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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Love Another one from IG, ttc a boy after four girls!

    Hi everyone!

    Last edited by Pinkbeach; March 20th, 2022 at 02:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome!!!

    I'm so happy you found us and happy to help however I can. If you want, go over your previous sways with me and I'll tell you how I would tweak that moving forward!! And let me know if you have any questions!
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Last edited by Pinkbeach; March 20th, 2022 at 02:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Can you bump this for me? I"m getting down to the end of the day here and I didn't realize this was a bit longer. Thank you!
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  5. #5
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    Last edited by Pinkbeach; March 20th, 2022 at 02:49 AM.

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  7. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Oh gosh you had a textbook IG sway too - you really swayed your heart out, it's just that those IG blue sway tactics are terrible! Ironically I find in most cases the people who did the BEST IG blue sways, like yourself, have the poorest success rates and the people who succeed with IG sways do a lot of cheating. (People don't admit this publicly but I've been told this by a lot of people behind the scenes, that they were amazed their sway worked because they "cheated" all the time - well, those cheats meant they were actually getting a lot of the nutrients the IG Blue Diet is lacking!)

    I say all this to reassure you that you did all you could and it just isn't a good sway diet. IG can be such a "blame the victim" place that I don't want you to ever feel like you fell short - you didn't, you just had bad info. I am very hopeful with better info you'll have better success.

    So it sounds as if you know all this already but just to recap:

    The best study ever done on maternal preconception diet and swaying found that more BOYS were conceived with higher intake of calcium and magnesium. Plus, 75% of people worldwide are lactose intolerant and eat very little dairy, yet have statistically more girls than expected, while cultures that eat a lot of dairy - Scandinavia, for starters, have statistically more boys. Cultures around the world are totally dairy free and still have about 50-50 gender ratio. And the first thing I ever noticed about the IG Diet was that it made NO earthly sense since everyone I knew who had girls never drank milk and I ate tons of dairy and had three boys. And now 14 years later, that is still proving true, with our pink swayers getting lots of girls eating limited dairy foods and our blue swayers, the ones who limit dairy, particularly if they drink a lot of milk replacers, have lower success rates. So don't feel apprehensive about having that full fat dairy, it's going to help!

    That having been said, if you really just can't bring yourself to have much dairy, it's ok. Eat butter, it's dairy fat without much calcium in there. Have one bowl of cereal with full fat milk on it, cereal is the only food ever shown in studies to be linked to more boys conceived. Coconut oil is also very similar to dairy fat in terms of what it does in the body. The MOST important thing is that you are avoiding those milk replacers. We found a strong link with people using milk replacers heavily, and having opposites. We suspect it's the vegetable oil in them - getting too many Omega 6 fats vs. Omega 3 fats has been shown in animal studies to lead to more female offspring.

    For the same reason, you should ditch the Evening Primrose and take no more than 500 mg Omega 3/fish oil. Too much fish oil can actually lower cholesterol and in turn testosterone and estrogen. (same for hubby, no more than 500). Plus, taking all those fatty acids can really thin out your blood, causing bleeding and bruising, and making you more likely to have miscarriages.

    You don't need any more Vit. C and zinc than what is in your multivitamin. If you weren't taking a multivitamin, you need to be on one. I recommend very basic multis like Women's One a Day or Centrum. If you prefer another one, that's fine but please post it for me so I can tell you if it's good or not. MANY of the multis and prenatals on the market have ingredients in them that are bad, such as herbs added to them, many of which are unsafe or may sway pink, or have megadoses of vitamins in them which also may not be safe and can really mess up your menstrual cycle. Even very ubiquitous and popular vitamins have this issue.

    How much additional Vit. D overall?

    Do NOT up sodium past safe and sane levels. The IG Diet is truly INSANE telling people to do things like put salt in capsules and swallow it (people were doing this back when I was on this site) and eat ramen and ham and bacon and iceberg lettuce salads with salt sprinkled on them. There is very little protein in those foods, very few nutrients, plus lots of bad stuff in the processed foods. And all that eating takes up your energy for eating things that are actually chock full of nutrition!

    Baking soda drink does absolutely nothing and can further deplete your body of nutrients.

    Juice is ok, but adds a lot of calories very quickly for not a lot of protein or healthy fat. Fine to continue juice, but you may want to watch portion sizes and choose vegetable juices, coconut water, lemon water, and green or black tea (be sure to continue the higher dose folic acid or better yet folate,. Bananas, the same thing. There is NOTHING blue-friendly about them, they're simply sugar with not even that much potassium in them. There are literally dozens of other fruit/veg that have gobs more potassium (if potassium even sways, which I doubt, but I'm fine with you guys eating those fruits and veggies, that's for sure) for the same or much lower calories, and not filling up on sugar and starch gives you more room to eat more nutritious foods.

    with your exercise pattern; another group of people who do seem to have more opposites are those who don't do strength training.

    Totally right about ions, and I have my LONG scientific explainer about why ions cannot possibly work here:

    We have found pretty definitively that one attempt sways pink. You're too right, timing IS sh*t and so many of us have had timing opposite after timing opposite to prove it. I do want you to be careful with just having as many attempts as you can; what happens sometimes is that if you go at it like bunnies before the fertile window opens, your husband may either completely run out of steam, or his sperm count may be unnecessarily lowered. So I'd have you guys have sex out of the fertile window no more often than every other day, and every 2-4 days may be more optimal. Then once the fertile window opens (O-3 thru O day, and if your husband can't go that much, you could focus on late O-2, O-1, and early on O Day because O-3 attempts generally are too early to count anyway). You DO NOT NEED, and shouldn't try, to have precisely 2 days or whatever before your attempt. It's basically impossible to do that and simply adds stress that you don't need regarding your attempts. The more attempts you have in the fertile window, the more sperm you'll add, and you'll have WAY more living sperm from more attempts than "saving it up" for one big batch.
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