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    One more chance to get pink!

    One more time!

    I was here in 2018, as I was trying for number two. I found this site probably a little late and we were in the process of trying for number two. I "tried" to sway from things I read online, however I ended up with baby boy #2. It has been great so far my oldest son having a brother but I can't help but long for a baby girl. I've always thought about three kids so i'm hoping the third times the charm (and finally talking my husband into number three as he was set on two). My son is currently 6 months old. I have yet to get my cycle back, so of course this will all depend on that. We plan to start trying later on toward the end of this year. I plan to nurse as long as he wants to.

    For my first, i was nursing as well. Got pregnant on the first try (which was surprising when he was 15 months). we did kind of an every 3-4 days so I think that is more of a boy sway. I wasn't sticking to the LE diet very well. I did drink coffee and occasionally alcohol, but overall a more "boy diet" for sure with lots of oatmeal (in the morning as I heard it was good for supply) and meat. I took calcium citrate with D3 and magnesium as well as prenatal (which i see now don't work)

    I have started trying to lose weight, by doing a type of intermittent fasting where I don't eat breakfast which I know (from reading on here) is recommended for girl sway. My lunch is typically chicken and salad, fruit, yogurt, veggies and then I have been having a meal replacement protein shake (protein powder 21grams, with oatmeal, teaspoon of chia and flaxseed, strawberries and almond milk) which has helped me lose weight. (I have tried to cut carbs like bread as well. I drink coffee daily and then drink alcohol occasionally. From what I have been reading, I "think" i know my cycle, but really could be wrong. I was just going by CM. I have never used OPK so i plan to start using them when my cycle returns so get an idea of my cycle. I read things like know your "peak" because 24 hours after that is when you typically ovulate. Also, I have read one BD is best for girl sway. Does that mean one BD all cycle (from the start of AF until O)? and I have also read that husband should abstain (<35) until the one BD. hot shower before, jump and dump. I want to make sure to get this right this time. I would like to have one more and I know nothing is for sure, but at least I will do what i can.

    I forgot to add, I drink tea at night (caffeine free) mostly herbal stuff. I read somewhere on here that was not good for girl sway?

    thank you!
    Last edited by DreamingofBoth; February 13th, 2020 at 09:22 PM.

  2. #2
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    Hi and welcome back! Congrats on your new son!

    We have actually had pretty good results with every 4 day method but I'd def. have you start off with one attempt.

    I would like you to drop the flaxseed and chia seed. Flaxseed may not be safe, and they both may sway blue.

    What is in the protein powder?? Any vitamins?

    Most people give up oatmeal when swaying pink as the avenocasides in it may sway blue (although I suspect you have to eat a massive amount of oatmeal for that to happen!)

    Have you been tracking your food intake at ll?? I don't want you eating any less than 30 g fat and I prefer 50-60 g for nursing moms who need their cycle to come back. I want to be sure you're getting enough. If you're not eating enough fat your cycle is not going to come back for a long time. Also, about how many cals and g of protein (not counting the protein and fat in fruit and veg, and the calories in low carb veg)

    CM is not the most reliable way of knowing when to have one attempt. I do prefer OPK; while they''re not perfect, they're better than CM.

    You can have protected sex other times or use pullout, but only one unprotected attempt in the fertile window.

    Hub can abstain (although it's not seemed to add anything) but be sure it's NOT all cycle. No longer than 14 days max, and I prefer more like 7-10 days.

    Tea (as in pekoe tea) seems to sway blue. I prefer you guys keep any herbal tea to 3x a week max, to avoid any medicinal effects. We honestly don't know how any of this stuff sways and if it's safe in huge intake, so I have been having you guys have herb teas only dietary amounts 3x a week, no more than that. You don't need to drop it totaly, just be sure you're not having any one kind of tea more than 3x a week.
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  3. #3
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    Thank you! also i'm sorry for the multiple posts. I was trying to delete them because I found the different forum for TTC girl and thought it would be more appropriate here.

    But thank you.

    The protein powder is called "orgain USDA organic plant protein powder". it has 1billion probiotics and 21 grams of protein with a few vitamins. Basically just something I found that is helpful to curve my appetite until i dropped my baby weight, but also didn't think i was getting enough protein.

    I will drop the chia and flaxseed. I put about half a cup of oatmeal in there, but I can stop that to.

    I haven't tried tracking my food but I definitely can start. I don't think I am getting 50-60g of fat so I will keep an eye on that. Trying to lose weight and get my cycle back is going to be challenging haha! With my first, it came back about 9.5months (right now im at 6 months, which i know it can vary with each child). I also will eat yogurt occasionally. I probably get about 50grams of protein give or take a day (with the protein drink as meal replacement). Man, i should prob write this down ha. Sometimes i probably don't get many calories, esp with nursing. I probably get about 1000 calories about three days a week and then more when I am not working maybe about 1500. (thats a total guess, but I do eat more when I am not working).but I need to get an app to track.

    Okay, I tried to track it using an app. So when I work (7 days out of 14) I get about 75g protein 30g fat 1100 calories. I didn’t add carrots because those are so sporadic. :/ the protein powder is new. I never have done this before. I just thought it would help me lose weight. Which is has been helping. Lol. When I’m off it’s not quite that low calories.

    I will start using OPK this time when my cycle does come back.

    One attempt in fertile window... I know you have written about "timing" but this is just before "peak" opk? or when it turns positive? and then abstain about 7-10 days before.

    I will also cut back on the tea. Its not a necessity by any means.

    I know you have also written about supplements. is it better to do a "less is more" approach? I did calcium citrate (with VitD) and magnesium for my second so I don't think that helped in any way so i don't plan on doing that again.

    Thank you,
    Last edited by DreamingofBoth; February 17th, 2020 at 01:31 PM.

  4. #4
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    No worries, I understand that and especially at the beginning since many forums don't answer every question. But I will answer every question asked, it just sometimes takes me a couple days.

    The Orgain is a decent brand (not highly fortified) but it does have probiotics, which swayed so strongly blue that we dropped them totally for pink and now use them only for blue sways. But since it's taken as a food (rather than a capsule that dissolves in the intestines)

    1000 and 1500 calories are not enough when you're nursing. Your cycle is not gonna come back for a very long time at that food intake and may even make your milk dry up.

    You can do timing with one attempt (so estimate 2-3 days before ovulation) if you want to, but timing doesn't work. The only thing that works is the one attempt. So we plan our attempt at positive OPK simply because it's a good time to get pregnant with one attempt. So if you do want a cutoff that's up to you, otherwise I'd try at positive OPK.

    Yep I definitely favor a less is more approach. I got my 3rd and 4th boys taking cal-mag-Vit. D and gave them up to get my girl, so I'm on board with you guys leaving them out.
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    Okay thank you!!! i am going to try and up my calories some while still trying to do less overall "junk" and snacking. I going to look more into your recommendations on diet as well. I read your stuff on timing do I'm good on trying at positive opk and one attempt during fertile time. plus I think it would be more stressful to try and get it exactly 2-3 days before without getting too far and i know stress wont help is anyway. we shall see!!!! although first things first, is getting that cycle back. he has been sleeping through the night and just started playing with solids so maybe it wont be toooooo much longer. ha, never did i actually think I would "want" to have a cycle. anything, I am going to continue to browse on here and see what else I can learn.

    Thank you!

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    not only is it super stressful but in many cases it doesn't even work. People end up ovulating early and then panicking over not having the timing they wanted anyway. So the stress is all for naught since the body ovulates on a variable timeline!
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  8. #7
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    Thank you!!

    For my husband, (32) I know you said he can abstain (7-10) days but not 14... do you recommend BD protected as long as the one attempt is in fertile window. Basically, it doesn’t really matter what he does or what happens as long as protected and one unprotected attempt in fertile window?
    Does there need to be a specific amount of time between last protected and one attempt? I know low sperm count is what’s trying to be done which also cut conception. Is it best just for him to Abstain for at least 7 days before the one attempt. So many things to try and get right!! Ah.

    Also. Taking only folate while Ttc and no prenatal. What about it breastfeeding. Does that still apply.
    Last edited by DreamingofBoth; February 19th, 2020 at 12:27 PM.

  9. #8
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    Yes. None of the patterns of hubby releasing have mattered, what seemed to get the job done was that one unprotected attempt.

    Most people do like to start off using one of the frequency patterns, abstain or daily release most commonly, along with the one attempt. But you don't have to, if it gives you tons of stress it's fine to let that go!

    If abstain was "better" I'd have everyone do abstain, but it hasn't been. Both abstain and daily release have been lower than the overall site as a whole, for the whole time we've been tracking (nearly 10 years now!) They just aren't adding anything to justify the amount of trouble they cause.

    There doesn't need to be a set amount of time between the last release and the attempt. So if you're worried that you'll have sex and then need to have an attempt the next day, it's no biggie. The worst that could happen is that your chance of conception might be lower. It won't sway blue though.

    Yes, it still applies. If you feel like you just can't let prenatal go when nursing you can reduce it to 3x a week instead, but I do think you'll get best results for pink by weaning off it totally and giving your nursing baby a separate vitamin drop instead.
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  10. #9
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    Yes. None of the patterns of hubby releasing have mattered, what seemed to get the job done was that one unprotected attempt.

    Most people do like to start off using one of the frequency patterns, abstain or daily release most commonly, along with the one attempt. But you don't have to, if it gives you tons of stress it's fine to let that go!

    If abstain was "better" I'd have everyone do abstain, but it hasn't been. Both abstain and daily release have been lower than the overall site as a whole, for the whole time we've been tracking (nearly 10 years now!) They just aren't adding anything to justify the amount of trouble they cause.

    There doesn't need to be a set amount of time between the last release and the attempt. So if you're worried that you'll have sex and then need to have an attempt the next day, it's no biggie. The worst that could happen is that your chance of conception might be lower. It won't sway blue though.

    Yes, it still applies. If you feel like you just can't let prenatal go when nursing you can reduce it to 3x a week instead, but I do think you'll get best results for pink by weaning off it totally and giving your nursing baby a separate vitamin drop instead.
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  11. #10
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    Thank you! Sorry for the break! I adjusted what you said for diet and I think IÂ’m
    About to start my period back in about two weeks. I want to get that regular and be on the diet longer before Ttc again. I also have to wean off of my prenatal vitamin. As I still take that. IÂ’m still nursing.

    For the diet, I have no problem skipping breakfast. ItÂ’s actually been pretty easy for me. I just drink coffee which has helped. I know you say limit things like red meat, but does chicken need to be limited to? I ask because that is basically my main source or protein. Beside beans (which IÂ’ve read you so limit big okay) and yogurt, what other sources. I have cut down on snacking which is helping. But I still have some weight I need to lose I feel like IÂ’ve hit a plateau. IÂ’m doing my best to exercise at least 4 days a week but it is challenging with two kids. I prob have eaten more sweets over the past few weeks (from the COVID stuff) then i usually do which doesnÂ’t help so I really need to get back to it.

    I donÂ’t eat a lot of bread. I tried to cut that out but IÂ’m reading that I may need to add some. I donÂ’t eat a lot of full fat either so I may need to up that to make sure to get the needed amount.

    Basically LE diet , taking folic acid only, one attempt at opk positive.

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