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  1. #1
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    Hi all, kind of newbie here

    Hi all, i've posted once before but still kind of a newbie. I posted about Femara but unfortunately I wasn't able to get it in the end, the doctor wanted to make me have lots of other tests first and I couldn't afford them. I'm guessing there's nowhere else to get Femara other than prescribed?

    We've been TTC for a while now with no luck. A friend of mine suggested going on the pill for a little while, as this worked for her. So my question is - does the birth control pill sway pink? If so does it matter which pill?

  2. #2
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    Some people get Femara from friends or by purchasing it online, but I can't recommend doing that.

    I would not go onto and off of the BCP. That will take months of time and you'd likely not be on it long enough to really sway pink anyway (while we do believe the pill sways somewhat pink, it's no guarantee and plus it will simply add on more time during which you have no shot of conception.)

    CAn you tell me what's going on with your cycle and the stuff you're doing to sway?? We may be able to boost chances of conception.
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  3. #3
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    Thanks atomic. Funnily enough I got a BFP this morning, so that's all that out the window haha. I had a miscarriage before, but, assuming all goes ok with this pregnancy i'm going to find out the gender with a blood test at 10 weeks. I'll come back on here and let everyone know what I did to sway and if it was successful.

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  5. #4
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    AAA oh gosh great news! Good luck!
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  6. #5
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    So.... found out yesterday that the embryo's heartbeat has stopped at 10 weeks so i'll be having an ERPC next week. This is my second miscarriage so i'm pretty gutted. I had a question atomic if that's ok?

    Basically, i'd like to catch the first egg after the op as i've read that you have a higher chance of carrying to term straight after a miscarriage. Usually I find out when i'm ovulating using the sticks, but after my last miscarriage they read as positive for months afterwards because of the pregnancy hormones. I could just BD/DTD every day or every other day but I would still like to do just the one attempt to try to sway girl. Any advice on how to know when i'm ovulating? Or does anyone know roughly when I can expect to ovulate after the miscarriage? Last time I had medical management which took ages for my hormones to drop to zero. Presumably as this is an op my hormones would drop to zero almost immediately.

  7. #6
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    Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that.

    What I would have you do instead is to have unprotected sex every 72 hours (for better chance of conception but still good chance of pink) or 96 hours (for possibly better chance of pink, but lower odds of conception). This is our "every 4 day" method and has good results for pink, and you wouldn't have to mess with the sticks.

    DO NOT do every other day. That sways blue. And every day both sways blue and also really cuts odds of conception.

    I do agree your hormone levels with the procedure will drop a lot quicker though and you may still be able to use the sticks if you want to. But we have good results with the e4d (even in the every 72 hours pattern) and I would just have you do that if you've gotten the all clear from your doctor to have intercourse and TTC.

    Unfortunately there's no predicting when you'll ovulate after a miscarriage. It's different for every person, every time, no real rhyme or reason to it. The e4d method will be sure you're always in with a chance of conception though no matter how long it takes.

    Good luck and I'm so sorry for your loss.
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  8. #7
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    Thank you for the quick reply and for the advice atomic, i'll give that a try. I think this will be our last try, if we have another miscarriage we're going to stop as i'm not sure I could handle another one after that. So fingers crossed and i'll keep you posted. Thanks again.

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  10. #8
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    Fingers crossed and sending you huge ((((hugs)))).
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  11. #9
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    Hi atomic, i'm very sorry to take your time up again I just had more question if that's ok?

    Before I got pregnant this time I was doing quite a good girl sway for about 6 weeks. When I fell pregnant I relaxed about it, a lot, and gained a bit more weight than I probably should've done. Consequently my diet while I was pregnant was quite boy friendly (and I was pregnant for 12 weeks before I lost it). I'm having an ERPC on Monday and was hoping to catch the first egg after that as i've heard that you're more likely to carry to term if you conceive straight after a miscarriage. BUT i'm concerned because my girl sway has been ruined now. I was thinking of doing 2 or 3 weeks quite hardcore in terms of weight loss and exercise but did I read somewhere that girl sway only works if it's gentle?

    I suppose I could skip this month which gives me longer to do the girl sway, but then i'd lose any benefit that comes from falling straight after miscarriage. Do you have any advice on this at all?

    Thanks in advance.

  12. #10
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    Hey, please don't apologize, it's what I'm here for and I'm happy to answer all questions you have.

    We have good results with conceiving after a loss even when people have been off diet (because EVERYONE goes off diet at BFP, and I want you guys to do that so you're at best chance of having a healthy pregnancy.)

    Being strict for 2-3 weeks is not ok. It doesn't sway any harder than a longer, gentler sway and in fact may not be long enough to sway at all. Plus, you run the (very likely risk) of delaying the return of your ovulation.

    But that having been said, a girl sway doesn't work only if it's gentle, it's simply that doing a hardcore sway for a short time doesn't work (we have results from people on diet 2-4 weeks, most of whom were extremely strict, and they had poor results compared to those on diet 12+ weeks even though most of them were much more relaxed.) So there's no benefit to doing a hard sway a short time and a great risk that O will be delayed, if that makes sense.

    Our results from conception after a loss are at 75%, so it makes the most sense to me to have you guys resume LE Diet (and exercise if you can stand it) at a normal, NOT overly strict/extreme level, and try to catch the first egg with your doctor's approval. And then if you don't get pregnant you'll have longer on diet, without your cycle being all disrupted even more so from lack of food.

    But do you have permission to try that soon?? Generally, with 12 weeks' loss and ERPC I prefer to see people wait one or even two cycles and it's fairly unusual for docs to give the ok to try the first month. Luckily the effects of the loss probably last 2 or even 3 months so please don't rush if your doc has not given the ok.
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