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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    It depends on how much milk you use. We allow enough milk or cream in coffee to lighten it, but if you're having, say, a latte with a cup or two of milk, and sugar in it, then you'd want to have that with a meal. But coffee with a couple tablespoons of milk (like the amount in a jigger or so) is fine

    Yes you count protein in grain foods like rice, bread, and pasta.
    Many thanks for all your clarifications!🤗

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  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.C. View Post
    Many thanks for all your clarifications!��
    Arghhh just as expected, I am in the middle of my 3rd week (started 28th of June) and failed already ��. Diets have never been my strong point unfortunately and for the past few days I felt hungry ALL THE TIME. I did well at the beginning, even lost some weight but maybe it becoming more difficult now perhaps it was the sign things were starting to work. I think maybe all the supplements are increasing my appetite too? don't know.
    Anyway, today I binged, think I had about 5000cal.
    My question is do I now need to start the countdown all over again starting from tomorrow? what can I do in the future? if I have a day when I eat more (let's say 2500cal), can I eat less next day and overall across 2days is still fine? or is the constant low nutrients intake that is needed?
    Also, I eat A LOT of fruit and vegetables so perhaps not that low on nutrients? I have so much respect for people doing this for >12weeks! it's hard! I think I find it all too stressful for it to work for me....I always stress about it and read about it and from what I learned fretting about it like this is only likely to increase testosterone.
    Also, please can you advise about the timing? I was thinking one attempt next day from+opk but unsure...
    And the exercises...are aerobics/pilates/HIIT not cardio?? Think I read somewhere pilates is not recommended as it bulds muscles...this is what I do, together with running. I never considered walking as exercising, but does that count? I do walk at least 5k daily...
    Also, people seem to be taking fibres? should I include those too?

    Sorry for coming back with all these queries still...the more I read the more confused and anxious I get!��
    Last edited by Mrs.C.; July 16th, 2020 at 04:47 AM.

  4. #13
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    sorry, just realised I replied to my own comment! 🤦*♀️

  5. #14
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    What you need to do when you are hungry is EAT MORE. Stop to think "what is it I really want to eat here" and have it. Do not try to white knuckle it through eating lettuce and rice cakes because here's what will happen - you'll eat 3000 calories of rice cakes and then realize you've blown the limits anyway, and then you'll decide "well, I've ruined everything now, may as well have what I want" and you'll eat everything in the house.

    If you're very hungry for several days, up limits SLIGHTLY. Don't go hog wild, but sometimes due to hormones or whatever you're hungrier for a few days. Just eat a bit more. Far, far better to simply increase limits than to binge!

    DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT try to cut back to compensate. That simply sets up a binge purge cycle where you cheat wildly then cut too far back then cheat wildly over and over again. The cheat happened. It's no biggie and in many cases a big blowout like that just passes right on through pretty quick and not that much is even absorbed. Some have even noticed that occasionally they even LOSE weight after a splurge. Just pick it up from here and go on.

    The "nutrients" we are worried about are fat protein, and calories, and then the highly concentrated nutrients in vitamins and fortified foods. Nutrients in fruit and veg has not seemed to sway. High carb veg and fruit, you count only cals, not protein or fat, and low carb veg are free and unlimited, no need to count them at all.

    It is not too stressful to work for you. You need to snap out of the mindset where you're doing all or nothing. There is a huge wiggle space between eating so little you are miserable and eating a boy friendly diet. People have this misconception taht if you don't do eveyrthing perfectly all the time you may as well do nothing, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Even if you only change one or two little things that is still a pink sway.

    Do not go down the 'but doing this will raise testosterone' rabbithole. I have already eliminated everythign that is not necessary from the sway. DO NOT then try to eliminate the stuff that actually works - diet, exercise, number of attempts - out of a misguided thought that "stress raises testosterone" because those things are what will help you get your daugther. Feel free to drop anything like timing or pH stuff or antihistamines, etc, but keep the things that work! Even if you have to tweak them somewhat. The only things you should avoid are the things that don't work.

    I recommend one attempt. We have that on the day of first positive OPK simply because that's an easy goal to reach, but if you prefer to do a 2 day cutoff that's fine too.

    I prefer you don't do Pilates or HIIT as they may build muscle. Running and walking are both ok. Walking 5k a day is great.

    Yes, go ahead and take fiber if it's suitable for you. A low dose of fiber (not the high doses on the bottles, those are for other people and not us) about 30 minutes before eating any meal containing fat. If not eating fat, don't take the fiber.

    I'm going to have to go back and look at your supplements to see if there are any that might make you hungry. But I suspect it's just that you've lost a bit of weight and your body is saying "wth is going on here" and has ramped up hunger to compensate.
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  6. #15
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    ok specifically what are you taking now? Sorry I am not sure from the last page what you're actually taking and what you're not. I suspect coq10 is the culprit here but just want to be sure I"m not overlooking anything.

    And again I want to reiterate what I said on the previous page - you need to stop losing weight as you're already slim and do not need to lose more.
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  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    What you need to do when you are hungry is EAT MORE. Stop to think "what is it I really want to eat here" and have it. Do not try to white knuckle it through eating lettuce and rice cakes because here's what will happen - you'll eat 3000 calories of rice cakes and then realize you've blown the limits anyway, and then you'll decide "well, I've ruined everything now, may as well have what I want" and you'll eat everything in the house.

    If you're very hungry for several days, up limits SLIGHTLY. Don't go hog wild, but sometimes due to hormones or whatever you're hungrier for a few days. Just eat a bit more. Far, far better to simply increase limits than to binge!

    DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT try to cut back to compensate. That simply sets up a binge purge cycle where you cheat wildly then cut too far back then cheat wildly over and over again. The cheat happened. It's no biggie and in many cases a big blowout like that just passes right on through pretty quick and not that much is even absorbed. Some have even noticed that occasionally they even LOSE weight after a splurge. Just pick it up from here and go on.

    The "nutrients" we are worried about are fat protein, and calories, and then the highly concentrated nutrients in vitamins and fortified foods. Nutrients in fruit and veg has not seemed to sway. High carb veg and fruit, you count only cals, not protein or fat, and low carb veg are free and unlimited, no need to count them at all.

    It is not too stressful to work for you. You need to snap out of the mindset where you're doing all or nothing. There is a huge wiggle space between eating so little you are miserable and eating a boy friendly diet. People have this misconception taht if you don't do eveyrthing perfectly all the time you may as well do nothing, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Even if you only change one or two little things that is still a pink sway.

    Do not go down the 'but doing this will raise testosterone' rabbithole. I have already eliminated everythign that is not necessary from the sway. DO NOT then try to eliminate the stuff that actually works - diet, exercise, number of attempts - out of a misguided thought that "stress raises testosterone" because those things are what will help you get your daugther. Feel free to drop anything like timing or pH stuff or antihistamines, etc, but keep the things that work! Even if you have to tweak them somewhat. The only things you should avoid are the things that don't work.

    I recommend one attempt. We have that on the day of first positive OPK simply because that's an easy goal to reach, but if you prefer to do a 2 day cutoff that's fine too.

    I prefer you don't do Pilates or HIIT as they may build muscle. Running and walking are both ok. Walking 5k a day is great.

    Yes, go ahead and take fiber if it's suitable for you. A low dose of fiber (not the high doses on the bottles, those are for other people and not us) about 30 minutes before eating any meal containing fat. If not eating fat, don't take the fiber.

    I'm going to have to go back and look at your supplements to see if there are any that might make you hungry. But I suspect it's just that you've lost a bit of weight and your body is saying "wth is going on here" and has ramped up hunger to compensate.
    Thank you for your patience and advice!
    Yes, I do think my body was lacking something as I craved nuts and peanut butter so thinking fat. I have gone vegetarian to make it easier for me to be on the diet so who knows. Truth is after eating yesterday, today my milk supply has improved so much! so definitely something was going on. I lost 1.5kg but then wasn't happy and gained 0.5kg back. So I am slightly thinner 54kg (119lbs) but only just. As I tried keeping at 1700-1800 cal (recommended by MFP in order to maintain this weight) I kept bf, expressing (as my son is due to start nursery) and exercised as before and think it caught up with me. Or maybe just hormones.

    I take Folic Acid (not quite 1200mcg but 800mcg as thought is too much alongside with everything else I am taking), 100mg Ubiquinoil CoEnQ10, 300mg Mg, 500mg Ca citrate (no D3) (not all days) and 3 times a week 14mg of Iron. DH only takes OLE. Will perhaps look to see if I can take fiber as well potentially. And I drink decaff coffee and no alcohol.
    From what the expert "Google" told me it seems folic acid is responsible for increasing appetite. But who knows.

    You are right and by no means I'm not trying to make excuses, I just need to find my balance and stop reading about the subject as it consumes so much of my time and logging calories, cooking separately is already so much effort. I really need to simply it. Or maybe once I'll be on it long enough, it will come like second nature.
    Just to confirm, do I need to start the count again? as in the no.of weeks on the diet.

    Thank you so much for everything ❤

  8. #17
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    Please ignore the recommendations of My Fitness Pal and have 1800-2000 cals a day. That has been more reliable to keep milk supply going. The most likely reason you're hungry is because, well, you're hungry!

    We have thousands of people on folic acid who do not report increased appetite. We do have many people on Coq10 who DO report increased appetite. This is because Coq10 can lower blood sugar and so many people have noticed increased appetite after starting it, even though they'd been fine on folic acid alone for many months.

    Either way, it's irrelevant because you MUST take the folic acid. It's non-negotiable. So it is not something I even consider dropping for any reason at all and did not think it was worthy of mentioning it because I'd never have you drop it anyway.

    I don't think you're making excuses, sorry if my response sounded terse - I type really fast and just get out as much info as I can quickly so I can help everyone in a reasonable time frame.

    What I did when I was swaying was just make normal meals for my family and then I didn't have the meat option. So I would have a side dish, vegetable, and salad, and then also give my family meat along with that. Could that help you at all??

    You do not need to start over. This is no big deal at all, just regroup and move on from here.
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  9. #18
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    By the way since you had a decrease in milk supply, let's skip the fiber for now. Don't add it in. You need the nutrients to keep making enough milk.
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  10. #19
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    Well, today or tomorrow is our first attempt!
    Needless to say LE diet went out the window, but I did my best and kept mostly vegetarian anyway so 🤞it did something!

    Now for our one attempt: just read on the website that actually abstinence decreases chances of conception 😭we abstained, tomorrow would be our 9th day.
    I had a +digital OPK today CD12 and usually it's + for 2 days, on ovulation day too which is CD13, for me, tomorrow. Then goes -. This was the same over the last couple of months.
    So since tomorrow is, I thought we should attempt then, but now wondering we've hindered our chances by abstaining so long. Would tomorrow be too late? does the one attempt have to be at 1st + OPK i.e today? I am confused as to when the one attempt needs to happen in our case.🙈
    Was also thinking hot baths before, but not sure we would want an even lower sperm count?..btw, DH is 32 and I've read abstain is more of a problem after 35, but we had a Down syndrome mmc before...

    Also, I think I took too much folic acid, 1200mg per day but since I wasn't on the LE diet...we shall see.
    Thank you!

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  12. #20
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    You can still get pregnant with an abstain though.

    You should attempt TODAY. Attempt on O Day is actually quite a lot lower than the day before O Day.

    Hot bath is at your discretion. I wouldn't do it, but that's because I don't think it does anthing for swaying. If it's something you wanted to do then you may want to give it a month - who knows, you may get pregnant that way.

    1200 MCG is NOT too much folic acid even if you're not on the diet. That is ok.
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