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  1. #31
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Start on the day after your period ends and have unprotected sex every 72 hours. Continue on with this till you're sure you have ovulated, even if it means going all the way through till your next cycle begins.

    I am not seeing where I told you to do e4d plus one more at positive OPK. I usually give you guys a couple months of e4d before we add the positive OPK attempt, can you show me where it was I said that (I'll look thru the thread again too). There's info all over the site about e4d, so just ask me whatever you are curious about and I'll tell you what the consensus is.

    Regroup on diet now but as long as you haven't gained weight it's ok to try. I would not have you drink any tea even decaf. There may be something in tea that sways blue even though we don't know what.
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  2. #32
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you for such a prompt reply-

    I think you mentioned in a thread before as I wanted to get pregnant as I wasn’t getting pregnant - you gave me two options the compromise solution and then the e4d with one attempt.

    I will start the healthy eating again and drop the tea.

    Fingers crossed I still sway girl the above but the positive opk one attempt isn’t working..
    Or I am just losing my patience
    Who knows!

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  3. #33
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Ok. I'd prob do either the compromise or the e4d straight up to start with for 2-3 months and then if you don't get pregnant at that point add an attempt
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; July 15th, 2020 at 11:14 PM.
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  4. #34
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi Atomic

    Been trying to read forums to find answers so I can stop bothering you!

    Basically you do every 4 days or every 72 hours ?

    So say I BD on sat morning when would my next BD be?
    I know it sounds so silly but I’m reading 72 hours or 4 days..
    4 days would be after the 72 hours right?

    Thanks in advance!

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  5. #35
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    It's fine, I'm happy to answer as many questions as you have. i'd rather answer questions than wait for you to not understand something and answer questions after everything has gone wrong, LOL.

    72 hours and 4 days are the exact same thing. We call the METHOD "every 4 days" (meaning having regular unprotected sex all cycle, just far enough out to get pregnant, but still ending up as one attempt in the fertile window) and then within that overall category, we have two ways of doing e4d - in the 72 hour pattern or in the 96 hour pattern.

    I know this seems confusing. Some people think 'but every 72 hours isn't every 4 days' - but the way many people count days, it actually IS. So you'd have sex Monday (1) Tuesday (2) Wednesday (3) and Thursday (4). Other people thought there had to be 4 FULL days between sex (every 120 hours) Then people think "why don't they call that every 3 days and the other one every 4 days and every 5 days or whatever" but it's because I could never be sure what people were talking about. If a person was counting days one way and calling that every 3 days, and then another person was using every 4 days to refer to the same exact thing, it was just too confusing, and often I didn't find this out till people had gone on some months doing the wrong thing. Some people were even having sex every other day thinking THAT was every 3 days, and that pattern may be boy friendly.

    When I used just the numbers of hours, people STILL got confused thinking that there was some magic to the precise number of hours rather than the DAYS. People were messaging me distraught over 75 hours or 69 hours when that doesn't matter. So we decided to call the METHOD e4d to stress that it's the day that matters, and then give two options for number of hours to help people understand how specifically to count the days.
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  6. #36
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi atomic

    I have a question for you if that’s ok

    So we started every 4 day method and we bd on Friday night so next day to bd would be Sunday night.

    It’s cd 16 for me today and I randomly got a positive on my strips (according to my 40 day cycles this is like mega mega mega early) so I wasn’t expecting it.
    So my ovulation will most likely be tomorrow.

    Should we bd today on positive again ? Or leave it and do tomorrow as per the e4d?? Would that then put me on boy territory?

    I hate my cycle as I honestly was not expecting so so early (luckily i even started testing as I was confident it would be around cd 23-26)


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  7. #37
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Friday to Sunday would be 48 hours, right?? (though this depends on what time of day you had sex Friday and then what time you had sex Sunday) I would count your next attempt to be due Monday.

    Many people who have long cycles see their cycles get closer to normal range on LE Diet. This may be a good sign for your sway!

    If you are in a hurry to conceive, you can add another attempt, but honestly I'd just stick with the e4d since we've only been at this a short time. But that's really your call to make based on how much you need to get pregnant soon.

    You can't be in "boy territory" as long as you don't have too many attempts. Keep in mind timing doesn't sway (so if Sunday is O Day, having attempt that day would not sway blue) but number of attempts DOES, so if you were to have an attempt Friday, Saturday Sunday, and then O on Monday, that would be more blue friendly than just attempts Friday and Monday, if that makes sense. This doesn't mean you shouldn't do that if you're in a huge hurry to get pregnant, but just trying to explain that the thing that matters is not the day the attempt falls on, but the number of attempts in the fertile window.
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  8. #38
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks atomic for your prompt reply!

    So we did not BD yesterday as today is my 4th day (so scheduling it in for later on tonight)

    Today is also according to my opk would be ovulation day as well as I peaked yesterday.

    So that would be:
    1. Tuesday: 1 bd (10pm)

    2. Weds


    4. (1) Friday: 1 bd (time of bd was 11.30pm)

    2. Saturday

    3. Sunday: positive opk (last month I had a false positive and peaked again 6 days later)

    4.Monday: ovulation day-plan is to BD today (time late evening)
    That’s two attempts in fertile period right ?

    Should I just avoid today keep it as 1 and hope for the best ? Or perhaps bd in 4 days and not today to cover related ovu

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  9. #39
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    No, it is not 2 attempts in the fertile period. Because if you ovulate Monday, IF (and that is a BIG IF) there is anything left over from the Friday attempt, it would have fertilized the egg before the Monday shot could capacitate and make it to the egg. And if there isn't anything left from Friday (which is likely since sperm going that long is much less common than people realize) then the Monday attempt will have time to fertilize the egg.

    No matter what, it is always one attempt.

    You are going to have low chances of conception going from Friday all the way thru Monday. I urge you to have another attempt today because otherwise you risk missing the whole month.
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  10. #40
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi Atomic

    After a long time I am
    Back! We have had trouble with conceiving with e4d but also because I’m getting many false positive opks - last month I eventually got what I think may be positive as I got my period 13 days after on cd 31 - tracking 3 months before that it was between 21-26.

    Anyway somebody told me it’s because I am doing IF that it’s messing up my hormones and delaying my ovulation.. (being pcos too) all my bloods including the fertile hormones came normal and I’ve got scans coming up.

    Can I do IF and have milk with coffee ? I was doing black coffee with 15-16 hour fasting ? Or give this up now ? I am worried it’s making my cycles longer - I’ve also decided not to fast as much as I was losing weight so I’m trying maintain now and eating more healthier carbs.

    I have a doctor friend who has given me clomid which I am nervous about taking - will it be okay - is it a popular thing people are using? I haven’t had any scans to start it - do you need scans to start it ?

    I know it sways girls and better chance of twins - so don’t mind :-)

    Thanks so much - really may let go of swaying and just try now but thought I’d message before I completely let go of the idea of having a little girl- as long bubbs is healthy and I fall pregnant at the end of it!

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