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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Help with Boy Sway!

    Hi! I have two amazing girls - one is almost three and the other is almost 11 months old. DH and I are 36 and would like to TTC a boy soon because of our age. I'm still breastfeeding my 11-month old and am trying to stop soon. I had to completely stop breastfeeding my three year old when she was 13 months old to get my cycle back and TTC my second.

    In researching boy sways, I have become overwhelmed with all of the information available! This site is so helpful, but in trying to take notes I get confused because some prior recommendations seem to no longer be beneficial. For example, I thought that maybe I naturally have girls because I am a runner and take extra magnesium and calcium to prevent stress fractures. I have stopped taking the extra calcium and magnesium, but now I am reading that calcium and magnesium may not sway pink.

    So far, DH and I have started to eat more red meat, potatoes, and tomatoes. I have also ALWAYS skipped breakfast (which also makes me wonder if I naturally have girls), so I have started to eat breakfast cereals and bananas. I am trying to cut down on running, and DH and I are focusing on weight lifting. I am planning to add mercury-free fish oil and folic acid to my usual prenatal vitamin. DH will start taking mercury-free fish oil, folic acid, l'arginine, l'carnitine, and zinc.

    Is there a good place for me to find the most up-to-date recommendations for a boy sway? I just feel overwhelmed in trying to sort through all of the information on here. Thanks so much for any insight!

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome! You guys are definitely on the right track!

    Being a runner can absolutely sway pink.

    How close together are your girls?

    Calcium and magnesium very likely sway blue. That's not new information, we've suspected that for some time, and the best study ever done on maternal nutrient content and gender conceived showed women who went on to conceive boys had higher intake of ALL nutrients. I myself got my girl giving up cal-mag while getting four boys with tons of dairy and my last two taking high dose cal-mag.

    But because so many people still believe in it, I keep the information available for those who want to use it. Just ask, ask, ask and I'm here to be your guide through all this stuff till we have a solid plan in place!

    What prenatal are you on?

    How much fish oil?

    I would ahve you both add in probiotics and we may make some more adjustments too after I see what your prenatal contains.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thanks so much for your reply! My girls are 25 months apart. I have read that closer spacing sways pink, but we're hoping to ttc soon because of our age. My youngest is almost 11 months now, and I'm working on weaning. I'm just now learning that being a runner sways pink, and I am an avid runner. I'm trying to really cut back my mileage and focus on weights instead!

    Should I add my calcium and magnesium supplement back in? I was taking Solgar's Calcium Magnesium with Vitamin D3. My prenatal is Mega Foods Baby & Me 2.

    DH and I were planning to take 1000 mg of mercury-free fish oil, but we have not started that yet. I was planning to add in 2000 or more mcg of folic acid for me and 800 mg for DH, along with 50 mg in zinc for both of us. Does that sound right? My husband was also going to take 500 mg of l'arginine and 1000 mg of l'carnitine. Any specifics on what we should look for in probiotics?

    Thanks again for your help!

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yep, all you need to do is cut back and add some weights. Makes all the difference! Even if you do keep running less than 45 minutes 3-5 times a week plus weights that's acceptable. Don't do the running and weights back to back, though - have a nice break between where you have something to eat and recovery time before doing weights on days you ran.

    It's up to you on the cal-mag-D. I strongly believe that sways blue, but it's your sway so you need to feel comfortable with what you're doing.

    The Baby and Me is fine for blue sways. A slight bit higher in a few nutrients but still well within what I find good.

    1000 mg fish oil is proving too much. (too much fish oil lowers cholesterol and may reduce testosterone and estrogen levels) I would stick with 500.

    Do not take 50 mg zinc. That will actively HARM your sway. Too much zinc is bad - we had people develop terrible diarrhea and stuff which will harm your sway in the long term. That high dose is meant to be taken only in the short term as a remedy for colds. Your prenatal has all the zinc you need already and your husband should take a men's multi too that has a normal dose of zinc.

    on the arginine and carnitine

    Re probiotics - a brand you trust and can get easily! No more guidelines beyond that, any of them will help because the probiotics set up shop in your intestines and help digest your food, and even make nutrients on their own!
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