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Thread: Kinda New

  1. #1
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    Kinda New

    Hello! I posted in introductions earlier this year, like pre-covid times, and now I'm back and became a dream member and I have some questions. I've slowly been incorporating some girl sway tactics but I'm really ready to hunker down especially on diet. I've been dairy free due to Hashimotos for a long time, but I would like to cut more fat and animal products out of my diet. I've been struggling to lose weight especially since stopping BF a couple months ago. Cutting calories doesn't seem to be working for weight loss. I see my doctor next week to have my thyroid levels checked. I think they went a little wonky during pregnancy and BF (my son is 16 mo.).

    I have an appointment for a pap in 2 weeks and I am going to try to get some clomid, but first I would like to read more on that, can you please direct me to the dream members section for clomid info? Thank you so much!!
    🩷2008 💙2013 💙2019 💙2023

  2. #2
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    Okay I found the detailed post on clomid 😅 but now I have a few questions...I’m almost 36, but I’ve never had fertility issues in the past, would clomid or femara be better? What should I say to my doctor in order to get an rx for one of these?

    I also have some questions about coffee, alcohol and my diet in general. Where is the best place to post these?
    🩷2008 💙2013 💙2019 💙2023

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome back!!

    Can you give me a brief rundown on the level of protein, fat, and calories you're eating?

    While either will work for you, we've been getting good results with Clomid for 36 year olds so since that's the one they're more likely to prescribe that's probably what you'll end up with. But either would work.

    To get a prescription you need to have been trying for 6 months unsuccessfully. But I would just say you're ready to TTC, your cycles have been irregular, and see what they say.

    You can ask either here or start a new thread. Whatever works for you.
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  4. #4
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    Okay that’s what I was planning to say about my cycles being irregular, which they have been. Do you think I should be good on clomid with thyroid issues since it’s such a short amount of time on it?

    My calories have been around 1600-1800. I’m 4’11, so even the weight loss apps always recommend very low calories for me, like 1200. I would have a lot of trouble sticking to that and I saw that you don’t even recommend anything that low. I haven’t been tracking my fat or protein, but I’ve gone down to one serving of meat per day. For breakfast the only thing I have is coffee but I do put oat milk in it which has sugar (I can’t stand coffee without sweetness), total it’s about 200 calories for the coffee and cream. I sip on it over an hour or so. I usually have this around 5am on work days, and 8am on off days. Then I eat lunch around 11am. This has been the hardest part, not snacking between lunch and dinner. Because I wake up at 4:30 for work (12 hour shifts) I am starving by 11am which is why I eat then, and I stick to that for my off days too.

    For dinner I’ve been having a vegetarian meal, usually rice and veggies. But sometimes on work days I’ll just eat pretzels 🤦🏻*♀️ Because I’m tired and just want to go to bed. I have been having a drink or two of alcohol on most nights, which I didn’t drink at all when I conceived my last son. I started adding the alcohol during covid lockdown lol!
    I heard oats aren’t good for swaying pink, so I was thinking about switching to soy milk for my coffee.
    🩷2008 💙2013 💙2019 💙2023

  5. #5
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    Yes people take Clomid with thyroid issues all the time.

    I suspect you are getting too many carbs and not enough protein and fat. You probably should track even if just loosely and I want you to aim at 50-60 g protein (not counting protein and fat in fruits and veg because we don't count protein in them, and count nothing, not even calories, in low carb veg.)

    Since you work such long hours I would suggest you eat something in the morning too.
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  6. #6
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    Re oats - there is not enough "oats" in oat milk to possibly sway and soy milk also may have some drawbacks. I'd do almond milk if you tolerate it ok.
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  7. #7
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    Thank you so much for the help! I have “my fitness pal,” so I’ll start tracking protein and fat. I’m trying to keep things simple because I tend to overthink and obsess when it comes to planning things (not just food). I really want to start TTC soon, do you think 8 weeks on diet would be long enough? If I purchase a plan would 8 weeks work? And my appointment to ask about clomid is 8/14, if prescribed how will that work if I haven’t been doing the diet long enough? It took me a month to get this obgyn appointment.

    One last thing that might throw a wrench in things, there is talk from my doctor about removing my gallbladder. If that happens, should surgery affect my sway?

    Thanks again!
    🩷2008 💙2013 💙2019 💙2023

  8. #8
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    that's why I have you guys only track what is necessary. Some things, the benefits of tracking outweigh the potential to obsess over it. Making sure you're getting enough food is one of those things where the benefits outweighs the risks. Plus, you don't have to track forever, just till you get a feel for how much you're eating.

    We have good results with 8 weeks on diet. and you never know, you may not even get pregnant the first month out.

    Re the Clomid, you don't have to take it till you're ready. Let them prescribe it, and if they want to do monitoring, that's fine, just tell them "something came up and we had to postpone a month" and then don't take the medicine that first month. That is ok, you don't have to try in a month even with Clomid, you can use it when you're ready to try and then they'll set up the appointments for monitoring if you intend to do that.

    It should only help your sway as you'll have a physical recovery and then have to change your diet somewhat.
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  9. #9
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    Hi Atomic…it’s been a while since I’ve been here, but we still haven’t TTC our girl and are ready to start this process again.

    I did end up having my gallbladder removed last September 2020, and then things just got very busy at home and work, and we couldn’t even think of adding a baby at that time (although I think about it everyday!!). After I had my gallbladder out I gained 10 lbs, which I keep being told is normal after this particular surgery, but I’ve manager to lose 5 of those pounds since last spring. That seems like such a small amount though and I’m sure it can fluctuate. I’m just really kicking myself because I’m having the hardest time keeping weight off which has never been an issue in the past before my last baby (now 2.5 yrs). I was already up about 20 lbs from my normal weight due to stopping BF spring 2020 and then being stuck at home during the pandemic didn’t help matters. To recap, I’m only 4’11, and I weigh 120 currently (down from 125ish this past spring after my surgery). With all my other kids I was 95lbs before conceiving.

    My husband was wanting to start TTC this month because two of our kids were born a week apart in August and the birthdays are kind of hectic, so he wants to try for a June bday, or wait until early next year to try for an oct, Nov or later baby. Obviously we can’t predict exactly when we conceive, but gotta keep the husband happy somewhere in this 😅

    What I’ve been doing consistently is one coffee every morning and one alcoholic drink in the evenings. Hubby uses MJ pretty regularly. I work 12 hour nursing shifts which I think you said counts as some exercise. Diet has been harder. Being so short I feel like I’m only ever losing weight if I drop below 1400 calories. At 1500 or more I hold steady or gain. Snacking is my biggest issue. I am getting a full 50g of fat and protein in a day though. Also, my cycles have been extremely consistent at 35 days for a long time, but this past month we didn’t prevent but didn’t actively TTC and my cycle was 42 days. I’ve never had that before but just wanted to see if that’s something of concern. It was just very weird…and I had all negative PG tests.

    So I guess my question is, would it be stupid for us to TTC this month with not having very much Sway going on (very inconsistent on LE diet)? I’ve never used OPKd before and got some for this month since my cycle was really off last month and I mousy have ovulated way later than I thought I usually do. Thank you as always for all of your amazing help!!

    PS… I never ended up getting clomid, my obgyn wouldn’t give it to me.
    🩷2008 💙2013 💙2019 💙2023

  10. #10
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    If you guys post and don't see your post right away, just bump it by making a new, SHORT post (like, just write the word bump or something.) It may take a couple tries but it will go through. Sometimes something about your post tricks the computer into thinking that it is a spam post. (I think in this case it was because it had a lot of numbers). I can approve these posts but I don't see them until you tell me that it's here, then I can approve it. So either bump till a post appears or else message me and tell me where it is.

    Now, since this post is a teensy bit long and I'm at the end of my day here, could you please "bump" it for me anyway, even tho I approved it? That way it will go into my "new posts" file and I'll come back tomorrow or the next day, and reply. Thank you!
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