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  1. #11
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    Oh gosh I wish I had found this page a long time ago!! With the diet do you recommend to keep going right through until you get positive test or can you break inbetween, so after ovulation eat again until next cycle?

  2. #12
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yes you need to stay on diet all month long. We have poor results with only 2 weeks on diet and best results with 12 weeks or more on diet, so it doesn't make any sense to go off and on diet every month.

    You should find the LE Diet to be well-balanced and satisfying though - it's not meant to be a terrible starvation diet. If you're feeling deprived let me know what you're eating and I'll tell you what to tweak.
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  3. #13
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    Help!! I've done something that I thought was really good now I'm actually thinking have I messed I stopped eating meat as I'm such a big meat eater and found i was still going over my limits even with just chicken ,so i have gone vegetarian but i have been eating quorn with my this too much protein or am i overthinking this??? Also been having Greek youghurt on the days i haven't had quorn and been having the 0% one but someone recently told me i should be having full fat??

  4. #14
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    You can have up to 40-60 g protein daily (not counting the protein and fat in fruit and veg, which we don't count at all) so it is fine to have some quorn and yogurt. You have to get protein from somewhere!

    We allow 30-60 g fat on the LE Diet. Some people, who are following a variation of diet called the "alternate" or "PCOS-type" LE Diet, have 50-60 g protein and fat, and on this alternate diet they have ONLY full fat dairy, no skim.

    So if you are on the alternate diet you need to use only full fat dairy, no skim. On the other form of LE Diet, you can have skim or full fat whichever you prefer, and you can also mix and match them.
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  5. #15
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    Hi , after a weight gain I am trying to lose weight, I have started going to a class 3 times a week , weight training and hiit, I use low weights is this ok to carry on or will I need to stop? Also I used to avoid red meat, potatoes, bananas and tomatoes but I have been eating them again so I need to cut any of these back out? My calories are inbetween 1200 to 1500 a day. I have also increased my steps to min 10k a day.x

  6. #16
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    Can you tell me more about the circumstances you were gaining in?? You were gaining on 1200-1500 cals a day?

    Potatoes, bananas, and tomatoes do not sway boy and I have a full explanation of that here: As for red meat, yes, most people do give that up.

    For the most part I have people stop weight training for pink sways. But if you've lost some weight on a lower protein diet then it's ~probably~ ok, though I do not have the same high level of confidence that I do in cardio alone. I would also aim at a minimum 4 days a week, 1 hour of cardio.
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  7. #17
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    No I wasn't eating between those calories then this has all built up from a combination of when I was doing le turbo so two weeks on two weeks off (this was before you gave me your advice). I was barely eating for 2 weeks, ridiculously low calories a day, and fasting. The two weeks were up and I'd binge, instead of losing weight and staying there I was up down up down and every up weight was going higher and higher. Then came lockdown and I wasnt doing cardio classes or much of anything really and eating badly I put on over 1a stone and over those months I stopped ttc after over 2 and a half years it had all just taken its toll. I wanted to get my weight down and my fitness back on track. I signed up to a class not really knowing too much about it I thought it was mainly hiit. But it's not its hiit and weight training, but low weights nothing major 6kg max. I'm really enjoying it, I'm back on track with my eating ,calories are in a normal range, I am definitely not eating loads of protein just a bery normal balanced diet. I've lost 8lb and I just feel more focused again. Hubby and i want to now go for our last 6 months of ttc its really now or never. I've done the months and months of 3 day cut off, one bd on first positive opk and twice on first positive and day after , hubby wants to do every day, I'm terrified this is mass boy territory. Weve both been taking no supplements and im worried if hubby has sperm morphology still, clinic wont re test anything you could take to help with that that wont sway blue??
    Last edited by Amelia2020; September 30th, 2020 at 01:49 PM.

  8. #18
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    oh no yes that's not good - the starving weeks basically "scare" your body into slowing metabolism wayyyy down and then when it's followed by 2 weeks of binging, it holds on to everything!

    If you're enjoying the class I say continue. It's low weights, and as long as you've lost a bit of weight on that lower protein diet you can't be building muscle.

    Please don't do every day. Not because it's going to wreck your sway, but because it is a BAD way to get pregnant. It is among the top things people who don't conceive are doing wrong! Because daily sex many days in a row can deplete sperm count, and by the time the egg shows up the male is shooting nothing but dust. I want you to have sex every 72 hours (doesn't have to be those days exactly, just that is how you count the days) starting after your period ends and continue all through the month, even after you think you have ovulated (this will protect against early or late ovulation, and the regular releases will ensure your husband is making enough sperm.) Then in addition to that, while still continuing with the every 72 hours, have one more attempt whenever you get your first positive OPK. If that falls on a day you are already due to have sex, have either two attempts that day or an attempt the next day. We'll try that for a couple months and then I'll have you go to SMEP which is the best way to conceive (but still isn't daily sex!)
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  9. #19
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    Ok thanks and any supplements at all?? Or just take folate and fiber?? Doing it every 72hours will it greatly reduce my chance of having a girl? If I cut out red meat am I ok to eat everything else? Some people say no vegetables as too healthy but I have been eating them!

  10. #20
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    The supplements have not worked and have caused massive amounts of side effects for us.

    We actually have better results with e4d in the 72 hour pattern right now, it's just that it's a smaller sample size and I have more faith in one attempt to start with. But as far as we know e4d is just as good as one attempt or maybe even better.

    Vegetables are fine and 100% allowed. Low carb veg are free and unlimited, have as much as you want, no need to count. Fruit and high carb veg, count only calories, not protein or fat. We originally started out worryign that nutrients in veg might sway, but over time we have shown definitively it's only highly concentrated nutrients like in fortified foods and vitamin pills that sway and we are getting great results with people eating fruit and veg.
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