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  1. #41
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Please don't "let go of swaying". We have tons of tricks and methods to use to help you get pregnant, please don't hesitate to ask me to help you. I would so, so, so much rather hear from you even every day than to get advice from people who don't know what they're talking about, get things wrong, and end up with you way off track.

    Can you please explain more about OPK? Why are you still doing OPK with e4d (it's fine to do that, I was just wondering what your reasoning was). How were you doing the e4d?

    While doing too much fasting CAN delay or even stop ovulation, generally speaking for those with PCOS it is beneficial. If your hormones are in normal range and not too high or too low, the odds are the IF is not harming you any. But let's rule that out - can you tell me how many calories you're eating and how many grams of fat?

    And let's shorten the time of the fast, it's fine to make it only 12-14 hours overnight.

    How many meals are you eating?

    Clomid is GREAT both for pink and for conception. While there is a somewhat higher chance of multiples (8-10%) it is a safe medication and has been around for over 50 years. Millions of babies have been conceived thanks to Clomid.

    If you've just had your period you are ok to start it CD 3,4,5. If you haven't just had your period, it is best to have a scan so you don't start it at the wrong time of the month. Otherwise we'd need to wait it out and start it either CD 3, 4,or 5.

    Is there anything else you guys are doing that may be cutting odds of conception? Douching, jelly, frequency pattern, shallow release, is your husband doing or taking anything? Even things that seem minor like peppermint tea can make a difference.

    I can absolutely help you to conceive while still keeping some sway tactics going (and probably conceive way faster than if you dropped swaying and tried on your own, to be honest) But I need you to get in contact with me so I can help!! PLEASE don't worry about bothering me, I would love to help.
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  2. #42
    Dream Newbie

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    May 2020
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    Hi atomic

    Your message was absolutely amazing - just by reading it I felt hopeful.
    Thank you for this - I am forever greatful

    When you say how was I doing e4d - it was day 7 (after my period stops) and then every 4 days till I was sure I had ovulated. I was doing opk so I could see when I would actually ovulate (more for just keeping note of my cycle)

    I have stopped counting calories/fat but I can start again. I think I was eating within the recommended amount - what is the calorie for pcos.

    I eat some nuts when I break fast with a coffee and then I generally have lunch which is either. Lentil based salad or sandwich on most occasions and then dinner. If I get really hungry in between that maybe like a orange or some sort of Heathy type of snack (rice cake and humous for example and another coffee)
    Then dinner which is generally either ranging from lentils to eggs to certain Indian foods (carbs, dairy and protein in there - prob more carbs right now)
    I have a habit of something sweet after dinner so I find some piece of chocolate or smal biscuit with a decaff drink :-)

    I think I can probably start counting but I found it hard work and stressful monitoring it all everyday and it’s been so long I’ve been doing IF now.

    I exercise 30-45 mins and they are generally HITT based workouts (if I use weights they are not heavy -I reduced the weight of this once I read your package) is this okay ?

    Generally though I’m pretty healthy and maybe on the weekend we eat out and eat more calories then I would in the week.

    My pcos cycles vary between 39-49 days-

    I started the clomid on day 6 is that okay?

    I only take fibre supplements and folic acid
    Husband doesn’t take anything apart from cut down on his meat (im veg)

    When we bd it’s always missionary and I generally jump and dump. I stopped the jellies etc.
    Any other sway tactics?

    Thanks again so much


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  3. #43
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Were you doing the every 4 days in the 72 hour pattern (not those hours per se, but that's how you count the days) or in the 96?

    I hope you continued the e4d even after you thought you had ovulated. that is a very important part of e4d.

    The alternate diet still has the same number of calories - 1500-1800 cals for most, a large minority needs to go up to 1800-2000 (very tall, nursing, people with high metabolism), and a very small minority goes down to 1200-1500 (petite, slow metabolism, people who have plateaued, some who have a large amount of weight to lose and don't lose weight on 1500+). Always start off higher than you think you need, and we can always reduce over time. Don't start off too low and then have to increase cals if you can avoid it.

    There are two reasons why it is beneficial to count. One is that you need to be sure you're eating ENOUGH. People assume that the LE Diet is just like starving yourself but that is very much not the case. It's just the lowest healthy/normal pre-pregnancy diet. We don't want you guys to go below that not only because it's not healthy for you or for your pregnancy, but also because you can delay or even stop ovulation, then you'll have to basically sway blue just to get your menstrual cycle going again.

    The other reason is that if you have PCOS, if you aren't tracking and making sure you're eating a decent ratio of protein and fat to calories, you can end up eating too many carbs and aggravating your PCO-tendencies, both making it harder to conceive AND undermining your pink sway. So it's important to be sure you're getting 50-60 g protein and fat a day with a certain number of calories to ensure you're not going overboard with carbs.

    Since your cycle is a little longer it is fine for you to start the Clomid CD 6 though most people should not start it any later than CD 5 (just in case anyone else was reading this!)

    How long after intercourse are you jumping and dumping?
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  4. #44
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi atomic,

    Okay I will start monitoring again from tomorrow as you mentioned- aiming for 50-60g of fat and protein!

    We did 72 hour frame so technically speaking every 3 days! That is the correct way I assume ?

    I was wiping off with a tissue and then run to bathroom to dump.

    I’m on day 5 of clomid 50mg so let’s hope i ovulate earlier this month !

    Got a scan of my ovaries in November so that’ll tell me more as well

    Anything else You advise for girlmsway ?

    Regarding supplements shall I increase my fiber after every meal ?
    Thoughts on Calcium and magnesium ?
    Thoughts on husband taking cranberry ?

    Thank you


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  5. #45
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Yes that's right, every 72 hours. We still call that e4d because many people count it as day 1 (attempt) day 2 (skip) day 3 (skip) day 4 (attempt).

    Let's give it 5 or even 10 minutes before getting up and dumping.

    FX Clomid is helpful! It practically always is!

    No need to increase fiber, let's ahve you take it about 30 minutes before eating though.

    I don't think cal-mag do anything (I got 4 boys with calcium, gave it up to get my girl) but it's your call to make. Just be sure you don't take extra Vit. D with it.

    Is he taking Olive Leaf already?
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