confusing for people when people say one thing and then I say the other so please don't hesitate about asking me anything you want to know, it's what I'm here for.

    Shettles doesn't work because it actually doesn't work. Babydust also doesn't work because they simply stole some stuff from us and then mixed it with Shettles. You can read all the reasons Shettles doesn't work here: Plus, both of those methods do make it really hard to conceive which is a big downside when (like you do) have barely any weight to spare. You can use timing if you want (and I'll help you do that) but just so you have the most accurate info.

    I already explained this in the other thread, but unless you have a crystal ball you won't be able to predict days before the OPK goes positive. It's just not possible to do that because it can vary by the month, you can't use what happened in other months to predict what happened in the future.

    Above all else, the thing that has worked is the one attempt. (Babydust stole this from us, and then went out and found a very ridiculous study that claimed to "prove it" but it was really our experiences that showed one attempt swayed) So start off with one attempt. None of the frequency of release patterns have worked. If one of them appeals to you feel free to do it as long as you keep the one attempt. Then, if you get to 3/4 months of trying or so, we can talk about adding attempts in ways that are more pink friendly but given your age and fertility i suspect you guys will get pregnant easily with one attempt.
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